Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy

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Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy
Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy
Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy

Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy - Assignment Help in UK


Food safety in the present times is been considered as the major concerns of the people as with the increase in the awareness of the health and its issues among them. People are more inclined towards the consideration of hygiene and safety in the food products. However, the present Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy would be mainly focused to the information and facts about the food and safety aspects. it would be evaluating different food contamination sources and identify the controls available to prevent the contamination of the food. The report would also discuss the methods of food preservation and evaluate their effectiveness as well. The report would further evaluate the safe storage methods of food and highlight the temperature control system as well. It would also evaluate the importance of cleaning, personal hygiene and pest control in the food management along with the need of hygiene design of premises and the hygiene training. Moreover, the report would provide a guidance document for a sea food restaurant focusing on the food hazard risk assessment, food safety control system and the food safety guide.

Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

A) A review of the controls available to prevent food contamination

Contamination of food is been mainly termed as the condition in which the food is been spoiled or had been infected because of either the microorganisms such as bacteria, parasites or any of the contaminated substances which could also harm anyone if consumed. Food contamination is been considered as the most critical aspects which could lead towards the occurrence of the severe food borne issue or diseases or any serious health issues. It is very important to be well acquainted with the issues so that to prevent such serious happenings (Piras.et.al, 2016). It has been found that it is very important to have adequate amount of knowledge about the controls being available to prevent the contamination of food in order to avoid any rigorous  health and safety  problems.  It has been also identified that proper storage and handling procedures of food helps in controlling the contamination of food. The poisonous or toxic components are been produced by various types of bacteria which could result in the contagious food and then risk over the health at large.

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In addition to this, the food could also get contaminated through various chemicals like pesticides or insecticides being used to control the insects in the kitchen area and agricultural fields. With the purpose to prevent the food contamination it is very much important to implement various measures and make them habitual for the daily routines. The contamination of food could be controlled through:

  • Cooking the food to a safe temperature would help in killing the harmful organism or bacteria in the food and would reduce the consequences of any health concerns.
  • Keeping the raw meat apart from other ready to eat food like salad, fruit, bread, etc. as these are not been cooked before eating and thus could be more dangerous (Peter.et.al, 2013).
  • Washing the utensils, hands and food surfaces properly and ensuring hygiene in the kitchen. It is very important to keep the utensils and the surfaces clean so that to decrease the formation of any bacteria and reduce the consequences of contamination as well.
  • Avoiding the exposure of the infectious food as it is very much important to make sure that the contagious food is thrown away from the good food.
  • Making use of the separate chopping boards as it could lead to the cross contamination of the food. The cross contamination could take place when the same chopping board is been used for the raw meat or sea food and the fresh produce (Hall.et.al, 2014). The bacteria of sea food or raw meat could contaminate the fresh produce and thus must be chopped with separate chopping boards.

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  • Proper food storage is also an important aspect as storing at a moderate temperature would help in preventing the bacteria to develop and would help in controlling the contamination of food.

B). Analysis of the different sources of food contamination

There are immense numbers of sources which could lead towards the contamination of food and could harm the health to the large extent. These sources of food contamination are the major root cause of the severe health issues in the people. It has been seen that with the passage of time the cases of food poisoning have been increased because of these sources and the improper food handling by the people. Moreover, there are three major sources which contribute in the contamination of food and cause disease. The sources are as follows:

  • Microbiological contamination: Microbiological is a combination of the term micro which means small and the term biological which means living things. This type of contamination is been highly concerned with the small living things which are been developed due to various reasons in different food products. This contamination is been occurred when the micro organisms are been build in the food and spoils the contents at whole. The food is contaminated when the micro organisms are developed in the food as the bacteria are the major sources of food infectivity and causes severe health issues (Carrasco.et.al, 2012). Bacteria are the tiniest living cells which are not visible without microscope. Moreover, these sources are been developed due to the unhygienic hands, surfaces, sneezing and coughing while cooking food, rotten food and the uncovered food products. It has been thus identified that the food must not be lest uncovered and ensure that proper handling and storage of the food.
  • Chemical contamination: Chemicals are been largely used at every place either in the kitchen of at any other large scale areas. It has been generally seen that people in the fields make use of the chemicals like pesticides or insecticides to avoid the insects in the farms. In addition to this, people make use of the cleaning chemicals and the other variants which could lead to the food contamination severely. Wrongly used or mishandling of the chemicals like insecticides, insect repellents, cleaners, etc. in the kitchen or near the food could result in the contamination of the food (Fu and Li, 2014). It is very much important to make sure that the food must be covered and stored apart from the areas where the chemical products are placed so that to avoid the occurrence of the chemical contamination. Moreover, it has been also found that it must be ensured that the chemical sprays must not be used in the areas where the food products are been exposed.
  • Physical contamination:  Physiological principles  contamination is been mainly occurred due to the negligence of various acts like storage of food, personal hygiene, improper handling of food, etc. Due to the unhygienic or harmful physical contact the food contamination is been occurred mostly. It has been found that it is very crucial to make sure about the proper handling and covering the food along with the effective storage of the products as getting in the physical contact in any of the manner would cause contamination. For example, if the food is left uncovered any of the element like screw or pins could fall in the food which could lead to severe risk over the people (McAllister and Topp, 2012). The food could also be contaminated by lizards, cockroach, mosquitoes, etc. if left uncovered. Therefore, it is very much important to maintain hygiene near the food area and in the kitchen surfaces as well.

C) Food preservation method and an evaluation of their effectiveness

In the ancient periods of time, the food was been preserved for many years concerning the use in the time of scarce. Likewise, people preserve food now also but with the emergence of new modern methods of preservation. People in past had introduced various types of preservation method which had been modified in the present and are been used in the culinary processes (Jain, 2012). The most common food preservation methods being used by the people are as follows:

Home canning: The home canning is been mainly used to preserve the flavors of the fresh food. It has been found that to preserve the food through canning method it requires following correct procedure of storage and the preservation for the future. This method is been considered to be safe and simple if carried out properly. This method is been mainly used for preserving the acidic food like pickles.

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Drying food: Drying the food is basically a traditional technique which was used to preserve the seasonal vegetables and use them at the time of non availability (Caswell, 2012). It has been observed that the dehydrated food do not attracts the bacteria that loves moisture and penetrates more quickly. Thus, extracting the water contents or moisture from the vegetables or fruits maintain the original tastes and preserves them as well. The dried veggies or fruits consumes less storage space and are been stored in the airtight containers so that to restrict the contact of any moisture content or the bacteria. With the help of this method some of the food like raw mango, dried fruits, plum, tomatoes and veggies are been stored for longer period of time.
Freezing food: This preservation technique is been used to preserve the food from getting spoilt before its consumption. Freezing mainly helps in maintain the taste of the food and keep them as the same condition. This method helps in controlling and slowing down the growth of microorganism in the food (Gould, 2012). Moreover, it also helps in maintaining the maximum level of the nutrition and the quality of food for longer time period.
Fermentation: The fermentation of food helps in reducing the risk of spoilage and preserves the food products more effectively. Fermentation of food is the process in which a useful microbe is been allowed to act on the food in order to convert the product into acidic form. However, the method is basically a controlled and monitored decomposition of the food by making use of special kind of bacteria which provides with the favorable results. It has been found that this process is been concerned with the biochemical modification of starches, carbohydrates or sugar into organic acids with the help of bacteria and enzymes (Bassolé and Juliani, 2012). This method is considered to be safe for preserving food for specific period of time.
Acidification: Acidification method is mainly concerned with the food storage by simply soaking or dipping the food in vinegar and keeps them for longer time periods. The vinegar clears the dirt and the other contagious germs and keeps the vegetables, fruits and herbs fresh and tastier. With the help of this method the people enjoy the same taste for longer period and make use of the food products easily.

