Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment

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Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment
Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment
Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 Human Resource Development

QFC Level

Level 5

In this Human resource development assignment we explain the different learning style and explain the learning theories and its contribution to the planning and design of learning events.

Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment, uk assignment writing service

Task 1

1.1 Compares different learning styles

different learning styles slide 1

different learning styles slide 2, uk assignment writing service

different learning styles slide 3

different learning styles slide 4

different learning styles slide 5, uk assignment writing service

The level of the learners use to influence the organisations to use the perfect learning style so that the employees will be benefitted with this. The individual learning style is adapted based on the individual performance level and the requirement to match up with market demand. On the other hand, the organisation level learning style is required to change the management,administration level change(Clarke, 2013). The different individual level learning styles are as below:

Learning style


Kolb’s learning style

The characteristics  are :

Concrete experience: the learners use to feel the concept before undergoing the task.

Reflective observation: the learners’ se to observe the incidents and then use to perform the task(Kolb & Kolb, 2012).

Abstract conceptualism: thinking process is involved here before pursuing the task.

Active experimentation: doping the experiment on new things for the motivational purpose.



Honey Mumford Learning style

The characteristics of the learners are:

Activist : use to learn things by performing

Theorist:  Use to do their thinks just after the deep concentration on the theoretical aspect

Pragmatist: focus on the strategy to put the theoretical aspect into practical

Reflector: learn by observing on the incidents(Mumford, 2013)


Myer Briggs learning style

The characteristics are:

  • Extrovertness
  • Introvertness
  • Using the intuition power
  • Feeling the power
  • Thinking power
  • Usage of the judging power



1.2 Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace

role of the learning curve slide 1, uk assignment writing service

role of the learning curve slide 2

As per the view ofJaber (2016), the learning curve is the representation of the relationship between the production time of the unit and also the cumulative number of units produced. The steeper the learning curve will be, the more experienced will the employees will be with the perfect knowledge base as per therequirement of the market. The concept of learning new things with help of the knowledge transfer also is the important aspect to be focused by the organisation. As per the view ofChen & Wu(2015), transfer of the knowledge from the outsourced person for training and development as well as from the employees of the other departments are required to be maintained so that the perfect mix of the knowledge transfer will make the learning curve steeper along with the enhancement of the efficiency of the employees.

But, there are both the positive and the negative knowledge transfer. When the knowledge transfer is not as per therequirement, it is called the negative transfer. When the knowledge transfer is done as per the requirement of the individuals and organisation is termed as thepositive knowledge transfer. It has been mentioned byMichael(2009), that there are some obstacles for the effective knowledgetransfer in terms of the lack of motivation of the employees, along with the lack of thereinforcement of the new skills. Thus, it is required by the Tesco management to offer the positive knowledge transfer by identifying the actual need so that the employees will become more efficient by reflecting thesteeperlearning curve.

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1.3 Assess the contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event

contribution of learning styles slide 1

contribution of learning styles slide 2, uk assignment writing service

contribution of learning styles slide 3, uk assignment writing service

The perfect assessment of the employeeadaptation level with the present performance level is required before the implementation of the learning styles as the individuallevel aswell as organisationallevel. At the same time, the organisation culture also is the important aspect to be considered before planning the training and development program along with the knowledge transfer with the help of the appropriate learning style(Boxall., 2008). It is required to match the characteristics of the learning style of Tesco with the requirement and the consequence after the implementation of the learning style so that the maximum number of the employees will become skilled and efficient to support the organisationperformance at its best level(Beardwell & Claydon, 2007).

Task 2

2.1 Comparing the training needs for staff at different levels in the organisation

The organisation that has been chosen is Tesco. As per the view ofKolb(2014), training need is defined as the shortage of the skills of the employees which can be reduced or removed with the help of the perfect training and development programs. The training need analysis use to identify the needs of the training and development at the individual level, department level and the organisation level. The description of the training needs in Tesco at the different level have been mentioned as below:

Individual level

Department level

Organisation level

  • The customer service etiquettes, along with the other front line support offering to the customers and the production capacity of theemployees, the perfectdisplay of the materials, with the perfect maintenance of thestocks, and the usage of the resources are the important individual level needs required to be focused.
  • The training needs to the individuals at the different departments to meet the customer satisfaction is required
  • The sourcing teams as well as the finance team are required to be trained as per their requirement.
  • To meet the target of the individualdepartment such as production department, logistic department, customer servicedepartment, the customergrievance handing department, thestockmaintenancedepartment, the supply chain departments are required to be identified. After the identification,the adequate training is required to be implemented.
  • The overall usage of the equipment along with e proper decision making ability as per the situation is required to be upgraded with the help of the training and development session arranged by the Tesco.


