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Health factor is one of the main attributes that provides stability and the sustainability of the community operating in a specific area. It can be observed that most of the time this attribute is often ignored that slows down the development proves of the place. From the excerpt provided above, it can be understood that the health conditions of the people remain directly related to the deaths occurring in a particular location and most of them draw the deduction from the prospects of the diseases occurring in the area scaling based on income. The main objective of the is assignment will be to work on a project that continuously aims to improve the health attributes of a location that prohibits the entire mechanism of the firm. The project has to involve a proper strategic plan to promote certain activities that provides a good appeal to the health of the entire community. The study sheds light on providing a well-structured project plan that demonstrates the key activities and considerations a project manager is required to make in favour of determining life choices of citizens to obtain better life. Since the overall study is based on the formulation of a project plan, it has utilised the framework of methodological implications to execute the same.



  • The study will be able to help future project managers focusing on a similar subject.

  • The study can serve as a pioneer to further discussion on the topic.

  • The development of the study will be able to serve as an example of methodical management for future project managers.

The aim of the project is to determine the life choices of the citizen to obtain a better life. The study aims to guide the citizens of the country towards healthier life choices.

  • To determine the current life choices of the citizens

  • To gather an understanding of the importance of being healthy

  • To determine strategies to help the citizen to make healthier habits



Project initiation is the process that includes the reason for the development of the strategies in the project. As opined by Kreiner et al. (2018), the determination of the strategies to improve life choices will be able to reduce the chances of deaths by diseases. The project will focus on the importance of the determination of strategies to lead the citizens of the country towards a healthier lifestyle. In this phase, the inclusion pf the time, quality and cost constants, which indicates the consideration of iron triangle parameters. With the help of these metrics, it is expected that the project would be able to meet its desired objectives without having faced issues related to investments and resource requirements. The people of the country have observed the cause of deaths mostly is the unhealthy lifestyle that they choose. The high-income groups can afford the cost burden of medical treatment. However, the people who belong to the low-income groups find it difficult to gather the cost of the treatments, therefore the death rates are relatively high for the low-income groups.


The project will determine the strategies to draw the attention of the people of the country towards a better lifestyle. As opined by Kotseva et al. (2019), the people of the country have observed the cause of deaths mostly is the unhealthy lifestyle that they choose. The project will be helpful for the improvement of the life choices of the people of the local area. The people of the area mostly belong to the low-income groups and possess less awareness of the importance of the implementation of healthier life choices in the daily hood. The initial steps of the project will be to create awareness in the people about the adversities of the habituation in unhealthy lifestyles. Additionally, the planning phase comprises of the estimation of the overall cost and time requirements. In other words, the compilation of all the resources in a single unit through proper visiting of requirement specifications would allow the project member to meet comprehensive deadline and maintain quality of outcomes.

Execution, Control monitoring

The project will take help from the local government authorities to determine the statistics of the people to differentiate them in income groups. After the determination of the mass of the citizen, the project will proceed further with creating awareness with the help of the relevant marketing procedures in the income groups. The project will then arrange for workshops and seminars to make them understand the importance of the implementation of healthy life choices. As opined by Sligo et al. (2017), the process of execution is able to determine the future of the project and the success of the same in the country. The project will develop performance strategies based on the availability of the resources needed for the project. The ultimate goal of the project is to form a nongovernmental health centre for the improvement of the health of the local citizens.

The project will deploy employees to keep track of the changes in the lives of the people that are caused by the development procedure of the project. The project will monitor the improvement on a weekly basis. It will provide check-up programmes for the determination of the process of change. The people participating in the programmes will be under the keen observation of the health care personnel for the understanding of the changes and their impacts in the lives of the people. As stated by Vujovi? et al. (2020) that the performance of check up programmes will be able to help the health care personnel the understanding of the current situation in the society regarding health.


