Unit 3Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace Assignment

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Unit 3Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace Assignment
Unit 3Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace Assignment

This Assignment is example of our Edexcel Assignment help Service. This assignment is part of BTEC HND and HNC Health and social care course and given in the E- Thames Graduate College.

Assignment title Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace Assignment
Learning Outcome  Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no.
LO1 Understand how health and safety legislation is implemented in the health and social care workplace 1.1 Review systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and safety in the health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements 1
1.2 Assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for the management of health and safety in relation to organisational structures 1
    1.3 Analyse health and safety priorities appropriate for a specific health and social care workplace 1
LO2   Understand the ways in which health and safety requirements impact on customers and the work of practitioners in the health and social care workplace 2.1 Analyse how information from risk assessments informs care planning for individuals and organisational decision making about policies and procedures 2
2.2 Analyse the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on health and social care practice and its customers 2
2.3 Discuss how dilemmas encountered in relation to implementing systems and policies for health, safety and security may be addressed 2
    2.4 Analyse the effect of non-compliance with health and safety legislation in a health and social care workplace 2
LO3   Understand the monitoring and review of health and safety in the health and social care workplace 3.1 explain how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed 3
3.2 analyse the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive, healthy and safe culture 3
3.3 evaluate own contributions to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice. 3
Purpose of this assignment

Learners will understand that health and safety is an essential consideration for all practitioners in health and social care and this unit will enable learners to develop an understanding of the importance of continually monitoring the implementation of health and safety legislation and policies within any health and social care setting.

Learners will gain a clear understanding of the implications of relevant legislation for their own role and the implementation of policies and systems in their own workplace. The importance of record keeping, monitoring and review health and safety policies and procedures will also be considered.

Elements of this unit should be contextualised, where possible, to an appropriate setting relevant to learners’ workplace in health and social care.

Requirements of this assignment The assignment consists of 3 tasks. The first task requires individual learner to prepare a booklet, the second task requires every learner to carry out a risk assessment and task 3 is a reflective practice. Assessment criteria 2.3 will be assessed in Unit 2 Assignment brief.
Task 1 Health and Safety Legislation You are to compile an induction booklet for new staff joining your health or care setting. The size of the booklet should be no more than 10 pages long. Specific requirements for the booklet must include:
  • A Front Cover
  • Contents Page
  • Introduction :
  • An review of :
a) systems and b) Policies and procedures for communicating information on health, safety and security to staff, clients and visitors of the agency. (Diagrams and flowcharts can be used here) (1.1, M3) Responsibilities: a) Examine the responsibilities in your agency for the management of health and safety in relation to organizational structures supported by appropriate examples (1.2, D2) An analysis of : the health, safety and security priorities of your agency (1.3)
Task 2 Risk Assessment This task requires you to carry out a risk assessment in your placement using one of the approaches evaluated in Task 1. Include the full risk assessment as part of the information you include in your submission. Your risk analysis (not including the risk assessment report) should contain:
  • Clear and relevant analysis of how information from your risk assessment can inform the planning for the care of individuals and how an organisation might undertake organisational policies decision making supported by innovative examples should be apparent in your work (2.1, M2)
  • An analysis of the impact of one aspect of your health and safety policy on your own practice with service users and the care team. (2.2)
  • Your personal analysis on the effects of noncompliance experience in relation to health and safety legislation in the workplace. (2.4)
  • You must be able to demonstrate that you have applied innovative and creative thought to your work (D3)
An Appendix containing your actual risk assessment report. Get the Communication in Health and Social Care Organizations Assignment Help
Task 3 Monitoring and Reviewing

This task requires you to show clear understanding of the implications of relevant legislation for your own role and the implementation of policies and systems in your own workplace. You may wish to submit evidence from reflective accounts and witness testimonies from your care setting. Your submission of not more than 1000 words should include:

  • An explanation about how the health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed at your organisation. (3.1, M2, D2)
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of health and safety policies and practices in the workplace in promoting a positive health and safety culture. (3.2)
  • An evaluation of your own contributions to placing the needs of individuals at the centre in relation to health, safety and security. (3.3, M1, D1)
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LO 3 understand the monitoring and review of health and safety in the health and social care workplace

3.1 Explain how health and safety policies and practices are monitored and reviewed

It is very important to monitor and review the policies and practices of Health and Safety workplace so that the quality of the organisation can be enhanced or it can be at par with the continuous change in the health and social care sector. Without monitoring the policies, it is not possible to determine that the policies are meeting the set standards or not. For the guaranteed quality in the policies, monitoring and review of the policies is essential. The policies which are formed and implemented in the activities of the organisation are checked and reviewed to check the improvement or any drawbacks in the system. The task is not completed when the policies are made and implemented but it is also very important to monitor and review them and it is important for many reasons.

There are two methods by which the health and safety policies can be reviewed:

Monitoring by Proactive method: proactive approach means taking action before the actual event. It includes checking the standards which are set already and inspecting and checking them regularly. Monitoring by Reactive method: Reactive approach means reacting after the event takes place. It means that when the accident takes place, the action is taken after that.

The regular monitoring and review involves preparation of the checklist of all the activities of the organisation and then identifying the risks which can take place and then some actions are taken to save the organisation from the risks which can occur.

An efficient monitoring and reviewing improves the efficiency of the health and social workplace.

During the process of assessment of risks, the data is collected and it is checked and reviewd to make sure that there are no problems. So, the first step is the collection of data and the second step is reviewing the data which is collected and the positive and negative points are noted down for future purpose. It is the basis for any future implementation of policies or for any change. Monitoring and review should be done on a regular basis. It is seen that what goals and objectives are met and which are about to met and also the future goals, objectives and strategies are discussed.

Whole data is monitored and reviewed and then the results or outcome of the data is informed to all the stakeholders. The whole team is motivated to work when they are informed properly about all the activities of an organisation. Positive results will motivate the team to achieve more than they achieved at present and the negative outcomes will give them a power to improve their results with Excellency. So, the communication of the information is very essential for the effective contribution of the workers and staff.


AHS. (2010). Strategic Plan for Workplace Health and Safety. Retrieved 12 12, 2015, from https://:www.albertahealthservices.ca/org/ahs-org-whs-strategic-plan.pdf Com, C.-A. (2010). Health and Safety in an Adult Social Care Setting. Retrieved 12 12, 2015, from https://:www.cis-assessment.co.uk/docs/pdf Government, U. (2008). Health and Social Care Act 2008. Retrieved 11 18, 2015, from http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2008/14/pdfs/ukpga_20080014_en.pdf

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