2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods (at least three)that will be used for the workshop

Tesco being a retail giant use to follow the different training methods to be applied to their employees as below:

  • On the job training
  • E learning
  • Classroom training
  • Master classes
  • Development days
  • Celebration events

Out of these three training methods along with the advantages and disadvantages have been mentioned in a tabular for as below:

Training method



E learning

The E learning nodule is available to the employees 24 hours a day with the section of the topics that will be make the employees efficient with the new roles and responsibilities. The overall market information is about to get through this training module(Clark & Mayer, 2016).

The actual meeting the need of the employees specification may not be fulfilled with the training module appropriate for the assigned job as the  managing human capacity  varies from one to another(Clark & Mayer, 2016).

Classroom training

Development of the new skills in the Tesco academy in UK gives the opportunity to the employees to get updated with the market trend(Teso, 2016).

The actual meeting the need of the employees’ specification may not be fulfilled with the training module as this training module is based on the concept of covering the overall need of the employees bit not specific. Thus, the specific employee training needs are no fulfilled through this(Stavroulia, et al., 2016).

On the job training

Learning through experience while working with the assigned job is sufficient enough to develop the practical skills.

This learning module may also have the negative experience gain as per the situation and if the proper guidance is not offered to the employees (Teso, 2016).

2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan a training and development workshop for your team on the needs identified for your department

Tesco have the excellent training and development programs to be conducted. The classroom training has been planned to be executed for the employees. Being into the position to offer the training and development plan below is the outline of the training plan:

Training and development approach

1. Identification of the need of training



2. Identification of the group of the people need to be trained.


3. Identification of the training aligned with the objectives of Tesco


4. Identification the person to conduct the training(Chadwick, 2013)


5. Identification of the way of knowledge transfer




6. Monitoring of the training





7. Adoption of the training module




The training needs are identified for the overall employees and the performances


It is important so that the lectures and the notes as per the requirement will be set.


It is required to determine that whether the training lectures and planning is enough to meet the objectives or not

To appoint the correct person who will be able to communicate properly during this session

It is important to plan the effective knowledge transfer procedure so that the positive knowledge transfer in the training session will help the employees to update their skills(Chadwick, 2013)


It is required to monitor the training process by the supervisors so that the further improvisation will help the successful training session.

It is important to plan out that what will be the effective training method as per the need of the training session identified.

Task 3

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using a suitable technique. Please note this will require creating a suitable document for evaluation like questionnaire, feedback form, observation sheet etc. that shows ‘what, why, when, and who’ information of the workshop.

Evaluation is something important to check the progress of any process. Based on the evaluation, the further improvement is required to be implemented for the effective successfulness of any process. As per the view ofPhillips & Phillips (2016), the successfulness of the training session is required to be evaluated to identify thatwhether the employeeswillbe able to give their effort on the delivery of the quality products or services to the global market to reach the objectives of Tesco. For the evaluation, the questionnaire has been set in the appendix.

Apart from that Kirkpatrick’s for level model is effective for evaluation. The technique description is as below:

  • Reaction: the reactions of the participants in the training session of Tesco is observed to determine that whether further improvisation sis required or not(Kennedy, et al., 2014).
  • Learning: the learning adoption ability of the participants of Tesco training is required to be taken with the help of the internal assessment during the progression of the training session.
  • Behaviour:  The behaviour reflection of the trainees and the trainers also is required to be observed by the training supervisors to check the communicative environment establishment as per the requirement of the successful training session(Kennedy, et al., 2014).
  • Result: the overall result ofthetraining by the delivery of the effort of the employees are required to beevaluated(Burke & Noumair, 2015).

