Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment - Hilton Hotel

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Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment - Hilton Hotel
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Hilton Hotel Stratford
Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment - Hilton Hotel

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford - Assignment Help in UK


This report has been prepared over the topic human resource management for service industries so as to understand the role of human resource management in an industry and various aspect of human resource management. This Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford provides an understanding of the human resource management and its importance or role in hospitality industry. It covers a human resource plan which is based on the analysis of supply and demand in hospitality industry. It provides an understanding of the impacts of employee relations and employment law on the functioning of hospitality industry and comparison has been made among the selection process of different service industry (Popescu, et. al., 2013). Evaluation has been done of the contribution of training and development activities in maintaining the effectiveness of the operations of the hospitality industry. Hospitality industry is mainly focused over providing services to the customers so as to satisfy their needs and meet their expectations. It also discusses the current state of employment relations in hospitality industry and the various aspects related to recruitment and selection process of the industry. Various acts and laws have been discussed which ensures the safety of the employees at the workplace.

Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1: Understand human resource management Human resource management

For the purpose of better understanding of the various aspects of this section, hospitality industry has been selected and Hilton Hotel of UK has been chosen.

P 1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

Human resource is the most crucial aspect for every organisation as all the activities of the business are carried by the human resource. Human resource can be understood as the work force of an organisation who performs the activities of the business. Human resource need to possess skills and knowledge which helps them in the execution of the activities. No products or services can be provided to the customers without the human resource. Human resource management can be understood as management of the human resource of the organisation so as to perform the roles assigned to them in an effective manner. The main focus of human resource management is on staffing, employee compensation and benefits and designing the work or defining or explaining the work to the human resource. The main motive of human resource management is recruiting, train and develops human resource so as to enhance the quality of the work performed by them for providing products or services to the customers by Hilton Hotel Stratford (Popescu, et. al., 2013).

There is variety of approaches used for the management of human resource in an organisation. These approaches include hard and soft human resource management. Hard human resource management can be understood as a management system used for managing employees and they are considered as a resource for the purpose of attaining the desired results and to gain an advantage over others in the market.It focuses over cost effective workforce and the process of decision making is faster and focused on the senior level managers. It lacks in focusing over the needs of the employees which affect the satisfaction level of the employees and results in high level of employee turnover. On the contrary, soft human resource management can be understood as the management system which manages the employees and the main focus is on the needs of the employees by encouraging them by providing rewards and motivating them. In this management system, the cost involved in the management of employees in relatively higher. There are various functions covered under human resource management. These includes planning and forecasting which helps in making estimates for the future, identification of the requirement of the work force, conducting recruitment process which helps in providing effective work force, undertaking contracts of employment with employees, monitoring the performance of the employees so as to identify the need of development, providing training and developing the skills and knowledge of the employees, monitoring the budgets prepared, maintaining the healthy workplace and healthy relationships among Hilton Hotel Stratford so as to promote team work and focusing on the attainment of the goals decided by Hilton Hotel Stratford.It helps Hilton Hotel Stratford by managing the human resource in the different situations arising in front of the organisation (J. Norman, et. al., 2014).

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P 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford.

Human resource planning is one of the most important functions of human resource management. Human resource planning can be understood as the process of planning the right number of people for a job with the required skills and knowledge at the right time so as to ensure the execution of the activities in a proper manner. All the activities are carried out by the human resource and there is a need to Hilton Hotel Stratford to identify the requirement of the human resource for performing the operations. After the identification process of the required human resource the next step is to identify the sources from where human resource will get arranged. For this purpose Hilton Hotel Stratford need to plan in advance to meet the requirement of human resource on time so as to eliminate the risk associated with human resource (Townsend, et. al., 2010).

