Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Geek

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Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Geek
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Geek
Unit 23 Employability Skills Assignment - Geek


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Employability Skills

QFC Level

Level 5


The  Employability skills is based on the that should posses in every individual that would help the individual to sustain a good dignified post in the organization. Moreover, it is with correct employability skill the person could produce quality work in the organization and therefore that would further add to the value of the organization. The assignment further focuses on the respective organization namely Geeks Ltd where I am presently working as a team leader (Pacha, 2014, p.212). The assignment also concentrates on the determination of the responsibility and the performance that is required to be adopted by an employee in an organization so that it would cause the employee to get access to all the possible goals in his life. Along with that it further focuses on the development of the interpersonal skills in an individual so that the skills would help the individual to increase his liability in the organization as an employee and to perform with the works in the organization. On the other hand, team working and the strategies for effective team working is also considered in this assignment. Moreover, the problems that cope up in the industry and the strategies that help to solve the problems in the industry are also discussed in this assignment. It is with the proper skills of employability in the individual, capability for work and the potential for making quality performance in the work sector becomes an important motto for the individual in the organization. Moreover, it is with quality performance both the organization and the individual is benefitted it is because the organization moves ahead to achieve its desired goal and the employee gets his promotion in the organization due to the success of the organization.

Task 1: Determining own responsibility and performance

1.1 Developing a set of own responsibility and performance objectives

The present role as a team leader in the organization namely Geeks Ltd there are several roles and performance that are required to be possessed by me in the organization. It is with this roles being adopted by me in the organization I would be able to perform my responsibilities in a potential manner. This would further help the respected organization to obtain good result and make a good name in the market (Pacha, 2014, p.212). On the other hand, it is with good responsibilities being performed by me in the organization I would be able to serve a good performance in the organization as well. Therefore, the responsibilities that I am supposed to adopt and develop within myself to perform well in the organization are:

Firstly, I need to make my conscious very clear to set a goal and to work potentially in order to achieve the goal in less time. It is with a set target the effective work could be done and the result of such a work is always victorious and positive. Secondly, planning and making of correct decision is another important thing that I have to take care. It is because it is with the correct decision making and planning a proper schedule of the work could be done and the work could be done in a smoother manner (Mansour, 2016, p.39). Thirdly, as a team leader it would be my responsibility to take care of the team that is functioning under me. Therefore, I have to develop correct understanding and cooperation with my team so that that no problem of disorganization appears in the working and thus, proper working could be initiated in the work place.

1.2 Evaluating own effectiveness against performance objectives

The effectiveness that the performance objectives holds are as follows: it is with proper decision making skills and planning skill the proper scheduling of the work could be done in the organization such that it would help to increase the potential for working in the organization. On the other hand, in any sphere of the working proper decision plays a very important role along with that planning is also a plus point that holds big importance. It is because a ;proper result of a work could be facilitated with correct decision that is taken up by the employee and the correct planning that is done related to the work in the work place (Quendler, 2016, p.273). Moreover, building up good understanding with the team is another important thing that would help to organize the work and to divide the work properly. This would further enable the work to be completed in the correct time without any hindrance being faced in the organization by the employees. Again it is with the correct setting of the goal it would increase the effective working in the organization as the set goal would make the employees work in a potential manner so that positive outcome could be achieved from the work that would be performed in the work sector.

1.3 Making of recommendation for improvement of the situation

The recommendation that could be adopted to improve the situation in a better way is that by focusing on the goal of the organization it is because if the organization succeeds it would cause the employees to also get promotion in the organization. Therefore, proper set of mind is required to be built by the employees and for that the organization is required to motivate the employees working in the organization. The organization could build the motivation of the employees by following the Maslow’s model of motivation. The model consists of several factors such as the basic needs of the employees if fulfilled by the organization it would help to increase the self esteem of the employees to work in a potential manner. Along with that the organization is required to provide a good environment to the employees so that the employees feel confident and determined to work with their full potential (Quendler, 2016, p.273). Along with that the safety and the security of the employees are also required to be maintained by the organization so that the organization could gain the respect in the eyes of the employees. On the other hand, it is with all these factors being fulfilled by the organization for its employees, the self esteem of the employees would be reached and they would be determined to work in an effective manner. This would further help the organization to gain the maximum profit from the quality work that would be performed by the employees in the organization. 

