Marketing is considered as an effective part of the business process to have effective support in making the organisational achievements more effective. The process of developing the marketing strategies will be focused on the following context concerning the organisation, Cafe Pod Coffee Co. As an effective coffee shop in the UK, it is essential to the Cafe Pod Coffee Co to develop appropriate strategies that will magnify the marketing process of the organisation to manage profitability.
Aim and objectives
The aim of this study is to find out absolute marketing strategies to make positive impacts in the business process and to have appropriate support in managing the competitive advantages.
The objectives of the following study are,
To analyse the internal and external context of the Cafe Pod Coffee Co to have proper knowledge about the essential and impactful factors
To develop appropriate marketing strategies to have proper support in the business process
To explore the findings from the analysis of the strategic marketing context about Cafe Pod Coffee Co
CAFEPOD coffee co is an independent craft coffee business that was established in London in the year of 2011. The following organisation is one of the major organisations of the UK and it provides various types of flavours coffee to the drinkers to have better taste in coffee-related items. The organisation is effective at managing the coffee with perfect mixtures to enhance the choice of the customers and to have more effective quality products. With the quality products, the organisations are capable of making customer preferences over the coffee more effective (, 2021). The CAFEPOD coffee co is capturing all the major supermarkets of the UK to enhance the business process and to have the best possible results in managing the competitive advantage. Along with the coffee, there are various types of drinks available in the coffee shop and it attracts the customers on a high level to visit the shop and drink. According to, (2021), the following organisation have nearly 85 quality employees to manage the organisational process and to provide effective services to the customers. The annual revenue of the organisation is £6 million and the organisation is trying to expand its market over the different countries to have more growth in the business process. In respect to that, the following organisation needs to be conscious about the construction of the marketing strategies to have the best possible results in the international market.
There are many types of marketing strategies that need to be applied in the organisation to have more productive results in the process and to manage the organisational success. According to Neilson et al., (2018), one of the greatest strengths of the organisation is the quality of products and the services to the customers. With the following features, the organisation have the great advantage that can be applied in the market to have better results. Due to the growing numbers of coffee drinkers, the following organisation have an effective chance to capture the market of coffee products with the proper support in maintenance of quality (Abdel-Basset et al., 2018). In order to have more productive results in the process, the following organisation need to care about the marketing strategies that will be increasing the magnificence of the organisation.
Strategic marketing can be very fruitful for the CAFEPOD coffee co to have quality results in the process of making promotions of the brands and product in the respective market and to the people, who are interested in the coffee. The management of the strategic marketing process will be making the CAFEPOD coffee coefficient at planning the execution process to have quality results. In recent time, the organisation is facing several issues regarding the process of strategic marketing and implementation of the strategies (, 2021).
PESTLE analysis
Political |
There are no major areas to be focused on the political factors related to the coffee shops. Although, there are several issues, such as the supply of the raw materials and the management of the trading movements may be influenced by the political involvements (Filimonau et al., 2019). |
Economic |
Economies of the coffee shop need to be maintained with proper efficiency to have effective support in the marketing process (Maye et al., 2019). The increased price of the raw materials and the growing inflation rate makes the business process harder to have the best possible results. |
Social |
There are several factors in the social area that needs to be managed with perfection to have effective support in the business and to attract customers on a large scale (Gilboa et al., 2019). In that area, the management of the quality of the food items and the health consciousness needs to be managed with effectiveness to have better results in the process. |
Technological |
Technologies are the most essential elements that need to be managed with perfection to have proper support in the processes and to have effective results in providing services to the customers (Turner and Endres, 2017). In that context, the use of innovative technologies such as the information system, decision support system and the coffee machines need to be implemented in the coffee shop to have better results. |
Legal |
There are several legal factors that need to be managed to have effective support in the process and to have an appropriate condition in managing the activities (Cuervo-Cazurra et al., 2019). Hence, the standard of the food quality and the transportation of the goods and raw materials need to be managed with perfection. |
Environmental |
One of the most essential factors in the area of managing the environmental aspects are the management of sustainability to have effective support in the process. Additionally, the use of sustainable practices is effective to have better results in the process. |
SWOT analysis
Strengths |
Weaknesses |
Opportunities |
Threats |
Theoretical models and framework regarding strategic marketing
There have been different types of marketing models that need to be focused to have better results in the process. In the following process, several models are,
USP: Unique selling proposition is one of the best marketing models to be used in the process of strategic marketing to have appropriate results. Organisations such as CAFEPOD coffee co may be applying the following model to have better results. Using the USP model, CAFEPOD coffee co can be increasing the competitive advantage and the potential to have more quality results (Wen et al., 2020). In addition, CAFEPOD coffee co have more advantages as per the results of USP. In that area, the brand is known to the customers and the organisation is having strength regarding the area of managing the quality of the products.