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Task 2

A) Various methods for the safe storage of food, with the temperature control system

Food can transmit the bacteria or diseases easily from one person to another. Thus, food safety must be needed to control the illness and bacteria which may cause serve health issues due to unhealthy food. An appropriate methods or measures are needed to be taken for safety of food from being contaminated. Food can be prevented from being contaminated or poisoned by either using tradition methods like preservation by oil, by salt, by vinegar, sun drying, etc or using modern methods like boiling and freezing, pasteurization,  chemical method, etc (Jay, 2012).  For the safe storage of food from being contaminated, there are various methods which we can apply it. Storing helps in avoiding the wastage of food, saves money, availability of instant meal, protecting from getting contaminated, etc. The various available methods for safe storage of food are as follows:

  • Freezing Food: Preventing the extra food like vegetables, fruits, etc can be stored in refrigerator. At low temperature the vegetables and fruits retain their freshness.
  • Drying Food:  Dehydration is an oldest and simplest method of storing the food safely. Drying helps in avoiding germs and bacteria from the food. The common ways includes sun drying, air drying, oven drying, etc (Lelieveld.et.al, 2014).
  • Canning: Canning is also one of the ways to avoid bacteria and germs from food. In this, the food is sealed in an airtight container. It helps in keeping away the unwanted enzymes, bacteria and oxygen that can contaminate the food.
  • Pickling; It is also the oldest technique of keeping food away from being infected. The food is safely stored by using salt brine or vinegar. It involves fermentation process.
  • Salting: Preservation of pork, seafood, poultry and meat can be done by this process. It will help in reducing the water concentration and kills the presence of microorganisms (Uçar.et.al, 2016).

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It is observed that the leading cause of food contamination is the time and temperature. The accurate use of freezers, heat and chillers helps in preventing food and destroying food poisoning bacteria. Chillers are used to hold pre-made eatable products like sandwiches, meat, milk, etc. Many processors are used to heat or cool food so that to make it safer. It is necessary to monitor these processors so that correct temperature is achieved. The recognized temperatures are used basically for maintain the safety of food.

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Temperature control is a key safety control. Failure to monitor or record the temperature will results in poor, unhygienic and contaminated food. The good temperature control can be achieved in following steps:

  • Identifying the temperature required
  • Determining the procedures for achieving  those temperature
  • Proper monitoring for ensuring whether the temperatures are achieved or not
  • Making records of temperatures

B) Importance of personal hygiene, cleaning, disinfection and pest control

It is the responsibility of food handlers to ensure that the food is not being contaminated the health of food handler or personal hygiene. Personal hygiene is a very important control to prevent the food from being contaminated. It includes use of protective clothing, personal cleanliness and proper health. While preparing food, precautions need to be taken to ensure that food or area that comes in contact with food are not contaminated by body or from anything on our body like, jewellery, hair, bandages, etc (Collins, 2015). Personnel hygiene helps in maintaining good health. It will reduce the cause of food positioning. Personnel hygiene should be maintained everywhere whether making food in a home or in food making  business environment.  Personnel hygiene in food safety can be achieved by following the below things:

  • Hand washing: Food handlers should wash their hands properly while entering the food handling area as well as after using washrooms, eating, using cleaning supplies or handling raw food.
  • Clothing: Clothes worn in food handling area should be clean and free of dirt.
  • Accessories: Accessories like jewellery or bandages should be avoided while entering in the food handling area because it may carries bacteria and germs.

Food is consumed to gain nutrition support for the body. For having a nutrition food safe away from all types of germs and bacteria, it is necessary to have a safe procedure for food preparation, serving and storing. The mishandled of food may cause reason for food poisoning. Cleanliness is the major factor which helps in avoiding these problems. Cleanliness includes washing hands properly before, preparing, serving or eating food (). It also includes use of clean surfaces in food handling area, thorough was of fruits and vegetables, sanitization of equipments used in food handling area, etc.

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Disinfection is a process of killing micro-organisms with the purpose to reduce their number at the level that it is neither harmful to health nor to the quality of perishable food. With the appropriate disinfectants micro-organisms can be reduces to the required level for food protection. There are many types of disinfectants which are claimed to be best in the market and is suitable for the food industry such as Chlorine and chlorine releasing compound, Quarter nary ammonium compound, etc. Disinfection helps in keeping the food particles fresh and away from micro-organisms creating the food infected. A quality pest control is most needed in food processing environment. It is required to take appropriate precautions to prevent from food pests like cockroaches, flying insects, ants,rats and mice gaining entry into food preparation area or food storage (). A proper pest control will help in preventing the food from getting infected or contaminate which can become a cause to severe health issues. Pest control is important because pets carry harmful bacteria that can cause illness due to contaminated food. These harmful bacteria passed to the food by contact with their feces, hair and urine.

