Human resource management is an operation within the company that is concerned with management of employees, recruitment of new candidates and guide them regarding the achievable goals of the organization. All the functions and procedures are controlled by the folks who work under the HR department. The HR department provides platform to the employees to increase their knowledge and skills, organize training and development programs that are required for the success of the organization.
Therefore, The human research management assignment sainsbury’s plc assignment is regarding the work and toughness of the human resource management and their scope for hiring and selection of individuals. It will help us in learning the approaches applied by them for job enhancement and the reasons for termination of employees. The organization taken to clear the concepts is Sainsbury’s plc.

Task 1
1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organizations.
Personnel management and human resource management both deals with the management of employees but the difference between the two is that the PM is a old technique of management whereas the HRM is a new technique of management.
- The scope of services: PM focuses on functional actions of labour like employee welfare, and payrolls, job evaluation and employees coaching. The HRM team at Sainsbury’s directs its focus on encouraging employees and discipline. The HR management at Sainsbury’s believes in making use of full potential of employees for the accomplishing goals.
- Difference in approach: HRM is much expansive concept than the PM. The PM gives much importance to old customs and norms to operate the organization whereas the HRM makes its own policies that supports flexibility in organization. The Sainsbury's provides flexibility to its female employees in form of appropriate working hours which is not visible in personnel management.
- Difference in nature: the rules in personnel management are tough to follow that employees finds it difficult to follow all of them. The flexible environment at Sainsbury’s encourages employees to focus towards their enhancement of knowledge and stamina. (Nayab, 2015)
1.2 Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organization in achieving its purpose.
The human resource team at Sainsbury’s offers structure and culture in order to meet its business requirements.
The functions of human resource team in achieving the organizational goals are:
- Collaboration: in order to enhance the skills of the employees at Sainsbury’s, managers and HR team collaborate to improvise their performance. For example, the suggestions are provides by HR team to managers and supervisors that how the work is to be assigned to employees for different profiles in the organization. In a flexible organization like Sainsbury’s, employees are swapped to various departments according to office priorities and employee choices.
- Commitment Building: At Sainsbury’s HR team also give ideas for building employee commitment in achieving the organization goals. It starts when company hires the employees for the correct positions according to their knowledge and skills. Once recruited, employees are dedicated to their jobs and are provided challenged tasks by their manager.
- Building Capacity: An HRM team aids an organization to generate a competitive atmosphere, which includes building the capacity of the organization so it can serve world class goods or services to its customers. The management at Sainsbury’s not only recruit talent; but also help them rise and stay dedicated over the long term. (Bianca, 2015)

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organization or familiar organization and how it supports human resource management functions.
The essentiality of line managers in helping human resource management at Sainsbury’s plc are as follows:
- Employee engagement: engaging employees at work is the most difficult task for the line managers. At Sainsbury’s, employees engagement is generated by the line managers only. In order to raise operational profitability, the line managers orders employees to work together towards same goals.
- Safety: the line managers are responsible for taking care of employees against accidents. Safety is concerned with preventing injuries and accidents at work. They prepare the employees by making them operate the machines in a precautious manner so as to avoid injuries and accidents. Employees are given safety equipments at Sainsbury’s that are mandatory to use while working.
- Disciplining employees: the line managers enforce the employees to abide by all the rules and laws that have been followed in company to handle the attitude and performance of the workers. It is important to be strict with employees as it makes employees to work with seriousness.
- Supervision: a line manager is responsible for supervising employees' work. He monitors work standards, production and presence of employees. He ensures that all the workers are present and all stations are being manned. He ensures the availability of workforce at the time of absenteeism of employees. This directly affects the Sainsbury's production goals and gains. (Writing, 2016)

1.4 Analyze how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.
The government of UK has made several legal laws for avoiding the exploitation of workers. These laws are as follows:
- Equal pay act, 1970: according to this law, each employee should be paid equally without being discriminated on basis of gender caste or creed. They should be given salary according to their capability.
- Race relations act (1992-amended in 2000): this law states that no person should be discriminated on the basis of his colour or religion. If anyone is found doing that will be punished.
- Sex discrimination act, 1975/1995/1997: this law is regarding the provision of equality between male and female. Job is given on the basis of qualification and not gender.
- Employment equality act: it is equivalent to Race Relation act which promotes the equality of providing equal opportunities to employees.
