Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment

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Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment
Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment
Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 HRM Training and Development 

QFC Level

Level 5


The Unit 18 HRM training and development assignment is mainly focused on the personnel management and the human resource management. The first task highlights the difference between the personnel management and the human resource management. The second task tells us about the various processes involved in hiring the employees and their training and selection. The third task makes us familiar with the reward system existing in the company in order to motivate the employees. Various incentives are given to the employees and the targets are set in order to make the employees work harder. There is a mechanism for the termination of the job of the employees. The fourth task gives us a brief about that.

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Task 1

understand the difference between personnel management and human resource management

The present task highlights the main difference between the human resource and the personnel management. HRM is the modern approach while the personnel management is the traditional way of managing the employees.

1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organizations

Personnel management is the administrative body that keeps a control over the record of all the employees and maintains work condition for them. Human resource management includes all the corporate strategies along with the traditional methods.

  • Scope difference: Personnel management includes all the functional activities in its scope. The functional activities are  decision making , recruitment, hiring, training, evaluations and appraisals. Human resource management includes all the functional as well as the developmental activities. HRM also integrates the vision and mission of the company.
  • Approach difference: Personnel management gives prime importance to the customs and the traditions of the company while HRM gives the major importance to the rules and regulations of the company.
  • Nature difference: The nature of the both the approaches are different as Personnel management improves the employee satisfaction whereas HRM improves the employee performance.

The two organization we are considering here is the Wal-Mart and Tesco. Wal-Mart uses personnel management for handling its employees. Wal-Mart mainly focuses on the employee satisfaction which enhances the performance. At Tesco human resource management is used to handle the employees as the major focus of the company is on the performance of the employees.  (Alturkistani, 2015)

1.2 Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organization in achieving its purpose

The basic function of the human resource management is hiring the employees through the process of selection and then training them for working in the work environment. Through the process of selection and interviews the right person for the right job is chosen. Then the chosen employees are then given the right training in order to develop their potential. The training and the development program helps the employees to enhance their skills. HRM also plays an important the in motivating the employees to make them work with increased commitment.

At Wal-Mart the HRM plays an important role in managing the employees from all he departments. It deals with handling all the human resource of the company. The training program helps the employees to be familiar with the environment of the workplace in the company. Training also makes them familiar with the latest trends in market and technology so the employees remain up to date. Training also helps in the personnel as well as the professional development of the employees. Wal-Mart also takes utmost care of the health and the safety of the employees. The managers of the Wal-Mart set various targets for the employees to achieve so that they work with increased commitment. There are various motivational session for the employees and they are given various form of rewards and appraisals. (Tarmac, 2016)

1.3 Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of line managers in your organization or familiar organization and how it supports human resource management functions

At Wal-Mart the line managers are given the major responsibilities of hiring and managing the employees. Line managers carry out much day to day work of handling and managing the employees.

  • Employee engagement: It is the duty of the line managers to engage the employees in the process of decision making. The line managers enhance the performance of the employees by motivating them in a right fashion. The training program helps the employees to enhance their communication skills and adjust to the environment of the workplace.
  • Reward system: It is also a major responsibility of the line managers to give appraisals and the rewards to the employees. The line managers access the performance of the employees and give them assistance whenever required. Appraisals are given to the employees for their good performance.
  • Discipline in the company: Line managers are responsible for maintaining the healthy and friendly environment within the workplace. The employees are answerable to the line managers for their behavior.  
  • Good salary: In Wal-Mart the performance of the employees determines their behavior. It is the line mangers that decide the pay structure of all the employees. (MacDonald, 2016)

Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment  1

1.4 Analyze how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management

There are many legal and regulatory frameworks existing within the company for the protection of the employees. These laws help in protecting the rights of the employees and avoid any discrimination against them. The employees should be paid according to the hours they work. They should not be made to work for more than 40 hours a week. There should be equal pay for equal work for both men and women. There should be no discrimination based on the gender or caste within the organization. The appraisal and the reward system should be fair and honest.

There are various beneficial schemes for the welfare of the employees. There are various labor laws for the protection of the rights of the employees. There should be a healthy environment within the workplace. There should be special laws for the protection of the women in the workplace. There should be no harassment of the women and eve teasing against them. There is a defined code of behavior for the employees. (Christian, 2016)

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Task 2

Understand how to recruit employees

2.1 Analyze the reasons for human resource planning

There should be a well-defined planning of the human resources at Wal-Mart. The company should access how many employees they have and how many more they need. The planning should be as such that there are always few candidates ready to join as soon as the vacancy appears. The line ready for the recruitment helps in keeping the productivity constant. There should be no gap between the exit of the employee and the joining of the other. The line mangers should be able to predict the future trends in the fluctuation of the human resources of the company.  