The development of the project will be kept in record with the help of the ongoing survey of the citizens participating in the project. The people that are performing the tasks will be reporting to the authorities and the execution process of the project will be kept in record and will be used for the future development of the people of the country. The concerned authority will take care of tracking the advancements of the procedures with the help of the available tracking resources such as journals. The project closure would also utilise approvals from administrative bodies such that its deployment would take place effectively meeting proper deadlines. Additionally, the project closure would also be enriched through the application of formal documentations that would provide as an evidential proof of the activities that has been performed during the project development.


The determination of the methodologies of this project is dependent upon the type of outcome that the project manager is looking forward to gathering. As opined by Rasnacis and Berzisa (2017), the development of the methodology of the researches are the aspects that determine the usefulness of the project for the future. There are several suitable methodologies for the management of the project of lifestyle development of the citizens of the locality. the suitable methodologies for the research would have been the waterfall and agile methodology. Both the process of the waterfall and agile management methodology focus on the evaluation of a vast array of data. However, the project manager will undertake the agile methodology for the performance and determination of the strategies to help the people get a better life.
The agile methodology that has been introduced would provide the project manager with an effectiveness in executing project activities through verifications. In other words, agile being a cyclic framework allows the execution of the project to take place in an iterative way letting each process to run multiple times until the project meets its desired objectives. On the other hand, the waterfall methodology restricts the utilisation of iterations. This indicates that the completion of a single phase of the project would only occur once and thereafter proceed with the next phases. In this project, the utilisation of the waterfall methodology has not been utilised as the project manager would be required to go through the tasks in a repetitive way to analyse its effectiveness. Henceforth the application of agile methodology would be facilitated.


The performance of the tasks will be better with the implementation of the following recommendation in the project:

  • The project manager can motivate the people of the locality by arranging a motivating seminar to implement a healthy lifestyle.

  • The management of the project will be easier with the employment of the local people in the performance of the tasks.

  • The health care workers have to keep an eye on the development of the people. Therefore, they need to improve the relation with the people they are working for.

  • The project can further take help from the concerned government for better investment and gathering better attraction towards the outcome of the same.

Task 2

Timeline (Gantt chart)


Figure 1: Gantt chart


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Risk management plan

Risk type






Financial risk

Without having an estimation of the overall cost of the project, excessive cash flows might incur the project to face delay and termination


Very likely

The application of a fundamental budget plan would allow the project manager to keep a track of the investments made within the project execution procedure.

Finance manager

Compliance Risk

Faltering the legal guidelines and any form of financial forfeitures can impact the internal policies maintained for the project.


Very Likely

The entire problem and the risk related to this aspect can be solved if a proper guideline is laid out in regards to the internal policies that should be followed throughout the project.

Project manager

Security Risk

This kind of projects often faces the problems of frauds and scams that can lead to the jeopardization of the entire project.


Very likely

This kind of risk can be mitigated by performing a deep level analysis of the different types of the workforce operating in the project and understand the mindset of each of the people involved in the project.

Security manager

Operational risk

The operational risk is involving the hazards that come s from the operation undertaken form the project ad also from the lack of training present in the workforce.


Less likely

This kind of risks can be avoided if the employees and workers are provided with proper training before the initiation of the development.

Operational manager

Reputation risk

The absence of a proper reputation can cause problems while receiving approval from the authorities while registering the health care facilities.

Very High

Very Likely

The reputation risk can be mitigated by recruiting certain staffs that maintain a constant vigilance towards the approach maintained by the project. The ability of the project t6o improves the health factors of the community help in the eradication of any rumour I market.

Project manager

Economic risk

The lowering of the economy can significantly impact the costing of the resources that will be utilized for the construction of the project. It is important to understand that this kind of risks often hampers the budget5ary planning of the project leading to a noticeable amount of miscalculation that leads to loss of monetary assets.

Very low

Less Likely

The economic risks can be averted I the market analysis is done on an integrated level. This will help in understanding the effective costing of all the necessary and the non-necessary expenditures that will be required for the execution of the project.

