Research Proposal
An investigation of the impact of effective communication on workplace performance and how it relates to job satisfaction and staff motivation
Table of Contents
B) Theoretical background and research focus 4
C) Justification and contextualization 8
Title: An investigation of the impact of effective communication on workplace performance and how it relates to job satisfaction and staff motivation
Background and area of research
In today's highly competitive business space, the significance of effective communication has become increasingly prominent. As stated by Belmejdoub (2017) effective communication plays a crucial role in boosting the overall productivity of firms as it influences the behaviour and motivation levels of employees along with affecting how they perform within the premises. It affects their levels of job satisfaction as well (Kegeyan, 2016). Effective communication includes clear instructions, rapid message delivery as well as the proper explanation so that proper cooperation is being developed among the management and the staff members. It has a massive role to play in getting tasks done which in turn increases the overall productivity of the organisation. Inefficient communication within the workplace affects the overall work production as the employees may not receive adequate information for completing the tasks that have been assigned to them (Osborne and Hammoud, 2017). These may in turn lead to delays in the completion of tasks and projects and the implementation gets jeopardises due to lack of effectual communication.
However, it is evident that poor communication has a drastic adverse impact on workplaces and affects the overall productivity of organisations. For example, managers who do not communicate well with employees find it difficult to lead their teams. The employees rely on their managers to offer feedback, positive reinforcement and direction. Lacking this makes the job responsibilities confusing and unclear. As has been understood from the opinion of Gamil and Rahman (2017) effectual communication makes it challenging for employees to work collaboratively and closely as a team. On the other hand, ineffectual communication may be frustrating for the employees and may create a breeding ground of confusion and distrust. This in turn leads to a higher turnover rate and lower productivity among the existing employees.
It is because of these reasons that the authorities in organisations must practice effectual communication with their staff members as this reflects on their overall job satisfaction as well (Lasater, 2019). It helps in improving and elevating the efficiency and productivity of the workforce and the organisation in general. This in turn strengthens the organisation internally as well as externally (Razak et al., 2019). The following research will assess these perspectives associated with effective workplace communication as it will shed light on how smooth communication strengthens the overall workplace performance and brings in positive changes in the workplace. It will also highlight how effective communication boosts employee productivity, motivation and their overall job satisfaction. It will enclose the distinct research aims and objectives along with providing a relevant theoretical background to the study. It will discuss various issues related to workplace communication and this will be done by referring to various books and journals. It will justify and contextualise the research by shedding light on its relevance and significance while finally identifying the methodological tools and techniques that would be used in the research.
B) Theoretical background and research focus
Aims, objectives and research questions
The following research would aim at highlighting the impact of strong communication on workplace communication while identifying how it affects staff motivation and job satisfaction
To investigate the impact of effective communication on workplace performance
To identify how it relates to staff motivation and job satisfaction
To assess challenges and problems associated with effective workplace communication
To recommend measures that may help in overcoming challenges associated with effective communication.
What is the impact of effective communication on workplace performance?
In what ways is effective communication related to staff motivation and job satisfaction?
What are the challenges and problems associated with effectual workplace communication?
What measures may help in overcoming such challenges linked to effectual workplace communication?
The data collection in this research will be done keeping these questions in mind. It will be crucial for the researcher to ensure that appropriate secondary data is acquired from relevant sources so that these questions are addressed effectively. This will in turn make it easier for the researcher to attain appropriate research outcomes by meeting the specified aims and objectives.
Nature of workplace communication
Workplace communication may be understood as the process of exchanging ideas and information both verbal as well as non-verbal between people and groups in organisations. As stated by Ting et al. (2017) effectual communication remains critical in getting the daily tasks done and also builds a sense of trust and belongingness in the employees which in turn boosts their overall productivity. For example, within organisations, the nature of communication encompasses sending and receiving messages having a business purpose. These business messages carry forward the interests of the company and, naturally, the communication would vary with differences in business cultures and purposes. Workplace communication may include text messages, emails, notes and voicemails and these are crucial for companies to operate effectually. It has often been stated that employees experience an increase in commitment, productivity and morale when they are at a position to communicate properly within the organisation (Zwetsloot et al., 2017). Therefore, it may be stated that workplace communication has an undeniable role in organisations today as it ensures that all employees can offer their best performances for leading their firms to consistent higher success.
Theoretical perspectives
Critical theory
As per the proponents of the critical theory, conflict is the natural state of organisations whereby employees have a natural tendency to resist their leaders and managers while departments compete for influence and budgets. It is because of this reason that upper management in organisations must always try to motivate their employees and lower management so that they can offer their best possible efforts. As stated by Fuchs (2020) communication under the critical theory takes on resolving different kinds of conflicts, encouraging employees so that they do more, preventing problems between employees and groups and offering direction so that the workplace is unified under a common goal.