Employability Skills

1.4 Reviewing motivational techniques in improving the performance quality in an organization

In order to get the gainful reward there are several motivation techniques that an organization should provide to its employees. It is because it is with the proper motivation technique provided to the employees by the organization the employees would work n an effective manner thereby producing quality result in the organization. Therefore, the motivational techniques that the organization could provide are by giving incentives to the employees this helps to motivate the employees to work in a regular basis and to provide their full effort in the work. The other motivational technique that the organization could provide to its employees by offering promotion to the employees, giving them hike, medical facilities, leave opportunity and transportation facility (Quendler, 2016, p.273). It is with all these facilities available to the employees in the organization the employees gets the fuller effort to work in an effective manner such that it helps the organization to obtain quality result from the work that is performed by the employees in the work sector. Thus, the organization should facilitate its employees with this entire motivational factor to ensure the goal of the organization to be reached easily. Moreover, it is with the goal of the organization being reached it would further cause the organization to gain more growth opportunity to raise its standard in the market. thus, fruitful result could be achieved by the organization from the work potential that would be provided by the employee relationship of the organization.

Task 2: Development of interpersonal and transferable skills

2.1 Identification of a work based problem and development of solution to the problem

While working in an organization it is quite obvious that employees or the departments may face lots of issues that need to handle with care with a purpose to run the business operation smoothly and effectively. Hence, it is essential for the organization or the management to identify some of the regular work based problems that may hamper daily outcome. Some of the work based problems that may include are lacking in communication, no coordination among the departments, absence of undertaking responsibility, unable withstand the pressure etc. Thus in order to identify the problems and to develop up the solution process it is essential for a management to undertake effective problem identification, maintaining quality assurance, initiate risk management process and to implement necessary actions as per requirement (Quendler, 2016, p.273).

In real time scenario some of the essential problems solving process that can be incorporate are as follows

  • In time of contingency: In business, it is quite relevant that company may serious issues and problems time to time. In such emergency situation, employees are bound to be proactive so that risk may minimize or avoid.
  • Undergoing equipment scrutiny approach: Organizations properties and equipment need to be maintained frequently so that they are capable enough to deliver optimized performance.
  • Providing consumer service: Consumers are very important for any business and to maintain its long run it is essential to prov9ide thorough consumer service which ensures business process.  

2.2 Communications of problems and solution in different styles and manners

Communication is an integral part of the business process and management and the lacking in efficiency may hamper the total process. Employability skill are the part of an effective communication process and it affects when it lacks continuously. Communication helps to bridge the gap between various department, clients or customers (Pacha, 2014, p.212). Hence, some of the business related issues that organization may face during lacking in communication are as follows

  • Ineffective reading skills
  • Improper way of writing
  • Unable to speak as per requirement and to the point
  • Lacking in listening skill

These are some of the essential and most common issues that organization may have to face and need to address effectively. In the era of digital media, communication becomes more effective and thus making it easy for an organization to maintain effective communication without spending much time. Moreover, it helps to maintain its accuracy more effectively.

Other way of maintaining effective communication platform is video conferencing that proves more effective and involves each and every employee that provides much detailed end to end solution related to various business issues and problems (Pacha, 2014, p.212).     

2.3 Identifying of effective time management strategies

For effective and constant employability skills, time management are the essential skills that need to adopt and identification of effective time management skills are very necessary. Effective time management helps the organization in completing the assigned work more effectively thus resulting in meeting necessary target as well as deadline. So some of the effective time management strategies are as follows

  • Prioritize the task based on requirement
  • Maintaining continuous and sequential approach of work structure
  • Segregate challenging task so that it can be handled with extra care and support
  • Proper distribution or allotment of time for each work that can meet the assigned deadline
  • Properly identify time consuming tasks and process and undertake necessary steps that may acts as a catalyst   

Hence, these some of the above mentioned time management strategies that every business management need to implement in order to achieve pre assigned target. In order to run the business more effectively and maintain its profitability, time factor plays an important role. Hence, as a successful management or for efficient employee, it is essential to allocate proper time management process (Pacha, 2014, p.212). Thus, effective time management surely ensures final outcome that benefit both the management and employees. Additionally, it reflects over effective customer service improvement.                 

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Task 3: Understanding the dynamics of working with others

3.1 Explanations of team working and suggestion of effective team working in an organization

Team working plays a very important role in an organization as it makes the working easier and helps to increase the understanding level of all the individuals working in the organization. Moreover, it is effective team working in organization cooperation and coordination could be built in the team. Thus, with proper coordination in the team effective work could be done in the organization.  Moreover, effective team working could be possible if there is good understanding being maintained between the team members in the organization. Along with that there is proper cooperation and coordination being maintained by the team members. Thus, it is with these qualities being maintained by the team members in the organization quality work result could be obtained (Benson, 2014, p.519).  Along with all these factors the other factors that plays very important role are proper interaction and communication has to be done by the team leader with the team members so that a good understanding could be build.  Moreover, it is with good understanding being built among the team, members the proper work could be performed by the members in an appropriate time.