Human resource planning can be understood as the process which helps the management in determining the manner in which the requirement of human resource will be met for the organisation. It ensures the quality of the human resource for conducting the activities of Hilton Hotel Stratford. It is an important aspect for every business as human resource planning helps in the better execution of the activities of the business and providing quality services to the customers. The main reason behind the creation of a human resource plan by Hilton Hotel Stratford is to identify the requirement of the human resource for the purpose of meeting the expectations of the customers by offering them quality services. Human resource planning helps in the identification of the requirement of workforce by the Hilton Hotel Stratford and effectively complying with the needs of the customers. There is a need to determine the number and type of personnel are required at different point of time by an organisation (Lin, et. al., 2011). There are various factors which need to be considered while forecasting the demand of the human resource. These factors include employee turnover, retirements, and change in the field of technology, for expansion of the operations of business, for improving quality of the services, termination and budget constraints. There are two sources of forecasting supply available to Hilton Hotel Stratford. These are internal or external sources of forecasting supply. Internal sources are considered more suitable in comparison to external sources for filling the higher posts as the internal sources have knowledge of the manner in which functions of the organisation are carried out. Human resource audit is conducted which helps in identifying the future needs. And help Hilton Hotel Stratford to provide training for the development of the skills and knowledge for improving the quality of the services. Human resource planning helps in maintaining the manpower inventory for future needs which may arise in front of Hilton Hotel Stratford and creating proper and healthy work environment. Hilton Hotel Stratford needs human resource so as to provide services to the customers at the new hotel. For the purpose of identification of the demand there is a need to identify the requirement of the employees for providing services to the customers. For meeting this demand of the human resource internal and external sources of supply of human resource are used. Internal sources supply of human resource are used for those jobs which need knowledge of the manner in which activities of the hotel are carried out and for fulfilling other jobs external sources of supply of human resource are used (Duncan, et. al., 2011).

Task 2: Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses Employee relations

P 2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations for the Hotel industry.

Employment relation management is one of the most important aspects which need to be considered by the business so as to execute without any consequence. A healthy relationship should be maintained among the employees and employer so as to maintain a health and safety workplace. A healthy workplace motivates and encourages the employees and helps in improving the quality of the service and the performance of the employees. The behaviour of the employees is dependent on the culture or environment of the workplace. Hilton Hotel Stratford need to main a healthy relationship with the employees so as to identify the issues and problems faced by the employees and which are affecting the culture of the workplace. Communication between the employer and employee need to be effective so as to adopt a better medium for the flow of information. Effective communication helps in better coordination among the employer and employee. Hilton Hotel Stratford is focusing over the better communication with the employees so as to solve the problems or issues arising at the workplace. There are various aspects which need to be dealt so as to comply with the employment laws and acts. These include contract of employment, rules and regulations which are related with the work routine and working hours, acts and policies which are against the discrimination practices which are against the interest of the employees and implementing the statutory and contractual rights (Soltani, et. al., 2010).

Hilton Hotel Stratford is providing hospitality services to its customers which are totally based on the quality of the services offered by it. And the quality of the service is dependent on the performance of the employees which gets affected by the environment of the workplace, job satisfaction employees are deriving and motivation by the management. There are various rules and regulations framed by the government so as to provide safety to the employees and to maintain the employee-employer relationship at the workplace. These acts and laws provide guidelines for the workplace environment, employee safety, working time, termination of the contract of employment and overtime regulations. For the better future aspects and to reduce the cost, time involved and efforts in human resource management, Hilton Hotel Stratford need to maintain healthy relationship with the employees. Adoption of good employee relationship management practices will help Hilton Hotel Stratford in dealing with the changing environment and the increasing competition.Hilton Hotel Stratford needs to engage the employees in the various activities of the business so as to generate trust and loyalty among the employees which will result in low employee turnover ratio and execution of the activities of the business in a better manner. Hilton Hotel Stratford needs to fulfil the expectations of the employees so as to improve the satisfaction level they are deriving from their jobs (Curran, et. al., 2012).

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P 2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business.

