Unit 12 Hospitality Business Plan in Travel Tourism Assignment

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Unit 12 Hospitality Business Plan in Travel Tourism Assignment
Unit 12 Hospitality Business Plan in Travel Tourism Assignment
Unit 12 Hospitality Business Plan in Travel Tourism Assignment


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 12 Hospitality Business Plan in Travel Tourism

QFC Level

Level 5


The increase in the economic and global activity has given rise to the hospitality sector in the economy. It is with the increase in the discovery of places the interest of the tourists picks its height that yields the respective sector to incur profit. Moreover, the rapid globalization and standardization have maximized the number of hotel industries to flourish with good reputation. Acceleration of the urbanization has further paved the way for the interrelated sector to rapidly increase its pace with the passage of days. The following assignment is based on the hospitality industry and the interrelationship between the travel and tourism industry. It further focuses on the importance of the tourism industry and how it serves its economic benefit to the economy. It also focuses on the benefits that the hospitality industry has on the travel and the tourism sector.  The assignment further throws its colors on the impact of integration that the hospitality industry posses. That includes the share of the market, standardization and the improvement in the quality of the services that are provided by the industries to its customers. It also concentrates on the development of the business plan of the hospitality business that includes the project plan that involves the development of the plan, the design of the organizations and the operations that are going to be implemented in the organization for the customers.

Unit 12 Hospitality Business Plan in Travel Tourism Assignment

Task 1

1.1 discussion of the interrelationship between hospitality and tourism and travel business

Composition of the hospitality sector: It is with the increase in the standardization the enhancement in the globalization have caused the industry of hospitality to make its progress from the one start hotel services to the five star hotel services. There are several types of services that are provided in the hospitality sector that helps the sector to flourish in a better manner. It is with the increase in the price of the hospitality sector more good and standardize services are provided to the customers. The services includes the bar facilities, the banquet facilities, the dining facilities. Along with that the bed rooms, the catering facilities, night clubs, and gaming facilities are also provided by the hospitality sector. It has been further observed that the hospitality sector gain its importance with the quality service it provides to its customers in a wide manner (Pillay, 2013, p.58). On the other hand, the hospitality sector enhance its reputation with the quality service it provides to its customers, that further helps the sector to maintain its reputation in the market. The Savoy Hotel London provides excellent dinning, gaming and bedroom facilities to its customers that help the respected organization to gain its importance in the market place. Along with that the quality service and the care that the organization make sure of its customer is better that further enhances its reputation in the market. This would further help the organization to enhance its name and its fame in the market place. The several roles that the organization plays are as follows:

  • Providing excellent service to its customers that makes the organization attracts more and more customers for its services
  • It provides modern facilities to its customers such as wifi facility, sauna bath, gaming facilities and on time care and service
  • It provides night club facilities and banquet facilities that enables the customers to book the hotel hall for their personal and well as for their professional events

Travel and tourism sector: Increase in the discovery of new places and the advancement in the urbanization have made it possible for the tourist to avail their travelling expenses to go for a tour that provides them with relaxation and tranquility. This further enables the tourist to move around the world and experience the best they can from the beautiful scenes and the tourist places. It is due to this fact of the event the tourism sector is flourish as the people are availing travelling for many purposes. Travelling is not only destined with the leisure activity but it is also related to the business tours that the people go for. The tourism and the travelling sectors are inter related it is because it is with the availability of the transportation facilities such as the airplane service, water transport services and the road transport services the travelling becomes more easy for the people. On the other hand, now days the accessibility of the transport has become so easy that people could book their tickets online and make their destination travel possible (Gatt, 2015, p.115). Moreover, the facilities that the hospitality sector provides further enhance the accessibility of the travelling for the people it is because the tourist is very keen to travel the places. It is with availability of proper transport facilities and the fair of the transport makes the tourist avail the transport for their travelling purpose. On the other hand, as the world is running very fast so as the sectors, therefore, every now and then the business meetings and conferences are being held in different part of the world. Hence, in very less time the travelling could be made possible with the availability of the airplane service that cause the people to easily avail a flight for a successful business conference or meeting they want to attend. Thus, in a matter of hours the whole process completes and it could be easily stated that the travelling and tourism is inter related to each other.

