Unit 9 Empowering Users of Health social care

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Unit 9 Empowering Users of Health social care
Unit 9 Empowering Users of Health social care
This is solution of Empowering Health social care users Assignment, given in East End College for HND Health and Social Care Course


The assignment is based on the concepts, principles, policies and acts related to the health and social care sector. There are in all 3 tasks that have to be answered. Task 1 is based on the case study of Bob Small. We will discuss on the care plan that has to be followed for him and the organizational and legislative policies that have to be followed with the patients of similar situations. Task 2 is based on the Case Study of Jean Barlow. We will discuss on the importance and the factors affecting the self-medication in this case scenario. We will analyse the risks involved in self-medication and how they could be overcome. Task 3 is based on case study of Mr. H. We will discuss on the dietary needs of him. We will study on the risk assessment policy and legislations pertaining to the organization that have to be followed in this case scenario. The major importance of this case study would be studying on the effectiveness of organizational risk assessment policy and procedures and importance of communication in health and social care sector.

Case Study 1

Mr. Bob Small has been living in a residential care and is suffering from deafness, stress related illnesses and stroke. He is also a diabetic patient who gets frustrated and even harms himself. He enjoys doing creative activities and spends his time well with them.

1. Desired outcomes for Bob and the steps to be taken to meet his needs.

Goals of Need Desired Outcomes Ways of achieving it Who is responsible Time Scale
Developing creative activities. He will enjoy these activities and remains busy 1.      Organizing programs and events. 2.      Developing games that are creative. 3.      Giving him vocational training programs The entire team of residential care home. 2 Months
Keeping him busy in interactions with others. This will help him develop his skills in communication and interactions. 1.      Organizing group discussions. 2.      Debates, seminars and deaf oriented activities. Nurses, doctors and therapists. 1 Month
Keeping him away from the things that cause anxiety. This will help in keeping him in control and not harming himself 1.      Keeping his environment safe and secure. 2.      Getting him surrounded by people who are not like him. Nurses, doctors and therapists. 1 Month
Organizing few engagement activities. This will help him remain happy and satisfied 1.      Keeping the lively environment. 2.      Rewarding the service users for their behaviour. Trainers and therapists 2 Months

These activities and new kind of programs will help in keeping Bob Small busy and this way a control and monitoring could be carried out on his behaviour. This will prevent self-harm activities, anger and frustration that he has been showing (Skocpol, 1997).

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2. How current legislation and sector skills standards influence organizational policies and practices for promoting and maximizing rights of Bob and other service users in similar situations & how organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care services.

Legislation and Sector skill standards influence organizational policies and practices and promoting and maximizing rights of Bob and other service users in the following ways:

  • Promoting the rights and equality among the service users – These standards and legislations ensure that each and every individual or the service user who is part of the residential care is given equal treatment and benefits. They should be made to learn the skills of handling the problems even in the absence of the staff.
  • Ensuring timely and tracked processes pertaining to inspection and audits – These standards help in keeping a control and timely track on the audits and the inspections that have to be organized within the organization.
  • Ensuring the team and staff involved in the care and social care of Bob and other similar service users are performing their responsibilities and accountabilities properly and on timely intervals.
  • They help in setting certain organizational policies, procedures and practices that will help in the professional development and meeting the changing health needs of the individuals (Wilson & Yoshikawa, 2007).

Based on the changing needs in health and social care, organizations are introducing such policies and practices whereby the team employed is making sure that the service users are satisfied and taken care of properly. This is possible through the means of the effective training of the staff and the employees who are employed in the residential care. When they will have the idea and knowledge on the handling of equipment and the tools and follow the legislations like

  • Human Rights Act 1998.
  • Right to equality and equal treatment.
  • Medication administration act 1988.
  • Safety and independence act 2005.

Then surely the residential care services users would be taken care of very well. These processes, practices and the procedures ensure that all are taken well care of.

Case Study 2

Jean Barlow has been discharged from the hospital after 7 weeks. Before her hospitalization, she used to manage everything quite well. After hospitalization, she has lost her confidence in managing things as she has become forgetful.

