Unit 18 Difference Between HRM and Personnel Management Assignment

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Unit 18 Difference Between HRM and Personnel Management Assignment
Unit 18 Difference Between HRM and Personnel Management Assignment
Unit 18 Difference Between HRM and Personnel Management Assignment


Human resource management is one of the most useful tools in the business market in the present times and the reason for this is that it only helps the management of the companies, especially the international companies to keep track of the employees that they have but also on work on the relationship that they will share and the things that they have for the development and the success of the employees. The aspects that are related to the same will be discussed in the different parts of this assignment with references to the companies and their working style. (Human Resource Management, 2009)

Task 1

1.1. Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.

There are many tools and techniques in the business market and the point that has to be kept in mind for all of them is that they have their own version of simplicity and complexity and it is in the hands of the management of the related companies to decided the magnitude that they want to use in the operations of the company. The same is the case with the way the employees are being managed in the present times. The first concept that is there is something which is called the personnel management which related to the small scale companies in which they only make sure that the employees of the company know what they have to do and the attendance that they give for these tasks. But the international companies that operate on the worldwide platform used the advanced form of this technique which is called the human resource management wherein the employees are treated as the asset for the company which has to be maintained and developed with time and efforts. This is the reason that the companies like the marks and Spencer make use of the tools to give the employees proper growth and professional development. (Dozier, 2013)

1.2. Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

Marks and Spencer is a world class company that has many tour operations in different parts of the world and they are a vital part of the fashion industry because the kind of products that they offer to the people are not only accepted but also appreciated by the customers and the people alike and this is the reason that it becomes even more important for the management of the company to make sure that the employee  base of the company is on the side of the company so that they can continue to have the position that they have currently. Having the human resource department in the working of the company has played in the favour of the company as this has made it possible for the management and the employees to have a connection with each other which they can use in the market to present a united front and complete all the operations which have to be done for the achievement of the goals. It has also helped the employees to get their expectations fulfilled by the company that they work for and also got the opportunities that they needed to prove their worth and establish a career. (Colorado, 2011)

1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organisation or familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

Considering the scale of operations of marks an Spencer it will be safe to say that if the company was not divided in to different departments and teams then it would have been very difficult for the management and the employees to do the work that has to be done for the degree of success that they aim for and when there are team and departments in the company, it is bound that there will also be leaders and heads. Similarly, even they have a very crucial role that they play in the work that has to be done by the human resource department as they are the ones that interact with the employees of the company and therefore will be the first one to know about any expectations that they might have from the management. They are the ones who will know what makes the members of the team tick and they can assist the human resource department to make the policies and the plans which will be in favour of the employees and using these plans and policies they can motivate the teams and departments to do their work to the best of their ability and succeed.  (Belcher, 2008)

1.4. Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

When it comes to the working of the business market it will be safe to say that there are many aspects that have an impact in the operations of the company and it is the duty of the management of the company to make sure that they cover the impact that they will have on the working and this is so that they can make sure that the goals that they have set for the future can be achieved and they can have a longer tenure in the business market. The rules that are made by the government have to be taken very seriously by the management of the company not only so that they can sustain in the market but also to avoid any legal hassles that they can have if they cross the line drawn by the government. As for the employees of the company there are rules which imply that they have to be paid the wages that they have earned and they should be fair and just and there should be no discrimination done by the management of the company on the basis of the age, sex, religion or background and they should be treated with respect. (Magloff, 2014)

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Task 2


Difference of opinion between the management and the employees of the company is not a new thing in the business market as it has been happening from the start of time and will continue to happen in the future. But the one thing that the companies have to do is that they have to be solved in the right frame of time sot hat they do not start hampering the condition of the company and the quality of work that they have do to hold the position that they have made.

