Managing technology and innovation within organization to foster demand and supply of products in competitive world- A case of Marks & Spencer

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Managing technology and innovation within organization to foster demand and supply of products in competitive world- A case of Marks & Spencer

BSc (Hons) Business Management

Module Title: Research Methodology

Assignment 1: Research Proposal

Research title

The research title is “Managing technology and innovation within organization to foster demand and supply of products in competitive world- A case of Marks & Spencer”

Background information

The research project will provide great understanding of advance technology that underlined by e-commerce organization effective to improves overall demand and supply. The innovation is important aspects for competitive organization to maintain its competitive advantage for long term by satisfying needs and demand of customer with quality product and services. The research project is conducted within working environment of Marks & Spencer which is most famous organization of e-commerce platform that sales retail product online worldwide. The organization was founded in 1884 which is serving in more than 1463 location potentially by support of potential employee who employed innovative ideas helpful in fostering demand and supply of the product and services. The company is famous for selling fashionable, home appliances and food items with own brand and labelling. The rationale of research project is measure innovative strategy and advance technology which is important for Marks & Spencer to enhance overall demand and supply of potential product and services (Jimenez-Jimenez, et. al., 2019). The significance of research study is to encourage employees of Marks & Spencer for contributing innovative ideas in decision making process to foster overall organizational product demand and supply within target market.

Research aim

The aim constructed for research study is “to manage technology & innovation that use by Marks & Spencer for enhancing products demand and supply within target market place effectively.

Research Objectives and Research Questions

The potential objectives of the research study are as follows:

  • To analyse importance of innovation & technology for e-commerce organization to maintain competitiveness.

  • To measure innovative practices underlined by Marks & Spencer for fostering its product demand and supply.

  • To assess strategies employed by Marks & Spencer for managing technology used for dealing wot stakeholders online.

The research questions for proposed research study are as follows:

  1. What is advance technology used by Marks & Spencer while serving customer with quality services to improve overall product demand?

  2. Why innovative practices are significant for e-commerce organization to sustain in competitive world effectively by maintaining effective sales of products?

  3. How management of innovation and technology within working environment of Marks & Spencer is helpful in improving product demand and supply?

Literature Review and Rationale

According to Kuksa (2019), the management of innovation within organization is one of important practices that create and develop effective product and services for target audience effectively. The innovation sphere is properly utilized by several competitive companies for creating or activating growth and development of potential product to meet with demand of stakeholder and satisfy target customer group with quality product and services. The potential development and functioning of innovation are positively influence overall organizational competitiveness by contributing in economic development and growth of the country. The succession planning and future development of the organization is wholly dependable upon innovation cluster that implied in business operation of the organization which improves all functioning and effectiveness of product and services. The development strategy for implying innovation practices within competitive organization enhance customer satisfaction and retention. The author has developed that in world of globalization the innovation process is important for the organization to retain stakeholder interest in business process and ensure to boost up demand of product and services with collaboration of private and public sector potentially (Kuksa, et. al., 2019). The innovation process within organization helps in measuring competitive position of the organization by improving overall productivity and performance of product v& services within global market potentially. The research paper concluded that innovation cluster is relevant for enhancing employee morale to contribute in decision making procedure of the company for maintaining competitive position in global market.

With reference to Zhang (2018), the competitive organization have several objectives of maintain profits and sales ratio along with demand & supply of product to survive in target market place for long term. The sustainability of the business is diligent act which allow organization to move towards quality services and effective performance for satisfaction need and demand of potential customer group associated with brand. The sustainability of the organization can be preserved by effective utilization of business resources and capabilities that enhance organizational competitive advantage. The management innovation is defined by author as important practice which boost up morae of employee to work collaboratively for achieving desired goals and objectives of the business. The technological innovation is allowed business to stay competitive in global market by performing potentially according to requirement of stakeholder and ensure to develop product & services with help of advance technology that implied by competitors in their business operations for improving demand of potential products. The research study has shown relationship between sustainability, management innovation, technology and financial performance of the organization within target market effectively. The management innovation is positively influenced organizational performance within competitive world by adopting technology which improve demand and supply of product and services effectively (Zhang, et. al., 2018). The practices of management innovation & technological innovation are implied in the organization for improving overall productivity and performance of business in competitive world by meeting with all technical and non-technical requirements.

