Icon College Unit 22 Managing Human Resource

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Icon College Unit 22 Managing Human Resource
Icon College Unit 22 Managing Human Resource
This is solution of Icon College Managing Human Resource Assignment, given for HND Business course.


A.  Briefly define the concept HRM and examine the role of human resource function in the service sector organization. Discuss how it is contributing to the success of your chosen organization.

Brunt Hotels, PLC is a hotel chain in the United Kingdom, currently holding 60 hotels all over in UK. They plan to extend their hotel chain within 10 years and reach 300 hotels. Their approach towards this is maintaining a proper strategic management and to rebrand the old hotels in Europe as a part of Brunt Hotels PLC and constructing new one. The human resource Management in Hospitality and tourism industries is well served and it mainly focuses on the nature and practices of the employment. The vitality of tourism and hospitality job in both developed and developing nations are verified by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), who prescribe that travel and tourism-related activities speak to an abundance of 230 million occupations, or 8.7 for each penny of livelihoods around the globe (WTTC, 2006).

Indeed, inside an industry that is depicted by contrasting qualities and heterogeneity the extent that the reason, size, proprietorship and solicitations of the try, the primary honest to goodness motivation behind homogeneity is passing on organization to customers and the need to direct people in such a way, to the point that they offer a quality organization. These indicated transcripts of certainty are hence basic for various levelled feasibility, accomplishment, success and productivity.

B. Outline a brief human resource plan for your chosen organisation by analysing the supply and demand for service sector personnel in your business environment.

Brunt Hotels, PLC maintains an accurate Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) which incorporate an inside set of foreseeable methods and practices for achievement of the business objective. These methodologies are arranged and completed to give complete certification to organization's human capital. HRM system and Organizational Performance have a structural skeleton that aide in fitting structural detailing and usage of the Organization. All the financials and non-financials related issues of the Organization all goes under the HRM Strategy.

For a smooth management, all the steps during its execution should be taken into consideration and carefully studied. The proper requirement for Brunt Hotels, PLC to maintain a proper growth with a balanced supply and demand policy can be explained through the below flow chart.


Wright & McMahan (1992) have made an expansive speculative framework including six theoretical effects. Four of these effects offer outlines to deals with coming to fruition as a result of system examinations. These fuse with other stake based point of view of the firm. Resource development and Institutional theory are the two separate theories which offer elucidations to HR polishes. HR polishes remarkably affect an affiliation's human and various levelled stakes thusly could be used to expand inclination (Schuler & Macmillan, 1984).


A. Examine the history of employment relations in the UK briefly and analyse the current state of employment relations in your chosen travel and tourism or hospitality organisation.

The employment relation in Brunt Hotels, PLC manages the association of the operator data, for example, the individual subtle parts his name, capability, aptitude, experience, login id, password and so forth. The employment relation during anything amendment effectively acknowledge the service and devotion towards the work. At the time of undertaking we may make numerous modules at long last we unite them to structure a framework with the goal that it will be simplicity to discover an individual, with the target that it could be feasibly added to the database with any duplication of the information.

B. Discuss how employment laws in the country affect the human resources management function in your chosen organisation.

The employment laws being followed by most of the Organization including Brunt Hotels for not disturbing the human resources management within an Organization are described as follows:

  1. Overview the dangers. This strategies positively going around your business strategy for hazards and dangers to staff and the overall public (customers, suppliers and any external visitors). The staff should be aware of their wellbeing and security. Dangers are not essentially physical hazards; they can in like manner be upheaval, lighting, ventilation, cleanliness and tension. Keep in mind particularly powerless social affairs like adolescents, the elderly and impeded people. This is the risk evaluation, possibly indisputably the most fundamental wellbeing and security undertaking.
  2. Maintaining proper wellbeing and security course of action. All business must have this policy, to incorporate staff and provide them proper guidance on wellbeing and security issues, and in case of five or more employees then it must be recorded (however this is a respectable thought regardless). The method sets out who does what as for wellbeing and security in your business, what you do in house and what, if any, expert help you get. It obliges your peril examination to structure a novel report about how you are keeping yourself, your staff and your customers safe.
  3. Employers Liability Compulsory Insurance (ELCI). Brunt Hotels maintains an Employers Liability Compulsory Insurance for its entire staff. One must have this and show the confirmation at your workplace.

These are the major employment laws in the country which should be taken care of for proper human resources management. Supervising wellbeing and dangers in Brunt Hotels is wearisome because of the changed circumstances which both guests and employees wind up. Brunt Hotels associations customarily work in circumstances where total control of the brief and more far reaching environment is troublesome (mountains, shores et cetera.). For both guests and tour overseers or travel agents, there is similarly the hazard that guests will encounter more genuine dangers while getting organizations (sustenance, an elephant ride, a bungee bob) from an outside, pariah supplier over whom they have no control. To reduce dangers, a couple of indications of event have progressed where associations do attempt to minimize outside risk components – complete resorts, voyage tours – and where visitors are simply exposed to picked and surveyed organization supporters.

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A. Analyse the recruitment and selection policies and procedures in your organisation and discuss how job description and person specification can be matched for a specific job in the chosen organization



A flow chart unfolding the various phases during the course of Recruitment process. Accordingly, HRM practices have been battled to completely affect customer organized practices, obligation and satisfaction among employees. To Obtaining a better knowledge of the corporate culture, the particulars should work with proven loyalty. It recruits people in combination of UK and French.  Sisson (1994, p. 7) lookouts that the results close by to direct people are centred around different tricks that completely join handy versatility, gathering working regardless, their fundamental point is to "make an exceedingly committed and adaptable staff primed to learn new capacities and assignments". Brunt Hotels finally enunciates that the Employee’s skill and experience directly correlated and it decides its position in a company.

