In today’s competitive world in all the business change has become one of the most integral parts. Both the internal and external environments of the businesses are changing continuously. Change is the only thing which is constant in today’s time. Every organization change management tools are used to deal with all the changes occurring in the work place. Managers have to be very proactive in finding out the solutions to deal with these changes and to improve the organization’s performance. Change process is done to manage the employees. Managers have to develop their and employees skills continuously to be competitive always in the market (Rothwell, 2003). Management and leadership styles are very important in developing the skills of the employees. Organization culture and motivational techniques followed by the managers also impact the performance of the employees working under him. Managers have to analyze their present skills, weaknesses etc. and this can be done by doing a SWOT analyses on an individual. On the basis of this managers have to develop their future development plans. We will discuss all the points in detail in further part of my report.
Hospitality industry is the service industry in which employees deal directly with the client and they are very much responsible for customer satisfaction. Below are the two management styles which can be used in any organization:
Coercive Management style - Other name of coercive management style is directive leadership style. In this type of management style leaders have full control on the employees working under them and they give commands to the employees and they want them to do the work in whatever way possible. Employees don’t get much freedom in this type of management style and they work under pressure (McClelland, 1976). This management style is not accepted much by the employee and this can lead to higher turnover in the organization.
Active Management Style -In this type of leadership style managers believe in leading from the front and they are very in their work. Employees feel very comfortable under this type of manager because managers do not push them to do extra work. Manager tries to take most of the work and then teaches that work to his employees. He believes in keeping employees happy and motivated. Mangers always keep the quality of the work very high. Motivation and satisfaction of the employees is very important for the success of the organization.
Restaurant manager has to keep all the employees working under him disciplined and satisfied to achieve customer satisfaction. Below are some of the qualities which a restaurant manager should possess for the better performance of the employees and the restaurant:
In any organization there are three types of communication processes which are being followed and these are as follows:
Downward communication - Communication from the higher management to the lower level employees is called downward communication process. Higher management has to covey new organization policies, any orders and directives to the lower employees and this can be done with the help of emails, notice bards etc. Even the skip level meetings can be organized between the senior managers and low level employees.
Upward communication - Lower level employees also have to communicate with the higher level employees. Employees have to send their weekly or daily status reports to the senior managers. This can be done through emails or by having status calls. Employees also have to provide inputs and share information with the senior managers. Upward communication is very important in restaurants or in any other service industry for employee satisfaction. Employee should be given chance to raise their concerns and problems.
Horizontal communication - Communication between the employees of same level is called horizontal communication. Employees in a team have to interact with each other to achieve the goals and objectives of the project taken by the team (Simpson, 1959). Friendly and healthy environment in a team is very important for the proper functioning of restaurant operations.
Organization culture is very important for employee motivation. Organization culture includes values, visions, norms, language, beliefs and habits of the work force. Organization culture also includes the ways team members interact with each other. There are two types of organization culture which are usually followed by the organizations:
Hierarchical organization culture - Hierarchical organization culture makes the organization very organized. Organizations with large number of employees have to follow this culture because it makes easy to handle such a huge workforce (Johnson, 1992). In hierarchical organizational culture every senior member has some junior members working under him. This defines the roles and responsibilities of the employees very clearly.
Clan organizational culture - Clan organizational culture will be very helpful in the organization of hospitality industry because we don’t have large number of workforce in restaurants. Employees in this type of environment are very towards each other and they live like family members in the workplace. They try to help each other. Employees in a team are ready to take each other’s’ responsibilities in their absence.
Clan organization should be followed by the organizations in hospitality industry to deal with any internal or external change effectively.
Staff members in a restaurant should stay happy and motivated to perform up to the potential. Restaurant manager can use motivational theories such as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to keep the staff members motivated (Poston, 2009). The different five stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are as follows:
To satisfy the psychological needs employees should be given proper salaries, food to eat, lunch breaks, place to stay etc. Next is the safety. Employees should feel safe while working in the restaurant. After safety needs employee wants to satisfy his social needs. He wants to have luxury items like cars, laptops etc. restaurant manager has to provide these luxurious things on the basis of performance and job level of the employees. Employee also wants to get recognition and appreciation for the work he has done. Incentives and bonus should be given to the top performers and below average performers should be given proper training. Monetary benefits are the best motivators and employees should be given incentives in the form of cash. All the points mentioned above will hell a restaurant manager in keeping the staff motivated.
Restaurant manager has to motivate his employees and use the Maslow’s Hierarchical of Needs theory to keep his staff motivated and happy. Employee will be able to see growth potential in the restaurant and they will work very hard to get incentives, awards and promotions. Healthy competitive environment in a team can be implemented by implementing the Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Below are some of the other recommendations to improve the business environment and to keep the employees satisfied:
I believe I have the following managerial skills which are very helpful in hospitality industry:
All the above-mentioned qualities or skills are very important for anyone to be a god leader.
Below is the SWOT analysis on me as a manager (Helms, 2010):
Setting goals and objectives to achieve growth in life are very important. We have to analyze all the opportunities available to us and try to get them with the help of our strengths. I have made a plan for next four years which will help me in developing myself as a leader, manager and team player. I have studied managerial concepts during my study and I will try to implement my theoretical knowledge in the practical environment will try to perform better than the other team members. In the next four I see myself as a team leader in a famous hospitality organization such as Four Seasons, TAJ Hotels etc.
During these next four years my target is to get rid of my both the weaknesses. I will continuously focus on meditation and yoga to be calm always and never get angry on anyone. I will join some clubs which work on improving the public speaking skills. After getting rid of these weaknesses I will be more confident person.
Blake Mouton Grid is one of the famous techniques to find out your position as a manger. I think I am a team leader according to the Mouton Grid as I always believe in keeping employees happy and always giving proper attention to the problems and issues faced by the employees. I also encourage my employees to achieve high quality production (Blake, 1978). This will help me in keeping my employees motivated and satisfied and they will much better than the expectations. My strengths such as interpersonal skills will help me in lot in my career development. In hospitality industry we have to directly deal with the clients and I will be able to build a stronger relationship with the customers and this will help in the growth of both me and the organization. I will be able to take quick decisions regarding any new strategy or change in the organization. My friendly nature and my leadership style will help in creating a very nice environment in the workplace and all the employees will be able to innovate and put forward their new ideas and problems. All the skills mentioned above will increase my demand in the hospitality industry and I will be able to join the most reputed organization after getting some four-five years’ experience in the industry.
I am happy with my current performance and I see myself as a leader according to the Blake Mouton Grid but I am not satisfied with it and I need to develop my skills to be best in the industry. My first is my weaknesses. As I have already mentioned that I will work on them and will overcome my weaknesses in the next four years. Below are some of the other future plans to fulfil my development needs:
Developing yourself continuously is very important in today’s competitive environment. We studied different management styles, communication processes, organization culture which needs to be present in an organization in hospitality industry (Schein, 2006). Leader has to make sure that the best leadership style or communication process is being used in the appropriate situation. There is technique to analyze anyone and that is called SWOT analyses. On the basis of SWOT analyses we can develop a future plan for our growth and see how we can use our strengths to capture the opportunities available in the market.
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