Icon college unit 4 personal and professional development in HSC

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Icon college unit 4 personal and professional development in HSC
Icon college unit 4 personal and professional development in HSC
This is solution of Icon college personal and professional development Assignment, discuss about the personal and professional development required in health and social care organizations.


The assignment has been divided into six tasks with several learning objectives in them related to health and social care. Task 1 is a report that will be based on a case scenario. It will discuss on the personal professionals values in the health and social care setting. We will assess the personal culture as well as experiences that would make an influence in the case scenario. Task 2 is a PDP skills audit. It will evaluate a self- personal development plan in the health and social care sector. Task 3 would comprise of the personal learning and development log sheets Task 4 would again be concentrating on the case scenario and explaining understanding on the social and medical model of case scenario. Task 5 would be a presentation that would be prepared on the basis of a case study and finally in Task 6, a self-evaluation based on the entire report and the presentation would continue. All the six tasks would discuss the personal and professional development in a health and social care setting. The self-evaluation section would discuss on the evaluation of the report and the presentation that would give a light on what all has been discussed. 


Health and Social Care is a field where all the people have to be taken care of in all the ways. In this task, I am working as a care worker and my line manager has asked me to take care of a service user with infectious disease. I am very religious and have small children at home. This service user would be taken care of on the basis of my personal beliefs and the cultural beliefs.

Discuss the personal values in health and social care settings and compare your own initial response based on your own personal values to the case scenario above.

Personal Values are formed in ages. They are being influenced by the culture, beliefs, and preferences, changes in the life, interest and priorities with respect to the political scenario. Values are developed as per cultural thinking of what is right or wrong, fair or unfair and kind or cruel as per our own culture. On the basis of where we live, what kind of people we are surrounded with and how they influence us make us accordingly and even thinking as per their beliefs. There has been a strong influence on us with respect to our culture and customs. Personal values that we have developed with time do give a clear and in depth response to the way we react in our professional lives. When we are given some kind of a work in our professional lives and we would think that it is ethically not correct or feasible then we will surely not do that work. In case we have been brought up in the environment where there is a lot of care and the help is being rendered to even the outsiders then we will surely be doing the same in our professional lives too. It all depends on the social, cultural, ethical culture, beliefs and the experiences that we have obtained from the outer world in our lives (Andersen, 1995). We get and make our personal values from our family, colleagues, friends, cultural relatives and siblings. Once we get the values and adopt in our lives then we will surely express and even get them exhibited in our professional lives. Being the care worker when instructed by my line manager to take care of a service user who has infectious disease, I felt very restrictive. It was due to the reason that infection in case would spread and I may catch it then I have small children at our homes and they may even get affected. Our personal values and culture have instructed us to helps others but not at the cost of ourselves and our families (Clark, 1997).

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Access how your own personal culture and experiences would influence the support you would give to the service user in case scenario given above.

Our culture and the experiences that we have obtained by living with the people of our own culture have given us the beliefs and personal value to respect each and every individual. Not only this; but we should also help the other people who need it from us. At the same time in case it will affect our and our families health and may cause illness then surely we need to help the service user but with caution and care so that the disease may not spread in the environment and its pathogens accompany us till our houses. At the same time our values and norms are also influenced by the professional lives that we lead. In case all other care workers would be rendering their services without any problem then we will be bound by it and we would also do the same. The experiences and the personal values that we have formed from our cultural beliefs and the people at home will surely form our opinions and we tend to act accordingly. As per our cultural norms and the personal beliefs that are formed, each individual has to be care for others and help him in need. In this scenario, I would be helping him out but at the same time, it is also essential that we tend to protect ourselves from these kinds of illness so that we are not carriers for them to our own children. It is always essential that personal beliefs and the cultural norms are respected but at the same time, they are neither compromising in professional lives and nor the professional lives are affected by it.

Discuss how current legislations and policies and procedures in the workplace would affect the service user. In your discussion you must include how it will impact on your own personal values and beliefs.

There have been a lot of legislations, practices, procedures and policies that are being taken out by the government and even the authorities in the health and social care settings. These policies and practices have to be formulated, implemented and applied in each and every case. They have to be abiding by in all situations. These policies are in fact a guideline on how the movement of the health and social care setting would be taking place.  Service user has the infectious disease unless he is treated and attended as per the rules and regulations pertaining to the health and social care setting, it would be difficult to eliminate the illness and the infectious disease that he may be suffering from. These kinds of legislations and policies do affect the way we are being functioning in our professional lives. This is because even if the kind of legislations may not follow or align with our personal values and the cultural beliefs then also they have to be abiding by as they form the part of our professional development. Unless they are abiding by, we cannot maintain our professional lives. There are many cases where our personal values, beliefs and the culture would say in not doing a certain thing but as per legislations and regulations of health and social care, they have to be abiding by. Hence these legislations are the way or the rules whereby we take up the priority of handling these problems immediately even aligning them with our personal values (Grol & Grimshaw, 2003).