Pest control in Food processing area - Assignment Help in UK

C) Need of hygiene design of premises and hygiene training 

Hygiene is a first priority of every individual whether as a general public or a business organization. Maintaining hygiene in the premises helps in attracting people towards the organization. For maintaining the food quality standard, hygiene and cleanliness is considered as a critical aspect. The design and layout of hygiene food premises such that it includes the following:

  • Permit good hygiene practices and adequate cleaning
  • Separate storage area for root vegetables and vegetable preparation area should be provided
  • For dry fruits, enclosed storage facilities should be there
  • Should provide adequate work top space (Caswell, 2012)
  • Windows should be provided to the areas containing open food
  • At strategic locations, electrical fly killing units should be provided

With the growing awareness among general public, the demand for fresh and healthy nutrition food is growing. Thus, with this growing awareness the need of hygiene design for the food processing premises is increasing.A hygiene design of new food premises should consider the following things:

  1. Floors: The floors of new food premises should be clean, safe, durable, easy to clean and adequately drained if require. It should be capable of resisting wear and tear, including hot substances.
  2. Walls: Walls should be solid, impervious, non-absorbent and non-toxic.
  3. Doors and windows: Should be properly sealed to prevent entry of pests. They should be non-absorbent surfaces and easy to clean.
  4. Washing facility: Sinks should be provided for hot and cold water for washing food and equipment.
  5. Wash basins: With supply of hot and cold water, adequate number of basins should be there with suitably control temperature.

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With the need of hygiene premises, there is also required to conduct training for staff members in order to make them aware of the hygiene standards and its consequences so that to maintain the decorum of the surroundings. Feeding people arrives with a responsibility. The reason behind the food poisoning is food contaminated with bacteria or badly cooked food. Such causes can be removed by proving effective trainings about the importance of hygiene in food processing area. The degree of training required by the staff depends on the duty he performs. Like, for example, people involved in preparing food like chefs, catering assistants, requires higher level of hygiene training than those who wait on customers. There is a variety of food hygiene trainings available according to the demands of food handlers. The training provides people with improved knowledge about the food and safety norms. The various aspects related to food and safety has been acknowledged in the training such as cleanliness, personal hygiene, pest control, food storage, preservations, etc. Such hygiene trainings not only make individual fit and healthy but it also helps in building the society fit and healthy.

D) Guidance document for seafood restaurant

Food hazard risk assessment

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The Baileys fish and chips restaurant is one of the famous seafood restaurants of London which serves the variety of seafood specifically. Food safety is been considered to be the most important aspects and acquires highest priority. However, the assessment of food hazard risk in Baileys fish and chips restaurant would help in identifying the major factors of the risk effectively. The assessment would help in analyzing the issues which could be experienced while producing the food in the restaurant. It has been found that it is crucial to identify the risk and mitigate the same accordingly. The seafood restaurant is been found to be usually prone to the issues of hygiene and experiences the microbiological hazards in the food (Jay, 2012). It is very much important to be concerned about proper hygiene and storage of food. The restaurant must ensure the accomplishment of the food and safety standards and proper handling of the food as well.  Baileys fish and chips restaurant must follow these steps for assessing the food and hazard risk over the food: 

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Table 1: Risk assessment chart

Type of food

Type of contamination

Causes of contamination








Unhygienic product



Food poisoning, food borne illness, etc.




Contact of uncovered food with the infectious chemical  present in kitchen

Low risk


Food poisoning, food borne illness, etc.



