Unit 21 Selection Process in HRM Assignment

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Unit 21 Selection Process in HRM Assignment
Unit 21 Selection Process HRM Assignment
Unit 21 Selection Process in HRM Assignment


The Unit 21 Selection Process HRM Assignment states the different theories as well as practices of human resource management to concentrate on the present human resource practices as well as the influence of the topical issues as well as legislations. This will support to understand the differentiating factors amongst personnel management and human resource management, for understanding the ways of recruiting staffs, to understand in what ways the staffs will get rewarded by motivating them as well as retaining them and to know the means for employment cessation.

Task 1

1.1. Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.

The difference between personnel management and human resource management are as follows,

Personnel Management

Human Resource Management

1. It focuses on the rules and agreements that are clearly explained. For following these rules there is a need to administer the actions of the manager.

2. Administration of the workforce relation and agreements for management and employment occurs due to collective bargaining.

3. There exists no focus in respect of strategic management and the definite focus is on productive relations in respect of labour management. (Rees, 2013)

4. The functional circumstances of personnel management is depending on the reactions.

5. The structural scenario in respect of personnel management gets created due to the decision that is taken collectively amongst the management and the employees. In this respect, the staffs will be receiving a standard reward depending on the evaluation of the job. (Rees, 2013)

1. It concentrates on agreements that are open-ended relating with the demands of the business, in which disagreements take place due to the negative interpersonal relations.

2. Management possesses the responsibility for motivating the employees and providing constant encouragement in respect of performance that is based on the similarity of objectives.

3. It is a practical operational aspect and depends on labour management relations that are not observed as the ultimate circumstances. (Rees, 2013)

4. It will not be depending on the current organisational requirements whereas the future requirements will get anticipated and appropriate actions will be considered.

5. A significant emphasis is given on the scenario based on performance related pay, also known as, PRP. Payment is associated with the input offered by a staff to actualise the organisational goals. (Rees, 2013)

For instance, Farland Personnel Management Corporation is following the method of Personnel Management.

For instance, Debenhams UK is following the method of Human Resource Management

1.2. Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

Different methods by which human resource management functions will support Debenhams UK for achieving the purpose are mentioned below,

  • Planning - The human resource planning take into consideration the prediction phase and for assuming the demand and supply depending on human resource. It then assesses the forecasting associated with the contribution for human resource andto build the planning which depends on the strategic scenario as well asperformance evaluation.
  • Career’s of staffs – At Debenhams UK, personal career goals are possessed by the staffs that the human resource management needs to find out and after that the staffs will be offered the right motivation by giving them the required training in their respective area of interest which would supportDebenhams UK in respect of the realization of goals for the organisation and to support the employeesfor remaining motivated. (Hayton, 2012) 
  • Evaluation and personnel planning– There is the need for human resource management to have a timely assessment of the activities depending on performance, methods and practices of Debenhams UK, appraisal based on performance and personal audit. With the help of these aspects, the human resource department will possess the ability for conducting appropriate planning of all the staff working at Debenhams UK.
  • Control of industrial relations– The human resource management has the responsibilitytowards promotion of peace, practical conformity towards association with the employeesand industrial democracy that supportsthe upholding of healthy unionamongst one anotherat Debenhams UK. (Hayton, 2012)
  • Evaluation of task and design– At Debenhams UK, the human resource department takes into consideration the aspect of task evaluation and designing of jobs for the accumulation of the required data which is depending on accountability as well as duty, output as well as functional circumstances associated with a specific task and elucidating the responsibilities as well as duties, expectation from the task related result as well as the conditions that depends on articles that are written.

Unit 21 Selection Process HRM Assignment

1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organisation or familiar organisation and how it supports human resource managementfunctions.