2.1 Analysing the reasons for human resource planning

Employees are the biggest and the most valuable assets that are there for any company in the current times and the management of the companies need to ensure that the employees have been given all that they want from the company so that the connection that they have will be strong at all times and the employees will be motivated to do the best that they can for the achieve of the already set goals. The one thing that can seen in the business market is that there are many companies that have now started to have a different department altogether for the human resource that they have and this is so that all the actions that have to be taken in reference to the employees will be managed and conducted in the right manner by the professional that have the experience and the qualification to deliver the desired results. Human resource management in the present time is far more complicated than it was in the past wherein the most that the management did for the employees of was take the daily head count. Monitor the attendance and the performance graph of the employees and ensure that the salaries that they have earned have been delivered to them at time. but presently the need of the human resource management longs a very long way and the first and the foremost reason is that the employees belong to the different strata of the society and have their own backgrounds therefore the demands and the expectations that they will have from the company that they work for is going to be different as well. HRM helps the company to understand these demands of the employees and then find the right ways in which they can be fulfilled. Another thing that id done by the means of HRM is that the employees are motivated to do their best that they can for the tasks that they have been allotted during their tenure in the company and the tools and techniques of HRM lets them know what will suit the working style and achievement goals. (Educational Business Articles, 2011)

2.2 Outlining the stages involved in planning human resource requirements

Every process that is there in the business market is becoming very complex for the companies to follow and all this is because of the change in the trends and patterns of the working market and the impact that it bears on the future of the companies. The companies have to be on their toes at all times so that they can adapt to the changes that they face in the market as this is the only way that hey can ensure that they have a longer and more success tenure in the business market. The same is the case with the human resource department of every company in all the industries of the economy and the management of marks and Spencer make sure that they have a draft that they can follow for the procedure since this is an aspect in which they cannot any sort of failure. Being an international company as it is, the very first thing that they need to do for the planning process is that they need to have the right head count of the number of employees that they have under the brand name. This will give them the idea about the scale at which the planning has to be done. Once this has been sorted it will be best for the management to have a brainstorming meeting with all the departmental heads and the team leaders so that they can come up with ways and methods through which the human resource of the company can be developed and improved. Since the management is facing the problem of the increase in the employee turnover ratio then it will best for the management to take the feedback from the employees that they have left the company to know where they were lacking and what the pushed the employee to quit. Coming in open in the employees is the only way in which the management of marks and Spencer can solve their problem and lay down a strong foundation for the future according to which they will have a good level of results from the team. (The Marketing Donut, 2014)

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation you recommending.

Recruitment and selection of the employees is a very critical step in the working of the company and the reason for this is that it is the employees of the company that d all the work that has to be done for the future of the company and therefore if the management is successful is hiring the right team which has the qualification and the experience to pull off their work load, then half the job of the management is done with success. This theory is followed very religiously by the management of marks and Spencer and this is the reason that they end up the selecting the cream of the market. for this the recruitment and the selection process that they follow is that they first analyse the vacancies in the company and if there are any internal employees who are fit to take up the position, if yes, then they are given the position and if no, then they give advertisements and invitation to the potential candidates to come up with their resumes for consideration. The best of the lot is called for s telephonic interview which is conducted by the head of the related department and if he or she thinks that they need to know and examine further, the shortlisted candidates are called in for an interview. This gives them a good idea of the kind of people that they will have to cater to and the level of knowledge that they are coming in with. The personal interview is good way for the management to judge the personality of the candidates. The same procedure for recruitment and selection is not followed by the management of Burberry which is another fashion company in the UK. The process that they have is that they outsource their recruitment and selection services to the related companies and in the end they have make do with the candidate that they have been supplied with. This is not a very effective method to carry out the process since the management of the company has no control over the selected employees. (Fleishman, 2016)