The hiring of the employees should be fast and efficient. At present there is a high employee turnover at Wal-Mart. It is the important duty of the HR manager to hire the right candidate for the right job. Wal-Mart lays emphasis on the training of the employees in order to polish their already present skills. When the employee turnover increases then the company increases the salary and the compensation provided to the employee in order to make the employees loyal and to attract the new employees. The duty of handling all the  human resources  falls in the hand of human resource department. (Mayhew, 2016)

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements

It is the employees that constitute the human resources of the Wal-Mart. The employees are the major driving force of the company as they carry all the important functions of the company. They are the one that determine the future of the company. The steps of the human resource planning are aimed at achieving the goals of the company.

  • Stage 1: All the models and the strategic steps of the human resource planning are determined in order to meet the goal of the Wal-Mart. It helps in setting up the business environment within the workplace. It is the employees that are responsible for executing the entire task included in the plan. Both the internal and external factors are accessed in advanced. The knowing of the external factors helps in determining the outside problems and the analysis of the internal factors gives us the idea of the weakness of the company present inside. Inventory present and the position of the employee in the company are accessed.
  • Stage 2: In this step the requirement of the human resources of the company is predicted and the employees are hired accordingly. For the process of selection, the employee has to undergo the process of selection. Presently the Wal-Mart is facing employee turnover so the company is increasing the salary and the incentives of the employees in order to make the present employees loyal and to attract the new employees. Lastly the human resource of the company is judged in respect to the quality as well as quantity. (Nayab, 2010)

Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment  2

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organization with another organization you recommending

For this task we will be comparing the recruitment and selection process of the Wal-Mart and Tesco. Both the companies have different culture so the process of hiring the employees is also different.

Wal-Mart holds a majority of market share in the market of United States. To inform the candidates about the vacancy present in the company Wal-Mart uses local newspaper, radio and different agents. The company also takes into account the recommendation from the already present employees. The process of selection at the Wal-Mart is quiet hard as they use the process of employee delight. First of all the employees are made to give a telephonic interview and after that they are called-in for personnel interview.

The common question asked at the interview is as follows:

  • Personal detail of the candidate
  • Their goal in their life
  • Where do they see them 10 years down the line
  • Their past work experience.

The process of hiring the employee is bit different at Tesco as the candidates are required to attend a group discussion in the first round and then a personal interview in the second round. Tesco pays a lot of attention on the values of the employee rather that the qualification. The work environment at Tesco is very healthy and there is no discrimination of any sort. The skills and the attitude of the candidate are given more importance than their educational qualification. (Rajeev, 2008)

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the organization recruitment and selection techniques with another organization you recommending

Human resource planning plays a great emphasis on the success of the company as it deals with handling the employees. Employees are the major asset of the company as they are responsible for running it. It is the hard work of the employees that will result in the success of the company. There should be proper training of the already existing employees to help them improve upon their skills. The constant process of hiring of the employees takes place in order to minimize the time gap between the exit of one employee and joining of the other.

In order to reduce the employee turnover Wal-Mart provides efficient training to the employees in order to get them skilled and trained for the job. Skilled employees work better and increase the performance of the company. Tesco does not give major emphasis on the skills of the employees rather on their behavior and attitude. They train their employees in order to make the well-adjusted to the culture of the company. The work environment in Tesco is very friendly. (Habib, 2013)

Task 3

Understand how to reward employees in order to motivate and retain them

The company studied for this task is Virgin Media. Virgin Media is the company that produces the electronic device such as television, landline and their major product the mobile phones. The company was a result of merger of three companies namely Telewest, Virgin mobile and NTL.

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organization.

Motivation helps the employees to be committed towards the cause of the company by enhancing their skills and bringing out the best in them. Virgin media used a variety of methods to motivate their employees so the process in the company is quiet complicated. Salary and the money the company is giving the employees for their work is a very important motivational factor. If the salary of the employees is adequate then the employees work with increased commitment. If the employees work hard then the performance of the company also increases.

