Nelson College Unit 5 Food Beverage Operations Management

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Nelson College Unit 5 Food Beverage Operations Management
Nelson College Unit 5 Food Beverage Operations Management

Task 1

This Nelson College Food Beverage Operations Management Assignment is written as an individual in which scholar practising Hospitality Food and Beverage Operations Management Consultant and have been asked to prepare and present a variety of information on the food and beverage operations management

1. Food and beverage production and service systems

1.1 Discuss the characteristics of food production and food & beverage service systems

Food production system and styles are the significant part of hospitality industry. This sector is very complex and highly fragmented. It promotes the diversity from many different food cuisines and concepts (Wagen, 2002). The food production system is comprised of three parts:

  • Input – This includes the different types of ingredients, cooking machinery, material and items that will enter the system
  • Process – This involves different things that goes to the input procedures and changes it into the output
  • Output – This involves the finished form of food product

production methods for Nelson College Food Beverage Operations Management Assignment

There are five food production methods: traditional method, cook-freeze method, Souse vide method, centralised distribution and cook-chill method.

It involves all the factors like infrastructure and processes that are involved in making the food arrangements for an event. It also involves the consumption and later the disposal of food. The main aim of food and beverage service system is to achieve the customer satisfaction (Anderson, 2004). The needs that customer might be seeking to satisfy are:

  • Physiological: the need of special food items
  • Economic: the need for good value for the price paid
  • Social: a friendly atmosphere
  • Psychological: the need for enhancement of self?esteem
  • Convenience : the desire for someone else to do the work

Their aim is to provide the quality food and beverages to customers. They providers have to ensure the hygienic, safe and clean environment. They provide the comfortable facilities and value for money.

The main characteristics of Food and beverage industry are:

  • It is the most significant part of day to day life
  • This industry is major contributor to the economy
  • This is highly complex and fragmented
  • It creates large number of employment opportunities
  • It encourages the entrepreneurship
  • It promotes the diversity from many different food cuisines and concepts
  • This is innovative and consumer led
  • It fulfil the basic needs of the customers
  • The industry is highly competitive

1.2 Discuss factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems

Recipes and menu planning is the most important part of the food and beverage industry (Berridge, 2006). It dictates much about how your operation will be organized and managed, the extent to which it meet its goals, and even how the building itself - certainly the interior - should be designed and constructed. The recipes and menu planning for specific systems include the following features:

  • It reflects the tastes of the guests
  • It reflects the food preferences of guests
  • It ascertains the need of the guests.

The factors affecting recipes and menus for specific systems include:

Quality Standards – This includes the appropriate flavour, texture, shape, colour, palatability, visual appeal, consistency, aromatic appeal and temperature.

Nutritional Standards – This includes concerns of customers like low- fat diet, high fibre diet, vegetarian or non-vegetarian factors.

Availability of facilities – This includes factors like space available for cooking, equipment available, efficiency, work flow and availability of labour with required skills.

Availability of Ingredients–These factors includes the standard recipe, seasonal ingredients and related costs.

Miscellaneous Factors: These include the following

  • Needs and wants of the target market
  • Storage requirements
  • Personnel skills level
  • Price and Quality stability
  • Sanitation procedures
  • Economic conditions
  • Competition
  • Supply Level
  • Industry Trends
  • Internal operational system
  • Food items restrictions
  • Time required for preparation and cooking

Along with above mentioned factors, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is the main factor that influences the menu planning. It is a systematic approach to prevent the food from physical, chemical or biological hazards in the production process. HACCP is required to be used in all the stages of the food production (Bowdin, 2010). This is the extensive process that includes:

  • Conduct the hazard analysis
  • Identification of critical control points
  • Establishing the critical limits for all the critical control points
  • Establishing the monitoring requirements for critical control points
  • Establishing the corrective action.

1.3 Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems

The food cost can be defined as the percentage of total sales of restaurant and the spending on the food product. Normally around 28 – 30 % is considered as a performance measure of the kitchen manager as per the industry guidelines (Johnston, 2008).  It can be calculated as follows:

Total cost of production/ total sales of food *100

The benefits of food costs for a company enable it to provide the incentive to the chefs when they are able to achieve the targets. The organizational structure of a kitchen is dependent on the following factors:

  • Size and space of kitchen
  • Demand for the food
  • Number of food outlets
  • Type of menu
  • Requirement for equipment
  • Production location and service methods

The different chef’s employed by the hotel or restaurants are:

  • Sauce chef: Responsibilities include the sauté station and preparation of most of the sauces
  • Grill chef: Responsibilities for all grilled/broiled foods and their accompanying sauces
  • Roast chef: Responsible for all roasted items
  • Fish chef: Responsible for all fish and shellfish items
  • Vegetable chef: Responsible for all hot appetizers, soup and vegetable/starch/pasta
  • Pantry chef: Responsible for cold appetizers, canapés and salads
  • Relief Chef: Literally the “turning” chef, this chef fills in at any position
  • Pastry chef: Responsible for all baked items and sweets

2. The financial controls used in food and beverage operations

2.1 Discuss the use of financial statements in food and beverage operations

Financial statements are the records that give the details about the financial and accounting status of an organisation. The four main types of financial statements are – balance sheets, cash flow statements, income statements and retained earnings statements.In food and beverage operations, the evaluation of the raw material and products required by the catering business is an essential part of chef’s role.

The dish costing sheet is required for calculating the costs of all the portions of recipe. This also helps in calculating the selling price and the menu price.

Another financial statement important for the food and beverage operations is the operating statements. The operating statements are used for evaluating the performance of company and its financial position. This summarises the revenue and expenditure of the company over the particular period. It is also known as the profit and loss statement, income statement or statements of earnings. The equation of this statement is net income = revenue – expenses.

Variance analysis is also used by the food and beverage industry. It is associated with evaluating the difference between the actual cost and standard cost required for the good output. For instance, the difference between the raw material costs can be subdivided into the material usage variance and material price variance.

2.2 Demonstrate the use of cost and pricing processes

The cost and the pricing systems are required for improving the food costs. This is done in the following manner:

  • Use of accurate scales for checking the orders
  • Evaluating the mini inventory before placing any order
  • Rotating the costs by first in first out method
  • By having the correct ladles and scoops on the line at service
  • By using the appropriate recipes to make the orders
  • By evaluating the costs of particular dish before deciding the menu price.
  • By accepting the low margin items to increase the profitability
  • By frequently checking the portions for desired accuracy.

2.3 Analyse the purchasing process

Purchasing process refers to the activities of acquiring goods and services required for accomplishing the goals of an organisation (Uncklesbay, 1977). The main objectives of purchasing process are:

  1. To maintain the value and quality of products of an organisation
  2. To minimise the cash requirement for inventory
  3. To maintain the appropriate flow of inputs
  4. To maintain the appropriate flow of outputs
  5. To strengthen the competitive position of an organisation
  6. It also involves the review and development of product specifications
  7. evaluate the bids and advertising for the bids
  8. To inspect the received goods
  9. Appropriate storage of the goods
  10. Appropriate release of goods

Task 2

Students of this course are preparing for an event to celebrate ‘end of term’. I have done the necessary preparation and secured a local-community pub to host the party. I have invited all of my classmates, their spouses and children.

Among the 60 guests, 50 of them are adults and 10 children. Subsequently, I also have 10 vegetarians and 4 guests who suffer from diabetes. Therefore, I ought to consider appropriate Food & Beverages to satisfy everyone’s need. I should also have exciting options for children to eat and drink. It will be wise to have a selection of dessert/sweets to comfort everyone in the party. The total available budget is £840 for the Food and Beverages, and all serving staff.

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Task 3. Menus for hospitality events

3.1 Compile food and beverage menus for a hospitality event

This is a student’s event but menu planning is central to overall arrangement of the event. It will communicate everything about the entire operations. It drives the theme, image, quality, concept and overall mission (Anderson, 2004). Menu is consisting of the three sub parts – appetizers, main course and desserts. These various approach towards food and beverage planning are – self operated, franchise agreement, management contracting or out sourcing. The main menu considerations for the event are:

  • The guests
  • Recent trends
  • Food requirements
  • Operational and business considerations
  • Menu planning legislations
  • Flexibility
  • Nutritional balance
  • Ingredient balance
  • Obtaining the necessary license for serving the liquor

For the best menu planning, it is recommended to discuss it with the host of the event. This will make the planning task easy and as per the customer’s requirements. The rule of menu planning is not to run out of food. Menu planning is a comprehensive task and hence requires lots of efforts to make it as per customer service.

Menu sample for the given event:

Appetizers 1.    Honey potatoes 2.    Chilly Cheese 3.    Roasted Chicken
Main Course 1.    Chicken Burger 2.    Club Sandwiches 3.    Cheese and Ham toasty 4.    Classic Salad 5.    Pancakes
Dessert 1.    Chocolate Brownie 2.    Apple Pie
Drinks 1.    Soft Drinks 2.    Lemonade (Sugar Free)

This menu has covered the entire guest – vegetarians, non-vegetarians, diabetics and the kids.  So this is probably the perfect menu planning for the event.