Questions 1

a) Analysis of the presenting factors which might affect decisions to self-medicate

Jean Barlow has been medicated in the hospital and she has become very weak and lost her confidence. She used to carry all her activities by herself but now is dependent on the others to fulfil her tasks and activities. The presenting factors which might affect the decisions to self-medicate are:

  • Jean has become forgetful.
  • She used to carry out all her activities by herself before her hospitalization.
  • She wants to regain her independence.
  • He has been quite anxious to prove her skills to others (Varcarolis & Halter, 2012).

b) Identifying the risks likely to occur.

Self-Medication is essential but in case carried out by gaining proper wisdom and information on how to perform the various activities that are part of it. Unless all the aspects are taken care of, it would lead to the various risks like:

  • It may cause harm to the health in case any delay has been carried out in taking the effective medication and treatment – In case any treatment or the medication has been taken in wrong time or in a wrong manner then it may lead to failure of health and social care self-medication program.
  • Wrong diagnosis being done on oneself – In case even a single activity is being carried out in a wrong way of the diagnosis then it may lead to failure of events.
  • Incorrect procedures been carried out on the medical administration – There is necessity for the following of the right practices, procedures and the methods of the medical administration.
  • Wrong therapy and dosage choice that has been taken – Sometimes service users may forget the actual way of the dosage and the therapy and may be taken in other way which may prove to be fatal.
  • There could be risk of dependence.

c) What measures could be introduced to minimize risks?

Risks may arise as discussed above due to the self-medication program. It is always advisable that certain things have to be kept in mind so that these risks could be minimized and avoided:

  • The service user should be first given on job kind of the training of doing the self-medication for at least 15 days. This means that he should perform all tasks of self-medication by himself but under the supervision of nurse or any medical representative. This will help him in getting corrected in case, any wrong therapy, diagnosis and treatment is followed by him.
  • Service user should also be provided with a manual whereby he could study in case he is forgetting on any kind of medication and treatment that he has to carry out.
  • Certain notes, alarms could be put before the service user that may remind him of the time to treat him (Ryan et al, 1995).

By just remembering and following of the training programs and the service manuals would greatly help the individual in overcoming the risks that are involved in the self-medication program.

d) Advantages and disadvantages of Jean’s self-medication

Jean wants to be doing the self-medication. It will have the following advantages:

  • She may recover from her illness faster.
  • She would become independent in carrying out her activities herself.
  • She will gain confidence and recover faster when she would be able to treat herself without taking help from others.
  • As decided by her, she would be once again able to prove herself.

There are certain disadvantages also associated with this program:

  • In case she will not be able to carry out her self-confidence, it might happen that she may lose her confidence and independence forever.
  • She may not be able to perform the self-medication activities herself and feel unhappy and dissatisfied by herself.
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e) Should Jean be encouraged to self-medicate at this time?

Yes Jean should surely be encouraged to do her self-medication herself. This will help her in following ways:

  • She will gain her confidence and independence for herself.
  • She will get happy and recover faster.
  • She may not depend on anybody for taking and doing her diagnosis and treatment.

This should be done only if the staff and the representatives take the proper accountability of fist giving her the proper training and then expecting her to perform her self-medication by herself. It is always necessary that to give training to the service user so that they are able to carry out the programs and the diagnostics activities by themselves.

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Case Study 3

Mr. H is having a moderate learning disability, semi-independency and mental health. He even exhibits the challenging behaviour. He is given a choice of making his own food that has rice and chicken in hid diet. He remains forgetful and shows mood swings.

Question 2: Supporting Mr. H to meet his dietary needs managing the tension to enable Mr. H to cook his meal safely and your responsibility to ensure his safety and that of others

In case Mr. H has to be supported in terms of meeting his dietary needs then the following should be done so that is ensured that he is making his food himself and safely:

  • Alarms, notes and reminders to be set for him so that remembers when and what has to be prepared.
  • He needs to be given a diet chart that will help him follow on what all has to be included in his diet every day and in each meal that he should take.
  • In order to maintain safety, he should be given automatic devices that themselves get switched and closed off in case not in use. This will help in saving the devices from failure and maintaining safety into the systems.
  • As a medical support, I would check and re-check the devices, tools and equipment so that it is ensured that Mr. H may not have forgotten the switching off the devices which are not automatic.