Interrelationship between tourism and travel sector: The three sectors that are hospitality sectors, the  travel and tourism  sectors are interrelated. It is because the travel sector makes it possible to reach the different destination that the tourists want to visit. The air transport, the water transport and the road transport are the key linkage between the places that the tourist wants to visit for their business as well as for their personal usage. on the other hand, the increase in the travelling services by the transportation sector have helped the tourism industry to flourish with bright colors it is because in very less time the people could easily reach their destination for their purpose to be fulfilled. Moreover, it is with the accessible transport facilities being available for the tourist the tourism industry is flourishing it are because even the toughest destination could be reached by the people through proper transport facilities being available (Styles, 2015, p.187). This further enables the tourist destination to become more popular and more and more people get to know about the new places that help the tourism industry to flourish. Along with that the other thing that further interrelates is the hospitality sector that includes the lodging and the food service. Therefore, the people after reaching a certain destination has to stay at a specific place, it is where the hospitality sector play its part. The services that the hospitality sector provides to its customers are very much needed for the customers to make their journey more comfortable and soothing. Therefore, the dining facility and the lodging facility helps the tourist to retain at a place for a longer period that helps the tourism industry to further make its enhancement in the market place. It is with proper facilities and services being provided by the hospitality sector to its customers help the hospitality sector to gain its importance and make a remarkable progress in the field of travel and tourism sector (Styles, 2015, p.187).     

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Task 2

2.1 analyzing the implications of integrations to the hospitality industry

Implication of the integration is the much needed thing that is required for the hospitality industry to make its progress in the market place. The integrations involve the improvement in the quality of the services that the respected hospitality sector provides. It further includes the increase in the standardization of the organization such that it could enhance its share in the market. The branding and the pricing of the organization is marked with the integration of the industry. Moreover, the control of the market along with the increase of globalization of the industry is also related to the integration of the industry. All these factors are associated with the integration of the respected industry that would further enable the industry to make excessive progress in the market for its growth and reputation to be achieved in less time (Styles, 2015, p.187).

For examples, the hospitality industry such as the hotels that were one star had progressed with the name and the fame and had managed to gain its reputation in the market. The Marriot hotel of UK is one of such an example. The improvement in the service quality of the hospitality sector helps the hospitality sector to gain its importance. It is because the proper service quality makes the organization gain the loyalty of the customers by providing them with the satisfactory service. Moreover, the several types of facilities that the organization provides to their customers that includes the banquet service, the bar facilities, the luxury lodging and the dining facilities. On the other hand, the pool facilities and the gaming facilities act as token for the luxury comfort to be available to the customers. Moreover, it is with all these things the branding of the sector also takes place. The branding of the sector makes the people be aware of the facilities and the services that the organization provides to its customers. This further facilitates the organization to attract more and customers for its services to be provided to its customers.

On the other hand, it is with the maximization of the branding of the organization, it would further help the organization to maximize its standard and the reputation in the market such that it would enhance the organization to make more and more competitive advantage. This would also make the organization gain a lot of profit percentage for its future growth that would enable the organization to expand its business in the market and do successful business in the market. the market share of the organization would also increase and facilities the organization with massive name and fame that would build up the reputation of the  business enterprise . On the other hand, the satisfactory service further enable the hospitality sector to gain the loyalty of the customers and earn a reputation in the market place. It is further observed that the good services further add value to the hospitality service as it helps to increase the branding of the service and the hospitality sector in the market place (Styles, 2015, p.187).

2.2 discussion of hospitality business being affected due to integration

The integration in the hospitality business helps to bring about a new standardize form of the hospitality sector for the customers that makes the customers satisfy its wants and needs. On the other hand, it is with the satisfaction derived from the customers the hospitality sector makes further growth in the market it is because it enables the sector to gain the loyalty of the customers (Guttentag, 2015, p.1192). On the other hand, it further enables the sector to improve its facilities and the services that it provides to its customers. The improvement in the service makes the sector make a remarkable progress in the market place that helps the organization to expand its business in global as well as in the local market. The more the sector expands its business the more branding of the organizations would takes place.