With accordance to Lestari (2019), the performance of e-commerce organization can be measurable with help of innovations and knowledge management strategy underline in business process which improve motivation of employee to sustain in digital era effectively. The medium of innovation within the organization is collecting ideas and practices from competitive world and implied them practically in business operation for developing effective brand image in target audience mind. The e-commerce business organization are effectively using innovativeness with proper utilization of time, quality and cost in order to gain long term competitiveness and sustainable advantage. The organizational competitiveness is closely related with innovative strategy employed by business stakeholder potentially for developing existing product and services according to stakeholder requirement and market demand. The research paper is concluded with fact that implication of effective strategy of innovation is motivates employee to perform effectively in marketplace which enhance e-commerce business productivity and employee performance. The innovation is defined as developing new product or existing product by using advance technology tools and services and determine new market place for expanding busines operations by supplying product and services through new potential sources effectively. The discussion made in the research study reflect that managerial implication of innovation is helpful for organization to improve existing competitive advantage by facing business challenges effectively and grab all competitive market opportunities effectively (Lestari, et. al., 2019). It has been established by author that low performing e-commerce organization can be manipulate with demand and supply of product by not underlining effective innovation practices which cut down competitors morale and provide long run sustainability.

From point of view of Dhir (2018), the business of e-commerce organization is becoming challenging due to dynamic working culture and change behaviour of stakeholder with application of advance technology and practices. The business performance of e-commerce can be measurable with help of employee capability and innovation strategy utilized by stakeholder for preserving competitive advantage effectively. The busines capability of the organization can be improved by underlining innovative strategies that encourage employee to develop new product according to market demand and upgrade existing product & services to maintain sustainable advantage of the business. Further, the conceptual framework that developed under research study has state that organization innovation and creativity are essential for preserving competitive advantage in global market by ensuring product & services are effectively supply in targe market to satisfy need of stakeholder. The business innovation is associated with organizational capability and performance within competitive market place by meeting with demand of stakeholder and provide quality services and products. The individual innovation is encouraging by e-commerce industry by communicating them online for solving their query and made available anytime & anywhere for providing quality product and services (Dhir & Dhir, 2018). In order to get long term sustainability and success in competitive it is important for e-commerce business to change process and product according to ned and demand of stakeholder and involving innovative ideas of stakeholder to deal with business environment complexities potentially.

Research Methodology

Research approach

The deductive research approach will be employed in the study which focused on analysing existing concept and theories by testing relationship between variables of research title. The hypothesis test through deductive approach where independent and dependent variable such are innovation & technology and its implication on demand & supply of product of Marks & Spencer. The deductive approach will be reliable for research study to test observation established in underlined secondary sources (Li, et. al., 2020). The approach will possibly help in explaining association between variable and concepts underlined in research project potentially. The risk associated with research project is avoided through this research approach by completing research study within short time period. The literature will be considered as most appropriate sources of determining concepts and theories which is relevant to reached desired aim and objectives.

Research philosophy

The Pragmatism research philosophy will be employed in the research project which allow to collect both qualitative and quantitative data and information to support actions of innovation and technology used by Marks & Spencer for improving overall demand of potential products (Ardito, et. al., 2019). This research philosophy is allowed to combine both positivism and interpretivism by developing common scope for research study to collect data and samples effectively. The research philosophy will encourage to collect both subjective and objective data and information by measuring collecting data effectively and ensure not employed biasness in collect samples. This research philosophy will helpful in improving or modifying establish assumption made in research study.