Question 3: Analysis of the effectiveness of policies procedures in management of risks

Risk is said to be a situation where there is a danger involved in its execution. The factors that are leading to the risks are: social exclusion, dementia, medication and abusive family. The policies, practices and the procedures that the organizations like residential care prepare for itself helps in the assessment and the overcoming and handling of the various risks. The copy of organizational risk assessment policy has been obtained and analysed. It has been found out that it is effective as it helps in the following ways:

  • Making sure all activities, procedures are taking place as per the instructions and the timelines (Pietroni, 1992).
  • Controls and monitors the standard operating procedures being followed in the organization or not.

Question 4: Current legislations, code of practice, policy on medication administration in a residential home and evaluation of the effectiveness of these in line with health and social care requirements.

The current legislations, code of practice and the policy on the medication administration that have been followed in the residential home are:

  • Equality in choices, medication and the rights of the service users. This says that each service user should be given equal level of medication, care and the support irrespective of the condition. The staff of the care home should be trained well in this regard.
  • Giving proper training and development programs to these service users so that they are known about the activities and practices they need to follow.
  • All the Nurses, Doctors, Therapists and the specialists have to be known and made to know on the essential factors and situations that they need to keep in mind to ensure safety and security of the service users.

Question 5: Using effective communication to promote and maximize the rights of service users in health and social care

Communication plays a key role in health and social care. It has to be clear, concise and transparent among the hospital team, staff, service users and their families. When the communication would be effective then it will promote and maximize the rights and privileges of the service users in health and social care. In order to ensure that the communication is effective the follow strategies should be enforced:

  • Working on the model of both written and verbal modes of communication – This will help in easy references of the steps, procedures and the practices that have been communicated to the people (Norman & Redfern, 1997).
  • Distribution of the service standards, code of conduct and the practices in the written formats of manuals that could easily be referred by the service users as well as the staff of the residential care. This will help in making a clarity and transparency on the rules, regulations and the standards that have to be followed.
  • After communication, the message has to be repeated and experimentally shown for the special care service users who may not be able to understand the message in one go. This will help in better delivery and understanding of the message. Repetition will help in stressing of the message and its correct implementation.
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Question 6: Factors that contribute to loss of independence, non-participation and social exclusion for service.

There are various factors that contribute to the loss of independence, non-participation and the social exclusion for the services:

  • Lack of Unity and clear understanding of the code of conduct and the practices that are to be followed with the service users – The staff of the residential care has to possess unity and follow the correct code of conduct and the practices so as to ensure that there is effective and clear implementation of the policies and the practices.
  • Lack of support – The staff should help the service users in becoming independent so that they could easily carry out their activities even in the absence of the medical representatives. In case they will not support the service users then it may lead to a social exclusion and loss of independence kind of an environment with regard to the service and the service users. There should be a clear control and monitoring of the patients and the staff should support them in all ways so that their loneliness, challenging behaviour and the frustration could be eliminated.

It is always advisable that both service users as well as the staff should get the benefit of training and developmental needs so they all remain quite aware of their accountabilities and responsibilities (Betancourt et al, 2003).

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Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., & Ananeh-Firempong 2nd, O. 2003. Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care. Public health reports118(4), 293. Moos, R. H., & Schaefer, J. A. 1987. Evaluating health care work settings: a holistic conceptual frameworkPsychology and Health1(2), 97-122. Norman, I. J., & Redfern, S. J. (Eds.). 1997. Mental health care for elderly people. Elsevier Health Sciences. Pietroni, P. C. 1992. Towards reflective practice-the languages of health and social care. Journal of Interprofessional Care6(1), 7-16. Reuben, D. B., & Tinetti, M. E. 2012. Goal-oriented patient care—an alternative health outcomes paradigm. New England Journal of Medicine, 366(9), 777-779.

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