How to Top Your Class

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How to Top Your Class
How to Top Your Class

Being a topper is not always everything. It’s not compulsory that only after being a topper one can achieve the best, reach the higher level. One should first need to identify their strength, what are they good at, what they want to do, what field they like the most and most importantly, one need to classify them. If you have achieved all this then you are already a topper.

If you wish to be topper throughout your life, only focus on what you are studying and give your 100% to it without thinking whether you will emerge as a topper or not. Ensure you have the strongest concept of that particular subject whichever you are studying and you will surely stand out from the crowd.

1. Patience

This is definitely an important trait; patience will get you far in life. Think about yourself. Imagine sitting in your class for whatever you do, your task is to solve an equation for the variable x. The kid next to you rushes like crazy and completes the math problem correctly. The class wows at him, but the next year he is in your class again. There is a much harder problem on the board and he rushes to solve it. He gets it wrong. Do you know why? Because if you do not take the time to really think about something, and you cannot do it immediately. You get frustrated. This is scientifically proven to decrease productivity and focus. If you want to top your class, be patient, and think it through, otherwise, you just may get frustrated and that's the last thing you want. Frustration will put you at the bottom of your class forget the top.

How to top your class

2. Focus

Everywhere that focus helps you succeed, and do well at whatever you are doing. A couple examples being "Eyes on the Road" or "Don't Drink and Drive” Even in tennis, if you do not focus on the ball then how will you hit it? The answer is, you won't hit it and you will suck at tennis. This holds true in a classroom setting as well. If you are working on a test and trying to communicate to your friend on the other side, rather time will run out to complete the test or you'll just mess up on what you do answer.  This will definitely put you on the road to topping your class. 

3. Perseverance

Last but not least, to top your class, you need lots and lots of perseverance. Topping your class is not an overnight job, it takes weeks, sometimes months. Your work needs to be of better quality than your peers, isn't that all topping your class really is? To make your work better quality, you have to persevere. You need to persevere for knowledge, and how to make better quality, presentable work. This will throw you over the top of all your classmates. And you will become the top in your class.

4. Be disciplined

 Discipline is a key factor and one of the main characteristics to top your class. Unless you are a genius, you would not reach your goal being at the top of the class unless you are disciplined. You require managing your time, complete assignments efficiently and study.

These are some steps to bring success to you and everyone else and to become the topper in your class. Follow these steps to top your class, and have a great and successful career!