Finite Element Analysis of Disc Brakes in a Mercedes A-Class

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Finite Element Analysis of Disc Brakes in a Mercedes A-Class


Finite Element Structural Analysis of Car disc brake using Solid works and Ansys.

Author by:

Faculty of Science and Engineering

Award: BEng(Hons) Mechanical Engineering

Presented in partial fulfilment of the assessment requirements for the above Award

Project undertaken during: Semesters 1 & 2 2018/19

University Supervisor

Credit Rating of Project: 40

Mode of Attendance: FT

Grade Awarded:……………….……

Signed :............................................( Project Module Leader)


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr of the Faculty of Science and Engineering at University of Wolverhampton, for his endless help and guidance in making this project a success as well as the opportunity and encouragement to work on this project.

My Appreciation is also extended throughout this project to thank my family for their kind assistance and support and provided me with the continues encouragement throughout my academic study. This accomplishment would not have been achievable without the support of my family.

I am also grateful to the rest of staff and my course associates and friends and Dr always assist me when needed extra help.

Mohammad Ijaz Hussain

April , 2019

Content page

Abstract 5

Introduction 5-6

  1. Project planning 6

  2. Literature review 7-10

  1. Introduction to CAD 10

  2. Introduction to FEA 10

  1. Design specifications , Equation & symbols 11

  1. Design 11

  2. Materials Properties 12

  3. Symbols 12

  1. Disc Brake calculations 12-13

  1. Tangential Force 12

  2. Braking Torque 13

  1. Result & Comparison 13-19

  1. Grey cast Iron Simulation 14

  2. Coarse Meshing 14

  3. Fine Meshing 14-15

Depicted formations 16

Discussion on Fine & Coarse mesh 16-17

Running Ansys Coarse & Fine mesh simulation On Aluminium Alloy 17-19

  1. Discussion 18

  1. Improved design & simulation On Aluminium alloy 19-20

  1. Why aluminum is better for manufacturing purposes 20

  1. Discussion 20-21

  2. Conclusion 21

  3. References 22-23

  4. Bibliography 23

List of Illustrations

Figure 1.1: Disc brake different parts 6

Figure 1.2: Gantt chart 6

Figure 1.3:Showing disc brake dimension 11

Figure 1.4: showing disc brake model with brakes pads 11

Figure 1.5: Coarse Mesh on Grey Cast Iron 14

Figure 1.6: Shows nodes for coarse mesh 14

Figure 1.7:Fine Mesh on Grey cast Iron 14

Figure 1.8:shows nodes for fine mesh 15

Figure 1.9: Fixed support on disc brake (ANSYS) 15

Figure 2.0: Force applied 15

Figure 2.1 force applied on the other side of the disc 15

Figure 2.2:Directional deformation on coarse mesh (Iron) 16

Figure 2.3:Directional deformation on fine mesh (iron) 16

Figure 2.4:Total deformation on coarse mesh 16

Figure 2.5: Total deformation on fine mesh 16

Figure 2.6:shows brake pads effected area 17

Figure 2.7: Total deformation 17

Figure 2.8: coarse mesh for Aluminum alloy 17

Figure 2.9:Forces applied 17

Figure 3.0: Depicted pads effectiveness on directional deformation 18

Figure 3.1:Total deformation (Alloy) 18

Figure 3.2:Fine mesh aluminum alloy 18

Figure 3.3:shows directional & total deformation 18

Figure 3.4:shows the depicted of improved design direction & total deformation 19


One OF the most important features of any automobile or the vehicle are the disc brakes. Disc brakes helps in sudden stopping of vehicles when they are applied at a particular moment. When the brakes are applied, temperature is risen and lowered at moments of time. This is also one of the major aspects of the disc brakes. Brakes applied in the automobile helps in proper simulation of the car. The research paper given below helps in the discussing the various features of the car known as Mercedes A-Class, the brakes of the particular car which is taken has its brakes simulated and designed by the simulator or the disc brakes and the various features and characteristics of the given car is also given and explained in the following report.

