Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Copy 1

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Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Copy 1
Unit 1 The Travel Tourism Sector Assignment Copy 1
Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector Assignment Copy 1


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 1 The Travel and Tourism Sector 

QFC Level

Level 4


Travel and tourism are developing industry with a huge commitment to an economy of the nation. The report will talk about the variables driving the adjustments in industry. The report will examine the progressions made by tourism to meet the requests of clients. A Later report will decide the effect of sparing, social and ecological impacts on travel and tourism. The report will utilize the methodologies to beat the negative effect and to improve the positive changes in goals.


Blurb is made to delineate the key authentic advancements in travel and tourism area. The publication likewise introduces the universal structure of tourism industry in which different organizations and bundles are incorporated. The notice is joined at next page.

   Travel and tourism Deveploment                                                                                                                 

MAY 17, 1963: The Boeing 725 is castoff first period a positive airplane to journey the travellers.

JULY 25, 1969: Tourism Act is made to encourage the transportation in England, Scotland and Wales. Presently there is no compelling reason to bother with nearby approaches for tourism reason.

DEC 12, 1970: Holiday bundles were presented in 1949, however, get the notoriety in Dec 1970 given tourism Act and related enhancements.

DEC 25, 1975: France, England, and Germany are associated with fast prepare lines. The visits and transportation have expanded significantly.

JUN 30, 1980: The presentation of Transportation Act has free the restriction for private transportations on 30 miles.

APRIL 30, 1987: EU ventures are deregulated to upgrade the chances of tourism business in the UK. Carriers have achieved the development of new accomplices and suppliers.

JUNE 04, 2007: a Super plane is utilized to offer to go to 800 travelers amongst Singapore and Sydney.

FEBRUARY 28, 2008: Super ship has diminished the voyaging time of 20 hours to just 9 hours in the UK.

Travel and tourism Deveploment 2

Travel and tourism Deveploment 3

Travel and tourism Deveploment 4

3.1 Factors affecting tourism demands

The challenging focused business environment of tourism is being influenced with the demands in industry. TUI Group needs to comprehend the components driving the demands so that reasonable methodologies can be made to meet the hierarchical targets(El-Gohary, 2012). Taking after three elements are influencing the requests in tourism:
Technological: Technology is one of the main system for the tourism industry. In this century, technology has taken a great place in every industry. While taking action on the tourism industry, technology can make customers aware of the service that the organisation is providing and as well as organisation can also understand what demands are made by the customers in the industry. Depending on the technological improvement, tourism industry has changed their action upon the operational plans in the development of organisations(El-Gohary, 2012). It is common that technology has gain faith among the people for making any kind of transaction or any other activities. Thus, making payment to the tourism companies is easier now with the help of technology. Thus, technology has a great influence on the tourism organisations. It is same as other organisation, customers are asking for better technological advancements in the TUI organisation to understand well.

Globalization: Globalisation has passes a great way for the customers to entire in a new era of tourism. As well as, this globalisation has introduced a new way of business to the tourism industry(El-Gohary, 2012). Depending on the globalisation, customers are always in a search of the best return of their money from any organisation’s service. So, the choice of organisations are more likely to be based on the service that the organisation are providing and also the money that they are taking should be competitively low than any other organisation. Luxury, relaxation, leisure is one of the main template of tourism industry. Therefore, making proper tour plan within a budget and also according to the global competition is a main aim for any organisation(Wang and Ap, 2013).

Macro-economy: The adjustments in exchange rates influence the demands in tourism. Client wants to visit the destination place with is steady in cash rate and has high trade sum consequently. The loan cost on cash additionally occupies the client choices to take an interest in tourism. TUI Group has development in numerous nations and should know with large scale practical components like coin swapping scale, enthusiasm for estimating and buys, expansion and transfer wage of clients in area. Association has effect of expansion and administrative interests on estimating of visits and voyages. The sources are livelihoods are being changes and transfer wage is expanding in present way of life. High transfer pay slants the clients to request the administration of tourism to visit alluring goals.

3.2 Changes in supply to meet effects of demands

The organization can maintain and become just with the fulfillment of clients and openings in market. TUI Group has adjusted the administrations and items as indicated by requests in tourism segment to hold in market with high advantages:
Arrangements: the association began to offer the quality nourishment and settlement alongside tourism packages so that consumer loyalty can be accomplished. TUI Group is putting forth the arrangement of nourishment and settlement administrations with tourism packages. The quality and in time benefit elements are additionally being considered in arrangements(Wang and Ap, 2013).

Product types: TUI Group has interest for the arranged items to meet the clients with various intrigue and salary levels. The association has arranged the visits and administrations into different levels like consistent, exceptional, experience and game tourism. Additionally the administrations are arranged by of solace and supplementary prerequisites in excursion. The item and administrations are intended for financial estimating esteem so that the greater part of clients can enlist themselves for tourism. 

Technological implements: The requirements in tourism for wellbeing, security and availability are surveyed with upgrade innovative executions in TUI Group. The association has utilize the web based administrations to offer high combination of clients into their administrations with association for enlistment, installment, offers and accessibility of assets. Web and versatile applications are being utilized to serve the client requests in time with quality administrations(Wang and Ap, 2013).