2.4 Evaluating how effectiveness is the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation you recommending.

When it comes to the recruitment and the selection of the employees of the company, the management has to be very sure that they way they carry out the process is in line with the working style of the company and also with the goals that they have for the future and this is because it is going to be the current and the future employees of the employees that are going to be make the company what it will be. After a study and research of the market and the way the other companies of the industry carry out their working, it will be safe to say that the process that has been selected by the management of marks and Spencer is thee most effective way in which they can do what has to be done for the selection of the employees and it is because of the ways that they have chosen that the management ends up picking up their own choices and the best that they can have in the situation. Even though they have to bear the cost of the process and do all the necessary work from the scratch, but still their chances of pulling it off with a higher degree of success are even better and this is what makes them one of the best companies in the market. the same cannot be said for the manner in which the employees are recruited and selected by the management of Burberry and this is because the entire hold over the process is outsourced by the management and the reason they have for this is that it saves them time and money which they can use in other operations of the company which is true but it is not beneficial in the long run. in the end it is the employee base of the company which will make it possible for them to survive in the longer in the business and this is dimension in which there are no chances of taking a step back which is exactly what is being done by the Burberry. (Harbour, 2012)


Keeping in mind the point that the level of competition in the business world s increasing at the speed of light, one has to make sure that they have the best that can so that the results which the companies will get out of the work that they do is going to be as per their expectations and will also have a contribution in the future. For this the first and the foremost thing that the companies need to do is that they need to have the right method which they can use for the recruitment and the selection of the employees which are going to be working of the operations.


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Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.

Since dealing with the employees is one of the most difficult things that have to be done by the management of the company and therefore it is the duty of the personnel to ensure that they use every trick in the book which will keep the employees connected with the company and so that they will give in their best. The one thing which can be used by the management of virgin media is the different tools and techniques of motivation which ensure that the people of the company know about the needs and demands of the employees and have the means that they can use to fulfil those demands as this is the only way for the employees to get the growth that they need in the company that they work. After the management has used the motivational approach in the company, they should also appreciate the good work that has been done by the employees and this can be done by the way of reward. The management should keep in mind that the rewards that will be given to the employees will be different and separate from the salaries that they are given for the position that they hold.  (Miercuri, 2010)

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation

When a company hires employees for the working of the company they have to go through a lot of processes and steps that assist them to hire the best that is available tot hem and this is the reason that the expectations of the company especially of the international companies, from the employees is very high and it all falls on the shoulders of the employees that do their best to retain the position that they earned in the company. but to be sure that the employees are doing what they are and as per the standards that are needed by the company, the human resource department will need to have tools which they can use for the evaluation of the  performance and are in place in the working of the company. The first thing that they do is that they ask the team leaders and the departmental heads for the monthly reports on the employees that they lead sp that annually these reports can be compared and analysed to draw the graph of the employees and this s one of the most effective measures that they have in place which gives the results that they regularly need. (Bilal, 2014)

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, motivation)  how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation

Giving the employees the opportunities and the resources that they need for the accomplishment of the goals is a good thing for the management of the company and the future that they have in the market but at the same time they have many expectations from the employees and the way in the which they will do the duties that they have been allotted in the company and for this the management of virgin media uses the system of reward which has been in the working of the company since the start. There are many benefits that can be drawn out of it and the first and the foremost is that the employees are motivated to do the best that they can for the future and the goals of the company. but apart from this there is also a point of attraction which falls on the side of the company and this is used when they have to fill the vacancies in the company and they can manage to get the best of the lot for application and also the one thing that they can use out of the reward system is the element of retention in which the employees do not leave. (The Center for Human System, 2015)

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organisation use to monitor employee performance.

For the working of the company, it is in the hands of the management to select what they want to use which is going to act as the base that the can use for the future and this is the reason that there are many choices available in the business market and they all have their own benefits and drawbacks which will depend on the way they used in the working process. The same is the case with the company of virgin media and the way they evaluate and analyse the performance of the employees and the first and the foremost thing hat they do is that they give out the duty to the team leaders and the departmental heads in which they have to analyse the everyday performance of the employees that they handle and then give the monthly report to the management. If the employees are doing well, then they are rewarded and motivated and if not, then are given warning and more attention. In the period of a year, the performance of the employees is made in to a graph which represents the contribution that they have made and the value that they have. (University of California, 2010)

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Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