Various software is used for simulating disc brakes in the car including ANSYS software and solid work software. Initially, the use of disc brakes is characterised and measured by the solid work program and later sent on to ANSYS software. Any loopholes or the strength of various parts used in the disc brakes are measured by a software known as ANSYS software. All the tasks and processes of the disc brake system in an automobile is supervised by ANSYS software. So, at the start, normal braking system is differentiated from the disc braking system, all the qualities and characteristics are given in this form. The default settings on which the disc brake of the car works is started from zero and the value of the relevant default settings ends at hundred. Each and every task is stated in the report along with the screenshots. Aluminium is taken and equivalent process is done. Each and every process of the above technique is stated and screenshots are provided. The most suited material is observed after the process evaluation and it is chosen. Structuring is done on the disc brakes by both software present in the system, and the best suited material is chosen for further development of the product. Disc brakes are applied on the automobile with the given thickness and density ratio of the brakes and tyres. Aluminium is the most suited material which is used for the disc brakes. Cast iron and the aluminium are the two other parts materials which are used by the automobiles. Other forces like frictional force and tension occurred while applying the disc brakes are also measured in the given automobiles. Final outcomes and results are presented by the ANSYS software for the evolution of the disc brakes.

Geometrical parameters and various other characteristics which are given by the tyres and the other parts of the automobiles including the disc brakes are implied and given in the report given below. Changes in characteristics are maintained of the disc brakes and given by the ANSYS software. Cast iron and Aluminium are the two major materials on which the disc brakes work.


Disc brakes are the most important aspect of any automobile which is a part or a feature of the brakes. Creation of the frictional force between the various pads of the braking system or the disc is the major task of the disc brakes which are installed in the braking system. Pads and callipers are the two major parts of the braking system which uses friction and creates energy for its working. Frictional force is created by these two parts of the braking system. At the location of the axle, brakes are constructed which can slow the speed of the automobiles. Disc brakes uses rotational motion phenomenon to stop the automobile and therefore are the most applicable type of brakes. As automobile industries are growing from one day to another, so market is also surrounded by various automobile industries. Braking system are manufactured in the automobile industry itself and can be applied with various techniques so the need of the disc brakes is also at a large.

The main aim of the project is to apply disc brakes on the design parts or the imaginary dimensions of the Mercedes A-class. Work model of the car is then observed and given to the solid program software to find out all the elements of the disc brakes. The most complex structure of the disc brakes in an automobile can be further accumulated and the functionality of the car can be changed from normal braking system into disc braking system. All the other options of the disc brakes in the braking system are applied on the model of the Mercedes A-class and the best possible option is chosen by the automobile braking system of the cars. Disc brake system of the car can be further configured and all the characteristics in the car can be applied and is shown in the given report.

Figure 1: Parts shown by the disc brakes


The starting date of the disc brake project was October 2018 and it lasted till October 2019. Each task and processes of the Gannt chart have been given in the project along with the deadline of the project. Gannt chart helps in depicting every task along with the time taken.

The main log book of the system represents every functions of the disc brake and the processes are also mentioned where the timeline T2 is mentioned in the report. Selection of the car models and the designing of the car disc brakes is done on the timeline which measures T2. Solid work design program is represented under T3 and it acquires both T1 and T2. The basic improvement which is required by the disc brake system in the automobile and further future developments of the automobile are given by the task which falls under the category T4, it helps in establishing the basic needs and details of the disc brakes of the automobiles. The final task is known as the T5 and its main characteristics or the sub-tasks are conclusion of the project which provides final detailing of the project, and recommendation and conclusion of the project in the given report is also given in this part of the Gannt chart.

Figure 2: Project planning

Task Name





Resource Names

Disc brake application

247 days

Mon 22-10-18

Tue 01-10-19

Aim of the project

43 days

Mon 22-10-18

Wed 19-12-18

Main aim of the report

14 days

Mon 22-10-18

Thu 08-11-18

Manager, Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Main objective of the report

14 days

Fri 09-11-18

Wed 28-11-18


Manager, Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Planning of the project

15 days

Thu 29-11-18

Wed 19-12-18


Manager, Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Approval of senior authorities

30 days

Thu 20-12-18

Wed 30-01-19

Selection of senior authorities

15 days

Thu 20-12-18

Wed 09-01-19


Analyser, Manager

Approval request sent

15 days

Thu 10-01-19

Wed 30-01-19


Analyser, Manager

Requirements of the disc brakes

30 days

Thu 31-01-19

Wed 13-03-19

Materials needed

15 days

Thu 31-01-19

Wed 20-02-19


Analyser, Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Financial budget construction

15 days

Thu 21-02-19

Wed 13-03-19


Analyser, Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Application of the brakes