Employee relationship management is an important aspect which provides a direction to the manner in which the operations of the organisation will be carried out and helps in maintaining better employer-employee relationship in the organisation. Rules and regulations framed by the government of United Kingdom with a motive to ensure a better and healthy workplace so as to safeguard the employees from the unethical practices. Employment relation act and employment right act are the two main acts which are affecting the management of human resource in Hilton Hotel Stratford. Employment relation act explains the roles and responsibilities of the employees and employer end of the service from the employer or employee side, personal issues or problems, conditions arising due to strike or lockout. This act provides a framework for the roles and responsibilities of the employer and employees. Employment right act includes various acts which provide safety to the rights of the employees so as to eliminate the activities which are against the interest of the employees (Ahmad, et. al., 2010). Employment right act is mainly focused towards the aspects which are related with the employees. These aspects includeworking timings, shifts, salary or wages of the employees, healthy environment for the employees and discriminatory practices. Hilton Hotel Stratford is focusing over providing better environment or culture to the employees. It is focusing over the elimination of the discriminatory practices by keeping a check over the behaviour of the employees towards each other, equal pay act which states that equal pay should be provided to the employees performing the same type of job on the same level, the working time regulation, the health and safety at the workplace act and law for the protection of the private or confidential data of information of the employees. Hilton Hotel Stratford needs to comply with these acts so as to ensure the execution of the operations of the business in a legal and ethical manner. Employment laws provide various rights to the employees as well as to the employer so as to safeguard both the parties. There are various aspects covered under employment law which includes resignations, redundancy procedure, tribunals, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, ill health retirements, retirement, dismissal, maternity and paternity rights and parental leave. These acts are focused over providing equal opportunities to the employees so as to satisfy the employees, which provides benefit to the employees.For the better coordination with the employees Hilton Hotel Stratford need to involve the employees in the activities of the business so as to empower them (C.G. Davidson, et. al., 2011).

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Task 3: Understand the recruitment and selection process

P 3.1 Discuss a job description and person specification for a hotel industry job

For the purpose of understanding of the recruitment and selection process of the Hilton Hotel Stratford a job has been selected so as to identify the requirements for the job and the selection criteria for the job. A job has been selected from the cleaning and department which is responsible for the management of the cleanliness and hygiene level in the hotel. The job which has been selected is of a cleaning supervisor who is responsible for keeping the hygiene level and cleanliness in the hotel and to look after the issues related to the cleanliness. Cleaning supervisor look after the factors affecting the hygiene level and cleanliness of the hotel and it is its responsibility to maintain both the aspects so as to ensure the safety of the health of the customers and to satisfy the customers. It checks the hygiene factor so as to ensure the quality of the services and to guide the employees or staff of the cleaning department and assigning them tasks. It resolves the issues of the customers related to cleanliness. Its responsibility is to supervise the cleaning activities, to maintain clean and well-arranged rooms, assigning duties to the staff, monitoring the work, maintaining inventories of the products or equipments required for the cleaning services and training and guiding the staff for the activities (Marchante, et. al., 2012;2011). The responsibilities of the cleaning supervisor at Hilton Hotel Stratford are discussed below:

  • Assigning tasks or duties to the staff for matching the standards of cleanliness.
  • Monitoring the activities or tasks performed by the staff.
  • Maintaining the inventory of the products or equipments required for the activities or tasks of cleaning.
  • Coordinating with the other departments so as to match with the set standards.
  • Providing training for the development of the skills of the staff so as to provide better quality services to the customers.
  • Promoting the health and safety so as to make the staff aware about their responsibilities and roles (Daskin, 2016).
  • Reviewing the work schedule so as to reduce the chances of errors or mistakes.

The personal specifications for the job are as follows:

  • The person must have completed its graduation.
  • The person must be in age group of 25 to 25 years as on the date of the issue of the advertisement for the job.
  • The person must possess the knowledge of the hospitality industry.
  • The person must be able to handle the activities in an effective manner without getting stressed out.

Manner in which selection is made for the job:

  • All the persons who are applying for the post will be given a test and the suitable candidates will be taken for the next stage.
  • After the test interview is conducted so as to select a candidate so as to analyse the capabilities of the person for dealing with the different situations (Daskin, 2016).