Personal Development Plan would be evaluating on the self-managing and learning skills. It would be proposing on the ways in which the lifelong learning and development is being encouraged in our lives. It will also evaluate on the benefits of the self-managed learning for the individual as well as the organization. It is a plan which monitors the progress of an individual in terms of the skills and competencies by mapping them with the professional standards and activities that have to be maintained. It will also specify in the self needs and the opportunities that we could take up to fulfil them in our strengths.

Activity (3 Months) Skills acquired Time Scale
Class Room Team Work Within 6 Weeks of starting PDP module.
Improving the technical skills of handling the service users with special needs as per the legislations, policies and the practices. Technical Skills on handling service users with special needs. Knowledge on the legislations, rules and regulations pertaining to the health and social care settings. Within 2 Months of starting of the PDP module.   Within 3 months of the starting of the PDP module.
On the Job Training Skills of changing our expertise as per the situation or the condition of the patient. With around 3 months of joining this program.
Activity ( 6 Months) Skills acquired Time Scale
On the job training Competencies on treating patients who are disabled ones Within 4 months of joining this PDP Module. In these 4 months learning would be obtained in treating all kinds of disabled people by providing the support and necessary medication differently.
Class Room Handling various health and social care tools and equipment. With the starting of the PDP and till the end of the entire PDP Program.
Activity ( 1 Year) Skills acquired Time Scale
On the Job Training Assisting Doctor on specialized operations Within 1 Year of the on the job training exercise.
Class Room Understanding and application of the Health and Social Care software and ERP module Within 1 year of joining this case module.


Dates Hours per day Activity Undertaken
18/1/2013 10 am to 3 pm Personal Care
19/2/2013 10 am to 3 pm Technical skills on handling disabled patients.
20/3/2013 10 am to 3 pm Learning Software module of Health and Social Care and its implementation.
21/4/2013 10 am to 3 pm Time management skills and multi-tasking strategies.
22/5/2013 10 am to 3 pm Learning the enhancing and clear communication channels and its significance.
23/6/2013 10 am to 3 pm Learned on Handling sophisticated tools, equipment, appliances related to the health and social care.
24/7/2013 10 am to 3 pm Team Work, Time management skills and strategies.

This log table has been describing on the various activities that have been done with respect to the timelines and the dates that they are being carried out. Time management and its track helps in getting the activity done within the timeline and acquiring the respective skills pertaining to them. On the basis of the problems that we have been acquiring in the daily lives, we tend to learn the skills for them. Not only this; have we got an idea of the implementation of the skills, competencies and attribute through the ways of performing the various activities as given in the log table (Reeves et al, 2008). This way in the learning table, an account is kept for the various kinds of activities that have to be done and the kind of skills and attributes that the people would develop from it. The time period taken into account helps in keeping the track on the acquiring of skills with time and hence evaluating on their effectiveness. For a care worker, there is a great necessity to acquire the potential and the performance oriented skills so that he could render his full support to service users.

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In this task, a discussion would be carried out on the meeting that gets organized with the multi-disciplinary team in health and social care setting. This is a kind of a review plan that is organized for the people so that their conditions could be discussed. All the advocates and the relatives of the patients are present in the meeting so that they get to know on the condition of the people related to them.

Discuss the different professional relationships that exist in context of the case scenario in relation to the service user.

Service user has been admitted for care due to his extreme condition in which he is visually impaired, suffers from dementia, lacks motivation and even exhibits the challenging behaviour. There are several professional relationships that exist in context of the case scenario in relation to the old man who is 60 years of age and is really handicap in doing his things himself. The different relations are: Doctors who have to professionally visit this patient on regular intervals to assess his condition and accordingly give him the required treatment, the full time female or male nurse that is employed on this old man’s duty. This is to ensure he could be well taken care of in all types of needs and the physiotherapist or the specialist who trains this individual for performing his day-to-day activities. All these people are professionally linked and related to this old man so that he is properly taken care of in the health and social care setting.

Explain your understanding of the medical model and the social model in context of the case scenario. You must compare and contrast the difference between the medical and social model.

Medical Model refers to the policies, practices and the processes that have to be employed so that the patient or the old man is well taken care of. These would include the kind of treatment given to him and appliances, tools and equipment that have to be utilized for him so that he is treated and handled well. Medical Model also describes the way the things have to be acted upon so that the situation of the patient is being handled. Social Model defines the social perspectives and the processes that have to be used so that this person does not feel lonely due to absence of society people of his condition with him. Medical Model describes the medical related treatment, tools and processes that have to be employed or used for his treatment. On the other hand Social Model defines the way and the conditions from social perspectives that have to be provided to this old man in health and social care settings.

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In context of the case scenario you must discuss how you as a care worker would evaluate the personal effectiveness of your role and that of the organization in supporting the dilemmas and conflicts that may arise in the scenario and resolve any issues that have occurred.