Research method

Qualitative method

The qualitative method will be used in the research study with aim to explore new ideas and concept which is useful for constructing hypothesis statement and test relationship among variables. The qualitative research method will be useful for collecting data in non-numerical form by expressing ideas and theories in words and categorize collect information by summarizing structed data and observation in theoretical manner (Endres, et. al., 2021). The qualitative research method will be used for exploring social science ideas and facts which measured things and ideas in words by describing themes of research project and learn human behaviour regarding research theme.

Quantitative method

The quantitative method will be focused on expressing collecting data and information in numerical form by targeting desired participants i.e. employees of Marks & Spencer. The quantitative method will present collected information through graphs and charts by asking close end questions to respondents in context to research title and purpose. The quantitative method is number-based which collect large number of responses from participants through statistical technique and provide more simplify and reliable results & outcomes.

Data collection method

Primary data method

This method will allow to collect data and samples directly from respondent which are employees of Marks & Spencer by conducting online interview where close end questionnaire will be prepared covering purpose and theme of research project effectively (Min, et. al., 2019). The primary method will be effective for meeting with desired objective by directly targeting desired population and collect great amount of fresh information and data in statistical form effectively.

Secondary data

The secondary data will be gathered from online sources which available on different search engines such as Google scholar that allow to access relevant literature and articles which indirectly addressing research purpose and scope. The secondary data method will be effective to learn concept and theories related to research topic from past year study and examination effectively by using peer reviewed literature which establish quality data and information.

Data Collection and Analysis

Quantitative techniques

The quantitative technique will be utilized for collecting primary data and samples directly from targeted audience effectively (Saberi, et. al., 2019). The quantitative technique will be potentially used for gathering primary information by conducting online interview with employees of selected organization who provide all relevant knowledge and learning regarding research title and purpose. The quantitative technique will majorly use for survey, observation and interview online however it provides less in-depth data and information but it can be relevant to meet with desired goals and objectives by constructing fresh information and interpretation.

Qualitative techniques

The qualitative technique will analyse the data and information that collected from secondary sources i.e. literature and past year research papers that accessible online effectively. The literature that are underlined in research study are provide semi or unstructured information and knowledge which improved or upgrade according to scope and purpose of the research project (Bag, et. al., 2020). The qualitative technique will he helpful in measuring which secondary source of information is important and relevant for the study to reach desired aim and objectives potentially.

Indicate population and sample size

The population that will be target for the research study is employees of Marks & Spencer who are working with organization from past five years and more and have contribute several innovative ideas in business operation to enhance overall product demand. The population whom data will be collected is 50 employees who are target through online sources such as emails and prior consent will be taken before collecting primary information from them.

Analysis methods applied to quantitative and qualitative data

The qualitative and quantitative both kind of data will be analysis through mixed method which allow to develop relevant results by collecting primary and secondary sources of information and sample. The mixed method will be used for collecting data and information from potential sources of research project. The mixed method will encourage to collect primary and secondary data and information potentially in quantitative and qualitative form respectively (Neutzling, et. al., 2018). The mixed method will be appropriate for data analysis which measure primary data in statistical form with help of graphs and literature are evaluate through non-statistical method by filtering structured data from them.

Research project outcome

The potential research outcomes constructed from primary and secondary sources of information is innovation and technology are important aspect for Marks & Spencer to foster overall products demand and supply within target market. For preserving competitive advantage in global market, the employee is contributed innovative ideas in decision making process of the organization which improves effectiveness in demand and supply by fostering sales of potential product and services. The global market competition is providing opportunity to Marks & Spencer for improving technology underlined in production process i.e. advance technology tools are used by organization to solve busines environment complexity and meet with demand of target customer market. The application of advance technology within business operation of Marks & Spencer is helpful in improving competitive sustainability within online retailing market by conducting constant innovation and technology improvement. The innovation and technology both are important for the organization for enhancing performance and productivity of the products by fostering demand within target market place (Attia & Eldin, 2018). The e-commerce industry is highly dependable on innovativeness and organizational capabilities which is improvised through proper utilization of technology and effective business strategies & practices.


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