Virgin media have well realized the fact the motivation is caused fully by money. There are many other factors that determine the motivational factors. There is a well formulated reward system in the Virgin media. Both financial as well as non- financial management rewards are given to motivate the employees. Motivation comes with rewarding the employees. When the work of the employees is rewarded then they feel proud of themselves and work with increased commitment. It is tendency of the human beings that they like to be apprised for their work. HR managers make sure that the employee is rewarded for their work accordingly. With the appraisals the employees are motivated to work for the cause of the company. (Nagarjuna, 2016)

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organization

At Virgin media the value of the different job are determined with the help of the process of job evaluation. The pay scale of the different employees at different positions is determined by the help of the relative comparison. Various seminars and the workshops are conducted by the virgin media which help them in determining the satisfaction of the customers towards their company. The top corporate hold a meeting to determine the chronology of the different job profiles. Then the pay scale of different positions in determined in a fair manner according to the work assigned for the post.

The most widely used policy for evaluating the job of the employees and determining their pay is Hay Scheme. It has three main aspects knowledge of a problem, taking account of a problem and solving it finally. The solution to the problem is identified and then it is solved systematically. Job Evaluation is the process of attaching a monetary value to the individual and the company. It helps in the process of determining the salary of the employee at a specific post. The salary is according to the skills and the qualification required for a particular post. Virgin media has a fair pay for a specific position in the company. (UTC, 2015)

Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment  3

3.3 Access in different context how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organization

In order to keep the motivation of the employees alive the reward system is used. The employees are appraised for their good work. There are various appraisal programs held in the company to appreciate the employees for their good work. At Virgin mobile there is various reward systems held on the annual and yearly basis.

The reward are given to the employees except the salary are of the two major types. One is the paying the employees indirectly in form of various incentives provided. The various incentives are the health benefit, membership of gym and other department and other staff related discounts. The other one is the internal benefits provided to the employees according to their needs. The company tries to satisfy the requirement of the employees in order to make them satisfied.

The most effective reward is acknowledging the  employability skills  and talent of the employees and then appreciating them for their work. The commitment of the employees increases as they try to give in their best. In the whole process the performance of the employees and the company increase greatly. (Amy, 2016)

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organization use to motivate employee performance

At Virgin Media the work of the employees is continuously monitored so that the organization can keep a check on their work. The work of the employees is carefully kept a check on and then the feedback is given to them accordingly. This process help the employee to stay committed to their and do the work with increased precision. Feedback from the lie managers helps the employees to understand their work in a better way and improve the quality of their work. The employees are divided in teams to help them perform better. (Tulgan, 2012)

There are many means of regulating the behavior and performance of the employees. The standard performance of the employees is set in the company. There is a proper reviewing of the performance of the employees. The managers provide a support to the employees and the staff for carrying out their functions.

Task 4

Know the mechanism for cessation of employment

In this task the company considered is the Chicken Master which is established by Bob Jones.

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally other reasons for cessation of employment

The reason for the termination of the job of Faisal in the company the Chicken Master is given below:

  • Resignation: The employee has the full freedom to leave the company whenever they feel like. The appropriate amount of flexibility should be given to the employees in their work so that they can work in their comfort zone. If he employee leaves the company then it is the binding duty of the manager to find the reason of his leave.
  • Less work: If there is low work in the company then the employees may sit idle all day. If there is a lack of work then some of the employees may be fired. If there is a shortage of work in the company then the company may be suffering from the financial crisis.
  • Mergers and acquisitions: Mergers with the company or the acquisitions by the other company may also result in the end of job many employees. As many of the positions may not be required after the merging of the two companies.
  • Inadequate behavior: The employee must maintain their standard behavior in the workplace. Faisal displayed inappropriate behavior that’s why Bob had to knock him out. Bob used to watch pornography in the workplace which was not permissible. In his work time he used to send email to his wife and help out his daughter with studies. This was not allowed as the employees are shall stay committed towards the company.
  • Declining employee performance: If the employees do not perform well then they would be held accountable for the same. If the employee perform badly then first of all they are given a feedback. The organization gives them a chance to improve. If they continue to perform badly then they are fired. The performance of Faisal did not meet the expectations of the company so he had to be fired. He did clean the kitchen and front of the store. (Brookins, 2016)

Unit 18 HRM Training and Development Assignment  4

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organization of your choice

Here we are discussing the employee exit procedure for the chicken master and burger king. In any big  business organisation  the entry and the exit of the employee is a continuous process. One day an employee enters and the same day the other one leaves the company. The increasing exit of the employee from the company increases the insecurity among the already existing employees. In both the companies there are cases where the employees have been fired and they feel bad about it.