Information theory
Information theory identifies how information travels within organisations with fewest mistakes. When managers view communication through the information theory, they try to emphasise on how they can fix messages so that they are not altered. It is also the responsibility of the managers to put appropriate measures so that communications are confirmed for accuracy (Peng et al., 2017). They may also hold the recipient of the message more accountable than the sender for the outcome or the final version of the communication.
Post-positive theory
The proponents of the post-positive theory believe that order is the intrinsic natural condition of all organisations. This assumption that proper order is natural for the workplace leads to a situation where managers treat misunderstandings and conflicts as unacceptable occurrences. The communication under the post-positive theory emphasises on messages that are being designed for keeping employees obeying all rules so that they can work smoothly so that the organisation can fulfil its goals and missions effectively.
Groupware theory
This theory suggests that the old communication lines may change with rapid advances in technology. It is evident from the discussions of Yi?it (2017) that employees have the opportunity to communicate through mobile devices and computers so that they can spread information quickly throughout the organisation. On the other hand, it states that the basic unit of interaction in an organisation is conversation and employees use language for making requests and communicating with one another within the work premises.
Significance of workplace communication
Workplace communication boosts employee productivity
It has often been seen that lateral and strong communication between workgroups results in an improvement of the overall performance of the organisation. Highly productive employees are often found to have received the best communication from their colleagues and superiors. It ensures that all employees can get adequate information and guidance so that they can work effectively in their roles (Lee and Li, 2020). Poor communication often compromises efficiency and overall work quality. Clear instructions and communication eliminate the need to correct mistakes and ensure higher productivity.
It improves team building in organisations
Effectual and honest communication helps in creating and maintaining a strong team in organisations. When employees consult with one another and consider their opinions or discuss their overall progress, it becomes easier for them to collaborate and work together towards achieving the common goals (Rumens, 2017). These strong units make their workplace more satisfying and ensure that they remain eager to execute their responsibilities well. Effectual communication also helps in solving employee morale and motivation issues by engaging and inspiring them within the workplace. The lack of secrecy boosts team spirit and has a massive positive impact on staff behaviour and attitudes.
It boosts business growth and increases innovation
Strong communication is one of the best contributing factors towards business growth as it eliminates conflicts and uncertainties along with ensuring that the delivery of projects is done in a timely and smooth manner. When employees can communicate and collaborate, they can innovate better which in turn ensures higher business growth and productivity of the organisation. Having an open line of communication between the employees and the supervisors ensures that the employees feel encouraged to be more innovative and creative so that they can come up with new creative ideas.
Effect of workplace communication on staff motivation and job satisfaction
Workplace communication has a positive impact on the overall work environment as it helps in improving job satisfaction and staff motivation among the workforce. For example, employees tend to feel empowered when they have upward communication whereby information flows upward within the organisation and comprises of feedback. When managers and leaders listen to the employees and respond effectively, it keeps the employees satisfied and increases their willingness to work hard (Osborne and Hammoud, 2017). On the other hand, workplace communication also impacts turnover and absenteeism rates effectively. It is the responsibility of the employers to see to it that the employees feel secure in their roles.
They must consistently receive updated and relevant information from their superiors. They must also be encouraged to share their ideas, concerns and thoughts about the company. Effectual communication between the employees at different levels strengthens workplace relationships along with ensuring that all employees remain on the same page. This in turn helps in creating a positive work environment which in turn boosts employee productivity and motivation (Tye-Williams and Krone, 2017). Therefore, it is evident that the impact of workplace communication is huge on boosting staff motivation as well as job satisfaction and employers must see to it that employees are allowed to communicate well in the workplace so that the organisation can attain its business objectives effectively.
The following research is deemed significant as it takes on one of the most relevant issues on modern workplaces today. As has been stated earlier, workplace communication is of crucial importance to organisations as they ensure that the employees can work effectively within their workplace. It boosts collaboration, job satisfaction as well as motivation among the employees which in turn ensures that the organisation can fulfil its diverse business objectives effectively (Tye-Williams and Krone, 2017). This research is also significant as it will assess the different kinds of problems that are associated with workplace communication along with suggesting measures that would help the authorities to overcome such problems associated with effective workplace communication. This may therefore prove to be vital for organisations that face difficulties in having smooth communication within their premises.