40 days

Thu 14-03-19

Wed 08-05-19

Cast iron brake application

20 days

Thu 14-03-19

Wed 10-04-19


Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Aluminium alloy application

20 days

Thu 11-04-19

Wed 08-05-19


Mechanical expert, Technical expert

Testing of the disc brakes

70 days

Thu 09-05-19

Wed 14-08-19

Testing of cast iron brakes

25 days

Thu 09-05-19

Wed 12-06-19


Mechanical expert, Technical expert, Tester

Testing of aluminium alloy

25 days

Thu 13-06-19

Wed 17-07-19


Mechanical expert, Technical expert, Tester

Comparison between the two

20 days

Thu 18-07-19

Wed 14-08-19


Mechanical expert, Technical expert, Tester

Final submission of the brakes

34 days

Thu 15-08-19

Tue 01-10-19


14 days

Thu 15-08-19

Tue 03-09-19


Analyser, Manager, Tester

Disc brakes implementation in the automobile

20 days

Wed 04-09-19

Tue 01-10-19


Analyser, Manager, Tester

Resource Name


Material Label



Max. Units

Std. Rate

Ovt. Rate


Accrue At

Base Calendar










Mechanical expert









Technical expert



























4. A literature review of Disc brake

The following literature review is a reassessment of different researcher’s work that they have had previously conducted worldwide in regards to car disc brake. This paper reviews numerical methods analysis procedures used in the study of Disc brake. This review can help to analyse and to determine and choose the right method to make decision on a new area of method development. The review highlights some outstanding issues in modelling and analysis of disc brake and proposes new conventional design of disc brake as well as using various materials to improve disc brake performance. Disc brake has evolved over time to be a reliable and trustworthy method of decelerating/decreasing the vehicle speed or stopping vehicle. Many different design of disc brake system are available for different applications the In due course this information will help us to study various methods and to develop and improve disc brake. One of the major purposes that literature reviews serve is to give a comprehensive overview of all such developed related to disc brake.

Seqeual Analysis of Disc brake

  1. Conducted by Hao Xing

  2. From Beijing FEA online Engineering Co, Ltd , Beijing , China

In the process of analysing and examine of disc brake Hao Xing investigated in his research paper a disc brake system for passenger car. According to his thesis the car disc brake is modelled and analysed using both methodologies ie; the transient analysis and complex model analysis. The transient analysis has been conducted to study the thermal effect while braking and the complex modal analysis is conducted to extract natural frequencies and also the effect of friction in complex modal analysis is investigated as well. For the two major finite element analysis (FEA) methods, Ansys and META modelling software is used to obtain the result. By carrying out transient analysis in Hao xing’s thesis helped to study the vibration of the system during whole braking system.

Reducing disc brake Sequal through FEA approach and Design Technique

  1. Conducted by Jamil Abdo , M.Nouby , D.Mathivanan & K.Srinivasan in 2010

  2. Mechanical and Industrial Engineering , India

In this work an attempt has been made to investigate the influencing factor of the brake pad on the disc brake sequel by carrying out finite element simulation with statistical techniques. In this paper demonstrate Complex Eigenvalue analysis (CEA) has been broadly used to predict unbalanced or unstable frequencies in brake system model. The result between the brake sequel and the brake pad geometry is built for different geometrical configuration of the disc brake. Design of experiment (DOE technique has been used to investigate , the young modulus of disc plate , plate thickness and distance between the two holes of the disc brake.

A combined analysis of heat Conduction, contact pressure and transient vibration of disc brake

  1. Conducted in 2009 by Abd Rahim Abu bakar from Department of Automotive Engnieering , Faculty of Mechanical Engineering University of Teknologi Malaysia and Huajiang Ouyang , Department of Engineering , University of Liverpool

This paper examining car disc brake squeal by transient analysis , contact analysis and analysis of heat conduction. The research focuses on how thermal deformation effect the temperature and pressure distribution on the brake pad surface and the vibration level if a disc brake model. The paper shows three different analysis has been carried out , first thermal analysis is carried out and the outcome if temperature distribution on the disc brake pad are obtained. Secondly , contact analysis has been carried out which gave the pressure distribution on the disc brake pad and finally the transient analysis is performed and the vibration level of the disc brake model with heat effect is examined. Finite element analysis (FEA) method has been used to obtained the result.