The feedbacks for the mangers regarding the employee performance and the supervisor feedback regarding the progression of the training sessions also are the important aspects to be considered in an effective manner.

3.2 Carry out the evaluation of the workshop by using the document created and collate the response on a concise spreadsheet.

Both the qualitative and the quantitative data have been analysed to get the result of the evaluation as below:

  • Responses of the employees: 25 employees have been surveyed with the help of the feedback questionnaire attached in Appendix to get the quantitative data. The result has been attached in the Appendix. From the result, it is obvious that the maximum number of the employees are satisfied enough with the classroom training that has been conducted base on the requirement of the skills that the average employees from the operations team required. But, there are also some employees those are not completely satisfied with the training sessions and its contents Thus, it is required by the Tesco training manager to understand the core needs of the employees for the further improvisation of the future training sessions.
  • Responses from the managers: From the managers as well as the supervisors of the trainingsession have been considered to get the qualitative set of data., It has been observed that the managers and the supervisors are satisfied with the reaction reflected by both the trainees and the trainers and the communication has been established between them to offer the best skills to the employees as per the requirement.

3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used or whether another method would have been more appropriate based on the response.

From the entire set of theresponses of the employees as well as the managers in terms of the quantitative data and the qualitative data, it is obviousthat the training was the successful one. But, on the other hand, the further improvisation has been identified to make the 100 percentemployeessatisfied with the training session that will be planned in future. It also can be statedthat the classroomtraining session is justified with the evaluation process technique of Kirkpatrick’s for level model. It also has been evaluated that the effective knowledge transfer from the trainers to the trainees have been taken place so that the employees will become more skilled and updated with the market  information & knowledge  to deliver their maximum effort to the differentoperations of theorganisation(Burke & Noumair, 2015). Thus, based on the evaluation process, no massive change requirement has been identified but, it is recommended to improvise the trainingsession as per the change in the market demand and market scenario in an effective manner.

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Task 4

4.1 Explaining the role of government with regards to training, development and lifelong learning

The training and the development is the most crucial aspect to be considered to be supported by the UK government for Tesco Company. As Tesco is the retail giant in the UK market, so they are required to have a strong continuous training and development program to remain upgraded with the market information to cope up with the change in the needs and the demand of the market people toad the competitive advantage. In this aspect, the UK government use to play a significant role by offering the training and development tools and informations. At the same time, the UK government also is responsible for the supply of the outsource person as the trainer those can offer the market based training so that the employees of the different departments of Tesco will be able to make them skilled and sufficient to match up with the market requirement(Lozano, et al., 2016). The lifelong training is another important aspect that is being offered by the UK government for the better development of the employees from the aspect of the individualrequirement as well as organisational requirement(Tesco, 2015). Thus with the help of the perfect investment on the training and development offering to Tesco and also to promote the knowledge transfer offered by the outsourced people organised by the UK government is supplied by the UK government to support the economic development of UK as the economy use to get well balanced with the help of the  business environment operations  sand revenue earned by Tesco in an effective manner(Tesco, 2008).

4.2 Explaining how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sector organisations

The competency movement is the most important aspect to be considered by the organisation so that they will be able to fill up heir gap in knowledge which is required to match up with the requirement criteria of market. It is required by both the public as well as private organisation to have a close look on the employee competency so that they will be able to bring the competitive advantaged for the organisations. With the help of the competencymovement, the employees will be able to improve their skills and efficiency to support the better quality and high volume of the production output fortheir success maintenance(Hardy, et al., 2012).

Deloitte is the private auditing and the consulting form which use to invest and focus more on the competencemovement with the help of he knowledge transfer. The training and development is highly focused by the organisation to offer the required service to the market by makingthe learning curve steeper(Deloitte, 2016). Making the learning curve steeper is gaining the experiencewithcontinuoustraining and development. On the otherhand, the training and developmentfocused by East coast trains is anotherexample of the competency movement maintenance by the public firms. The huge investment is done by this organisation for the continuoustraining anddevelopment of the employees of this organisationso that they will be able to produce more production to meet the need of themarket in an effective manner(Virgintrainseastcoast, 2016).