Finance manager

Table 4: Risk management Plan

Key dimensions of contractual risks

It is important to note that the contractual risks often carry some of the major problems in regards to the deal made with the people who will carry out the projects it is important to understand that the identification of the risks in this aspect can be considered to be highly important to regards to the different types of functions that relate directly to the functionality of the organization. Most of the times, the contractual risks arise fiord the ambiguity of the work where the clauses and guidelines in regards to the execution of a project are not defined. Considering that one of the main objectives will be to identify certain factors that continuously improves the overall health attributes of the community, the contractual risks will involve the competency factors of different teams working in the project.


  • As per the risk analysis done, it is important to note that any form of financial risks can be averted by utilizing the schematic of the expenditure to develop a proper budget chart.

  • The economic risks can Gbe averted by maintaining a flexible dynamic in three programs that allow the addition and termination of certain tasks based on the economic condition of the region.

  • All the other forms of risks will require a proper analysis that will facilitate an enhanced development of the countermeasures.

  • The health-related risks that involve employees visiting contagious areas to spread awareness. For such reasons, they can be equipped with proper gears so that they can maintain the health parameters during their work.

Legal and Non-legal solutions to foreseen and unforeseen risk in the project

The expected risks involve the people visiting the contagious areas where the health hazards are comparatively high than the other location. In this aspect, it is important to understand that the workers who will remain tasked with the awareness programme must be provided with proper safety kit so that the health factors are maintained.

The unforeseen risks will involve any form of accident that will require immediate development of action plans. The safety issues take the priority in ana awareness programme and therefore proficient personnel’s must be deployed for working effectively under any emergency.

Resource management plan


Resource required

Resource type




HR department

HR manager


Hardware and software


Technology officer

Development of health care buildings

Construction-related equipment’s


Civil engineer

Improvement of employee quality

Proficient personnel for the training program

Training and development


Awareness programmed

Personnel’s aligned with the concept of communal welfare

Communal welfare

Project head.

Table 5: Resource Plan

Quality assurance plan


Quality assurance

Required resource


Initiation document

A clear understanding of the key activities that are to be executed during the evaluation of the project for the appropriate estimation of outcomes.

Proper personnel with a clear understanding of the architecture will be required for the development of this documentations.

4-5 weeks

Equipment utilization

This will mainly focus on assuring the best quality of the equipment’s that will be utilized for the monitoring of the effect of the awareness.

The knowledge for the top-notch technologies that can be utilized for the project. Proper documentation of the implementations will also be required as proper guidelines have to be ensured to prolong the efficiency of the equipment.

3-5 weeks

Resource allocation

The proficiency of allocating the different resources utilized for the project will determine the preciseness can the effectiveness of the entire mechanism that will be implemented in the community.

A proper management team is required for this task who maintain a significant amount of experience in the domain of developing health care infrastructure and take suggestions that will allow the best utilization of the resources.

2 weeks

Table 6: Quality assurance plan

Task 3

Stakeholder identification

Stakeholder Types


Field of interest




Product quality and decision making

To gather service and provide feedback for or against the received service



Operations of the organisation

To perform the tasks assigned by the authorities



Financial returns

To determine the relevant fields for the investments in the organisations



Raw materials supply

To provide the organisation with the required raw materials for the performance of the project



Overall management and tax returns

To determine proper policies and strategies for the performance of the tasks assigned to the employees



Management of the departments of the projects

To provide overall care to the tasks performed by the employees



Providing flawless service to the citizen of the country

To provide aid to the organisations that are managing projects for the welfare of the people

Table 3: Stakeholder Identification

(Source: Influenced by Wood et al., 2018)


The identification of the stakeholders in a project holds immense importance as the stakeholders are able to influence the management of the project. As opined by Fritz et al. (2018), the development of the project is dependent upon the performance and the influence of the stakeholders of the project. The external stakeholders are able to influence the advancement of the project form the external perspective such as less awareness or fewer investments. For instance, customers are the external stakeholders, in the case of the project; the citizens who are being benefited from the projects are the customers. The participation of the citizens will be able to determine the success or failure of the project. On the other hand, Majdenic et al. (2017) stated that the participation of the employees in the project has been able to optimise the advancement of performance. The investors are the aspects where the project gets the necessary investments.