Consumption of any of the allergic food  like most of the people are allergic to shellfish and proper details are missed in the menu

Very High

Life threading consequences;


bad reputation;

Oysters, mussels



Contact with the unhygienic surfaces or hands




Penalty for poor hygiene issued by the health inspectors;

bad reputation of the restaurant

Food safety control system: Food safety has been a major concern all the time and thus the food and safety control system concentrates on protecting the public health by reducing the risk over the food borne illness within the common people. This system helps to protect the people from the unhygienic or mislabeled, adulterated food products and ensures the safety of the common public. This system also contributes in the  resources development  of the economy as by attracting the customers and making them believe in the food system and providing them with the best services in the restaurants (Pierson, 2012). The system provides the customers with specific rules and regulation of food trade which facilitate them to stand against any of the unhygienic conduct. The food safety control system is been comprised of a chairperson, state authority, central food authorities, food and safety officers, licensing authorities, etc. These legislative bodies make sure about the implementation and adoption of such measures in the restaurants effectively.
Food safety guide: The legislative authorities had formulated ample of regulations which are compulsory to be adopted by the restaurants. The food and safety guide of Baileys fish and chips restaurant includes:

  • The detailed information about the licenses of restaurant
  • The regulation of Food safety act 2014
  • The HACCP standards
  • Legal requirements for the food safety practices
  • Hygiene regulation information
  • Design layout of the food premises along with all the hygienic standards
  • The Food and safety management measures (Motarjemi and Lelieveld, 2013)
  • Safety and security instruction while cooking
  • Temperature control legislation

Moreover, it is very much important for the restaurants to acquire food safety guide and include all the relevant aspects so that to make sure about the legislative compliances and an effective framework of business.

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With the above Unit 31 Food Safety Management Assignment Copy it had been concluded that food contamination is the most critical aspects which could lead towards the occurrence of the severe food borne issue or diseases or any serious health issues. It has been found that it is important to be well acquainted with the issues so that to prevent such serious happenings. The report has revealed immense numbers of sources which could lead towards the contamination of food and could harm the health to the large extent. Even it has been identified that personal hygiene is a very important control to prevent the food from being contaminated. It mainly includes use of protective clothing, personal cleanliness and proper health. Moreover, it has been found that the seafood restaurants are been found to be usually prone to the issues of hygiene and experiences the microbiological hazards in the food. Thus, it is very much important to establish specific food and safety standards and must be followed accordingly.


Books and journals:

Bassolé, I.H.N. and Juliani, H.R., 2012. Essential oils in combination and their antimicrobial properties. Molecules17(4), pp.3989-4006.
Carrasco, E., Morales-Rueda, A. and García-Gimeno, R.M., 2012. Cross-contamination and recontamination by Salmonella in foods: a review. Food Research International45(2), pp.545-556.
Caswell, J.A., 2012. Economics of food safety. Springer Science & Business Media.
Collins, B., 2015. Food hygiene, deprivation, types of premises and rates of gastrointestinal illnesses in the UK. Public health nutrition18(01), pp.160-166.
Fu, L.L. and Li, J.R., 2014. Microbial source tracking: a tool for identifying sources of microbial contamination in the food chain. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition54(6), pp.699-707.
Gould, G.W., 2012. New methods of food preservation. Springer Science & Business Media.
Hall, A.J., Wikswo, M.E., Pringle, K., Gould, L.H. and Parashar, U.D., 2014. Vital signs: foodborne norovirus outbreaks—United States, 2009–2012.MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep63(22), pp.491-5.
Jain, R., 2012. Providing safe drinking water: a challenge for humanity.Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy14(1), pp.1-4.
Jay, J.M., 2012. Modern food microbiology. Springer Science & Business Media.
Kuisma, R., Pienmunne, E., Lehto, M. and Kymäläinen, H.R., 2014. Surface hygiene in vegetable processing plants: results of a repeated hygiene survey. In 7th Central European Congress on Food, May 21-24, Ohrid, Macedonia. Book of Abstracts/ed. Kakurinov, V. Consulting and Training Center KEY.
Lelieveld, H.L., Holah, J. and Napper, D. eds., 2014. Hygiene in food processing: principles and practice. Elsevier.
Lelieveld, H.L., Holah, J. and Napper, D. eds., 2014. Hygiene in food processing: principles and practice. Elsevier.

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