Sales Planning and Operations Assignment

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Sales Planning and Operations Assignment
Sales Planning Operations Assignment
Sales Planning and Operations Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 20 Sales Planning and Operations 

QFC Level

Level 5


This program has been executed over the topic “Sales Planning and Operations” with a motive to develop understanding of the different aspects related to sales and management of the operations of the sales. This will discuss the concept of sales planning,sales management and the process of selling. This Sales Planning and Operations Assignment will discuss importance of personal selling in the marketing strategy of the business, a presentation over sales for a product or a service, analysis of the role, objectives and importance of the sales management and preparation of the plan for the sales activity for a product or a service.

For task 1, task 3 and task 4 an organisation of United Kingdom has been and the name of the organisation is “The Healthy Juice Company” a juice company of United Kingdom which was founded by Rosie Dickinson in 2000. The Healthy Juice Company is offering Juices and nut milk to the customers so as to ensure their health and to provide nutrients with a variety of flavours. It is planning to promote the product in the market so as to expand the area of the operation.

For task 2 a scenario has been given in which a company named as “Euro Consulting” and it is engaged in providing consulting, technology and outsourcing services to the customers and is having a huge customer base of 5000 employees for serving the customers well. Euro Consulting is improving the performance of the clients with enhancing the competitive position of the clients in the business environment. The focus of Euro Consulting is over enhancing the speed so that clients can respond to the changes in the market conditions. It is planning to purchase 5000 tablets for its employees and the motive behind his planning is to enhance the flow of communication so as to increase the performance and profitability of the company.

Sales Planning

Task 1

1.1 Explain how personal selling supports the promotion mix.

The term personal selling can be explained as process of marketing and selling products by using people for interacting with the customers face to face. The Healthy Juice Company is using personal selling so as to communicate and interact with the customers, establishing a two way communication channel, getting better response or feedback from the customers and convincing the customers in an effective manner. Personal selling is an important aspect which helps in the promotion of the products offered by the business. Promotion mix is sum total of the different marketing tools which helps in the promotion and advertising the products or services offered by the business (Olariu, 2016). The Healthy Juice Company is offering variety of juices and nut milk to its customers and for the promotion of the products offered by The Healthy Juice Company. The focus of promotion mix is over the promotion of the products offered by the business and personal selling helps in communicating and advertising the products among the society by interacting with the customers personally and engaging in direct communication with the customers. Personal selling is a type or tool of marketing of the promotion mix.A person engaged in personal selling needs to possess skills or qualities which help in promoting the products in a better manner. These qualities or skills include communication and interpersonal skills, sharp memory, social and mental qualities (Roshan, et. al., 2011).

1.2 Compare buyer behaviour and the decision making process in different situations.

Buying behaviour determine the choice of the customer for purchasing the product or service. Decision making process can be understood as the preference of the customers in respect to the products or services consumed by them or the products or services they are planning to consume. The buying behaviour and the decision making process of the customers depends upon the taste, preference, price, quality and the brand value of the company. The buying behaviour and the decision making process of the customers differs in different situations. The buying behaviour and the decision making process of the customers will be different when the customer is purchasing the product for the first time and when the customer is purchasing the product after previously consuming the product. In the first situation when the customer is purchasing the product offered by the company for the first time the buying behaviour and the decision making process will be dependent over the price of the products, promotion tools or techniques adopted by The Healthy Juice Company, reviews and the popularity of the product. The Healthy Juice Company is providing quality products to the customers at affordable prices so as to attract the customers and it is also planning to use marketing strategies and promotional mix for the purpose of promotion of the juices and the nut milk offered by it. In the second situation when the customer is not the new customer as the customer has already consumed the product offered by The Healthy Juice Company. In the second situation which is post purchase the buying behaviour and the decision making process of thecustomer will depend on the experience they have gained after consuming the product (Perry & Kyriakaki, 2014).

1.3 Analyse the role of sales teams within the marketing strategy.

The sales team is an important element which is responsible for the execution of the marketing strategy framed by the company. The execution of the marketing strategy is done in different parts or stages. The Healthy Juice Company is planning to use promotion mix and  strategy for which it need to execute the activities involved in the process. For the execution of these activities sales team plays a vital role. Promotion mix and marketing strategy include various marketing tools which need to be executed with the help of the sales team of the business. The Healthy Juice Company has assigned different roles and responsibilities to the sales team members so as to effectively promote the products offered by it. The marketing activities are divided into different stages which are being executed by the different members so as to attract the new customers by retaining the existing customers and promote the products.The sales team focuses over generating an effective marketing strategy so as to enhance the performance of the business. The managers of the sales team are focusing over managing the team in a proper manner and dividing the tasks or the activities among the sales team so as to ensure that the objectives are attained in an effective manner (Goetz, et. al., 2013).

