Unit 12: Hospitality Provision in Travel and Tourism Sector

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Unit 12: Hospitality Provision in Travel and Tourism Sector
Unit 12: Hospitality Provision in Travel and Tourism Sector
Introduction And background notes             Assignment Context and the Scenario

This assignment consists of three tasks aimed at helping the learner understand the nature and structure of the contemporary hospitality industry as well as the scope and scale of the hospitality operations management. Consider yourself as a trained travel and tourism executive with only a little exposure to the hospitality operations and you will be posted to oversee hospitality projects in your new organization. As a management development process, you have been posted to several sites within the company and you are required to submit a report to the senior management to demonstrate your understanding of the hospitality operations. Your Report therefore will have the following 3 tasks (next page) to be addressed. Although the tasks in this assignment are all based on the scenario provided above you need to support your discussion with relevant theories and concepts.


Choose a medium to large travel and tourism organization with hospitality operations. Consider you are being posted at the company Head Quarter with visiting assignments in a number of sites with hospitality operations for a period of 6 months. Provide a one-page summary of your chosen organization as an introduction. Avoid using cut and paste materials when writing and completing assignment. Any scenario related materials could be attached in the appendix.

Recommended word limit is 3000, excluding the introduction and appendices, if any.

Tasks What you must do Grading Criteria
Task 1: LO 1:

A. Discuss the scope and scale of the hospitality industry within the travel and tourism sector with a global perspective and examine the role of hospitality function using your experience in your chosen organisation.

B. Examine the role of hospitality provisions within the travel and tourism operations and discuss the interrelationship between hospitality and travel and tourism

  LO 2: A. Explain integration in hospitality and travel and tourism businesses and discuss with example drawn from your organization how horizontal and vertical integration in the industry affects the hospitality organisations. B. Discuss the impacts of integration and how the organizational change decides to respond to the consequences of integration. Consider both vertical and horizontal integrations.   LO 3:

A. Produce a project proposal for a new hospitality business outlining the product-service concept, target market, location, operating model (including staffing), and design based on a thorough market potential analysis with suitability and acceptability criteria in mind.

B. Briefly outline and assess the financial feasibility of the proposed project based on the expected cash-flow analysis.

P 1.1
  P 1.1, M 1
  Task 2:   P 2.1
P 2.2
M 2
D 1
  Task 3:   P 3.1
P 3.2
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Learning outcomes Pass
LO1 Understand the role of the hospitality industry within the travel and tourism sector 1.1 discuss the interrelationship between hospitality and wider travel and tourism business
LO2 Understand the impact of integration within the hospitality industry 2.1  analyse the implications of integration to the hospitality industry 2.2  discuss how integration has affected a hospitality business
LO3 Be able to plan the development of hospitality business 3.1  develop a rationale for a selected project clearly justifying decisions linked to target market 3.2  develop a plan for a hospitality business including the operational requirements of the business organisational structure in relation to human resource allocation
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LO 1 Understand the role of the hospitality industry within the travel and tourism sector

1.1 Discuss the interrelationship between hospitality and wider travel and tourism business.

Hospitality sector has gained much importance in present world and lots of businesses which also includes the travel and tourism industry. It helps in handling the tourists who travel from one place to other. The satisfaction of the customers of the travel and tourism business is the foremost aim and their expectations are to be fulfilled according to the set standards so that they can be satisfied. There are many organizations operating today to provide the travel and tourism services to the travelers and also provide hospitality services. One of these organization is the Trip advisory which is basically a website which invites people to share their experiences about different places in the world where they visited. So, Trip advisory set the standards and provides the information about various destinations in the world which is based on the personal experiences and suggestions of the travelers. (News, 2015)

The travelers who want to travel to a particular destination can read the reviews based on personal experiences of the people and make their own choice regarding the destinations, food and service, hotels and sites etc.

The hospitality sector includes the hotel business, accommodation services, entertainment activities providers, restaurants, cafes, catering, etc. the main need of the travelers after reaching to the destination is to seek for accommodation. Accommodation services can be provided by a hotel, motel or guest houses. The hotel staff has the responsibility to take café of the tourists and to provide them quality services. It depends on the package of the traveler that which type of hotel or accommodation is provided to them. It is the responsibility of the accommodation providers to take care of any problems faced by the tourist and to provide them proper services which includes maintenance, room service, cleaning service, laundry services, etc. the hotel services in different countries are not the same. It depends on their star rating that what quality of services they provide to the customers. (News, 2015)

Restaurants are the places where the traveler can eat and drink according to his requirement and choice. Every restaurant is different in terms of ambience, menu variety, prices, services, etc. The choice of the restaurants is often made on the basis of the recommendations by the staff of the place of accommodation or the other tourists. Tourists also visit cafes to fulfill their needs of beverages and snacks. The menu of the café has fewer items than of the restaurant. (Gibson, 2012)

The entertainment providers are the cinema theatres, shopping malls and amusement parks which provides entertainment to the tourist. These places also include the food and beverage service because people need them while getting entertainment. (Ferguson, 2010)

This is the connection between the hospitality and d the travel and tourism business because none of them can operate effectively without each other.


Ferguson. (2010). Travel and Tourism. Infobase Publishing. Gibson, P. (2012). Cruise Operations Management: Hospitality perspectives. Oxon: Routledge. News, G. T. (2015). Current state travel tourism industry. Retrieved 12 01, 2015, from http://www.eturbonews.com/34206/current-state-travel-tourism-industry

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