HND Computing Systems Unit 7 Research Skills

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HND Computing Systems Unit 7 Research Skills
HND Computing Systems Unit 7 Research Skills
This assignment is about HND Computing Systems Research Skills Assignment


 Research is penetrating cautiously, by means of a process, in order that one is able to respond to a query or an issue. It is broader as in comparison to discovering a piece of information and further persistent than interpretation extensively about a topic. Discovery of the background information regarding a theme is an imperative stage of the research method. If one is concerned about practising a matter which is unusual, analysis of an encyclopaedia or a wide-ranging editorial concerning the topic might let expression of the subject thought and give a hand in indicating the regions for additional study.

HND Computing Systems Research Skills Assignment


1.1 Assess different research methodologies

There can be various types of researches like evaluative research, experimental research, developmental research, survey research, applied research, observational research, and fundamental research. Some of these are explained as below:

a) Applied researchIt is a technical research that looks for solving the practical issues. This is useful for resolving the daily and regular issues, illness, and develops new ways in spite of just gaining the knowledge. It is useful in case of the agricultural goods development, curing particular illness, improving the various daily utility providing services.

b) Fundamental researchIt is based on the curiosity of a researcher or scientist. Whenever there is a scientific query, it creates an urge to know something and develop awareness rather than new inventions. These researches generally do not result in any monetary benefits. These can be researches about the origin of the World, reproduction ways of insects etc. (Bryman, 2004).

c) Co-relational researchIt is a methodical research that studies the relationship among two or further variables. It’s not obligatory to assess the cause and effect connection. For e.g.: To test a hypothesis “Drinking water just after the meal makes the digestion process slower: there are 2 methods to carry out the research, namely survey and experimental. The survey technique checks with people about their experiences and the experimental technique takes sample groups and ask them to drink water just after the meals and compare the digestion levels. This method is advantageous as it is capable of colleting from a lot of matters simultaneously. However, the major drawback of this kind of research is that it does not show cause and effect relationship.

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d) Descriptive research It offers a right kind of depiction of the features of a specific person, group or circumstances. It is also called statistical research which shows the existence, its frequency and the classification. It is a research that has details of the whole lot, which can be counted and investigated with an impact on the individuals that are in agreement with it. This is a beneficial technique as the people under the study are not aware and so they do not pretend. They just react in a natural way as they do in every day’s circumstances. It is also less time consuming and economical as in comparison to quantitative researches. It needs much higher skills and still the response rate is quiet low in this kind of study. It has a capability of changes in the results over a period of time.

e) Ethnographical researchIt is a study of the culture by means of a detailed investigation of the culture’s members. The process includes a procedural collection, explanation, investigation of the information available for the progress of the cultural behaviour aspects.

f) Experimental researchThere are 2 variables as well as two groups to this kind of research. The two variables are termed as independent as well as dependent variables. He participants are also termed as control s experimental cluster.

g) Exploratory researchIt is specifically meant for the problem not yet clearly described and offers an important insight towards specific circumstances. It is informal kind of method that depends on the secondary data i.e. qualitative method, literature, discussions with clients, management, employees and competitors, case studies etc.

h) Phenomenological studyIt is a descriptive study that aims at describing any experience of an individual. These are founded on the individual knowledge and are subjective to the lay stress on the significance on the personal interpretation. These experiences are prone to being taken for granted.

Basically, all these methods are classified into two groups i.e. either qualitative or quantitative.  Qualitative deals with the ways not easy to quantify like the beliefs, characteristics and signals. However, the quantitative methods show the experimental study of any method i.e. statistical, mathematical or calculative methods (OPPENHEIM, 1992).

1.2 justify the use of a research methodology to be used for the research proposal

For the research proposal, the best research skills methodology is using a combination of both the qualitative and quantitative methods. An example of this is that one might be concerned with undertaking an evaluative case study of a procedure or strategy. Then there will be a need for a specific spotlight – a 'case' that one is looking at. The individual will triangulate ways – i.e. collect data in quite a few diverse traditions, and a few of these statistics might be quantitative. Every category of information will be examined and explained, and after that an argument will be written that explains how every portion of study supplies to the by and large depiction of what is happening (Szent-Gyorgyi, 1967).