Task 2

Power Point Presentation

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 1

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 2

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 3

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 4

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 5

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 6

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 7

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 8 Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 9

Sales Planning and Operation Presentation 10

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Task 3

3.1 Explain how sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives

Sales strategies are crucial for the business as these strategies ensures that the sales objectives of the business are attained in a proper manner. The main motive behind using the sales strategies by the business is to attract the customers and generate loyalty among the customers. The Healthy Juice Company has developed strategies for the sales of the business which will help in enhancing the customer base and attainment of the objectives or goals of the organisation.The strategies and the corporate objectives are linked with each other as the strategies provides a way or act as a measure which helps in the attainment of the corporate objectives of The Healthy Juice Company. The development of the sales strategies of The Healthy Juice Company is dependent on the long term business objectives of the company as the business focuses over the attainment of the long term objectives of the business so as to enhance the chances of growth and survival of the business. The sales strategy adopted by The Healthy Juice Company will help in enhancing the customer base of the business as well as building loyalty and trust among the customers (Sturgiss, et. al., 2015).

3.2 Explain the importance of recruitment and selection procedures

The term recruitment can be understood as the process of analysis of the need of the organisation for employing peopleand selection can be understood as the process in which the selection is made from the candidates. The Healthy Juice Company needs candidates for the sales team so as to manage the operations in an effective manner and for this there is a need to adopt recruitment and selection procedure. The recruitment and selectionprocess of the sales team need to be done in an effective manner and after analysing the various features or skills required for the sales team. The recruitment and selection process of The Healthy Juice Company is an essential aspect as the performance of the organisation depends upon the employees of the organisation as employees are the most important asset of the business. The Healthy Juice Company is offering juice products to its customers and is planning to expand the area of operation for which it is planning to adopt the marketing planning. These strategies will be applied so as to attain the objectives of the organisations (Caers & Castelyns, 2011;2010).

3.3 Evaluate the role of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management

Motivation is an important aspect as it helps in encouraging the employees for enhancing their performance by offering rewards. Motivational theories need to be adopted for motivating the employees. The Healthy Juice Company is using motivational theories so as to motivate the employees. The Healthy Juice Company is using monetary as well as non-monetary motivational techniques for the purpose of motivating the employees. Sales management is a crucial aspect as it helps in enhancing the sales of the businesses. The manager of The Healthy Juice Company is using these motivational techniques for the sales team. Remuneration is an important aspect which determines the satisfaction level of the employees. The Healthy Juice Company is providing remunerations to the employees for satisfaction of the expectations of the needs of the customers so as to motivate the employees.  Remuneration is a form of motivation which encourages employees for enhancing their performance.Sales team need to perform various activities for which they need training so as to develop the sales team for the purpose of improving their performance. The Healthy Juice Company need to analyse the training and development needs of the employees. The Healthy Juice Company is using on the job training method for the purpose of providing training to the sales team (Lapoule & Colla, 2016).

3.4 Explain how sales management organise sales activity and control sales output

The basic function of sales management is to execute the sales activities and controlling the output of salesfor this purpose it is usingvarious techniques and strategies. These strategies are being selected on the basis of the size of the organisation, location of the organisation and the volume of sales. The sales manager of The Healthy Juice Company is setting targets so as to prepare budgets. The manager has formed a sales team which is focusing over analysis of the needs and expectations of the customers. This will help in creating or producing the products as per the requirement of the customer. The Healthy Juice Company is focusing over creating strong customer relationships. The manager need to analyse the opportunities in the market so as to understand the market conditions. On the basis of analysis of all these aspects the strategies are selected. The Healthy Juice Company is analysing the average performance so as to analyse the sales activities and their effectiveness and controlling the output of sales (Shleifer & Vishny, 2011).

3.5 Explain the use of databases in effective sales management

The motive behind the use of the databases is to effectively manage the sales of the business. The Healthy Juice Company has developed a sales management database which helps the organisation in storing the information and dates related to the sales of the products offered by The Healthy Juice Company. For the management and operations of the sales management need arises to manage the information in an effective manner for the purpose of enhancing the sales of the organisation. The database store the information related to the customers and the conditions of the market so as to make decisions related to the management of the sales of The Healthy Juice Company. This database enables the organisation to gather data from the different sources related to the customers and the market conditions which helpintaking decisions related to the profits of the business and make estimations related to the annual turnover of The Healthy Juice Company (Swaim, et. al., 2016). 