B. Compare and evaluate the different selection process in your chosen organisation with another tourism or hospitality organisation.

Through the sudden ascent of demand and growth of the tourist and hotel management industry, associations of all sizes little to substantial are ceaselessly coordinating with their individual customers and stakeholders crosswise over diverse lingos, social orders to build the social stations all inclusive. Brunt Hotels seeks employees who applies handle participation, oversaw to oneself and controlled to oneself gatherings, with strong versatility and determination; formal planning tasks with proper execution assessments and expert strength.


The above rough sketch shows us that the growth and demand of an Organization focus on employability skills and his relation with the industry. Brunt Hotels articulates that the Employee’s skill and experience decides its position in a company. The human resource Management is centred on different peculiarities that doubtlessly join helpful flexibility, jamboree employees on their essential issue to select an especially committed and adaptable individual, who is primed to learn new aptitudes and endeavours.

Accordingly, numerous other Organizations try to contract representatives from different basics. Organizations taking part in this differing qualities recruitment differentiate the quality of having individuals or staff that their clients can identify it with complete realization that having a group of assorted individuals helps in extending the thoughts and impacts within the association. Expand in colossal innovation of the HR Management and recruitment of fit employee to handle worldwide limits of the association is the greatest focused driver in the globalized business sector. The Brunt Hotels concentrates on administration and Investment to meet the worldwide rivals in the business sector keeping in mind the end goal to have an amazingly firm publicizing, corporate correspondence and IT affect available.


A. Analyse how training and development contributes to the effective performance and organizational success in your organization in general.

Brunt Hotels PLC HRM strategy and Organizational Performance possess a structural framework that helps in proper structural formulation and implementation of the Organization. All the financials and non-financials related issues of the Organization all comes under the HRM Strategy and the effective performance. For example, in a developing country, the HR business handling capability describes the HR expert skill; they might be supreme to succeed in the world wide business and set themselves as a business enterprise.


This is in accordance to succeed in the new period of globalization where the human factor plays a vital role. The organizational performance depends upon the Performance, Profitability and Customer satisfaction. With this intention it is essential for HR personnel to substantiate themselves away from sensible indistinctness taking into consideration that they are capable enough for presumptuous roles for humanizing the HR department position. HR must have a vigilant business understanding (Noe, et al., 1997) and likewise he should move further for ultimate impacts and understand the level of resolution among the administration (Golden & Ramanujam, 1985).

B. Critically analyse the current training and development policies and procedures of your chosen organisation.

Brunt Hotels PLC kept checks on the correct structure of Strategic Human Resource Management as a response to arrange cooperation’s for the tests of globalization. It has been seen that for the most part cooperation’s have achieved modestly low levels of ampleness in completing Strategic Human Resource Management polishes (Huselid et al., 1997). Acknowledging the above proposals, Brunt Hotels PLC., true test in the cutting edge time lies highlights to sustain the human possessions by redesigning their applicable aptitudes and development policies.  The training method is very simple.

The movement of quality organization in Hotel Management, neighbourliness and unwinding not simply puts basic commitments on the staff at the front line who pass on such organization moreover puts noteworthy onus and commitment on staff parts who, as we ought to see in the accompanying Learning Outcome, are every so often the most insignificant paid and smallest regarded parts of the affiliation's workforce. The development policies of the organization reflect its true potential towards maintaining a healthy management and work consecution. Brunt Hotels PLC ought to understand that their HR capacity can help them use their existing human ability from crosswise over numerous geographic and social limits.

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Brunt Hotels, PLC has decided to implement an ethnocentric approach towards proper execution. To Obtaining a better knowledge of the corporate culture, the particulars should work with proven loyalty. It recruits people in combination of UK and French. The common motive of the recruited employee is to maintain the good will of the company. The Multiple HRM model by Ulrich's (1997) portray about the imperative significances of worldwide trends including social suggestions for HR leaders who ought to keep on demonstrating and expanding the Organization quality in the global market.

  • Human stake association is isolating to the accomplishment of fellowships since human capital has specific qualities that make it discriminating. The degree that business methodology, collaboration can succeed on the off chance that it has a sensible slant. In this way, we can reason that affiliations require the sort of favourable circumstances that will oblige them such leeway. Human property has these pivotal qualities:

According to Lucia and Lepsinger “An action plan is the primary tool to manage the workload, review and appraise project progress, and communicate with project team members and key stake-holders about the work to be done. It will also be a useful tool for identifying resource requirements—people, time, money, and technological tools—needed to complete the project” (Lucia & Lepsinger, 1999, pg. 56-57).


Dennis Nickson (2007) Human Resource Management for the Hospitality and Tourism Industries. Golden, K.A. & Ramanujam, V. (1985). Between a dream and a nightmare: On the integration of human resource management and strategic business planning. Human Resource Management, 24(4): 429-452. Huselid, M.A., Jackson, S.E & Randall, R.S. (1997). Technical and strategic human resource management effectiveness as determinants of firm performance.  Academy of Management Journal, 40(1): 171-188 Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. M. (1997). Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Advantage. 2nd Ed. Chicago: Irwin. Report on World Travel Tourism Council (2006)

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