1.3 discuss the importance of both qualitative and quantitative data in research

The qualitative study has an aim to assemble the exhaustive know-how of the human behaviour and the principles behind control of such behaviour. It considers the following questions like what, how, where, and when’s of the decision making. It facilitates the complicated facets of an individual’s experience under study. There are very less limitations and suppositions made for the information gathered. It is useful where every aspect cannot be quantified and there is a need for hypothesis setting or exploratory study. The participants of the research are capable of supplying the information in own point of view.

The quantitative research is based on scientific ways including the model setting, hypothesis and theory building. It is an important method as its objective is to develop and use the theories as per the experiences. It is quite a useful way as it helps the researchers in measuring and analysing the data. The emphasis is on the researcher’s objectivity regarding the results of the study. It is also useful in testing of the hypotheses in the experiments as it has capability to assess the data using the different figures.

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Task 2

2.1 Justify the use of research sources

Research resources are generally considered as primary sources plus secondary sources. Primary sources may be direct records of real happenings on paper by an observer or unique legendary or imaginative efforts. They may be mail, executive paperwork, discussions, review consequences, and unanalysed informational facts. These sources include unprocessed data and details, like the creative job of art or instantaneous notions. Secondary sources, conversely, are generally arguments, appraisals, synthesis, and study of primary and secondary source data. Everyone will undoubtedly employ together primary and secondary sources all the way through their educational profession. When one employs them plus in what mixture typically is reliant on what the research examination is and the regulation in favour of which one is writing.

The research resources may approach as of the practices; print medium for example books, leaflets, magazines, publications, newspapers, along with books; and CD-ROMs with other electronic sources, like the World Wide Web. They might in addition arrive from conferences and surveys or somebody else devises. One might build up their own field study where one can gather data by means of inspection or testing. For instance, prior to interviewing the aspirants for learning on minor girls, one might employ files or library research to obtain a number of backdrop information on teenager schoolgirls and their existing problems. One might too desire to scrutinize them in a discipline situation, keeping in mind some of the acts, clothes, or gestures, as per the focal point of the study. One might, in addition like to reconsider other studies on teenager schoolgirls to distinguish the way the studies were performed and the records deduced. One might gather the data from the girls and the school teachers for the analysis.

2.2 Evaluate the importance of using primary information sources

The primary researchers employ a related procedure to that employed by solicitors. It is known as triangulation, and it engages the exercise of numerous autonomous sources of information to set up the accuracy and exactness of a declaration. The triangulation is a valid and reliable instrument that saves time and also is economical in the terms of cost. This is so as the primary data gathered generally is valid and reliable as most of the times it is current in nature.  Primary data triangulation entails utilising diverse basis of information with the purpose of amplifying the validity of learning (Golafshani, 2003). In addition, these sources are expected to be risk-bearers in a program—members, other associates, program employees, researchers, other society associates, etc. Exhaustive interviews might be performed among all of the clusters to achieve insight into their perceptions on program effects. Throughout the scrutiny phase, advice from the stakeholder clusters would be evaluated to settle on regions of contract in addition to regions of deviation.

This kind of triangulation, in which the researchers employ diverse basis, is conceivably the largely in style since it is the easiest to put into practice; data triangulation is mainly well matched for additional room known the diverse stakeholder sets that bear interest in these programs.

2.3 describe a recognised system for referencing e.g. Harvard referencing adopting a formal format

The significant item is to opt dependable foundations that provide credibility, influence and bear to the information and disagreements that the research presents.  The research would suggest a variety of dependable basis, and this will be the researcher’s initial point, but he will in addition be supposed to glance ahead of the suggested reading as well as to explore out applicable data for oneself (Kerlinger and Lee, 2003). One will see, though You will find, however, that the suggested manuscripts and other sources will establish – owing to the correct referencing that has spent interested in them – selected prosperous elements of supplementary information.  If one goes through a specific section as a preliminary tip for research keen on a task focus, frequently the references or bibliography will direct the reader in the correct way of other applicable comprehension.

When presenting a report, the researchers are expected to use a formal way of writing in 3rd person. There has to be a well-defined structure. Right, clear and understood format. The most commonly used format is Harvard style of referencing. It is there to keep away from plagiarism, which is a type of educational robbery (DeLone, W. H., & McLean, 2003). Referencing of the effort accurately guarantees that one provides with an apt recognition to the sources and writers that have been utilised to make the assignment.