Using Finite element analysis to predict the brake pressure needed for effective rotor cleaning in disc brake

  1. Conducted by Soderberg KTH machine Design , SE 100 44 Stockhlom , Sewden and U Sellgren and S Anderson from machine Design , SE 100 44 Stockholm , Sweden

This paper present an approach to simulating wear on both contact surface at the pad to rotor interface in disc brake using finite element analysis method. The paper shows a method of simulating the brake pressure needed to effectively clean the rotor of waste oxide layer. The paper present two simulation methods , the first talks about running in wear under constant load and corresponds to repeated brake apps at the same constant brake load, and the second is determining what could occurred if a minor load is applied after the contact surface have run in at the higher load level. The minor load is put to wear off ann oxide layer after a sequence of repeated top braking at higher load levels.

Thermal Analysis of Disc brake :

  1. Conducted by Students of Mechanical Engineering 2014 names: Viraj Paran & Kunal Naik.

  2. Studied In Shivajirao S. Jondhale college of Engineering , Dombivli , University of Mumbia India

This paper studies the thermal analysis of disc brake conducted by Viraj paran and Kunal Naik. The paper represents that disc brake model is designed by using Computer aided three dimensional interactive applications (CATIA). Various material been used for thermal analysis to determine and analysis thermal properties of the materials. Since they have used various materials, the result obtained that cast iron provide better performance from stress point of view than carbon. The paper also presents a useful design tool and improves the brake performance od disc brake system.


Thermal Analysis of disc brake assembly during single stop braking event

  1. Conducted By Ali Belhocine , Abd Rahim Abu bakr and Mostefa Bouchetara in 2013

  2. Studied in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, university of science and the technology of Oran Algeria and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Automotive Engineering, University Teknology Malaysia.

Ali , Rahim and Mostefa ‘s paper primarily aims to determine disc temperature and to examine stress concentration and contact pressure of brake disc pads during single braking stop event. This paper also highlights the effect of using a fixed calliper, different speed of the disc on the stress concentration and also contacts pressure of brake pads. The analysis is carried out using Ansys software. The simulation of FE model including disc brake with brake pads was done using ansys , from the Ansys they obtained thermal analysis than used that with coupling to determine the deformation and the Von Mises stress in the disc and contact pressure distribution in pads.

Finite Element Analysis of Thermal elastic Instability of disc brakes

  1. Conducted by S.P Jung, T.W Park , J.H .Lee , W.H Kim and W.S Chung proceeding of the world congress on Engineering 2010 VOL 11 London 2010 UK

In this researched, the thermos elastic instability (TEI) was analysed using the finite element analysis technique. The paper shows three thermomechanical analysis model of the disc brake system were designed using Ansys software, also two pads of disc brake were created. Further in this paper, the intermediate processor approach was used to connect result of the two pads analysis’s area such as mechanical and thermal analysis.

Design and Analysis of Disc Brake Rotor

  1. Conducted by Venkatramanan R , Kumaragurubaran , Visnu Kumar , SivaKumar & Saravanan

  2. Student of RVS College Of Engineering , Department of Mechanical Engineering , Coimbatore, Tamilnadu , India

This paper investigating the thermal analysis of disc brake and also dissipation of disc brake are analysed. The paper also investigated the standard disc brake two wheelers model using ansys and thermal analysis is carried out. The main objective of the paper is to examine the heat generation of rotor disc braking. Various materials have been used such as copper , iron etc while carrying out analysis of disc brake and the paper conclude that copper is more effective to be used in brake disc and the reason for that is given that copper provide reasonable and moderate cooling at certain temperature.

Design and Structural Analysis of Disc brake In Automobiles

  1. Conducted by Mahmood Hasan Dakhil , A.K . RAI , P.Ravinder Reddy & Ahmad Abdulhussein Jabbar

  2. Studied in Department of Mechanical Engineering , SHIATS – DU , Allahabad , Uttar Predesh India

This paper present improved design of disc brake which is done by FEA to assess the performance whiles certain speed or decelerating condition. Different materials were used to determine temperature distribution, variation of stress and deformation; primarily stainless steel and iron are used as disc brake materials. The paper has investigated the effect of the temperature distribution with the deformed shape and stress distribution of disc brake using different braking system. a steady static structural analysis has also been carried out to investigate the temperature variation across the brake disc.

