Unit 11 Research Project Sample Assignment Copy

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Unit 11 Research Project Sample Assignment Copy
Research Project Sample Assignment Copy
Unit 11 Research Project Sample Assignment Copy



Diploma in Business

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Unit 11 Research Project

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The success of the organization largely depends upon how it controls the factor which affect the functioning of the business. The employee of the organization are one of the key factor which helps the organization to attain success in the market. The employees helps the management while conducting the business operation and helps the organization to attain its goals and objective. They helps in building effective relationship with the customer by identifying and satisfying the need thus increasing the profitability of the business environment. The current focus of all the organization is to maintain effective relation with its employee to attain success in the market.

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The business needs to effectively handle all its employees and builda good relation with them to attain its goals and objective. For this the organization needs to provide various benefit to the employees such as retirement benefit, vacation, incentive, housing, insurance etc. Employee benefit are generally the non-wage benefit provide to the employee in addition to their salary and wages.  By providing the employee benefit to the employees will increase the economic security of the staff members, and help in improving the workers retention with the company.

The organization which provide good salary and perks to the employees helps in motivating the employees towards the work. By providing the benefit beyond the base salary will raise employee, satisfaction, corporate royalty and helps in retaining the workers. These benefit motivates the employee towards the work and thus helps in improving the outcome of the business processes. By providing various benefit the employee can be motivated to expend there energy towards attaining organization goals and objective. For motivating the employees the management needs to finds he factor which helps in motivating the employee towards the work. For motivating the employees the organization generally uses two technique of motivation which are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation are generally psychological rewards such as sense of accomplishment makes or doing something makes one feel good. On the other hand extrinsic motivation are rewards that other people give such as money, compliment, bonuses, trophies etc.

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Importance of the study

The research project will help us to find the factor which helps the employees to be motivated towards the work. The organization can improve the efficiency of the outcome of the employee by motivating them toward the work. This helps the organization to make optimum utilization of its resources and helps in preventing the wastage of resources.By proving the performance reward to the employee the employee can be motivated towards the work and helps the organization to grow its business.

In the present world nearly most of the organization are focusing on building effective relation with its employees to attain business goals and objective. Through the use of effective motivational technique the organization can easily put all its human resources into action. The motivational technique helps in building willingness in the employee towards the work and helps the organization in securing best possible utilization of the resources. The motivational technique also helps in improving the level of the efficiency of the employees. For getting the best work performance the organization needs to feel gap between the ability and the willingness for improving the performance of the subordinate.

The motivational techniques helps in building co-operation and will help in avoiding industrial dispute and will reduce the unrest in the employee. This will also help the employee to easily adopt the organization changes and there will be no resistant to changes. This will also help the organization in creating stability within the workforce and avoid the employee turnover. The use of effective motivational technique will help in attracting the qualified staff towards the company. This will also help in building optimistic and challenging attitude at the workplace. During the period of amendment the employee will be more adaptable and creative. By proving the benefit to the employee will help him to achieve his personal goals and increase his job satisfaction. This will also help in the self-development of the employee and he will always gain by working with the team dynamic.

Literature review

The performance of the organization very much depends upon its relation with the employees and how they are motivated towards the work. It is a huge challenge for the manager to keep their employee motivated and thus is required to identify the need and requirement of the employees and what are they looking for. In the complex and dynamic environment are organization are planning for the organization structure where employee feel trusted and are empowered to take decision which increase their motivational level and ultimately increases the performance of the organization.Motivating employees will increase the capacity of the organization to attain its goals and objective. It will improve the organizational culture where the employee have trust and loyalty with the organization (Eisele, Grohnert, Beausaert & Segers, 2013).

The work of the employee and the customer satisfaction are highly interdependent on each other. If there is improvement in the performance of the employee than it will simultaneously increase the level of customer satisfaction. The employee which is motivated towards the work will help the organization in identifying and satisfying customer needs. If the employees are motivated towards the work it will improve the performance of the employee and helps the organization in extreme cost saving. They helps the organization in avoiding wastage of resources.

The organization whose employee are motivated is completely vulnerable to both internal as well as external challenges as the employee of these company are more stable. The organization whose employee are not stable underperform and are not able to effectively handle the changes. The organization needs to motivate its employees to obtain the productive gain and ensure their competitiveness. Motivation helps in creating the environment where employee are motivated and hence work with the full effort. This provide the competitive advantage to the organization and hence helps the management in attaining company vision and mission (Grublien? & Urbonait?, 2014).

Researcher has also recommended that the employee who are motivated shows much commitment towards the work which enhance their satisfaction and helps in improving the performance of the business. Researcher has also found that the employee who are more satisfied and encouraged are crucial to organization effectiveness. The employee makes a huge difference in company ability not just to survive but to succeed in the market.

There was argument between the certain experts that the money spent on the motivation of the employee is complete waste. Most of the expert view on it that the amount spent on the employee motivation is that the company is able to achieve the benefit of the money in the short run. The employee who are motivated are the backbone of the company and are the reason for profitability and growth of the business. The employee who are motivated will perform with their full potential and hence improve the quality of the outcome of the company. This will provide the competitive advantage which the organization seeks and helps in achieving higher productivity (Porter, Riesenmy & Fields, 2016).

Many of the researcher also recommended that the effective motivation facilitate qualitative communication between subordinate- superior at various level of organization. This helps the management in building coordination between the various activities of the organization. The motivation helps in providing chance to employees to raise their concern and put across their point regarding various aspect of their jobs. The organization provides various training and development program to employees that effectively contribute their personal and professional growth. This helps the employees in developing their skills and relevant competency which motivates them towards the work.  The training of the employee helps the employees in developing skills and knowledge which helps them in advancing there career (Porter, Riesenmy & Fields, 2016).

The alternative working pattern such as job-rotation, job-sharing and flexible working is also an effective tool to motivate the employee towards the work. The use of these tools are appreciated by increasing number of organization and is helping to keep employee motivated towards the work. This will help in building the trust and loyalty of the employees towards the company.The employee learns a lot of thing from their superior so the management also needs to keep their self- motivation high in order to engage employees towards it. In the today’s competitive worldevery organization is focusing on achieving the competitive edge over there competitors and is impossible without the contribution of employees. So the management needs to motivate the employees using various means (Conrad, Ghosh & Isaacson, 2015).

Monetary incentive also plays a key role in motivating employees towards the work. Monetary incentive acts as a stimulus for greater action and inculcates zeal and enthusiasm towards work. It also help the employee in recognizing their achievement. The monetary incentive used to build the positive environment and maintain the interest of the employees towards the job and create a zeal in employees towards the work. The monetary benefit helps in psychological satisfy a person and leads to job satisfaction and shapes the behavior of the subordinate towards the work in the organization. This helps in motivating the employee towards the work.


Conrad, D., Ghosh, A. & Isaacson, M. 2015, "Employee motivation factors", International Journal of Public Leadership, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 92-106.
Eisele, L., Grohnert, T., Beausaert, S. &Segers, M. 2013, "Employee motivation for personal development plan effectiveness", European Journal of Training and Development, vol. 37, no. 6, pp. 527-543.
Grublien?, V. &Urbonait?, A. 2014, "Organizational culture strengthening and employee motivation improvement", Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 507-515.
Porter, T.H., Riesenmy, K.D. & Fields, D. 2016, "Work environment and employee motivation to lead: Moderating effects of personal characteristics", American Journal of Business, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 66-84.
Porter, T.H., Riesenmy, K.D. & Fields, D. 2016, "Work environment and employee motivation to lead", American Journal of Business, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 66-84.