3.2 Justify the selection and suitability of recipes for menus

The menu decided for the event has considered all the guests and their preferences like vegetarians, non-vegetarians, diabetics and the kids.  So the selection and suitability of recipes for the menu are justified. For the recipe the most important factor is the ingredients and their availability. It includes:

  • Standard recipe
  • Availability of required ingredients
  • Seasonal ingredients
  • Cost
  • Storage factors

Apart from these the recipe should also comply with the nutritional factors. This includes concerns of guests like low- fat diet, high fibre diet, vegetarian or non-vegetarian factors. Along with these factors, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is the main factor that influences the menu planning. It is a systematic approach to prevent the food from physical, chemical or biological hazards in the production process (Potter, 1995).

Since all the factors are considered well for the event, so the selection and suitability of recipes for menu are very well justified.

4. Food and beverage services for hospitality events

4.1 Plan a food and beverage service for a hospitality event within an agreed budget

Methodand styles of food and beverage services: The various methods and styles of food and beverages services include (Hamada, 2005):

  • Table service – In this the guests are seated in a specific area and they are provided with the menu lists. Later the orders are taken from the waiters and the food is provided to them on table.
  • Assisted Services – In this the guests enters the area where food is served and help themselves in serving the food. Under this they partly get served from the waiters.
  • Self –Service - In this the guests enters the area where food is served and help themselves in serving the food
  • Single point service – in this method the guest orders the food and served from the single point at counter.
  • Specialised services – Under this method the guests is served at the place that is not meant for consuming the food. For example the guests want to have the food at their resting area.

Since this is the student’s event, the best way of serving suited for this is self-service. In this the guests will enter the area where food is served and help themselves in serving the food as per their preferences. This will also come in the budget as it will save the cost involved with waiters and other service providers. My decision regarding the self-service method is well justified.

4.2 Implement the planned service maintaining standards of quality and health, safety and security.

The maintenance of quality, health safety and security of the planned services depends on the HACCP standards and maintaining the menu planning strategies (Blumberg, 1997).

Menu Planning Strategy: This involves:

  • Rationalization and simplification of the operational efficiency
  • Streamlining the purchasing, storing and producing the items as per menu design
  • Using the high quality convenience foods that will help in reducing the cost of raw material
  • Analysing the need and want of the invited guests
  • Planning the several items from the same ingredients
  • Various pricing approaches like determining the cost of ingredients and determining the multiplier. For example if the cost of food is 40% the multiplier will be 1/40% = 2.5. This will help in improving the cost efficiency.

Along with above mentioned factors, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is the main factor that influences the menu planning. It is a systematic approach to prevent the food from physical, chemical or biological hazards in the production process. HACCP is required to be used in all the stages of the food production (Bowdin, 2010). This is the extensive process that includes:

  • Conduct the hazard analysis
  • Identification of critical control points
  • Establishing the critical limits for all the critical control points
  • Establishing the monitoring requirements for critical control points
  • Establishing the corrective action.

4.3 Evaluate factors to determine the success of the service, making recommendations for improvement.

  1. CustomerService: This is foremost consideration of the services in food and beverages industry. This is the most critical factor for the success. The staff must be properly trained and must be capable of resolving the conflicts that may arise during planning the event.Quality services ensure the sustainability of the customers and attracting the guests again and again.
  2. Advertising:This is important for targeting the customers and caters them as per their needs. For example, some hotels advertise as an ideal location for business travellers by giving corporate discounts.
  3. Cost Control: Managing costs is a critical factor in for the success of food and beverage industry. Most hotels vary their rates according to high and low seasons. Additionally, the establishment of a loyalty program enables hotels to lower rates for repeat guests while charging different rates for others.
  4. Product Differentiation:The various operators of food and beverage industry thrive by offering guests a unique experience. This uniqueness may stem from the location: A rural hotel in the heart of the Tuscan countryside may offer Italian cooking classes, whereas a boutique hotel in Morocco might offer a hookah lounge. Other times, the differentiation is within the hotel itself


  • Anderson, J. (2004) Teamwork: Interactive Tasks to Get Students Talking. New York: Delta
  • Berridge, G. (2006) Event Design and Experience. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Blumberg, J. (1997). Nutritional Needs of Seniors. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 16, 6 517-523.
  • Bowdin, G., McDonnell, I., Allen, J., O’Toole, W. (2010) Events Management 3rd edition. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
  • Goldblatt, J. (2010) Special Events: A New Generation and the Next Frontier. New York: Wiley.
  • Hamada, R., Okabe, J., Ide, I., Satoh, S., Sakai, S., and Tanaka, H. (2005). Cooking navi: assistant for daily cooking in kitchen. Proc. International Multimedia Conference
  • Johnston, R. and Clark, G. (2008) Service Operations Management. London: Prentice Hall.
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