Design and finite Element analysis of Disc brake

  1. Conducted by Rajendra pohani, R.G Choudhary

  2. International J. of Engg. Research & Indu.Appls (IJERIS)

This paper of research shows a FEM model is prepared for contact analysis. A three dimensional finite element mode of the brake pad and the disc is develop to calculate static structural analysis and transient state analysis. The comparison is made between the solid and ventilated disc keeping the same material propertoes and constraint and using general purpose finite element analysis. The paper further discusses how general purposes finite element analysis software can be used to analyse the equilanet stresses and the thermal stresses at the disc to pad interface.

Design Automotive brake

  1. Conducted by Murali M.R , Krishna and Diouglas chokeck 1998

  2. Researcher for Trucks and buses exposition

The research paper present modelling approach for the preliminary design of automotive disc brakes. In this approach, the parametric modelling is carried with the help of geometric description, design objective , formulation of objective function, sensitivity analysis, design of experiment description and optimisation procedure. The paper shows modelling approach has been enhanced through the inclusion of FEA component models. This approach can yield productive results at the earliest stages of deign itself. The procedural steps involved in this parametric modelling approach are incorporated in this work to achieved the conflicting goals and objective with respect to design and performance of the brake disc.

Finite Element Analysis of Temperature distribution in solid Disc Brake

  1. Researched by p. Grzes

  2. Bialystok University of Technology

The aim of this research paper was to investigate the temperature fields of the solid disc brake during short, emergency braking. In this paper transient thermal analysis of disc brakes in single brake application was performed. To obtain the numerical simulation parabolic heat conduction equation for two dimensional model was used. The result show that both evolution of rotating speed of disc and contact pressure with specific material properties intensely modifying the shape of the brake pads.


Computer aided design (CAD) also known as solid work, describe the process of drafting with a computer, and the output of CAD oblige to convey detailed information , such as materials, process, dimension and tolerance , according to application specific convection. CAD software is used to enhance the production of the designer, improve communication and to create a database for manufacturing. CAD is also used to create conceptual design, product layout, strength and dynamic analysis of assembly and the manufacturing process themselves. CAD is primarily used for detailed engineering of 3D or 2D model drawing of physical components and it also broadly use for engineering process to design an object. When create model on Solid work (CAD), it also allows to transfer the model to other software such as Ansys.


ANSYS is finite element analysis (FEA) software package. The Finite Element Analysis has been widely implemented by automotive companies and is used by design engineers as a tool during the product development process. Finite element analysis is a numerical method of deconstructing a complex system into element. The software implement equation that direct the behaviour of these element and solves them all, creating a comprehensive explanation of how the system act as a entirely. Finite element analysis (FEA) is predicting how a real life object will react when it’s under certain force or heat, whether it will break, wear out, and determine the way it was designed, it also predict what is going to happen when the product is used. FE analysis is typically used for the design and optimization of a system far too complex to analyse by hand.

FEA consist of computer model design that is stressed and analyse for specific result. It is used in new and already existing product refinement. A company is able to verify a proposed design, will be able to perform to the customer’s specification prior to manufacturing or construction. In case of structural failure, modifying an existing product or structure is utilized to qualify the product for a new service condition; FEA may be used to help determine the design modification to meet the new condition. FEA uses a complex system known as nodes which make a grid called MESH. The mesh is programmed to contain the material and structural properties which define how the structure will react to certain loading condition.

4. Design Specification, Equation & symbols

Disc brake Specification

  1. Outer diameter of the disc (D) = 276.00mm

  2. Inner diameter of the disc (d) = 145.00mm

  3. Radius of the entire disc (r) = 138.00mm

  4. Materials used for the construction = Cast iron and aluminium

  5. Frictional constant = 0.500

  6. Thickness of the entire disc = 021.900 mm

  7. Total weight of the disc or the tyre = 860.1500 Grams

  8. Highest pressure applied = 1.00MPa

  9. Measured radius of the disc brake = 128.500

  10. Area of braking pads can be given as= 0.00455500mm2

Figure 3: Workings of the disc brakes

Figure 4: Working of disc brakes in solid works

Properties of both the materials

Property of the material

Cast Iron

Total density (grams/centimeter3)


Property of the material


Heat conduction property (Weight/(mass*Friction constant))


Total Density (grams/centimeter3)


Capacity of thermal conduction

(Total calories/gram calorie)


Capcaity of thermal conduction(cal/gc)


Emission of the discs


Emission of the discs


Peer strength on upper portion (Milli pressure per ampere)


Peer strength on upper portion(Milli pressure per ampere)


Brute strength (Milli Pressure per ampere)


Brute strength (Milli pressure per ampere)


Symbols and Units

Figure 5: Representation of various symbols

5. Disc Brake calculation

Disc brakes are represented and demonstrated under the software known as solid work which is given in the figure.