P 3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

The main objective of the business behind conducting recruitment and selection process is to attract the suitable persons for the job so as to maximise the benefits and maintaining the level of the performance and quality of the services.With the help of recruitment and selection process suitable candidates get selected for the job which matches with the requirements of the job. There are various selection processes adopted by different service industries. These different selection processes have different advantages and disadvantages which affects the recruitment and selection process of the industry. The most commonly used selection techniques used are discussed below:

  • Tests: in this written tests are conducted so as to analyse the knowledge of the candidate about the various aspects of the incisory in which they are providing services.Themain objective of conducting a written test is to check the technical knowledge of the candidate. Different types of situations are asked so as to understand the capabilities of the candidate and the manner in which it handles the issues or problems arising at the workplace (Guchait, et. al., 2014).
  • Interviews: the most common technique for the selection process is conducting interviews. This helps in analysing the employability skills and knowledge possessed by the person. It forms a base for framing a judgement over the performance of the candidate during the recruitment and selection process. Different types of interviews are conducted so as to evaluate the skills and knowledge of the candidate on different aspects.
  • Psychometric tests: these tests are conducted so as to identify the personality traits of the candidates. It is considered an effective tool which helps in understanding the behaviour of the candidate. This test helps in analysing the personality and behaviour of the candidate so as to make sure that the person possess the qualities or skills or is according to the requirement of the job.
  • Reports and presentations: in this test candidates are asked to prepare a report or a presentation over the topic related to the industry so as to analyse the knowledge of the candidate about the industry. this technique of selection helps in evaluating the skills and knowledge and understanding level of the candidate so as to ensure that the candidate possess the knowledge of the industry (Guchait, et. al., 2014).

The selection of the technique for recruitment and selection process depends upon the type of industryas the skills or knowledge required for different types of jobs are different. Hilton Hotel Stratford is using Psychometric tests, written tests and interviews for the purpose of selection of the candidate for the particular job. These tests help Hilton Hotel Stratford to understand the behaviour of the candidate which determines the effectiveness of the candidate in performing the activities of the business.

training and development - Assignment Help in UK


This Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel has helped in providing better understanding of the various aspects related to human resource management. Managing human resource is an important task for every organisation or for every industry. Human resource is the most important factor or resource which determines the success of the business. For the purpose of execution of the operations of business there is a need to manage human resource in an effective manner so as to attain the objectives or goals of the business. Various rules and regulations have been framed by the government for the purpose of safeguarding the employees. For the purpose of execution of the activities of the business different recruitment and selection process is adopted. Training and development is an important aspect which helps in the development of the skills and knowledge of the employees. Training and development plays a vital role in every industry. For the purpose of providing better services to the customers, business need to develop the skills and knowledge of the employees or human resource as they are responsible for providing services to the customers.


Ahmad, R., Solnet, D. & Scott, N. 2010, "Human Resource Practices System Differentiation: A Hotel Industry Study",Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 72-82.
C.G. Davidson, M., McPhail, R. & Barry, S. 2011, "Hospitality HRM: past, present and the future",International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 498-516.
Curran, D. & Quinn, M. 2012, "Attitudes to employment law and the consequent impact of legislation on employment relations practice", Employee Relations, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 464-480.
Daskin, M. 2016, "Linking polychronicity to hotel frontline employees' job outcomes: Do control variables make a difference", EuroMed Journal of Business, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 162.
Duncan, M.K.W. & Blugis, A. 2011, "Maslow's Needs Hierarchy as a Framework for Evaluating Hospitality Houses' Resources and Services", Journal of Pediatric Nursing, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 325-331.
Guchait, P., Ruetzler, T., Taylor, J. & Toldi, N. 2014, "Video interviewing: A potential selection tool for hospitality managers – A study to understand applicant perspective",International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 36, pp. 90-100.
J. Norman, T., Christodoulidou, N. & Rothenberger, M. 2014, "Technology outsourcing in human resource activities in hospitality", Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 50-61.
Kusluvan, S., Kusluvan, Z., Ilhan, I. & Buyruk, L. 2010, "The Human Dimension: A Review of Human Resources Management Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry", Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 171-214.
Law, R., Leung, D., Au, N. & Lee, H.“. 2013;2012;, "Progress and Development of Information Technology in the Hospitality Industry: Evidence from Cornell Hospitality Quarterly", Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 10-24.
Lin, L., Horng, J., Chen, Y. & Tsai, C. 2011, "Factors affecting hotel human resource demand in Taiwan",International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 312-318.
Marchante, A.J. & Ortega, B. 2012;2011;, "Human Capital and Labor Productivity: A Study for the Hotel Industry",Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 20-30.

This Unit 18 Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel provides an understanding of the human resource management and its importance or role in hospitality industry, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.