Harvard is recognized like the writer & time scheme:

  1. Quotations in the manuscript of the task have to be prepared pursuing the in-text directives specified in the instances on the subsequent pages.
  2. A whole listing of each and every quotes utilised in the text will call for to be given at the last part of the task. This is known as the reference catalogue or bibliography and has to be there in alphabetical biographer/creator arrangement.

These come as:

  1. Ancestors/family name, Initials. (Book year in brackets) Book label - italicised or emphasized. Cycle heading and degree if appropriate. Publication – if not the primary. Position of book: publisher.
  2. Ancestors/family name, Initials. FAMILY/last name, Initials. And FAMILY/last name, Initials. (Book year in brackets) manuscript name - italicised or emphasised. Progression name and number if pertinent. Publication – if not the primary. Position of book: publisher.
  3. It is optional like to if to file all writers and in addition whether the individual uses ‘et al.’ or ‘with others’.
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Task 3

3.1 present a research proposal to a defined Audience utilising appropriate survey techniques

The procedure of qualitative research in mass medium is explained in forms of data investigation, reliability, and legitimacy in qualitative information Two accepted types of data investigation are the steady comparative method as well as the analytic induction technique.  Five widespread qualitative research techniques are:

  1. a) Field examinations,
  2. b) Focus groups,
  3. c) Exhaustive interviews,
  4. d) Case studies, and
  5. e) Ethnography.

For the precedent 30 years, the results of disruptive and pro-social substance have been accepted themes for intellectual investigators.  Throughout the years, there has been a huge sum of resistance among academic investigators and business managements during the conclusion of the research.  Content study, laboratory researches, reviews, field tests, inspections, and boards are admired systems for media researchers to portray, give details, and forecast antisocial and pro-social incident connected to media.

The exercises and satisfactions viewpoint inspects the way individuals utilise the media and the indulgences they search for and obtain as of their media conducts.  Exercises and gratifications investigators presume that audience associates are conscious of and can coherent their motives for using a range of media data.  Researchers learning this viewpoint have relied a lot on the survey method to assemble their figures as a foremost action; researchers have performed focus groups or boast of asking the respondents to note down thesis regarding their motives for media utilisation.  Close-ended Likert-type scales are subsequently classically themed to multivariate numerical systems (Andrews, & Wynekoop, 2004).

Agenda fixing research observes the way the public agenda is fashioned by the things the news broadcast media prefer to broadcast.  This research inspects the connection among media precedence and viewers priorities in the comparative significance of news bulletin themes.

Cultivation analysis has focussed on the way the media influence audience readings of the genuine world.  The essential theory is that recurring experiences to reliable media depictions and topics persuade audiences’ awareness in the way of the genuine world as the media portray it.  There are two separate measures in performing a cultivation examination.  First, explanations of the media-world are attained as of cyclic substance questions of great chunks of media substance.  The second step engages reviewing audiences regarding their experience, separating the section into profound and light users and evaluating their responses to the problems that distinguish the studied world as of the genuine world. Lastly, the majority of the research regarding the Internet scrutinizes audience traits, meanings and utilises, and social consequences.

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3.2 discuss the role of ethics in research e.g. potential ethical issues arising during research, ways to address ethical issues in research; role of the Ethics Committee

A lot of diverse disciplines, organizations, and works have customs for behaviour that fit their specific plans and objectives. These standards too assist associates of the authority to organize their accomplishments or activities and to set up the public's belief of the authority. For example, ethical customs administer behaviour in medication, ruling, manufacturing, and trade. Ethical standards too provide the plans or objectives of study and relate to persons who carry out systematic research or other academic or resourceful activities. There is still a focused discipline, research Skills, which examines these customs (Creswell, 2003).

