Individual Reflective Journal Analysis

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Individual Reflective Journal Analysis

Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Role-play reflection based on key learning. 3

Description. 3

Feeling. 4

Evaluation. 5

Analysis. 5

Conclusion. 6

Action Plan. 7

Conclusion. 8

Reference List 9




I have provided various benefits of professional practises in an academic self-analysis and evaluation assignment. Throughout my report, I talk about the skills and knowledge I have at the moment, paying special attention to the introspection I learned to do at my school in order to get ready for the workforce. My objective is to work for a company so that I may practise addressing a wide range of customer issues and effectively communicating my skills to colleagues. We examine Gibb's reflective cycle and how it might help people become more whole, rounded people. The conceptual reflective examination discusses research ability, ICT use, networking and teamwork, effective time management, and other characteristics.



Role-play reflection based on key learning

One's abilities can only develop if one regularly assesses the outcomes of one's efforts. As a manager, I learned a great deal that has made me more competent, more confident in myself, and better prepared to handle any circumstance that may arise in my line of work. So, I can adjust to new circumstances without making poor choices or getting bogged down in introspective analysis. Learner outcomes and areas for professional growth are evaluated, and feedback is given, using the Gibbs reflection cycle (Adeani et al. 2020). The following justification centres on my development as a professional and as a person.




Teachers having extensive experience in effective communication helped me apply what I had learned and grow as a student. When I was unable to get in touch with them directly, I sent them a letter. The absence of networking affects workplace equity and fruitful projects, as I have learned via my academic collaborations and seminars. Knowing the importance of body language helped me feel at ease whenever I had to speak to my teacher; I was certain he understood what I was saying. An increase in proficiency in solving problems could lead to enhanced memory and recall. Students learn more about the subjects they study when they talk to one another about them and share their own views and information while explaining how and why they came to their conclusions (Markkanen et al. 2020).

My communication skills in institutional settings include email, text message, presentation, project management, and team leadership. In the early stages of my education, I was exposed to situational case studies and invited to share my own experiences with the class. I've done my best to maintain optimism despite this setback. Rectifying a damaging situation requires identifying the root causes of the damage. The academic staff's online seminars helped me become a better team player and expand my appreciation for the expertise of my instructors in teaching me about management and other professional topics.




This portion helped me figure out if I have any weaknesses when it comes to facing and conquering obstacles. When we have to make a tough choice, I can get multiple people on the team to work together, which will lessen tension. I was confident and ready for a fair shake when I walked into the office. It has always been a priority of mine to contribute to projects that matter. After numerous disappointments and hardships, my outlook changed on its own and I began to feel less concerned. Good communication creates a productive workplace by disseminating information that all team members can use (Sekarwinahyu et al. 2019). At this point, I have to put forth my best effort to comprehend the participant's emotional state and mental processes throughout the talk and how those factors might have affected the session's outcome. My self-esteem issues started after I started going to academic seminars.

Having this connection to dynamic partnership helps me network more effectively in all my interactions. I made the conscious decision to train my lack of aggression when confronting a difficult person at registration. I'd like to get in touch with my coworkers in the aim of forming a cooperative working connection with them. As a result, I now consider networking an integral part of my personality rather than a set of skills to acquire.




I am able to provide the organisation with up-to-date data in a variety of business contexts thanks to my research-based projects. I read the text, conducted surveys and reviews of key scholars, and compiled relevant data in order to provide a methodical and disciplined assessment of the managerial function. Using a variety of academic journals and websites, I am honing my analytical skills. This is a very helpful lesson, and it will help me in the future. I've grown to see the value of open lines of communication with my staff. Moreover, I now see how it might have an impact on the calibre of our management choices, particularly when it comes to delivering management services. To better grasp a learner's experience, interpreters need to take into account both the positives and negatives of the situation.

From my findings, I concluded that although I did face numerous obstacles, they could be surmounted with the help of thorough investigation, hard work, honesty, and expertise. With the help of my teachers and the background I have in reading and writing, I can demonstrate my capacity for growth and my determination to make the most of this chance. One of the best parts of my job is that I get to work directly under the supervision of competent experts; of course, having the support of an effective team of supervisors is also invaluable. By comparing and contrasting the two employees they chose, I will be able to assess what went well and what did not even throughout the implementation phase. Interpreters must consider the strengths and weaknesses of the learner in order to gain a complete picture of their knowledge and experiences (Tawanwongsri and Phenwan, 2019). My intention is to have an evaluation of my performance that is as precise and objective as possible.




The lesson plan emphasises the point that there is no qualitative difference between management and the rest of the team except for the need for compensation. Explaining why something is good or bad, and what factors may have contributed to those outcomes, is a common goal of analysis. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) refers to a set of tools and services that facilitate the transfer and management of data (Ingham-Broomfield, 2021). Seminars and tutorials were provided in Excel, PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and Blackboard as part of the ICT infrastructure. I am now more comfortable using educational software and other forms of specialist computer software. Due to the epidemic, having knowledge of IT is becoming a prerequisite for finding gainful employment. To fulfil my official duties, I frequently used the internet and other forms of computer work. The internet has made it much simpler for me to carry out my official responsibilities, and this has helped me avoid getting sick.