- Disability discrimination act: this law is made to save the interest of disabled people in the organization by providing them with all the necessities required by them.
- Labour relation act: this act is concerned with making of unions at the organization and providing them opportunity to raise their voice against discrimination being done to labour. (Dabydeen, 2011)
Task 2
2.1 Analyse the reasons for human resource planning.
Human resource planning is a procedure that helps in identifying the current needs of an organization and work accordingly to achieve organizational goals. It serves a relationship between all the tasks of an organization and HRM team.
The reasons for human resource planning at Sainsbury’s are as follows:
- Future manpower needs: it keeps a track on the scope of the workforce for good working of the company. Human resource planning is considered as an apparatus to assure the approaching vacancy of employees who can cope up with the organizational duties.
- Improving performances: the HR team at Sainsbury’s plots a strategy to evaluate the performance of the employees. They classify them into the departments of their excellence and accordingly allot them that department. This improves their calibre.
- Uncertainty reduction: it is related to depreciating the effect of uncertainty which is generated by eventual dynamic market in the organizational process of human resource management in Sainsbury’s. (Mayhew, 2016)
2.2. Outlining the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.
The human resource planning is a way of ensuring that all the requirements of organization and people are achieved.
The stages involved in human resource planning are:
- Assessment of organizational objectives: this is the first step involved in planning process which includes gathering important information important for achieving organizational objectives.
- Assessing human resources: it includes the scanning of internal resources in context with outside business environment needed in an organization which is based on inventory and turnover ratio of the company.
- Estimating demand and supply of human resource: it is related with the present workforce doing work in the organization and number of individuals demanded to fill the desired positions of job. Total forecasting of shortage and deficit is done by the management and accordingly future requirements are met to fulfil organizational goals.
- Formulation of plan: the plan is executed after the estimation of demand and supply gaps. Fresh interns are hired in case of shortage whereas employees are removed if in abundance.
- Monitoring, control and feedback: this is the last step of human resource planning where employees are monitored and their performance is evaluated and according feedback is given. (Chand, 2016)
2.3. Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organization with another organization you recommending.
- Recruitment and selection process at Sainsbury’s: The initial step includes assessment of the job positions for candidates. With this process the need of the job is estimated. The correct applicants are recognised and invited for the next step of selection process. The company gets many applications for the vacancies which are half filled at the time of screening. The appropriated candidates are shortlisted. These shortlisted candidates are then sent to another stage where they appear for personal interview. The candidates who clear the personal interview are trained for the job they have been selected for to improve their efficiency and skills. (Sainsbury’s, 2016)
- Recruitment and selection process at Harrods: Firstly, the candidates need to apply the online form that is available on company’s official site. These applicants are later invited for screening. Then the selected applicants have to pass the written test. The ones who clear the written test gets the confirmation through e-mail, they have to clear the telephonic or video interview. It is further followed by telephonic interview. The final stage is the face to face interview where candidate goes to assessment centre for his individual analysis. (Harrods, 2016)
2.4. Evaluating how effectiveness is the organization recruitment and selection techniques with another organization you recommending.
The effectiveness of recruitment and selection process at Sainsbury’s and Harrods can be explained as:
- Transparency: At Sainsbury’s and also at Harrods the company has not privatised its recruitment policies. It is clearly visible the strategies applied in hiring new candidates. This built the sense of transparency in the company which is very necessary for the company to become a rising star.
- Cost effective: using proper techniques prevents problems in hiring of candidates. It consumes a huge amount of money to convert mediocre employee to a bright one. Well advanced recruitment procedure is time saving and diminishes the problems.
- Job satisfaction: the job satisfaction is also assured with the hiring techniques choose by Sainsbury’s and Harrods as it built overall stamina in applicants as low esteemed candidates takes more leaves and sooner they leave the company. (Mathis, Jackson, and Valentine, 2013)

Task 3
3.1. Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organization. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.
Considering the globalization and competitiveness in the business world, it is important for the management to force employees to make optimum utilization of resources.
For this management at Virgin Media use different motivational theories which are mentioned below:
Motivational theories:
- Herzberg’s Theory: the dual-factor theory was stated by Fredrick Herzberg in 1950s. He found that there are 2 factors that effects employee’s motivation and contentment.
- Motivator factors – these are factors that motivate employees to give their best which leaves them satisfied. Incentives, promotions, achievements and development discussions are the motivational factors.