Brand positioning map: It is another effective marketing model that helps the organisations to visualise the current position of the brand in the respective market. According to Behuria, (2020), the management of the brand positioning map will be helpful to the organisation to develop the strategies to have expected competitive advantage. Hence, CAFEPOD coffee co must be using this model to make the business process constructive in the relevant market. From the assessment of the brand positioning map, it has been observed that the CAFEPOD coffee co is in a better position in the market.
coffee co
Darden restaurants
More neutral
Less neutral
Less tasty
Figure 1: Brand positioning map
(Source: Developed by the learner, 2021)
Study gap
Considering the aspects of strategic marketing, one of the most effective parts is to gather ample amounts of information, which can be effective to improve the marketing process on a large scale. In this regard, the process of marketing needs to be performed with the support of appropriate information to enhance the efficiency of the process. In the opinion of Lee et al., (2018), the proper understanding of the preferences and choices of customers is also essential to have effective support in the process of developing strategies to have expected profitability. Hence, the gap in the following study is the improper management of the information regarding the area of strategic marketing.
Initial outcomes
Organisations, such as Cafe Pod Coffee Co need to identify the possible and effective changes that will be enhancing the organisational successes to have better results. In contrast of this, Hracs and Jansson, (2017), suggested that the appropriate changes that are essential must be implemented in the organisation to have effective support in the process and to manage the business growth. In some of the cases, the strategies are not effective to the market to have successive results in the business, therefore the Cafe Pod Coffee Co needs to be developing appropriate strategies. In respect to that Alexander et al., (2018), states that the poor and ineffective strategies are damaging the profitability of the business process, so it is essential to have proper support in the development process.
Proposed strategies
Several strategies that will be very productive to the CAFEPOD coffee co to have the best possible results in the process of business and those are,
CAFEPOD coffee co needs to focus on the gathering of marketing data to make appropriate strategies to have better results.
CAFEPOD coffee co also requires to analyse and assess the growth strategies to have possible growth in the business process (Jones et al., 2017).
Enhancement of the innovative technologies will be effective for the organisation to have expected results.
From the analysis of the internal and external environment of the organisations, it has been understood that some of the factors are enhancing the growth of the organisational business process. On the other hand, it can be stated that there are also several factors that are affecting the success rate of the Cafe Pod Coffee Co in the respective market. According to Wann et al., (2018), several legal laws are damaging the organisational efficiency to execute the marketing strategies and business activities. Additionally, the internal structure of the organisation is effective to manage the business aspects and to have proper support in the business region. Various range of products is also enhancing the customer engagement of the organisation to have better results in the business process. It can be considered as one of the best approaches for the organisation to have better results in the process and to manage organisational productivity.
Figure 2: Sales value of the coffee shops
(Source: Extracted from, 2021)
According to the given statistics, it has been observed that the sales value of the coffee shops have been increased on a large scale and it is very helpful to the economic growth of the country. In the given scenario, the sales values of the Cafe Pod Coffee Co is depending on the appropriate management of strategies to have better results in the process. According to, (2021), states that the development of appropriate strategies is effective to the organisations to capture the respective market and to have the best possible support in the process. In addition, the management of sustainability is also essential to enhance the marketing process with perfection and to have the proper opportunity in the process.
In that case, the management of the marketing models will be effective for the organisation to have perfect results in the process. Absolute focus on the USP will be enhancing the performance of the organisation in the respective market to have more productivity. Apart from that, according to (), the management of the brand positioning map will also be making the business of CAFEPOD coffee co more strong (McNicholas and Cotton, 2019). Through the effective management of the factors, the CAFEPOD coffee co can have magnified competitive advantage to dominate other organisations. Hence, the absolute focus on the strategic approaches will be fruitful to the organisation to achieve the best possible results.
Strategic marketing is essential parts of the business to have the best possible results in different parts of the organisation. There are many factors included in the process that needs to be considered to have the best possible results. In the process of developing the marketing strategies more effective, several factors are needed to be focused to have effective support in the process and to achieve expected targets with perfection. Additionally, the marketing plan is effective to be used in the organisations to have a proper idea about the essential elements that need to be considered. Management of strategic growth and related aspects will be effective for the organisation to have the best possible chance in the market. Absolute focus on the USP and brand positioning map will be efficient to the organisation to have more support in developing a competitive advantage in the process. Development of the growth strategies will also be magnifying the progress of the organisation to have better results in the process. Hence, the management of the marketing aspects will be developing the expansion of the business process more effective and efficient.
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