The roles and responsibilities of line managers working at Debenhams UK are as follows,

  • Appraisal of performance– It supports to design and structure the assistance of the human resource professionals and to function with the assistance of the line managers of HR management. Its evaluation and observation take place through the evaluation of the line managers as well as the result getsprovided in respect of the employees with the assistance of direct personal interactions with them at the time when appraisal meetings are conducted. (Hayton, 2012)
  • Employee discipline– This type of approach is anticipated from a staff at Debenhams UK. The anticipated approach is advocated in detail in respect of the staffs and the point of view is observed by the line managers. When any associated disciplinary scenario gets violated then the line managers will be taking appropriate actions for rectifying it.
  • Pay related to performance – There exists the responsibility of the line managers for deciding on the level of performance and the payment that is expected in respect of the staffs. Line managers should make sure that employees are being able to give performance that is above average should receive higher salaries. Moreover, any sort of biasness should be absent that is related with pay, and also transparency should be present depending on the quality and quantity of task that a staff working at Debenhams UK is allocated. (Hayton, 2012)
  • Engagement of staffs– The line managers do the staff administration for taking the step in relation to staff involvement that is regarded as a very significant circumstance. Team culture should get created with the assistance of the line managers. There exists concern of the line managers about the employeesas well as offeringanaffirmative response in relation to their presentations and concentrates on the employee capability and the employees should be inspired and encouraged to interact freely.

1.4. Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

The legal and regulatory framework impacts on human resource management in the following manner,

  • Sex Discrimination Act, 1975/1995/1997– This Act is related with safeguarding the employees from prejudices that are related with sexual orientation at the place of work.
  • Disability Discrimination Act, 1995– This Act was amended again in 2005, which safeguards the employees from getting poorly treated in relation to their disabilities associated with work in the workplace. (Martin, 2013)
  • Equal Pay Act, 1970- The Act is related with protecting the employees from ill-treatment or job related payments in respect of male and female employees.
  • Race Relations Act, 1992– This Act was amended again in 2000, which safeguards the employees from prejudices depending on the aspects of nationality, race, marital status, and ethnicity at the place of work. (Martin, 2013)
  • Employment Act, 2008– This Act assists in forming the conditions in relation to the purposes that is used when there occurs any kind of conflicting circumstance between the staffs and the employers at Debenhams UK.
  • Employment Equality Act, 2003– This Act does the safeguarding of the employees from any type of unfair treatment at Debenhams UK depending on their sexual category, race or disable condition. (Martin, 2013)
  • Work & Families Act, 2006– This Act supports the staff at Debenhams UK to manage their work as well as families irrespective of any significant obstacles. This considers the leaves that are taken in respect of maternity issues, creating flexible work timings and so on.
  • Data Protection Act, 1998–This Act provides the elucidation of the ways with the help of which there takes place the aspect of data collection, preservation and transfer of information at Debenhams UK.

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Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.

There existvarious theories for motivation. The motivational theory of Herzberg states that, there is the existence of two factors that is the reason to create motivation in an individual. The two factors are known as motivation factors and hygiene factors. (Furnham, 2012)The factors for motivation take into consideration different attributes like working conditions, recognition, work environment, challenges associated with work and so on whereas the factors for hygiene considers those scenarios that diminishes the motivational characteristic in an individual that are regarded as ‘payment’ and ‘compensation’.

Another theory of motivation was described by Maslow. It describes that a person will go through particular stages of motivation that are mentioned as under,

Self – actualisation Needs

Self – esteem Needs

Love and affection Needs

Security Needs

Physical Needs

Managers that consider the motivational theory of Maslow, tries to motivate the junior staffs at Debenhams UK by providing them with interesting and productive work that will assist them to receive more scope of reaching the stage of self-actualisation which is regarded as the final level in the theory of motivation as explained by Maslow. (Furnham, 2012)

Also, it can also be elucidated as the availability of a straight relation amongst rewards and motivation. The major circumstance explains that with the growth in the amount of rewards that will be received by the staffs at Debenhams UK, the person will keepgetting additionally encouraged. Therefore, the traits of reward is considered to be an efficient method to make the employees receive the motivation that is needed which will be assisting them to receive their rewards and as a result, will be assisting Debenhams UK to actualize their expected objectives.

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation.