During the application of brakes in an automobile, disc brakes observe forces like torque, frictional, and many more. Initially, only tangential force is applied on the disc brakes to decrease the speed of the vehicle. An equation has been deducted and tangential force can be calculated as:


µ = Frictional constant

A = Padding area

R= Highest pressure

I = Braking area of padding

FT= Padding force area


Eq. 2 FRI = ( )*A

q.1 FTRI
= Pad braking and the calliper forces can be represented as



Substitute the values;


FTRI = 00.50 x 00.50 x 1.0 x 0.00455500mm2 = 1139.00N

Eq 3: Brake Torque

Calcaualtion of frictional force and torque for the break pads can be given by the brake torque, it is represented as Tb and can be measured as;


T = Disc Torque

µ = Frictional constant

FT= Edge force application

Re = Observable radius of the disc

b = FT.Re

Substitute the values


Tb = 1139.00 x 128.500 = 1464.00N

The braking torque observed in the automobile braking system is equal to 1464.00 Newtons. The force calculated between the braking pad and calliper forces are taken out to be 1139.00 Newtons. Construction materials used are Cast iron and aluminium.

6. Results & Comparison

Cast iron is the material used and the following outcomes are observed. To calculate the entire area of the cast iron, it is divided into several parts with the help of meshing operations. More the value, more the accuracy. More the value of relevance i.e., 100 is the best then the disc with zero relevance. Strength, pressure, and change in temperature are also noted. High exerted force and the pressure load on the materials are also noted and observed. Cast iron outcomes are represented in the figure given below.

Figure 6: Cast iron representation in disc brakes

Figure 7: Mesh representation with relevance 0

Radius and the bent surface of the cast iron was caught by the zero relevance. Particles can be easily subdued by the zero relevance of the disc brakes. Borders of the disc brakes present in the automobile of various disc braking system works on both the relevancy whether it is zero or 100. The speed of the rotations can be calculated by this method very easily. Values of the relevancy noted on both the zero and hundred can vary from one point to another. The methods and techniques of the relevancy on 100 was seen to be more accurate than the one with zero relevancy. Tension and the various forces presented in the system of the cast iron during the construction of the disc brakes have also been notified and given in the following example. The surface area and the gained area by the cast iron is high and can be minimised by particular cast iron. Pressure on the surface and the compression area are also determined and observed by the above techniques.

Figure 8: Mesh representation with relevance 100

Figure 9: Representation in ANSYS for fine mesh

Analysis of both the different meshes in disc brakes

Whenever there is hundred mesh at a particular point, best mesh is observed in disc braking. The quality of the mesh is determined by the relevancy of the construction material. To calculate the mesh product of each and every part of the disc brake then the relevancy needs to be raised by the experts. Various nodes and branches are created by the disc brakes in a particular automobile to get the best relevancy result of the given automobile and the disc brakes. Fine mesh is considered to be one of the best products of this technique as it shows the best results and performances on the automobile in the disc brakes. Best disc braking techniques are observed by the fine mesh as it shows the better performance. Processing of the following technique might be long and tiring but the outcome given by the mesh is the best. Coarse meshing was also considered in the following process but it produced minimal number of nodes which caused a lot of trouble and the formation of fine mesh was done which gave better quality and the best results. The best relevance mesh is presented and protected by the disc brake with relevance equal to hundred and anything less than that gives discontinues mesh. After the results of all the tests in the labs, outcomes obtained were quite visible and obvious, fine mesh was considered to be the best and accuracy was also very good.

1464.00 newtons were the force which was observed after applying force on the peripheral and the backward side of the disc braking system. Formation was discontinuous on the front side and the formation was also considered to be discontinues on the back side of the disc brakes. Frontal discontinuation in the braking pattern was seen when the brakes were applied and frictional force was observed. Whenever any material is dropped or disorganised, then the application of the entire structure is considered.

Figures 2.6 shows brake pads effected area stresses on directional deformation Fig 2.7 Total deformation

Mesh analysis on a different material i.e., Aluminium

Figure 10: Fine mesh representation

Outcomes processed from the given file on the construction material like aluminium gives the quantities of nodes. Force value of 1464.00 Newtons is observed which can be given by the following techniques.