There are quite a few motives due to which, it is significant to stick on to ethical customs in research. Foremost, customs support the plans of research, like information, reality, and prevention of mistake. For illustration, exclusions in opposition to constructing, fiddling, or faking research information encourage the certainty and keep away from blunder. Second, as research regularly engrosses significantly the collaboration and synchronization amongst numerous diverse individuals in diverse controls and institutions, ethical benchmarks support the principles that are necessary to concerted job, like belief, answerability, mutual deference, and justice. such as, a lot of ethical standards in research, like directives for authorship, exclusive rights and copyrighting strategies, data involvement strategies, and privacy rules in peer re-evaluation, are intended to defend academic possessions interests whereas heartening teamwork. On the whole researchers desire to accept recognition for their involvements and don’t desire to have their designs stolen or revealed ahead of time. Third, numerous of the ethical customs lend a hand to guarantee that researchers are to be supposed responsible to the community. For example, federal strategies on research misbehaviour, clashes of interest, the individual topics’ defences, and creature care and exercise are essential with the intention of making certain that researchers who are financed by community wealth is supposed responsible to the community Fourth, ethical norms in study also assist to assemble community support for research. Individuals further probable to finance research task if they can rely the excellence and truthfulness of research. At last, a lot of the norms of research encourage some other significant moral and communal principles like social accountability, human rights, and animal welfare, compliance with the law, and health and safety. Ethical lapses in research can considerably damage human being and creature themes, scholars, and the public.

Task 4

4.1 prepare an extract  from the research proposal appropriate to a seminar environment e.g. disseminate ideas and good practice; discuss research proposals; gather feedback to inform proposals

Besides making research result accessible to research contributors, it is imperative to distinguish that the media, researchers and groups have been significant stakeholders extra usually. Thus they have to be measured a probable viewers for broader efforts to broadcast the conclusion to representatives, consultants, financers etc.  All researchers have to arrange beforehand of a study.  As we have an indispensable thoughtful of the fundamentals of the Research Proposal, there will be a need for starting to make the decisions for the study.

Research proposal is a quite widespread outline of educational and expert text. The in print research plans to perform objects similar to:

  • get hold of scholarships;
  • achieve support to begin a proposal;
  • achieve ethics conformity for a research development;
  • Provide for some types of agreements; etc.

Simultaneously, a research proposal varies in significant deference’s as of other widespread sorts of academic script, like a dissertation or an account of research consequences. Generally outlines of academic characters are intended to craft a disagreement – to induce your reader, throughout your exercise of substantiation and investigation, that a specific ending is accurate.

A research proposal is in addition a portion of influential script. It is not intended, conversely, to quarrel for several explicit terminations. As an alternative, it is deliberate to induce the reader that one has:

  • Enquired a significant and appealing problem, and
  • Projected a high-quality means to respond that query.

These distinctions among research proposals and erstwhile outlines of academic writing are capable of making them experience very strange to put in writing at opening. Lots of trainee proposal writers protest that the development constructs them experience as if they boast to write “rearwards”: it might be difficult to discover the ways to write in relation to the research development, when one hasn’t so far completed some research. Accepting the judgment in the wake of proposals – their purpose and expectations – have to assist one in being a master in the writing.

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4.2 Provide constructive feedback on proposals presented within the seminar environment e.g. clear framework; level of detail; use of IT

It has to explain the way in which there are the standard results and the way to incline to attain, e.g.:

  • A novel theory
  • An example
  • An innovative mould
  • A work of art
  • A novel plant process
  • A resolution to a realistic crisis
  • A definite help to experts in a specific ground
  • A mechanism of exercise in the mining business, etc.

It has to offer the involvement this research crafts to the body of information in the specific pitch of study.

The proposal needs to have a clear framework, use of information technology towards the appropriate research proposal and applying the updated methodologies of research. The study needs to have a full and comprehensive list of references being used for the study. This offers the researchers with the effective analysis and implementation. The research needs to be useful for the comprehensive study for the comparison and evaluation of the subject for further use. 


  • Andrews, C. P., & Wynekoop, J. (2004). A framework for comparing IS core curriculum and IS requirements for accounting majors. Journal of Information Systems Education, 15(4), 437-450.
  • BRYMAN, A. (2004). Social Research Method. 2nd ed., Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • DeLone, W. H., & McLean, E. R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: A ten-year update. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9-30.
  • Ellis, T. J., & Levy, Y. (2011). Framework of problem?based research: A guide for novice researchers on the development of a research?worthy problem. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 11(1), 17?

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