When hiring the employees in the company, the first thing that the management or the owner of the company expect is that the employees will be an asset for the company which will be used for a better future of the company but it always does not happen like this and sometimes it proves that the employees which were hired are not an asset but a liability for the company and it is best for the interest of the company that they are fired and are no longer a part of the company. The same is the case with The Chicken Master and the reason that the owner had for the cessation of the employee Faisal is that that he was violating the rules that were made by the owner and were also given to the employees in writing at the time of their hiring. Apart from this the performance of the employee over the time was not as per the requirement of the owner and it is was going done and also affecting the operations of the Chicken Master and in the end the owner decided to fire the employee after neglect of the repeated warnings that he was given. (De Zube, 2011)

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice

Hiring and the cessation of the employees has now become a very professional issue in the business market and all the companies, irrespective of their scale of operations needs to make sure that they have policies and plans and rules which have to be followed by the managed or the owner for the cessation of the employees and the same is the case with both The Chicken Master and marks and Spencer as well. Both the companies make sure that the employees that they hire are done with a lot of care and caution and they are given all the rules and the advance so that they know what they will be facing in the company. As for the performance of the employees, the marketing management of marks and Spencer and the owner of The Chicken Master make sure that they give the employees repeated warning and chances in case they do not meet the expectations of the company and they are provided all the support that they need and in the end if they cannot do the same, then they are fired. The cessation of the employees is done immediately if they break the vital rules made by the company. (Legislation.gov,uk, 2013)

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

Given the case study of The Chicken Master it will be safe to say that the reasons that the owner had for the termination of the employee faisal were very fair and just and it was nothing that was done out of spite or anger but because faisal has broken the vital rules of the organisation which were given to him at the time of hiring in writing and they were even acknowledged by the employee. Even after all this, the employee had gone to the court and filed a case against the owner of The Chicken Master in which the owner has been charged for unfair cessation of employment and discrimination on the grounds of age and sex. It is in the hands of the owner and the former employee to prove the charges that have been presented in the court. Of the charges that have been made against the owner of The Chicken Master have been proved correct, and then there are going to be very severe charges against the owner bob. The owner will have to compensate Faisal in terms of cash and also there can be fine that he may have to pay to the court. (Miercuri, 2010)


In the business environment there are many companies that have hired employees which they need to make sure that the goals and the tasks for the future are done in the right manner and this is the reason that it becomes highly important for the companies to make sure that the employees are happy with what they are being offered by the management so that they can be on the same wave length during their working time which will not only help take off the unnecessary pressure off the shoulder of the management but will also give the much needed success to the employees.


Belcher, L., (2008), The Advantages of Group Work & Teamwork, [Online], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/advantages-group-work-teamwork-24031.html[Accessed 15 June 2016]
Bilal, M., (2014), Build an effective Team to achieve your goals and objectives, [Online], Available: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141014050236-138725871-built-a-team-to-achieve-your-goals-and-objectives [Accessed on 14 June 2016]
Colorado, (2011), Teamwork and Working in Teams, [PDF], Available: http://itll.colorado.edu/images/uploads/courses_workshops/geen1400/textbook/ch06teamwork_and_working_in_teams.pdf[Accessed 15 June 2016]
DeZube, D., (2011), Small Business, [Online], Available: http://hiring.monster.com/hr/hr-best-practices/small-business/conducting-an-interview/administrative-assistant-interview.aspx [Accessed 14 June 2016]
Dozier, B., (2013), Ethics in the Hospitality Industry, [Online], Available: http://barbradozier.wordpress.com/2013/06/17/ethics-in-the-hospitality-industry/ [Accessed 14 June 2016]
Educational Business Articles, (2011), Systematic Problem Solving Strategies, [Online], Available: http://www.educational-business-articles.com/problem-solving-strategies/ [Accessed 12 June 2016]
Fleishman, S., (2016), How to Write Press Release, [Online], Available: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/press-release-template-ht#sm.0001nf52rmdgnfi0zqr1s8i9t7is3 [Accessed 12 June 2016]