- Hygiene factors – These factors did not generate any growth in capacity of workers which led to discontentment and de-motivation. Hygiene factors consist of work presentation, supervision and representation.
How it is applied in Virgin Media: This theory helps in employees’ motivation by ensuring that they are acknowledged and promoted. The HR team at Virgin Media evaluates their performance and provides promotional tools for their development. In order to avoid job discontentment, the manager ensures that employees are provided with goo working conditions and treated well along with fair salary. The manager acts as a backbone in order to support employees. (Panay, 2016)
Rewards: Virgin media identifies that rewards are motivational factors that encourages the employee to work harder. It serves schemes like ASPIRE field pay and reward scheme. This motivates the workers to accomplish organizational goals as well as personal goals. (Virgin Media, 2016)
3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organization.
- Job evaluation: it is a process of evaluating and weighing the job criteria for employees. It is a manner of analysing and comparing one job to another. Sainsbury’s has a systematic procedure of analysing job on the basis of skills and eligibility.
- Job description: job is assessed by recognizing the duties of the job performance. It is a data prepared for the giving duties to employees and grading them accordingly.
- Job specification:it is generally concerned with the payment, revenues and incomes incurred in the organization.
Factors determining the pay at Virgin Media:
- Job rotation: process of shifting the employees in various divisions of the organization to support flexibility as well as overall development of employees is known as job rotation. It improvises the skills and knowledge of the employees.
- Job experience: it is related to the total job experience of the employees. If an employee holds a good amount of experience he is paid higher than the usual and vice versa.
- Awards and honours: employees who have got an honour for his outstanding performance in their field of job can include these awards in his C.V. it will help in getting better jib positions and will boost his career.
- Educational achievements: Virgin Media seeks knowledge in its employees. They are paid according to the degree their hold in education. The employee who has masters degree is usually paid higher than the others. (Mathis, Jackson, and Valentine, 2013)

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organization.
Virgin Media serves an appropriate bonus to its employees that influence the positive behaviour of employees in a good way.
The employees utilize their full energy to win the bonus and incentives.
- Employee Retention: The Virgin Media make certain that each worker is rewarded with retirement plans, life care, life insurance, leaves and holidays, staff saving plans, bonus plans and special rebates on every goods of Virgin Media in order to keep them contended and keep their interest alive for the organization.
- Employee motivation: The management at Virgin Media indulges its employees towards happy and positive atmosphere which encourages employees to perform task with good attitude. At Virgin media, the top priorities include providing high class services to the customers and serving them top products.
- Reward system: the company always identify those employees who perform outstandingly well for the whole year. The reward such as promotion, rise in salary, gifts and other bonuses are given to the employees. (, 2015)
3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organization use to monitor employee performance.
Conduct a 360-degree assessment: through this method, employees are monitored by business management and top authorities. The different graphs offer an idea and opinions about the particular employees. With the help of these graphs the feedback is given to the employees.
The Virgin Media also appoints a team of experts to conduct such surveys.
- Give monthly or annual training: Virgin media conducts training programs on a monthly or yearly basis in order to bring job perfection which helps the employees to work with efficiency. These training help the employees to adapt to new market changes.
- Regular check-ins: in order to guard the employees performance, the managers drops by on a regular basis without the concernment of employees. It is considered as the easiest way of keeping an eye on the performance of the employees. It also helps the management to solve the day-to-day issues of the employees.
- Score card: it is one way of keeping check on the employees. The employees are given marks after every task according to that only their performance is evaluated. (Wohner, 2016)
Task 4
4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.
The reasons for the termination of Faisal’s employment contract with the chicken master are:
- Poor Performance: his unsatisfied and poor performance was one of the few reasons of his dismissal from the chicken master. Even after having fifteen years of experience in managing restaurants he was unable to handle the restaurant by himself. Neither did he was able to monitor his juniors nor did he maintain his restaurant clean.
- Violation of company policy: every employee at the chicken master was handed the employment handbook which clearly stated that it is a serious offense to use company’s equipments for personal use. Even after knowing this, Faisal used the company’s computer to watch inappropriate stuff at night. He was found mailing to his wife and helping his children with homework. Bob also found him designing his own restaurant.
- Less attendance: another cause of firing Faisal was he was absent more than he was present at the restaurant. The number of working days was fixed by Bob that every employee had to follow. Even after having the knowledge of this rule, Faisal was unavailable at the restaurant. His absenteeism resulted in huge loss for the company. He usually took time off as he was busy in developing his own restaurant.