3.2 Analyzing team dynamics at the work place

Team dynamics could be developed in the work place through proper understanding being build by the members of the team so that proper cooperation and coordination could be maintained in the work place. Moreover, to build the understanding it is important to follow the order of the leader as the leader would guide in a proper manner so that the goal of the organization could be reached easily. Therefore, proper behavior is required to be maintained by the team members in the organization so that there is no scope of conflict to arise in the organization. It is with all these factors being maintained in the organization there would be proper flow of work being happening in the organization. It would further be easier for the members to carry on a smooth working in the organization (Rosenberg, 2012, p.7).

3.3 Suggestions of ways for achieving goals in the work place

The several ways through which the goals in the organization could be achieved are by the following:

By making a proper target and scheduling the work activity so that the activities could be done in a proper time. Therefore, the time management is required to be maintained in the organization. Moreover, by motivating the employees in the organization it could facilitate better result. It is because, the employees feel motivated and gets the confidence to work. This would help the organization to obtain quality work from the employees and the organization would be able to attain the goal in less time. On the other hand, by establish an approach to achieve the goal is another important measure that the organization is required to follow to achieve the goal of the organization.

Task 4: Strategies for problem solving in the organization

4.1 Evaluation of real work based problem in the organization

The real work based problem that arises in the organization is the problem of understanding between the employees and the marketing management. It is because due to the lack of communication and interaction the problem of understanding evolves in the organization. Other than this, the increase in the politics among the employees in the organization causes the environment of the organization to get corrupted. This further put an effect on the employees as this cause the organization to lose their employees and suffer a great loss in the work. On the other hand, the problem of competition to achieve a promotion in the organization causes rivalry to take place in the organization among the employees working in the organization (Pacha, 2014, p.212).

4.2 Development of an appropriate strategy for resolving the problem

The appropriate strategy that could be developed by the organization to solve this problem is by ensuring that proper facilities are provided to the employees in the organization so that they could retain the employees in the organization. Apart from that the organization is required to main proper communication so that the understanding of the problem could be done by the organization. This would further help the organization to bring out solution to the problem that is being faced by the employees working in the organization. Moreover, the organization could further establish regular inspections and meetings so that the ideas and the thoughts of the employees could be also heard by the management and effective solution could be made by the management to retain the employees by meeting the needs of the employees in the organization (Miller, 2013, p.173).  

4.3 Evaluation of the impact of the implementation of the strategy

It is with the proper implication of the strategies the organization would be able to get the positive result in the work. On the other hand, it would further be able to retain its employees in the organization and obtain quality performance from the employees working in the organization. Apart from that the organization would be able to build a good reputation in the market and increase its growth opportunity for future growth to obtain in less time (Pacha, 2014, p.212).

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It could be concluded from the above discussion that team working plays a very important role in an organization as it makes the working easier and helps to increase the understanding level of all the individuals working in the organization. It further builds the cooperation and coordination that cause the quality work to be formed in the organization. It is because it with many hands working for a single project the project becomes easy to be tackled and takes very less time to get completed. Moreover, there are several strategies that are discussed in the assignment that helps the organization to solve the problems that arise in the work place. It is with the understanding of the problem that refers to the root of the problem the solution to the problem could be accessed easily (Pacha, 2014, p.212). furthermore, the time management is another important thing that the employees in the organization needs to consider it is because with proper time management and scheduling of the work the work that is processed in the organization becomes more quality prone. It is with proper time management even the toughest work could be done easily and would finish in the appropriate time. Therefore, both time management and team work when maintained properly in an organization the organization gets better opportunity to raise its standard high in the market and makes sure that the employees in the organization work in an effective manner to sustain the reputation of the organization in a high level in the market. Therefore, the organization needs to adopt several strategies that would help to boost the motivation of the employees in the organization so that the employees gets motivated to work with full potential in the organization and produce brilliant result in the work place. Thus, the strategies like Maslow’s model of motivation plays a very important role, therefore, when it is followed by the organization to gain the self esteem of the employees it further increases the ability of the organization to uplift the effectiveness of the employees working in the organization to do quality work in the organization.

Reference list

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