Stakeholder Analysis of Unilever

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Stakeholder Analysis of Unilever

Contemporary Management Theory

Table of Contents

Essay 3

References 8


This essay includes various types of stakeholders who are engaged in the Unilever and give their participation in achieving the business objectives and goals. Stakeholders are the most important key element in an organization which provides all the things for running the business smoothly. A stakeholder is an individual or a group which takes an interest in an organization and outcomes of the Unilever. Different stakeholders have a different interest which is based on their desires and goals in the organization. So, this essay includes the overall roles of every stakeholder in the Unilever by which they are on the top companies in the world.

There are various types of stakeholder are available in the Unilever and their role in the organization is too important because their role and interest lead to an organization for doing effective work and achieving the organizational objectives and goals. Some of the stakeholder and their roles are as follows:

Customers are the foremost stakeholders any organization as well as in Unilever because the company has mainly worked for satisfying the needs and expectation of the customers and that's the reason the company wants to serve the best quality product to them. Many of the people argued that Unilever is existed only for serving their customers. Customers are the stakeholders of the company and having a big role in Unilever because they are impacted by the quality of products and their values provided by the Unilever. Customer is expecting the best quality products from the Unilever at a reasonable or adequate price (Pezzotta, Cavalieri and Romero, 2017).

Unilever doesn’t exist without the customer and they are getting the products from the Unilever, because of that, they are interested in knowing the ways of performing the activities in Unilever. In return of that thing, Unilever needs to make the extra efforts which relate to the customer and meeting their needs. Customers are expecting to the Unilever to provide efficient and high-quality products and services. So, they have a big role in Unilever because due to them the company is making quality products and serving at a reasonable price (Pezzotta, Cavalieri and Romero, 2017).

Employees are also the stakeholder and have the direct stake in the Unilever in which they are earning an income to support themselves for accomplishing their basic needs and requirement in the life with another kind of benefits also such as monetary and non-monetary both. Employees are primary internal stakeholders in the Unilever and they have significant financial and time investment in the Unilever. They are playing the role in the strategy, tactics and operation in the Unilever carries out (Albasu and Nyameh, 2017).

Employees are the most important part of the Unilever because employees are giving their full potential for completing the target and achieving the goals and objectives of the Unilever. Well, run Unilever is taking the employees opinions, concerns and values in shaping the vision, strategy and mission of the Unilever. Unilever is famous all over the world because of their quality products at reasonable prices. Maintaining the quality of the product is only in the hands of employees because they are the producers. Employees of the Unilever has also the responsibility of marketing the products and find out the ways for selling the products and reaching to the target customers. Employees can carry out the supervisory, managerial or other functions in the Unilever and return, they are expecting the benefits such as career growth, incentives and job satisfaction (Albasu and Nyameh, 2017).

Owners’ stakeholders are the owners of the business and have the biggest stake in the organization because they invest the money for selling the products and earning the profits on them. They are supplying the equity or capital in the business for fueling the business so that the business can run successfully. There can be multiple owners in the business, each owner would have their equity in their business and can be a single owner in any business. Owners are liable for any kind of impact on the organization and also have a significant role in the strategies and tactics of the business. All the decision of an organization is in the hands of owners which leads to the success and profitability of an organization (Kumer and Malovrh, 2019).

Owner is the first person who comes at the first position in the hierarchy of an organization and after that, the owner appoints the other supervisor such as manager, executives and leader. Owner delegates their power to their supervisors so that they can appoint other employees in an organization according to the requirement in any operations. After that, all the supervisor can do their duties but under the boundaries which are set by the owner for them. They all are reporting to the owner about any kind of operations or decision making. So, the main and role of the owner in Unilever are to guide all the supervisor and employees for running the business as per the organization plan.

Managers are also the stakeholders in the Unilever and have the stake according to their limit and designation. The manager plays an important role in Unilever because all the duties of employees and also the work is the responsibility of the manager to assign it with the effective plan and scope so that the goals and objectives of an organization can be achieved. Owner transfer the decision making power to the manager about all the work to be productive and duties assigned to the employees (Déniz?Déniz et al, 2018).

