Unit 22 Public Relations and Promotion in Travel and Tourism

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Unit 22 Public Relations and Promotion in Travel and Tourism
Unit 22 Public Relations and Promotion in Travel and Tourism
This Public Relations and Promotion in Travel and Tourism Assignment is a part of BTEC HND Tourism and Travel Course and it is given Icon College of Technology and Management.
Assignment- 1 Title Planning a Public Relations and Promotion Campaign for a Destination
Scenario and Assignment Context:

One of the key role of a National Tourism Organisation (NTO) is to build a positive image of the destination and to promote its tourism attractions and other related products to its   targeted international visitors.

Assuming that you have taken up a position as a PR consultant and marketing principles manager for a popular tourist destination but with a tarnishing image lately. You are assigned with the task of planning an effective Public Relations and Promotion campaign to be implemented within six months by the National Tourism Authority (NTO). This requires you to present a report with the tasks below


Identify a suitable tourist destination (consult the tutor, if necessary) before you start working on the tasks. You may choose either a Mediterranean destination or a tropical destination from Africa or Asia. Thoroughly research the tourism profile, attractions and products, destination attributes or characteristics as well as the current market segments and their preferences etc. Collect all relevant data with sources and write a one-page summary of the destination profile to be presented as an introduction. Recommended word count is 2000.

Tasks Learning Outcomes Assessment Criteria
1 A)

Discuss the role and scope of public relations as a promotional tool to be applied in your chosen tourist destination.


Analyse and discuss the diversity of publics or audiences, including the current and potential visitors and other stakeholders within a travel and tourism context.

Undertake an audit of the internal and external environments within the context of setting relevant goals and objectives   for the campaign using a range of PR and promotion skills.

 Develop a public relation plan with appropriate promotional objectives from task 2 and develop and review relevant strategies to achieve the PR objectives.

LO1  P 1.1
LO2  P 1.3
LO3 P 1.2, M1 P 2.1  
LO4 P 4.1, D1 P 4.1, 4.2. M2, D2
Assignment 2 Title Implementation of Media Strategy for a UK based Travel and Tourism Organisation
Scenario and Assignment Context

Consider yourself as a marketing executive in charge of selecting the right media for public relations and promotion activities of a UK based travel and tourism organisation. Assuming that you have had years of experience working with a range of media firms directly or through PR and advertising agencies, carry out this assignment.

You should be in a position to evaluate the various media agencies suitable for your travel and tourism company (it could be an airline or tour operator) within the context of the target audience to be reached.

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Hint: Choose a medium to large UK based tour operator or an airline company for your assignment. Research and collect relevant materials and data about the travel and tourism company chosen and summarize in one-page as an introduction (not included in the word count). Recommended work count is for this assignment is 1000, excluding the introduction.

Tasks Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria
3 A)   Identify and analyse a range of media suitable for the public relations campaign for your chosen firm and assess the relationship between public relations in the travel and tourism sector and the media.   B)   Apply your PR and promotional skills and evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen media for the use in the chosen travel and tourism organisation.     LO 3       LO 3   P 3.1 P3.2 M 3     P 3.2 P 2.1 D 3
Learning outcomes Pass Criteria
LO1: Understand the role and importance of effective public relations for travel and tourism. 1.1  Evaluate the role of public relations within the travel and tourism sector a as a promotional tool. 1.2  Analyse publics within a travel and tourism context. 1.3  Discuss the importance of public relations to travel and tourism business
LO2: Be able to apply public relations and promotions skills within a travel and tourism context. 2.1 Apply a range of public relations and promotions skills to travel and tourism context.
LO3: Understand the use of media in public relations applied to travel and tourism. 1.4  Analyse media used in public relations 1.5  Assess the relationship between public relations and the media. 1.6  Evaluate the appropriateness of media used with different public relations techniques in travel and tourism context.
LO4: Be able to create a public relations plan in a travel and tourism context. 4.1  Produce a public relations plan, which identifies objectives and key publics. 4.2  Review the effectiveness of the public relations plan.
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LO 1: Understand the role and importance of effective public relations and promotion in travel and tourism

1.3 Discuss the importance of public relations to travel and tourism business

Travel and tourism business is a very crucial part of the economy and it is very important for the services of the travel and tourism to be excellent so that more and more customers will be satisfied but it needs public relations to function well. The public relations are very important in this business of Travel and Tourism.

Public relations act as a promotional method for the Travel and tourism business. It is used in promoting a particular place or destination, building good image of a destination and it also grabs the attention of the travelers. It has a positive effect on the customers. The role of Public relations to the Travel and Tourism business is discussed below:

It creates awareness: The Public relations creates awareness in public about the business practices of the Travel and Tourism, about the company and about the different tourism destinations. It grabs the attention of the public and makes them aware about the activities of the business. (Ceylan, 2015)

Communication: Public relations are very important in the travel and tourism business because without communication, the business will not be able to operate effectively. There are two types of communication, internal communication and External communication and both are used widely in the Public Relations. When the company communicates with its employees it is the internal communication and when the company communicates with the customers, suppliers or the shareholders about the business, it is the external communication. (Portal, 2015)

Management of the negative publicity: Public Relations also manage the negative publicity of the business. The tourism business is based on the good reputation and image and when the reputation of the company is affected then the Public relations are used as a tool to deal with the situation. It overcomes the critical situation of negative publicity and tries to cover it with the positive publicity so that the business can again gain its image.

Sponsorship: Sponsorship is the method by which mutual benefits can be gained by the company of travel and tourism and the other company for which is company is giving its sponsorship. The sponsorship is the activity by which poitive reputation can be gained and it attracts more public towards the brand. It gives mutual benefits to both the companies. For e.g. a travel and tourism company can distribute free passes to its customers for the World Cup (Cricket) event. It benefits both the event and the travel and tourism company. (Portal, 2015)

Credibility: Public Relations help in building the credibility of the business. For any business successful operations are very important. Public relations will grab the attention of most of the customers and enhance the image of the company which makes it successful. (Ceylan, 2015)

These are some points of importance of Public Relations to the Travel and Tourism Business.


Ceylan, M. (2015). Public Relations as a tool of Tourism marketing. Retrieved 12 20, 2015, from http://www.grin.com/en/e-book/85740/public-relations-as-a-tool-of-tourism-marketing Portal, D. (2015). A descriptive research on the promotional tools used in the tourism industry. Retrieved 12 20, 2015, from http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:239881/FULLTEXT01.pdf If you need help in Public Relations and Promotion in Travel and Tourism Assignment, you are just click away, click on below button.

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