In addition to learning how to resolve disagreements and manage my time well, I have also picked up the skills necessary to organise and carry out self-management plans in tandem with the clock. Strategies, plans, decisions, and priority-setting all play a role in effective time management (Ahmed, 2020). As part of my continual attempt to increase productivity, I have, in addition to setting limitations, been willing to turn down chances, delegate responsibilities, and outsource certain areas of my work. Although I lack the expertise to tackle these problems, I am capable of conducting thorough research, making useful contributions, performing insightful analyses, and compiling useful information. I find that when I make a to-do list and stick to it, I feel less worried because I can see that I'm accomplishing things.

Based on my findings, I can now appreciate the significance of public acknowledgment in the workplace. In addition to being familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, I also have a firm grasp on how to set up effective incentives. My time in school has provided me with inspiration that I have carried throughout my working life. Working through typical workplace technical, methodological, and other issues has helped me become more adept at finding and applying solutions. In order to improve professionally and personally, I also practise for the possibility of a disagreement in the workplace. My work also features elements of my imaginative process.




I have finally been able to synthesise my academic experiences and make plans for future growth. It is also important to provide a clear response to the preceding material. Everyone on the team, from the CEO on down, deserves to be appreciated and valued. Every company should have a system in place for managing human resources that includes periodically reviewing employee compensation to see if any changes need to be made going forward. As a result, it's believed that future workplace complaints will go down dramatically, and in some situations, revolts will be completely avoided. Having people self-identify their talents and employing the collaborative team roles framework may both be suggested depending on the scope of the project.



Action Plan

As part of this process, I consider what I would do differently next time I was in a comparable circumstance. As I reflect on how to alter my behaviour, I will think about what aspects of it are amenable to alteration. Therefore, the following changes to my above or current competence will occur as a result of my professional and personal reflection, as outlined in the action plan:



Plan of Action


Communication skill

My online community and pals

Keep in close contact with a wide range of individuals.

3 months

Problem solving skill

Advice from teachers, exploration of various online resources,

Find and fix any more programming and code issues

3 months

Research skill

Books and scholarly journals from libraries

Take charge of responsibilities I am confident I can handle.

3.5 months

Teamwork and networking

My online community and pals

Topics to be discussed, and the latest market trends pinpointed.

2.5 months

Time and self management

Literature, talks, and discussions

Sequence and weight the tasks accordingly.

3 months

The use of ICTs

The Hardware

Create instructional videos and other online material

3 months

Table 1: Analysis action plan based on skills

(Source: Self-developed)

Having looked at the big picture of the project, I can say that the resources available to me have been crucial to my success in the workplace. Moreover, it is also true that the correct management of the action plan is playing a significant part in ensuring the project's success. I have a plan to improve my talents and abilities by the deadline I have set for myself, so that I can do well in the future. One of the ideas I proposed at work was to create a website that would serve as a useful resource for anyone working in a market-based economic system, which is my current focus. It got praise and was rated higher than any other plan.




I have spent much time considering and researching the various educational needs that I have identified as part of my commitment to lifelong learning. What I discuss with them in my first meeting will have a significant impact on my career. Regardless of challenges I may encounter, such as competing priorities at work, I remain committed to providing superior customer service. Self-reflection is an important part of my educational approach and professional duties, but it requires me to be able to interpret research findings, apply them to real-world contexts, and draw meaningful conclusions from them. Self-reflection has been an invaluable resource for me, and I've learned that the best way to solve challenges is through experimentation and close observation.



Reference List

Adeani, I.S., Febriani, R.B. and Syafryadin, S., (2020). USING GIBBS’REFLECTIVE CYCLE IN MAKING REFLECTIONS OF LITERARY ANALYSIS. Indonesian EFL Journal, 6(2), pp.139-148.

Ahmed, A.M., (2020). From reluctance to addiction: The impact of reflective journals on Qatari undergraduate students’ learning. Reflective Practice, 21(2), pp.251-270.

Ingham-Broomfield, B., (2021). A nurses' guide to using models of reflection. TheAustralian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 38(4), pp.62-67.

Markkanen, P., Välimäki, M., Anttila, M. and Kuuskorpi, M., (2020). A reflective cycle: Understanding challenging situations in a school setting. Educational Research, 62(1), pp.46-62.

Sekarwinahyu, M., Rustaman, N.Y., Widodo, A. and Riandi, R., (2019, February). Development of problem based learning for online tutorial program in plant development using Gibbs’ reflective cycle and e-portfolio to enhance reflective thinking skills. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1157, No. 2, p. 022099). IOP Publishing.

Tawanwongsri, W. and Phenwan, T., (2019). Reflective and feedback performances on Thai medical students’ patient history-taking skills. BMC medical education, 19, pp.1-8.