In this case scenario, the old man has several problems like: dementia, visual impairment, Lack of motivation and the challenging behaviour which sometimes become difficult to be handled. As per the rules, regulations, processes and the legislations, these kind of patients are given special kind of treatment and medication. As a care worker I would ensure that this patient is been given the treatment accordingly. Based on the following, I would take appropriate actions:

  • Prescription of the Doctor.
  • Suggestive use of the equipment, tools and appliances that have to be utilized for this kind of patient.
  • I will every day refer to the Nurses to find out his routine in terms of the food, healthy diet and training being given to him in this regard (Richardson & Asthana, 2006).

Based on the reports that are hung in his room for the reference, I will ensure that he gets the proper treatment and what all has been suggested by the specialists. The professional effectiveness of me as well as organization would be tested through the following ways:

  • The level of contribution in terms of time and coordination that the patient gives to me.
  • The level of response that he starts giving.
  • The level of control in his challenging behaviours.
  • The level of independency that he obtains staying in the health and social care setting of our organization.

Hence the evaluation of the effectiveness of systems, processes of organization and me would be tested on the change that has been observed in old man.


Evaluation of Report

Different kind of people is treated differently in health and social care settings. There is availability of specialized and competent staff that could easily take care of the needs of the patients. They are using highly mechanized and newly developed tools, equipment and technology that are to be used for them. The staffs that is employed at the health and social care setting is possessing its own personal values as per his culture and the society he has been staying in. These personal values even have a great influence in the professional fronts. The way the line managers communicates the responsibilities and are being taken up by the care workers is based on their personal values that they have acquired in their families. These care workers have to plan out for their personal and professional development plans whereby the skills and competencies that they have to acquire would be listed in it. This plan would be then targeting on the deadlines and timescales in which an individual would gain an edge in a specific skill or activity. These PDP programs enable the individual in learning a lot towards his professional front and lives. While working in a health and social care settings, an individual tends to acquire and gain the relationships with the people who are admitted in this social care setting so that they could be well taken care of. They are following various ways and techniques whereby the issues and challenges faced are being resolved in the health and social care setting.

Evaluation of Presentation

While working in a multi-disciplinary team, it is always advisable that an individual learns to work in a team and cooperate with each other in order to accomplish the various goals and objectives that are being set for them. There are certain limits of our own work that impacts the service users and those who work with us. The kind of behaviour that we will show to the service users and the colleagues working with us would determine the effectiveness in health and social care that we give to the various service users. As a care worker in order to perform well, the following issues have to be taken care of:

  • Working effectively in team – He has to make sure that team with all levels of people perform well.
  • Rendering full support to team members – He should always be present to give guidance and support to the entire team.
  • Resolving the issues of team members – He should organize team meetings and grievance sessions in order to resolve their emerging issues.
  • Providing new members training on the effectiveness of health & social care.
  • Rendering support to every team member.
  • Contributing to the team efforts.
  • Removing the barriers of team performance.

The various factors that contribute to the effective team performance are:

  • Relaxed and informal atmosphere – The atmosphere that is provided to the team should be sound and free from any kinds of conflicts and the issues as they will cause problems in the team performance and efficiency.
  • Healthy and Sound Discussions – The team once formed should do only healthy and fruitful discussions so that they get the efficiency, skills and talent to perform well.
  • Clarity in role, goals and objectives of team.
  • Effective listening.
  • Consensus for decision making.
  • Team leader supports each activity.
  • Gives clear guidelines. 


Health and Social Care setting is a very sensitive area that requires specialized, skilled and competent manpower. They have to apply their personal values that they have acquired from their culture and religious settings in their families. There are ways, methods and strategies whereby the staff, care worker and the line managers can provide excellent services to the service users. These care workers have to work in a team and utilize each other’s skills and support in resolving the various issues and conflicts that may arise in a health care setting. Based on the various needs and the kind of clear and concise communications and information, these care workers render so that the service users get the right services in the health and social care settings. There is a greater need of a personal development plan for these care workers so that they acquire the necessary skills whereby they could learn new skills and competencies in their professional lives. It is necessary for the health and social care settings to provide a great support and help to the care worker and the other staff so that they could perform their duties well in time. From the entire report and the presentation that have been prepared it could be analysed that the personal developmental skills and competencies are very much linked and associated with the professional talent and the level of competition in an individual. The plan guides a social care worker to enhance his skills, competencies and the attributes from time to time (Stilwell et al, 2004).


Andersen, R. M. 1995. Revisiting the behavioural model and access to medical care: does it matter? Journal of health and social behaviour36(1), 1-10. Clark, P. G. 1997. Values in health care professional socialization: Implications for geriatric education in interdisciplinary teamworkThe Gerontologist37(4), 441-451. Clouder, L. 2003. Becoming professional: exploring the complexities of professional socialization in health and social care. Learning in Health and Social Care2(4), 213-222. Deckard, G., Meterko, M., & Field, D. 1994. Physician burnout: an examination of personal, professional, and organizational relationships. Medical care, 745-754. Fish, D., & Coles, C. (Eds.). 1998. Developing professional judgement in health care: learning through the critical appreciation of practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

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