Figure 11: Brake pad directional analysis

Figure 12: Deformational analysis in brakes

Discontinuous formation on the direction and the entire material was observed. Same results were obtained while changing the meshing pattern, as it was less than hundred and rough patterning was done. Values of nodes and every relevance value is shown and observed. From zero to hundred just liket he cast iron, the values of aluminium is also considered, analysed and observed. At less or zero relevance the values were diminished as the accuracy was reduced significantly and the similar values of the branches and materials like aluminium were also diminished. The amin node and design of the disc brake after the construction of the aluminium was also dismembered and the value observed were very weak in number and the accuracy was also not maintained. To increase the number of nodes in the system, the value of relevance needed to be increased which can be measured at only hundred relevance.

To obtain the best result, relevance at 100 was needed and the ones with zero was eliminated. Observation in the relevance settings was also noted which could have been changed from one source to another. The given figure can be obtained by calculating the several discontinues formations in the various dimensions of the disc brakes including the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis. The final discontinuous formation or the total discontinuous formation can be evaluated and changed by squaring all the dimensions of the disc brakes including the x- axis, y-axis and the z-axis.

After comparing both constructional materials used for the disc brake construction like cast iron and aluminium, the selection of material was done. Aluminium was selected as the mesh product and the total deformation seen on the constructional disc braking system was very accurate and smoother as compared to that of the cast iron which was measured and observed in the above figure. Meshed product, performance rate, work rate, and the accuracy of the aluminium construction materials was very high as compared to that of the cast iron so it was chosen for the construction of the disc brakes.

7. Improving the Design of the Disc Brake

Improvement of the disc brakes was also done by various construction materials but the selection of aluminium was done. To improve the disc brakes, the design used for the construction of the disc brakes needed to be re modelled. This could easily be done by the presence of less variant particles and methods which are discussed in the report given above. Mesh theory and the basic concepts was studied and the finer mesh methods was selected. Finer mesh helps in providing the best accuracy. Cast iron used granular mesh which produced unclear outcome while aluminium metal produced fine mesh which increased the accuracy of the system. The accuracy of the system is also dependent upon the working of the various machine tools and parts of the automobiles. Relevance points must be considered to calculate the mesh produce and to increase the accuracy of the product, finer mesh is used. Relevance with hundred shows finer mesh and good accuracy while that with less than hundred shows unclear results and very low accuracy. Selection of aluminium over cast iron was done on these particular bases.

To upgrade the designing of the following disc brakes, the use of aluminium was done and the radius was increased by 3.00 millimetres. Density of the aluminium is thrice to that of the cast iron so the weight of the cast iron also increases significantly which reduces the sue of cast iron and aluminium is used at most of the places. Outcomes obtained while providing the mesh theory of the aluminium to that of cast iron is thrice to that of the normal cast iron so its value also increases and decreases particularly. Disc brakes require the use of various aluminium products and aluminium is considered to be very light weight as compared to that of the cast iron so it maintains proper weight and structural balance of the entire brake system is also measured and done by the braking system itself. The weight of the aluminium to that of the cast iron is very less as it is less dense and weight can be balanced as compared to that of the cast iron. The use of aluminium is very essential as to that of the cast iron.

Aluminium alloy for manufacturing purpose

The above paragraph or the topic which is considered at top must be inclined and the values must be uploaded. Aluminium is suited for the construction of the disc brakes as compared to that of the cast iron as given above. Suitable aluminium is very light weighted and can be used perfectly as it is a good thermal conductor also. Heat can be transferred from one-point to another without any hesitation. The durability of both the cast iron and aluminium is very high but the source changing can be little bit complex as it helps in the structural analysis of the automobiles. This is the reason aluminium is used in place of cast iron.

The weight and density distribution of aluminium is considered to be one of the major aspects which is why the use of aluminium is done. Discontinuous formation directionally and totally is also considered to be best for that of the aluminium. Various characteristics of the aluminium can be seen with the help of formation aluminium disc brakes. Cast iron is not considered to be one of the major components for the construction of disc brakes as it helps in its conservation is quite heavy. Lightweight materials are considered to be one of the major characteristics which is used by the aluminium in construction of the aluminium disc brakes. Relevancy of aluminium is also noted to be nearing to hundred so that the working of the disc brakes is with great efficiency and better accuracy as compared to that of cast iron. Fire resistance and water resistance is also shown by aluminium particles and no sign of rusting is observed.