The manager identified the qualification and capability of each employee in the Unilever and then the manager has assigned the work accordingly. The manager is also accountable for all the decision to be made in the organization and acts as the point of contact between the owner, employees, shareholder and board of directors. All the work related to production, financing and managing the duties are effectively done by the manager and that's the only reason the Unilever can achieve their objectives and meeting the customer needs and expectations all the time (Déniz?Déniz et al, 2018).

Suppliers are the interdependent alliance with other strategic alliance also in which the success of one depends on the success of another. As a result, the supplier also has a close and better connection with the Unilever as they are the key external stakeholders. Suppliers are those who supply all the raw material and other equipment in the Unilever so that the finished products of the Unilever can be produced. They are supplying good quality by which the Unilever able to produce and deliver the quality products to the customers (Ranta, Keränen and Aarikka-Stenroos, 2020).

Supplier is also played a role of creditors for the Unilever because they supplied the required material to Unilever on the credit and take their payment after a few months which is set by both them in the contract. To looking out for their revenue generation they are also providing some offers to the Unilever so that the Unilever order more product and the supplier can earn more profit from them. Supplier is the type’s external secondary stakeholders (Ranta, Keränen and Aarikka-Stenroos, 2020).

Investors may include the owner but they can be from outside the Unilever who are typically having the right to accurate and timely information such as the regular financial statement. They also have the right to reject or approve the major decision like mergers and acquisitions. Because they are the investors and have a big share in everything from decision making to sharing the work so the consent of investor is too necessary before doing any kind of major activities. The main aim of the investors is to get the share in the profit of the Unilever because it is the biggest company so it is obvious that the revenue and profit of the Unilever are also the largest. Before doing an investment they realize the opportunities and threats of an organization form the different angles and basically prefers to minimize the risk and mostly prefers to get the maximum returns from the company (Miralles?Quiros, Miralles?Quiros and Arraiano, 2017).

Government is also the stakeholder in the Unilever because they are charging some various types of taxes and charges from the Unilever such as sales tax, income tax, purchase tax, import and export duty, and customs duty etc. When the company is big then the government charges all the taxed on a very high rate because it depends on the revenue and profit of the Unilever. The government also can consider as the primary stakeholders and considering the profit motive involves in their interest (Liu and Xu, 2019).

The government also provides some other things to the Unilever such as regulatory oversight, ensuring about the accounting procedures, ethical practices to be followed, and also the legal concerns which as to be handle by the legal representative of the Unilever. So, the government also plays an important role in shaping the business of Unilever and creates many opportunities to expand their business and earns many more profits as well (Liu and Xu, 2019).

Local Community is the type of external stakeholders and they are taking the great benefits from the Unilever in their daily lives. It provides tax money, local access to the good and services, jobs and also the community development programs. So they are also the stakeholders who are having an interest in earning the benefits from the Unilever (Di Maddaloni and Davis, 2017).

Creditors are also the type of external stakeholders in the Unilever because they are those who provide the money to the Unilever on a credit and they also have the secured interest in the worth of Unilever. Creditors also get paid back from the sale of their products in the business and in the period of shutdown the creditors also get paid before the stockholders. Creditors include the bank, bondholders and supplier of the company (Akintola, K., 2017).

Media is also a type of external stakeholders for the Unilever because every type of business needs a relationship with the media so that they can promote their products all over the world. Every business organization includes the Unilever needs to promote their products because it will increase their sales and also the profitability. Unilever needs to interact with the press so that they can make important announcements or advertise their products. Media is a secondary stakeholder and have indirect contact with the Unilever (Kaushik et al, 2018).

This essay concludes that the role of stakeholders is the most important in Unilever for making their organization more profitable. All the stakeholder has come up with their benefits and aim and all the stakeholders have different aim and role in the Unilever. So, this report concludes the role of stakeholder in the Unilever.


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