A systematized method is being considered that supports towards the explanation provided in respect of the comparative value or quantity of job at Debenhams UK relating to the internal activities that were established. To have a more clear explanation, the method of job evaluation takes into consideration every informationthat is depending on the circumstances associated with the particular job aspect, evaluation as well as recording the data that is collected to support in the future. The most effective circumstance that is related with assessment of jobpossesses the need for analysing the payment structure as well as salary scale. (Kramar, 2012)

There exist various processes and methods that are considered in respect of assessment of the job. After the process gets completed, the final result of assessment of job has the need for making assessment in relation to the balanced payments in respect of salaries, job design improvement, redesigning of job, changes in tasks as well as responsibilities of individuals for completing the tasks. There is the existence of various issues that should be taken into consideration regarding payment that differentiates from one another. Payment is considered to be the reparation for work that can be impacted by different issues as well as there is the creation of particular scenarios for differentiation among the functional circumstances at Debenhams UK. (Kramar, 2012)The different issues that are taken into consideration in this regard are mentioned as follows,

  1. Organisational size
  2. Level of Seniority
  3. Abilities to gather information
  4. Industrial sector
  5. Organisational profitability
  6. Performance of the staffs

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation.

The different types of systems for reward are regarded as extrinsic as well as intrinsic rewards. Regarding extrinsic rewards, there exists various financial incentives that are received by the staffs in exchange of the work they do for the organisation. These are regarded as growth in salaries, bonuses, commissions, gifts, and so on. In regard of intrinsic reward, these are regarded as varied non-financial rewards that the employees at Debenhams UK get in exchange of their productive endeavours such as better feedback, recognition, levels of seniority, promotions, trust, authority and growth in responsibility. (Griffin, 2011)

The reward system is utilised as a productive strategic aspect in relation to motivation. There is the offering of rewards not just in relation of performing ability, but also different scenarios which are attendance, work superiority, level of confidence, loyalty, and leadership superiority. After the rewards are received, the employees at Debenhams UK will acquire the motivation that is needed and in connection to these they will be receiving more encouragement to improve their standard of work and having better ability to perform. (Griffin, 2011) The staffs because of receiving the anticipated recognitions and rewards will get more attached with the company or in other words, the process of retaining the staffs will become a successful method at Debenhams UK. In addition, the system of reward assists in the process of reducing the stage for staff turnover at Debenhams UK. Moreover, the growth in salary is considered to be most significant circumstance in respect of reward that is received by a staff to function effectively in the company.

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organisation use to monitor employee performance.

The methods of Debenhams UK that are used to monitor the staff performance are as follows,

  • Checklists– This method states that manager of Debenhams UK who will get selected to assess the employees will be receiving a form possessing the checklists. After that the individual is needed for ticking them regarding the employee performance. This method is regarded to be quite activesince it possesses a single form having questions and since the manager is possessing enough information in respect of the staffs, hewill be having the capability for filling up the form in a very easy manner. (Farnham, 2015)
  • 360 degree evaluation– This method takes into consideration the various circumstances except the staffs of the organisation. These are considered as consumers or suppliers, direct reports, colleagues or peers, and juniors or seniors. They are needed for assessment and provide their viewpoint for the employee performances. This method is utilised to evaluate the performance of the staffs. This is a more accurate method because there four parties for evaluating a single individual. (Farnham, 2015)
  • Personal evaluation– This is the method in which the staffs are required evaluating their personal ability to perform. The staffs are required filling up a form that mainly considers different options regarding questions which will be assisting to interpretthe stages in regard to the information for staffs and quality standard. This method explains that the staffs should be absolutely honest so that the final outcome should be accurate.

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

The reasons behind the termination of Faisal’s contract of employment with The Chicken Master were due to his poor performance, negligence and violating the policies of the company. For instance, the stocking and cleaning of the store front was not properly done. There was untidiness of the kitchen, food was unprepared and there was absence in employee supervision. Moreover, there were frequent time-offs taken by Faisal for personal reasons during the working hours without any earlier indication. Even though, the owner himself provided him with personal coaching regarding the improvement of performance but it was not effective. Faisal was caught red-handed watching pornography on his computer at office as well as utilised a large portion of working time sending emails to his wife as well as to design his persona restaurant. (Crawshaw, 2014)