It is further observed that the integrations in the industry cause the organization to make further growth opportunities that would make assurance for the sector to become more branded in the market place. The more the branding of the sector happen more the tourist are keener to avail the services of the hospitality sector. For example, taking the example of the food industry, it is with the enhancement of the taste and the preference of the people the food industry has flourished rapidly. The advancement in the several recopies and the awareness of the different cousins of the world the advancement is seen in a maximized manner in the food sector of the hospitality industry (Guttentag, 2015, p.1192). The customers are keener to get the availability of the continental food, the Thai food and the cultural food of several destination sites. It is the food and the culture of the place that further establishes the industry and makes a dignified progress in the market. The establishment of the café’s is another progress that is seen across the world in the food industry of the hospitality sector. It is because the different cookies, cakes and the different aromas coffee are available for the customers that light their evening and the chat with their friends over a cup of coffee. The café’s presents a beautiful environment for the customers to spend their quality time with their friends. On the other hand, the availability of several different types of dinning and restaurants provides leisure effect for the customers to avail the services. It is with the improvement in the service quality and the serving of the food quality the industry makes a brilliant success in the hospitality sector (Thomas, 2014, p.48). This further cause the industry to make profit from the service and the integration that it makes in this business sphere. Moreover, it also facilitates the industry to get maximum competitive advantage from the progress of the business in the food sector that because the customers to be more delighted with the leisure and the service that they receive from the respected hospitality sector. On the other hand, the satisfactory service further enable the hospitality sector to gain the loyalty of the customers and earn a reputation in the market place.

Task 3

3.1 development of a rationale

Guest proposed that the four outcome of the HRM helps any organization to achieve some outcome like stronger problem solving capabilities, high level of job performances, improvement in the cost effectiveness and consistent with the strategic goals. Guests demonstrated that those outcomes could be achieved if coherent strategy of nay organization is integrated into the  business strategy  of any organization. The improvement in the service quality and the management of the staffs becomes a much needed item that the organization is required to follow. It is because; proper management of the staffs by providing them with the training and imparting proper communication would help to make improvement in the services quality that the organization provides to its customers (Navickas, 2015, p.3). For achieving the competitive advantage, any organization must change their old ways to conduct their business where most of the obstruction and the responsibility for the change are fall into the first line manager of the HR. They share responsibilities as well as burden with other different line manager as well as employees. Line manager plays a crucial role for making different strategies related to the HRM because they are responsible for the execution of different HR practices. Making those strategies is very much important because without this there are huge possibilities that organization will not make any progress to meet their business goals. Line manager of any organization may face different types of problems regarding rapidly changing environments, decreasing level of work force, and increasing level of gap between required and available skills. Therefore, in order to develop a strategic approach in the respected organization and to decrease the entire problem, line manger needs those employees that are multi-skilled and committed, towards mission and vision of the organization. In order to cope with the changes, HR manager and employees require a range of skills so a productive environment can be generated. However, along with that, HR department of the organization must full support to their HR manager for the identification of the skills, core knowledge’s and abilities of their employee so they can help their organization to get competitive advantage (Mok, 2013, p.52). In order to make line managers and employees more efficient to achieve the competitive advantage, the organization must provide training regarding change management as well as decision-making, creation of the positive environment and maintenance of a collaborative environment in the organization.

3.2 hospitality business plan

The operational business plan could be implemented with the help of the following plan: Staffing could be initiated by functional areas such as follows:

Specialist qualifications: the staffs that include high qualification of the hospitality management should be included in the top management who would look after the matter of the services being up to the mark or not in the organization. Understanding the problems of the staffs and bringing out proper solution to treat them with good ecstasy such that quality work could be gained from the staffs.Recruitment policies and procedures are required to make proper such that skillful staffs are taken for the job so that quality services could be provided to the customers to satisfy the wants of the customers.Compliance with legislation refers to the laws being followed by the hospitality sector so that proper rules and regulations could be made in order to carry out a successful business in the market place. Pricing of the services are required to make properly so that it helps to attract more and more customers to avail the services in the organization.

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It could be concluded from the above discussion that it is with the increase in the travelling done by the tourist the hospitality industry is making a remarkable stand in the market. Therefore, it could be finely said that the three sectors that includes the travel sector, the tourism sector and the hospitality sector are inter connected to each other. Moreover, it is with the advent in the discovery of new places the people are keener in traveling. It is with proper advancement in the services that are provided by the hospitality sector the hospitality sector could attract more and more people to avail its services. On the other hand, the satisfactory service further enable the hospitality sector to gain the loyalty of the customers and earn a reputation in the market place. It is further observed that the good services further add value to the hospitality service as it helps to increase the branding of the service and the hospitality sector in the market place. Therefore, this further enhances the name and the fame of the organization that provides better scope for its growth opportunity that would help the industry to retain its reputation in the market. it is also observed to enable a good and successful running of the business it is necessary to have a good business plan that would enhance the business outcome. It is because it is with the maximization of the business outcome the business would further make progress in the market by earning the maximum competitive advantage. Therefore, the business plan that is discussed above is followed properly then it would help the organization to seek more and more profit and enhance its liability in the market. 

Reference list and bibliography

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