The meaning of success is different for every person. One person feels success and other person is not... Students should be clear about what they want in their life and don’t want. College, coaching, and schools help students to develop learning strategy, self – development, achieving a goal strategy, and confidence level. All skills linked to achieving a higher success.
Explain yourself – it’s the best way to teach you, self-explanation, take new knowledge with new information. Students can self – explain when they problem solve as a way to help them decide how to begin.
Self-test for success - the self-test is learning part; students take test own self and give grades, marks on index cards. It is a good strategy to understand the topic and increase the learning power. Self-test is helping to get higher marks in exam, it a way to examine own self, and give feedback.
Take brain breaks while learning- When students sit in one place and continue focus on study in a class, they got bored and feel lack of energy or acting out behaviour. Students take a short break for 5 to 10 minutes; it helps to get more oxygen to the brain.
Students make schedules and practices- students can create a study plan to manage the study time, build in time for going to class or library as well as for study sessions. Teachers can also help students with giving a practical knowledge and creative activity related to the topic [subject].
Students teach to friends- When students teach a friend, it helps to increase a knowledge, memory, confidence level and help in a higher score in exams. It's the best way and exercise to learn fast.
1. Times management- Students create a work list set a proper time for study, and avoid delay part.
2. Students making notes properly for each subject, outline important topics to discuss in a class. Write every new thought on a separate line with bullet or number.
3. Students study in own groups in class and avoid noisy places, take own test and evaluate own self. It is a test-taking strategy.
4. Stress management- During exam time students should take study material include lecture note, supplemental material etc. During exam time students should take some deep breaths and think an only positive thought and focus only on good marks.
“Put your brain power, your soul, love affection and
your heart into even your smallest acts.
This is the secret of success”
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