4.3 Assessing how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for Tesco

To make the economic condition of the UK sustained and developed, the perfect initiative for the training and development with the offering of the cotemporary training process to the employees of the different departments. The short and the quicktraining sessions are continuously organise by Tesco with the help of the UKgovernment to make the employees more efficient so that they will remain the giant retailer in the market. In the vulnerableworkplace, the UKgovernment use to support Tesco to arrange the short and crisptraining sessions so that they will remainup graded with the market information. The annual report  business of Tesco  has reflected the fact that thisshorttrainingsessions have helped the employees to earn the respect for them and also has been acknowledged with the name “Champions for customers”(Tesco, 2015). The great intervention of the UK government with training and development sessions have helped Tesco to manage the 80 million customer per week with efficiency. The Eat happy project children group also has influenced the People to know about the food value. All these steps done by Tesco is the perfect refection of the strong support of the UK government for the training and developmentand the improvement of the learning curve in an effective manner.

1. Was the training content what you expected?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Did the method and the instruction kept you attached to the training session?

  • Yes
  • No

3. Are you satisfied with the quality of the instruction?

  • Too much Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Too much satisfied

4. Are you satisfied with the speed of the delivery of the message?

  • Too much Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Too much satisfied

5. Are you satisfied with the enthusiasm reflected by the mentor?

  • Too much Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Too much satisfied

6. Are you satisfied with the approach of the mentor to keep the group focus?

  • Too much Dissatisfied
  • Dissatisfied
  • Neutral
  • Satisfied
  • Too much satisfied

7. Are you satisfied with the progress of the training program?

  • Too much Dissatisfied
  • DissatisfiedNeutral
  • Satisfied
  • Too much satisfied

8. Do you think that it has increased your required skills for development?

  • Yes
  • No

9. Are you clear with the message to be delivered by the mentor through this training program?

  • Yes
  • No

1. Was the training content what you expected?
 the training content,  Uk assignment writing service
2. Did the method and the instruction kept you attached with the training session?
 the method and the instruction
3. Are you satisfied with the quality of the instruction?
 satisfied with the quality,  Uk assignment writing service
4. Are you satisfied with the speed of the delivery of the message?
 satisfied with the speed of the delivery,  Uk assignment writing service
5. Are you satisfied with the enthusiasm reflected by the mentor?
 satisfied with the enthusiasm
6. Are you satisfied with the approach of the mentor too keep the group focus?
 satisfied with the approach
7. Are you satisfied with the progress of the training program?
 satisfied with the progress
8. Do you think that it has increased your required skills for development?
 satisfied with the enthusiasm
9. Are you clear with the message to be delivered by the mentor through this training program?
the message to be delivered by the mentor,  Uk assignment writing service 


Beardwell, J. & Claydon, T., 2007. Human Resource Management: A contemporary Approach. 5th Edition ed. London: FT Press.
Boxall., 2008. The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Burke, W. & Noumair, D., 2015. Organization development: A process of learning and changing. London: FT Press.
Chadwick, G., 2013. A systems view of planning: Towards a theory of the urban and regional planning processes. Elsevier: London.
Chen, C. & Wu, C., 2015. Effects of different video lecture types on sustained attention, emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance. Computers & Education, 80(1), pp. 108-121.
Clarke, L., 2013. Learning styles. London: Sage.
Clark, R. & Mayer, R., 2016. E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. London: John Wiley & Sons.
Deloitte, 2016. Lifelong learning & development. [Online]
Available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/pages/careers/articles/learning-and-development-students.html
[Accessed 8 November 2016].
Hardy, L., Reinten-Reynolds, T., Espinel, P. Z. A. & Okely, A., 2012. Prevalence and correlates of low fundamental movement skill competency. s.l.:s.n.
Jaber, M. e., 2016. Learning curves: Theory, models, and applications. London: CRC Press.
Kennedy, P., Chyung, S., Winiecki, D. & Brinkerhoff, R., 2014. Training professionals' usage and understanding of Kirkpatrick's Level 3 and Level 4 evaluations. International Journal of Training and Development, 18(1), pp. 1-21.
Kolb, A. & Kolb, D., 2012. Kolb’s learning styles. In Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning. USA: Springer .