The other reasons behind employment cessation when the employees themselves are interested in leaving the company are as follows,

  1. Monotonous and less challenging work
  2. Relationship with colleagues and seniors
  3. Scopes to use different skills
  4. Dedication associated with work for attaining business goals
  5. Independence as well as reduced autonomy
  6. Management recognition in respect of the job performance of the staffs
  7. Financial instability of the company
  8. Job meaningfulness (Crawshaw, 2014)

The various reasons for the organisation for terminating a staff from the company could depend on the following scenarios,

  1. Absence of truthfulnessfrom the staff’s end although the staff is given several warnings.
  2. Staffsineffectiveness for finishing the work on time
  3. Employees are failing to maintain their promises.
  4. Employees are showing an unprincipled approach as well as they are not following the code of conduct of the company.

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice.

The employment exit procedures utilsed by The Chicken Master takes into consideration four stags which are,

  1. Processing of resignation
  2. Exit interviews
  3. Request of reference
  4. Evaluation

After submitting the resignation, the human resource department will be evaluating and confirming the final working date of the employees. The line manager of the staff will be notified, as well as any work that is unfinished will be given to another employee. Then, there will be exit interviews to find the reason why the staffs is leaving their employment with the company and the information that is received will be used to fix the discrepancies, if there exists any at Debenhams UK. After that, the line managers will provide their personal propositions to the employees when the latter will be requiring any kind of organisational support when they apply for another post in another organisation. (Branham, 2012)Lastly, the seniors and human resource department will assess the exit procedure and if any changes are required then its implementation will take place as soon as possible.

Another organisation that should be taken into consideration is KFC. The organisation is having a very simple procedure for exit. The staff who wants to leave is required giving an earlier notice of two weeks. The senior will be evaluating the reasons related with the resignation of the person and will try his best to retain the person by projecting in front of him a positive viewpoint in regard of a bright future in the organisation. (Bruck, 2014)

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

The employment cessation gets impacted in a direct manner regarding the legal as well as regulatory structure regarding the job. The confirmation regarding the safety of job is with the help of various laws stating that no staff will be facing termination from the job without a valid reason. Whena staff getsterminated without a justified reason then the individual has every right for taking legal actions against the organisation. (Branham, 2012)

One more circumstances related with this aspect are that there should not be the presence of any sort of discrimination regarding race, gender, nationality or ethnicity as because this is completely forbidden in each and every company. There is no way that the termination of a person will take place due to these aforementioned reasons. (Branham, 2012) Moreover, any type of physical disability should not be any reason behind the termination of an individual.

The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on cessation of employment are mentioned as under,

  1. It assists in reducing discrimination at work in relation with race, gender, nationality, or ethnicity.
  2. It assists in creating a work environment which is unbiased as well as justified in the selection of the staffs. (Branham, 2012)
  3. It assists in establishing an equal environment and prevent the staffs from hiring and firing in an indiscriminate manner.


This Unit 21 Selection Process HRM Assignment is associated with the different aspects of human resource management that analyses the reasons for HR planning at Debenhams UK. After that the outlining of the different stages are done that have an involvement in the planning of the needs for human resource. Then, a comparison is drawn between the methods of recruitment and selection amongst the two companies as well as the productiveness associated with the techniques of recruitment and selection are assessed in the two organisations.


Branham, L (2012). The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn.
Bruck, H (2014). Recruitment and Selection process. GRIN Verlag.
Crawshaw,J (2014). Human Resource Management: Strategic and International Perspectives. SAGE.
Farnham, D (2015). Human Resource Management in Context: Strategy, Insights and Solutions. McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. Publisher
Fernando, A (2011). Business Environment.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Griffin, R (2011). Organisational Behaviour.Cengage Learning.
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.Simon and Schuster Pub.
Hayton, J (2012). Global Human Resource Management Casebook. Taylor & Francis
Kramar, R (2012). Human Resource Management in a Global Context: A Critical Approach. Palgrave Macmillan.
Martin, M (2013). Human Resource Practice.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Publisher
Rees, G (2013). Leading, Managing and Developing People.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. Publisher