Sales Management

Task 4

4.1 Develop a sales plan for a product or service

The Healthy Juice Company is offering juices and nut milk to the customers in United Kingdom so as to enhance the health of the customers and enhancing the customer base of the organisation.A plan needs to be developed for the sales of the products offered by The Healthy Juice Company. The Healthy Juice Company has set a goal or target which it has to achieve. The next step is to select a suitable strategy for the sales of the business which promotion mix. Promotion mix is the sum total of the different marketing tools which helps in enhancing the performance of the organisation. It is planning to use social media platform for the purpose of sales tactic. It has placing its focus over preparation of marketing plan so as to analyse the market conditions. The tasks or the activities are divided into different parts so as to execute the tasks or the activities in effective manner. These activities are assigned to the different sales team so as to execute these activities in proper manner. It is conducting surveys for the purpose of analysing the expectations and needs of the customers so as to enhance the products offered by the business to the customers. The sales teams are trained so as to execute the activities in proper manner. The results are being evaluated so as to measure the outcome of the business with the budgets framed by the business (Anderson & Ma, 2014).

Sales plan

4.2 Investigate opportunities for selling internationally

Globalisation is an effective technique or opportunity for the businesses for the expansion of the area of operation of the business. A company gets a platform for execution of the operations of the business in a better manner. The trend of globalisation is increasing which has created better business environment and enhances the chances of growth and survival of the business. The Healthy Juice Company is planning to expand the area of operation so as to promote the product at the global level. Globalisation provides benefit to the business in different ways and enhances the chances of profitability and improvement in the performance of the organisation. The Healthy Juice Company is providing juice and nut milk to its customers and for enhancing the customer base of the organisation there is a need to expand the area of operation. The benefits of or the opportunities for selling the products at international level is the expansion of the area of operation,availability of the resources at better prices, reduction in the cost of the products and increase in the quality of the product (Lehto, 2015).

4.3 Investigate opportunities for using exhibitions or trade fairs.

The Healthy Juice Company can use trade fairs and exhibitions for the purpose of promotion of the products offered by it.Huge crowd gets gathered at these places so as to gain knowledge of the products or services offered by the businesses in the business environment. The Healthy Juice Company can promote the products among the society and gain an advantage over the others in the business environment for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the business. These methods help in interacting the customers directly and taking feedbacks from the customers about the product offered by the businesses. The products are offered in the trade fairs and exhibitions to the customers so as to analyse the behaviour of the customers towards the products and the effectiveness of the product in satisfying the needs of the customers. These methods are becoming part of the marketing strategy of the businesses as these promote the products among the society. The message or the information related to the product is spread among the society and gaining the large customer base. With the change in the business environment the marketing aspects selected by the businesses are also changing (KALAFSKY & GRESS, 2013).

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This report has helped in gaining knowledge of the different aspects related to sales. Sales are an important aspect for every business and for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the business it need to apply marketing strategy which helps in enhancing the sales of the business. This program has discussed the concept of personal selling in relation with the promotion mix, comparison has been made between the buying behaviour and the decision making process in the different types of situations. A sales presentation has been prepared. Different aspects of sales management have been discussed with its role and objective andsales planning is done for the product and service.


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Caers, R. & Castelyns, V. 2011;2010;, "LinkedIn and Facebook in Belgium: The Influences and Biases of Social Network Sites in Recruitment and Selection Procedures", Social Science Computer Review, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 437-448.
Goetz, O., Hoelter, A. & Krafft, M. 2013, "The Role of Sales and Marketing in Market-Oriented Companies", Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 353-372.
KALAFSKY, R.V. & GRESS, D.R. 2013, "Trade Fairs as an Export Marketing and Research Strategy: Results from a Study of Korean Advanced Machinery Firms", Geographical Research, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 304-317.
Lapoule, P. & Colla, E. 2016, "The multi-channel impact on the sales forces management", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 248-265.
Lehto, I. 2015, "International entrepreneurial selling as construction of international opportunities", Journal of International Entrepreneurship, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 277-302.
Olariu, I. 2016, "PERSONAL SELLING IN MARKETING", Studies and Scientific Researches: Economics Edition, .
Perry, P. & Kyriakaki, M. 2014, "The decision-making process of luxury fashion retail buyers in Greece", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 85-106.
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Shleifer, A. & Vishny, R. 2011, "Fire Sales in Finance and Macroeconomics", The Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 29-48.
Sturgiss, E.A., Douglas, K. & Trumble, S.C. 2015, "Pharmaceutical sales strategies and sponsorship", The Medical journal of Australia, vol. 202, no. 3, pp. 131.