- Attitude of the employee: Faisal’s behaviour towards his job and his subordinates was not good which made a bad impact on the chicken master. His inappropriate way of behaving resulted in his termination from the chicken master. (Doyle, 2016)
4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organization of your choice.
The cessation process at the chicken master and KFC is same.
- Inform the employee: the higher management is responsible to let the employee know about his termination. There has to be at least one witness present while the ongoing process of cessation.
- Meeting: the reason for firing the employee is told in a private meeting where only top authorities and the ceased employee is present. If there is a voluntary termination that this meeting is not conducted.
- Salvage of the access: during the termination of employee, he has to give away all the accessories regarding the organization. Here accessories mean cabin keys, company’s equipments, important documents. The employee is no longer permitted to enter the premises without legal authorization.
- Notice period: nIf employee resigns at his own will, he has to give notice period to the organization of a week as stated in government regulatory framework or as mentioned in employment contract. A formal resignation letter has to be given by the employee.
- If the termination of the employee is made by the company, then the company should state the least sanctioned time period to the employee as acknowledged in the employment contract.
- Unpaid dues: all the employees in the organization are notified about the cessation of employee. It is now the duty of every department to settle the unpaid dues of the ceased employee. These departments are also responsible for ceasing the accessibility of official notes and keys from the employees. These records are kept safe.
- The exit interview: in order to maintain cordial relation with the ceased employee, exit interview is conducted. In this interview final bid is paid to the terminated employee and he is asked to share his opinions regarding the cessation. (Stewart, 2016)
4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organization such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.
An employment contract is signed between the employer and employee at the beginning of the job.
It serves as a proof for the company at the time of such situations. According to UK regulatory framework:
- Notice period: it is important for all the organizations to provide notice period to the employee before the termination process. The time period relies on the worker’s employment. The UK legislation has made it mandatory for the companies to give notice period as per the employment contract. If it is a voluntary resignation, then the employee is bound to provide the statutory time to the organization of seven days as stated in employment contract. It is mandatory to provide a formal resignation letter by the employee. If the employee is dismissed by the organization itself, then the company is bound to give the most reduced sanctioned time period to the employee as mentioned in the employment contract. The notice period of statutory is as follows: The company is bound to pay the amount due to the employees as per the notice period in case if it is unable to give the notice period. The employee is bound to give the amount to the company if he is incapable of paying the due amount as per the notice period. If the employee is involved in any kind of abusive or unethical activities such as robbery or fraud, he will be dismissed immediately without being given any notice period. But before terminating him, investigation will be conducted regarding the issue. And if the employee is found guilty he will be terminated.
- Payment: the company is responsible for clearing all the unsettled dues before terminating him. He is paid all his payments that has been due while he was working for the company. (Dabydeen, 2011)
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It is the role of the human resource management to suggest different approaches and methods to the employees to obtain the company’s goals along with individual goals. With the help of these techniques employee relationship give their best to improvise their skills. This assignment gives us an insight about the effectiveness of the human resource management in an organization. It has made us clear about the different aspects of the human resource management such as distinction between human resource management and personnel management, job description and dismissal of employee and how to follow the legislation made by the government for an organization.
Bianca, A., (2015), the role of human resource management in organizations, [Article], Available: [Accessed: 23rd July, 2016]
Chand, S., (2016), steps in human resource planning, [Article], Available: [Accessed: 25th July, 2016]
Dabydeen, S., (2004), legal and regulatory framework: for business in the UK, [Book], [Accessed: 25th July,2016]
Doyle, A., (2016), top ten reasons for getting fired, [Article], Available: [Accessed: 25th July, 2016], (2015), The best ways to reward employees, [Online], Available: [Accessed: 25th July, 2016]
Harrods, (2016), [Online], Available: [Accessed: 23rd July, 2016]
Mathis, R., Jackson, J., (2013), Human resource management, [Book], [Accessed: 24th July, 2016]
Mayhew, R., (2016), ten reasons why the human resource department is important, [Article], Available:[Accessed, 24th July, 2016]
Nayab, N., (2015), Are you an HR manger or personnel manager?, [Article], Available: [Accessed: 23rd July, 2016]
Panay, M., (2016), 5 Psychological Theories of Motivation to Increase Productivity, [Article], Available:[Accessed: 23rd July, 2016]