Ways to Overcome Your Fears in Life

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Ways to Overcome Your Fears in Life
Ways to Overcome Your Fears in Life

Fear is the most powerful emotion. It has a very strong effect on your body and mind. When we are in emergencies, fear can create strong signals of response. It can also take effect when you cope with your non-dangerous events such as public speaking, exams, a new job, or even a party. Fear can last for a small time and then pass. But they can also much longer and you can get wedged with them. Sometimes they take over your life affecting your ability to sleep, travel, eat, and enjoy life. It can hold you back from doing things you want or require to do and affect your health also.

Some persons become overcome by fear and want to avoid circumstances that might make them scared. It can be tuff to break this cycle, but there are some ways to do it.

1. Consciously become aware of your fear

Ways to Overcome Your Fears in Life

To overcome your fear, you have to become aware of them. You don’t try to run or cower away and avoid them. Once we know about our fear then we can work on overcoming those fear. But without admitting it, there is no way to win that fear.

2.  Gain a clear picture of what you are afraid of  

Once you get clear about the fears, but do not obsess them. You should write them down, and look at them objectively. Write about what that fear is, why it is existent, and possibly where it stems from. Do this so that you can convert your subconscious mind into your conscious mind.     

3.  Identify all the emotions related to your fears

Once you have a clear picture about your fear, identify all the emotions related with them. Do you feel sad or angry when you think about those fears? By classifying all the emotions related to your fears, you can understand better the ones that are operating them on a daily basis.

4. Detach yourself from the emotions by admitting that you are powerless

When you have identified the emotions related to your fears, you have to detach yourself from them. You should admit that you are powerless over the emotions, but detach yourself with them. When you do same, the emotions will pass but your identity will remain intact.  

5. Practice meditation

Mediation is one of the best ways to overcome your biggest fears. It allows you to sink slowly into a deep relaxation, surrendering to the present moment. Benefits of Meditation can reduce everyday stress and anxiety by detaching us from our thoughts and feelings.

6.   Exercise 

Ways to Overcome Your Fears in Life

You should use breathing exercise to overcome your fears. Because, when there is not enough oxygen circulating into the blood, a number of things can occur. If you want to evade a great deal of reducing the stress that is related to your fears, use a number of breathing exercises and make them habitual

7. Contribute your time and energy to a good cause

Contribution to a fellow woman, man, and the child moves you away from fear-based thoughts. You concentrate on giving to others rather than worrying about your own emotional or financial survival. As much as fear and pain can do a number on us, a contribution can do exactly the opposite.

8.  Fill your heart with gratitude

Gratitude is a good way to overcome fear because it builds your concentration on the things that you do have rather than living in fear of what can be taken away. You should feel your heart with a gratitude for even the simplest things in life.   

9. Get control your imagination

Fear thrives when we imagine the worst. We developed thoughts to be able to project into the future so we can plan ahead. However a result of being able to imagine positive future is being able to imagine things going wrong.     

These tips will help you to overcome your fears in life. Overcoming fear will give you the 'spare capacity' in life to focus on what you really want to be and do. It takes effort but imagines the rewards.?