Faisal feels bad about the end of his job. He thinks he has faced discrimination as he was replaced by another female candidate. He has filed the case of gender discrimination against the chicken master. He says he has seen many illegal entries into the company during his stay. He says there was no problem with his work. Bob fired him as he wants to employ a female candidate. Such practices affect the performance as well as the reputation of the company.

The exit procedure is same in both the companies as they both are the food companies. The following steps have to be followed before leaving the company:

  • The identity card of the company given to the employees have to be taken back
  • The credit card given to the employees have to be dismissed
  • The identity card is dismissed on the server of the company
  • The mail of the employee on the site of company is disabled
  • The resignation letter is to be submitted by the employee leaving
  • Before leaving the employee has to face an interview
  • The company should accept the resignation of the employees
  • All the belonging in the chamber must  be taken by the employee
  • The employee should complete all the work assigned to him (Catherine, 2015)

4.3 Consider the impact of legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organization such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

If the notice has been given to the employee then he must look into the profile of his job. It is the duty of the employee to be aware of his weak areas and he must be ready to improve them. If the employee excels upon his weak areas then his performance would increase and this would benefit the company.

The employee should be able to take part in the process of decision making. The qualification and the skills of the employees also determine their performance. If the employee is working in the company for many years then he does not get the job security. It is the performance of the employee that secures his job. The employee should always give his best performance. Employees with the work experience can handle the situation in a matured manner as they have already faced difficult situations beforehand. New employee watch the older ones work and learn from them. This is the reason why the top managerial roles are given to the experienced ones. (Huselid, 1995)

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In the assignment the different theories and the practices of the HRM are being discussed. It tells us about the HRM practices that are being followed in workplace in order to train and motivate the employees. The training program helps in the personal development of the employees. There are many issues affecting the company that have been properly discussed in the assignment. There are rules of the government binding up on the company. The various advantages of the HRM practices have been discussed. The process of hiring the employees by finding the right person for the right job.


Alturkistani, M., (2015), difference between personnel management and human resource management, [Article], Available: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/difference-between-personnel-management-human-mohammed-alturkistani  [Accessed 22 June 2016]
Amy, R., (2016), recreation managers can use rewards to improve employee motivation, [Article], Available: http://www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/recreation-managers-can-use-rewards-to-improve-employee-motivation-retention  [Accessed 19 June 2016]
Brookns, M., (2016), the reasons for job termination, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/reasons-job-termination-2900.html [Accessed 20 June 2016]
Christian, L., (2016), Analyze the impact of the legal and regulatory framework, [Article], Available: https://www.coursehero.com/file/7621410/Analyse-the-impact-of-the-legal-and-regulatory-framework-on-human-resource-management/  [Accessed 25 June 2016]
Catherine, M., (2015), human resource management report, [Article], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/gpalona/human-resourcemanagement-46792928  [Accessed 20 June 2016]
Habib, M., (2013), recruitment and selection, [Article], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/umerkhalidhabib/recruitment-and-selection-24053999  [Accessed 22 June 2016]
Huselid, M., (1995), regulatory framework on employee management, [Article], Available: http://www.studymode.com/subjects/impact-of-legal-framework-on-employment-cessation-arrangement-page1.html [Accessed 17 June 2016]
MacDonald, L., (2016), responsibility of line manager in HR, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/responsibilities-line-managers-hr-35205.html  [Accessed 24 June 2016]
Mayhew, R., (2016), 10 reasons HR is important to an organization, [Article], Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/10-reasons-hr-important-organization-22424.html  [Accessed 24 June 2016]
Nayab, D., (2010), steps in HR planning, [Article], Available: http://www.brighthub.com/office/human-resources/articles/88391.aspx [Accessed 22 June 2016]
Nagaejuna, T., (2016), motivation and rewards, [Article], Available: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/aSGuest125592-1321940-motivation-reward-ppt/ [Accessed 20 June 2016]
Rajeev, G., (2016), recruitment, selection process methods and steps, [Article], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/rajeevgupta/recruitment-selection-process-methods-and-steps  [Accessed 21 June 2016]