Comparison in Traditional and Modern Learning Styles

Comparison in Traditional and Modern Learning Styles

In the age of modernization, the digitalization and technology has changed each and every industry in the market. It has created innovative effect on the pattern of industry and business. For instance, in the  travel and tourism industry,  the self-driving technology threatens multiple of jobs all over the world. While in the publishing industry, the introduction of online media influences traditional media to transform their business plans. Similarly, it has made the great change in the education sector too. There is an increasing use of technology which has enabled the change in the pattern of basic process of education. There are certain ways that shows the effect of technology that has been created in education; some of them are listed below:

1. Increase in Accessibility– Few decades before, it was not easy to access different forms of education, which has now become possible. Also, the courses of formal educational are easily and accurately accessible due to large availability of online courses. Now, the trend has reached to the point where the higher learning institutions and universities are offering online courses to the students that provides easy accessibility. Therefore, the geographical barriers have been broken by the increasing trend of technologies in terms of limited education.

2. Flexibility– Now, students at different educational level and geographical locations can perform their learning at the same pace rather than restricting themselves to strict paths. This is become possible only due to large availability of online courses. Previously, students have to travel from their places to the actual learning place, but now they can learn from anywhere due to availability of technology.

With online learning, students can learn at different pace accordingly. It only depends on their ability and the time they wanted to invest in learning the specific course material. Also, according to the wish of an individual, learning materials are delivered online and they can schedule their timetable for course learning.

Flexibility in Traditional and Modern Learning Styles

3. Students and teachers interaction– In the previous eras, teachers have to schedule special or live meetings so that they can have one-to-way communication with their students. In those physical meetings, teachers can deliver easy learning notes and materials along with the proper instructions to their students. But, nobody, either students or teachers, are dependent on the physical meetings to have their interactions on.

While, in today’s trend, both of them can stay in touch with each other through e-mail or multiple services based on internet including file sharing and instant message applications. But there is still a great need of physical interactions between the teachers and the students that plays an important role.

4. Online Assessments and tests– Now, there is no necessity to attend the classroom test and weekly assessments. The institutions can test their learners through online platform. They can easily assess their learner’s ability and determine their performances. Also, the online tests and examinations are highly impartial and efficient. Teachers cannot support their favorite student through any means. Also, there are private tests available for students for their performance evaluation. This process saves time, money and effort which is impossible in physical tests and examinations.

5. New and updated Content– With the use of technology, learners can easily access new type or updated content. For instance, e-books are available for easy accessibility for the purpose of learning. Also, there are several digital versions of popular and important textbooks to from the perspective of students to fulfill their requirements. There are some digital versions that are not complete even, but irrespective of any fact, learners can access the content online easily.

Earlier, there were hard copies of every course material which is difficult to carry and process. This trend is still followed at some places. But most of the people wanted to go for both online and live book materials.

New and Updated content in Education

6. Special Needs In Education– The need of special children in terms of education is also considered as the serious issue. The course material of special needs are focused in online education as the material that have inserted, will only be read by the students and no proper guidance is made available to them. The traditional learning method allows the teachers to focus on each and every need of the students along with providing the help in their academics. Students can develop their overall personality with this  learning style.  It is highly interactive, flexible and accessible for both the students and the teachers.

7. Lifelong Learning– In the today’s time, learning has become the important part of life for every person. People or students have to learn something new, updated and contemporary every time. They have to learn new methods of doing something or performing some tasks due to increase in demand. Due to the large scale availability of technology-based educational courses like MOOCs, students can learn new set of skills and knowledge at any time. Therefore, it has introduced students with the life-long activities. While, with traditional learning, students can get sticked to one topic or subject. They are learning what they are taught only.

8. Mobile Learning Content– With the introduction of technological age, various applications with certain features and benefits are coming up. Students can access their learning content through mobile learning applications on their mobile only. Few time ago, the leading technological and technical company like Google have laid emphasis on the increasing importance of mobile world that most of the people are restoring the use of mobile devices for the easy accessibility of the internet. They stated that those who are providing the content should focus on the content optimization so that the users can view it easily on their mobile devices.

9. Fun learning– The use of mobile and technologies in education have make the learning fun. The method of learning content has changed with time. In the process of learning and teaching, it is not necessary to use one form of content. Teachers can make use of the animations, videos and other form of content delivered to the students. It will also help in the enhancement of learning process. They can now form different types of games that could make the learning easy. But previously, it was not possible in the live classroom, as the same learning and teaching method used to follow which was strict and offers only one-time learning and understanding.

10. Cost Reduction– The process of education has reduced its cost due to increase in use of advanced technologies. There is a drastic reductions in the amount of money spend for the institutions. Similarly, the technological change has also reduced the cost for the learners that they are suffering to access the education. In the educational sector, this reduction in cost has also provided large number of benefits to the stakeholders. This is the actual result of the increase in technological applications and advancements.


In the educational sector, the technology has changed a lot by creating both positive and negative impacts. The method of learning styles has completely changed from the traditional style to the modern one. For making the process of education more easily accessible and meaningful, the interaction between the learners and the teachers created positive effects that has benefitted everyone.