Social Media Marketing Strategy

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Social Media Marketing Strategy

It is very important to know the meaning of Social Media Marketing Strategy before moving on to the further research. According to Solis social media is a collection of channels which includes community, sharing of the information, and interaction of people with each other. It brought a lot of change in the people, their thoughts and their activities. It changed the way of sharing information, communication, reading and writing content. Social media involves the use of technology and it also involves sociology. Social media has developed through technology and its advancements in the modern world. Social media includes a group of websites which help people to interact and connect with each other with the help of WWW which is World Wide Web. And just because World Wide Web has been used by most of the people in the world, it creates an opportunities for the companies to interact with the wide consumer base.

Social media- Social media marketing strategy

Usage of social media platforms as a marketing tool

Nowadays lots of people are using social media and its techniques which are available online and are easy to use for almost every activity. People use social media for communication to each other, creating job profiles, content sharing for providing one’s opinions and views, for sharing experiences, for sharing media and for many other activities social media has become an essential part of the lives of people. The communication which takes place through social media is not limited to the person to person interaction but also businesses are stated using these social media techniques for  bring up the conversation between the business and the consumers. By suing social media companies are influencing people to buy and use their products and services. They are trying to mould the behaviour of consumer and alluring them to use their brands. Through social media, the companies can retain the existing customers and also attract new customers by interacting and conversing with the customers.

Social media websites has been successful in attracting billions of users which participate in the social media websites and they are approached by the companies to advertise their products and to gain their attention. Many social media websites are there which includes facebook, Google +, youtube, Twitter; etc. which has billions of users whose benefit has been taken by the businesses.

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