University Success: Time Management, Teamwork, and Academic Reading

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University Success: Time Management, Teamwork, and Academic Reading

Week 7 Portfolio Task


Title: Illustrate your gained knowledge on the skills needed to succeed at university. Base your analysis on THREE study skills discussed in class and include theories, techniques and analogies.

My three chosen skills (You will write a paragraph for each skill)

  1. Time Management Skill

  1. Teamwork Skill

  1. Academic Reading Skills

At least 3 sources I will use (write this in the correct Harvard format)

Solas, E. and Sutton, F., 2018. Incorporating Digital Technology in the General Education Classroom. Research in Social Sciences and Technology3(1), pp.1-15. From Incorporating Digital Technology in the General Education Classroom - Learning & Technology Library (LearnTechLib)

Jalinus, N., Syahril, S., Nabawi, R.A. and Arbi, Y., 2020. How project-based learning and direct teaching models affect teamwork and welding skills among students. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change.11(11), pp.85-111. From 1-d-How Project-Based Learning and Direct Teaching Models Affect Teamwork and Welding Skills Among Students.pdf (

Hermida, D., 2019. The importance of teaching academic reading skills in first-year university courses. Available at SSRN 1419247. From Deep Reading (