The development of the project has also relied on the gathering of the necessary raw materials from the suppliers. For instance, in this project, the project management team will be in need of the healthcare supplies to perform the check up and spread awareness amongst the citizens of the country. The suppliers will be able to influence the development of the project by increasing the cost of the raw materials needed for the project. As observed in a study by Payne et al. (2019), the owners and the managers of the project are responsible for the decision-making process to gather maximum participation from the citizens of the country. The more the project gets participation of the citizen the more success the project will gather and the welfare process will be faster. The government of the country plays a vital role in the management of the project and influencing the course. The project management team has to abide by the government enforced rules to keep a clean background. For projects like these where the welfare of the people of the country is involved, the concerned government is often observed to be a patron for the betterment of the people of the country.

Staff management plan





Project manager


The project managers are responsible for the performance of the tasks to carry forward the course of the project. As stated by Soo et al. (2017), The development of the project relies upon the shoulders of the project manager as they keep track of the performance of the tasks.


Finance manager


The finance manager is responsible for the determination of the investment plans of the project in different departments.

Project manager

Employees/ developers


The employees are the aspect by which the tasks of the projects are performed. As opined by Cao et al. (2020), the success of the projects is determined upon the proper performance of the tasks by the employees or project developers.

Team leader

Team leader


The team leader of a project is responsible for the management of the different operational departments. The employees of the project perform the tasks as elaborated by the team leaders of the project.

Project manager

Operational staff


The operational staffs are in the responsibility of the performance of the operations and execution of the projects.

Project manager


Board of directors

The owners are the responsible authorities of the whole project. The other management teams and determined strategies need the approval of the owners to implement the same in the project management.


Table : Staff management plan

(Source: Influenced by Dadelo, 2018 )


The development of the project has relied upon the performance of the staffs that are employed in the management and operations of the project. The staffs are the aspect that determines the way of performance of the project as well. As opined by Ahmed and Dalhem (2019), the determination of the staff management plans is able to provide the project manager overviews of the job roles of the employees participating in the project. The different categories of the staffs are able to be organised in a table with their performing roles for the understanding of the operations and hierarchy of the project management. The development and management of the project are made easy with the process of staff management plans. Different leaders of the department are able to understand their mode or work in the project. The aforementioned table provides an understanding of the operating process of different staffs that are participating in the project. The development of the organised project will be able to provide the citizens with a better lifestyle in recent future.

Conclusion and recommendations

The entire assignment focuses on the different approach made on the risk analysis done based on the project that aims to improve the health factor of the community. The entire assignment sheds light on the different aspects of the project management and execution carried out on the domain of health care improvement. The description of the key activities and the risk plan allows us to understand the different types of functions that are undertaken for the project and remain directly related to the functionality of the firm. The assignment also provides an outline of the cost analysis and the timeframe breakdown in regards to the several operations undertaken for the project. His allows a very clear insight into the intricate procedures used for the execution of multiple aspects present in the project.

  • The project focuses on developing a plan that reduces the risk of encountering health hazards and will provide a lower death toll due to the improved health infrastructure.

  • The recommendations and analysis that were done on after each of the tables have been aligned concerning the different types of function carried out on the domain of health care.

  • The entire architecture developed above mainly focuses on the lowering of death toll because of different kinds of diseases caused due to variable income of the people residing in the community.

  • The projects successfully shed light ton the different types of attributes that allow proper identification of the different types of functions required for the awareness programmed in the aspect of health.

It can be concluded that the presence of a properly structured infrastructure that remains aligned with the lowering of the death tolls is highly required for any specific location that maintains a community of people.


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