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4.1 Positive and negative impact on tourism

TUI Group has two Thailand and Greece as the real goal in tourism and travel. The association has countless in both goals. As results, the accompanying effects are exceptional in both nations with tourism of TUI Group:
Economical: Greece has an old foundation with a blend of cutting edge framework to draw in and comfort the guests. TUI Group has scope to every bigger gallery, lodgings and common goals in a nation. The economy of the nation is driving with tourism business. The presence of guests in a nation and remain there for quite a while has enhanced the financial resource quality of the nation. The nation has immediate and backhanded work in tourism for around 6.7 million people groups(Cioanc?, 2015). The business contributes the 15.7% of aggregate work in the nation. At opposite side, Thailand is advance and has wonderful goals to pull in the guest; TUI Groups have normal visits to Thailand and nation has around 20% commitment in financial quality through tourism.

Environmental: TUI Tourism in Greece has enabled the development of the earth in a nation. Greece has upgraded the advancement of an environment to pull in the clients. The best possible administration apparently reduces the contamination and group. The Greece has despite the fact that absence of greenery and natural wonders, however, has utilized the assets successfully to help the pleasure for guests. Practices are used to naturalize the ecological conditions(Johnston, 2009). The legislature of Thailand is putting forth the administrations to protect the way of goals. Be that as it may, the expansion in tourism to these aims has affect nature States of a goal. The goals are being slanted towards more advantages in any case to spare the character and characteristic assets.

Social: Greece has goals those are composed by requests and fascination focuses so that nearby social and culture qualities are influenced. It gets to be harder for neighborhood culture to meet the shoreline and present day life. The Greece is socially and socially centered to an old example, and the progressions are acquainted in their way of life due with tourism. Neighborhood people group is confronting the issues to save their social qualities and social morals with TUI Group(Law, 2000). At opposite side, Thailand is additionally facing the issues to protect the morals identified with creatures and natural marvels. The goals have enhanced the social level of living examples and practices however TUI Group is likewise setting impact of standardization of worldwide culture in goals(Medlik, 2003).

4.2 Minimization of negative impacts

Tourism part requires a few procedures and arrangements to utilize the goal for future supportability reason. If the goals are utilized as a part of the same way, it will get to be hard to make visits and maintain for their sake. Keeping in mind the end goal to minimize the negative effect and to support the positive changes, TUI Group can utilize the methodology to utilize the nearby group of goal with the goal that work can raise, and improvement can present in facilitating goal. The association likewise needs to team up with inbound administration suppliers and to draw in itself openly enthusiasm to lessen the cost and to bolster the economy. TUI Group needs to take the legislative strategies to contribute the economy of a goal. Association additionally can urge the guests to remain in goal for quite a while so that commitment in an economy can rose(Sharpley, 2006).

TUI Group ought to want to help in ecological practices at goals with the goal that contamination can be lessened. The association can enhance the vehicles to lessen the expansion of carbon dioxide and different segments through the smoke. Additionally, the normal spots ought to be kept perfect and appealing. Guests can be guided to protect the common qualities of goals. Associations may contribute the goal to build up the earth for the greenery, new preteens, and clean streets so that natural risks can be decreased. The system to bolster the natural elements will improve the brand picture and notoriety in the neighbourhood group. Association may utilize this system in Greece and different goals(Medlik, 2003).

As opposed to going ahead in the current way of life, the association may control the guests to feel the antiquated social and moral qualities at goals. The social culture and examples can be enabled with guests as they can be coordinated to contemplate the way of life and social examples in goal. Association may utilize the goal advancing on the premise of culture and social qualities at goals. Methodologies can be ensured the development of society in goal alongside the positive changes of tourism. The goal can be improved to answer the present day homes and their execution in goals. TUI Group can offer the consistent experience to clients amid their stay and voyage in different nations by advancing their moral qualities. Likewise the bundles can be set up with comparability of client culture so they feel solace and recreation amid their visits(Theobald, 2005).


The report has been examined the variables those are driving the demands in tourism and decided the conceivable changes in supply to meet the requests. The report additionally has been talked about the positive and negative effect of monetary, environmental and social variable of tourism on goals. The report has been tended to the systems to beat the negative effects and to improve the positive changes in goals.


Cioanc, L. (2015). The Negative Impact Of Tourism In The Area Of The Bârgu Mountains Onto The Local Environment. International Conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION, 21(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/kbo-2015-0028
El-Gohary, H. (2012). Factors affecting E-Marketing adoption and implementation in tourism firms: An empirical investigation of Egyptian small tourism organisations. Tourism Management, 33(5), pp.1256-1269.
Johnston, H. (2009). Culture, social movements, and protest (1st ed.). Farnham, England: Ashgate.
Law, R. (2000). Internet in Travel and Tourism— Part I. Journal Of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 9(3), 65-71. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j073v09n03_05
Medlik, S. (2003). Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality (1st ed.). Oxford: Boston.
Sharpley, R. (2006). Travel and tourism (1st ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Theobald, W. (2005). Global tourism (1st ed.). Burlington, MA: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.
Wang, D. and Ap, J. (2013). Factors affecting tourism policy implementation: A conceptual framework and a case study in China. Tourism Management, 36, pp.221-233.