It is important to find out the significance of effective workplace communication so that authorities in organisations may be motivated to take up proactive steps that help in boosting it within the premises. The research findings will be important as it will enclose several recommendations that may be followed by managers so that they can enhance communication among employees and groups within their organisations. This will in turn help managers in boosting motivation and job satisfaction of their employees. Therefore, it may be stated that the significance of workplace communication is huge for organisations and the research will try to ensure that its importance is being assessed effectively along with highlighting the pertinent problems and how to overcome them.
The research will try to build on an existing body of evidence by referring to different literary journals and books. It will investigate the issue extensively so that it becomes easier for the researcher to identify relevant perspectives associated with workplace communication and its significance. Learning from D?wigo? and D?wigo?-Barosz (2018) the researcher will ensure that the literary sources are relevant and not outdated as this will offer higher credibility and authenticity to the study. It will analyse these sources extensively and see to it that information gained from them help in attaining appropriate research outcomes. On the other hand, different recommendations would be enclosed so that it becomes easier for organisations, in general, to understand how to boost workplace communication within their premises.
It may therefore be analysed that the research is timely as it responds to the existing need of positive workplace communication today. The significance of the research may also be estimated from the fact that it will identify some of the most common problems linked with workplace communication along with recommending measures to overcome the same. This will help managers and other researchers to understand these perspectives well so that further research may be directed on this issue whereby managers will also find it easier to implement these strategies for enhancing workplace communication in their organisations.
Research paradigm
The researcher will follow the interpretivism paradigm whereby efforts would be directed towards interpreting different elements associated with the study. As per this paradigm, the access to socially constructed or given reality is through different kinds of social constructions like language, shared meanings, instruments and consciousness (Ryan, 2018). The development of such interpretivist philosophy is therefore crucial for research works as it ensures that the issue is being investigated most effectually. This has been chosen by the researcher as it would help in reviewing different literary sources so that valid data may be attained from them. This would ensure that the current research is associated with high levels of authenticity and validity as data gained here would be trustworthy and relevant. This would in turn help in answering all the research questions effectively so that the exact impact of workplace communication is assessed.
Research methods and approaches
The researcher will focus on the descriptive research design whereby each data source would be focussed so that they can help the research in attaining its outcomes effectively. It will collect effectual secondary data from different books and literary journals so that it becomes easier for the researcher to assess the significance of workplace communication and understand its overall implications today. On the other hand, these secondary sources will also help in identifying the problems that are associated with workplace communication which will help in making the research more extensive (Sileyew, 2019). Lastly, the secondary data collection method has been chosen as it will help the researcher in exploring measures that can be taken by organisations to enhance their workplace communication effectively. It will also be the responsibility of the researcher to see to it that the literary sources remain valid and updated so that the research can attain its specified outcomes effectually by meeting the aims and objectives. Therefore, it may be stated that the researcher has been proactive in deciding on the methods and approaches for this study and these will help it to attain the desirable outcomes effectively.
Sample size
The researcher will follow a specific inclusion criterion for the literary sources whereby he would ensure that recent literary sources related to the study are chosen. This would prevent the sources from being outdated and invalid and will ensure that they help in attaining the research outcomes effectively.
Data collection and analysis
The researcher would aspire to collect effectual secondary data which would be attained from different literary sources. Various books and journals would be assessed for understanding the impact of workplace communication and how it affects motivation and job satisfaction among employees. It would also strive to identify different problems linked to workplace communication along with investigating a range of measures that would make it easier for organisations to enhance their workplace communication effectively. Learning from Tiwary (2020) different themes associated with this issue would be developed and thereafter each of these themes would be analysed using information gained from the various literary sources. This will ensure further credibility as well as the relevance of this research while ensuring that each research question is being answered well.
Alternative research methodology
The researcher could have opted for alternative research approaches by focussing on primary data collection method through trying to acquire qualitative or quantitative data from human participants. This would have made this study more relevant by underpinning the real views of employees or managers of a chosen organisation.
Access and ethics
The researcher will ensure to investigate this issue by assessing different books and journals. These will be accessed easily so that it becomes easier to understand the real implications and effect of workplace communications. The researcher will find all information from these literary sources and it would be his responsibility to ensure that all ethical standards are maintained. For example, all authors would be acknowledged in this study and the researcher would ensure that the data acquired here are safeguarded from any kind of damage and breach.
The primary limitation of this research is that it focuses solely on secondary research. It does not include the views and opinions of human participants through surveys or interviews. This would have made it easier to understand the research issue better. Although secondary research is expected to make the research extensive, the advantages are often counterweighted due to lack of human participation in the form of their distinct views on the research issue.
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