8. Discussion

After observing an analysing, the results given above, aluminium was chosen in place of cast iron because of its various positive outcomes. Heat capacity of both the elements were shown int eh given report. Disc brake system in the braking system should be minute, highly compatible, and very efficient which was also shown in the report given above. Major result variance was also shown in the given outcome of both the elements. Outcomes observed were viable as they show the heat capacity and the tensile strength of each and every element present in the given report.

Two elements were used int eh following report for the construction of the disc brakes in which one was aluminium and the other one was cast iron. Heat absorbing characteristic of aluminium is much higher than that of cast iron so it used but the mass per volume capacity is much lower. Positioning of the various dimensions of the aluminium is much greater than that of cast iron. Heat absorbing characteristics and the light absorbing intensity helps aluminium to maintain deep shape and characterisations of aluminium is also maintained by it. This keeps the engine warm and do not cause wear and tear at the time of frictional force generation from one source to another. Selection of aluminium is done in place of cast iron because the value productivity of both the values can be figured out easier than that of the normal cast iron which is noticed by it. (Maleque,2010)

The most suited material is considered to be aluminium. At the bottom part of the automobile a lot of heat energy is produced which might deform the working of cast iron in the automobile or the disc brake. Frictional coefficient of aluminium is much greater than that of cast iron so no need of changing of one particular element is done. Inertial momentum is also at high rate in aluminium as compared to that of the cast iron. If the weight of the aluminium disc brake is increased then the working of the entire functional motion of the disc brake is also increased.

If the automobile is at higher speed and under uncertain conditions, the frictional value can help in those conditions. Work rate of the different materials can also be increased by the implication of aluminium. If the second level is not applied, then the automobile might not withstand he working of the disc brake and the entire braking system might fall from one particular motion to another. Wearing and tearing of different constructional materials can also be adjusted by the following methods. Aluminium was applied to the automobile so that the difference between the working and functioning of the car might not disrupt and the car should not break. Frictional force is also obtained and measured and the heat energy might cause wear and tear which is also protected by the layer of aluminium which is sued for the construction of the disc brakes.

Cast iron was very vulnerable and a lot of disadvantages were seen. At high speeds and sudden brakes, the use of cast iron might affect the working of the automobile as it might break the entire structure of the automobile. Breaking of automobile, wearing and tearing caused in the parts of the car might also be reduced from a certain value if the use of aluminium is done. Construction of aluminium disc brakes is done so that no further valuation of wearing and tearing and extreme heating in the car parts is not seen. The use of aluminium is also very high.

When the weight of both the materials were taken then it was found out that the weight of aluminium is much wide ad balanced as compared to that of the cast iron. Weight of the cast iron can disengage the working of the disc brakes in any automobile as it might cause extreme heating and wearing and tearing in most of the parts of the automobiles might be seen which might cause the working of the entire automobile to differ. Cast iron is thrice as that of the aluminium so the working of the automobile is disrupted at even values which cause disruption in the disc brakes of the vehicle. At times of high speed, it might heat up also.

9. Conclusion

The following report concludes with the working of the disc brakes on the model of automobile known as Mercedes A-class. The various functioning of the disc brakes and the different construction materials used are explained in the report given above. Constructional matrials like aluminium and cast iron is used for the construction of disc brakes in the automobile which is also discussed in the report given above. Software use of ANSYS si used for calculating the disc braking characteristics of the system. Values, formulas and various forces and their values observed are also given and discussed in the report given above. ANSYS is sued for calculating and deducing the blueprints of the entire automobile in the report given above.

ANSYS was sued for the calculation of the force which was observed at a value of 1464.00 Newtons in the above part of the report. First design developed by the experts were quite naïve. In fact, the third design was approved. Disc brakes characteristics and the various modifications which are shown by the disc brakes after application of aluminium is also shown by the ANSYS software which is given in the report given above. Use of aluminium was done in place of cast iron as it helped in the construction of the entire structural braking which is also given in the report above.

Various modifications and amplifications of various components is done during the construction of the disc brakes which is also explained in the report given above. Modifications and updated work is given and explained in the report given above. Best structural model was chosen and no disadvantages was noted which is also given in the report above.


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