Unit 22 HRM in Training and Development Assignment

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Unit 22 HRM in Training and Development Assignment
Unit 22 HRM in Training and Development Assignment
Unit 22 HRM in Training and Development Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 22 HRM in Training and Development

QFC Level

Level 4


Training is the process of making understand the employees about the work and the work culture. The training of the employees contributes to the human resource development. The employees of the company need to be trained and managed properly for the achievement of effective results and goals. Human resource development provides the overall efficiency and effectiveness in the organization.

The HRM in Training and Development  is based on the training and development of employees of the company. This assignment will discuss the different learning styles and the theories used by the organization to train the employees. It discusses the importance of training and development of the employees of the organization. The advantages and the disadvantages of the training needs are discussed in the assignment. The training needs and the requirement in the organization are important which is detailed in the assignment. The networking and technologies which could be conducted in the training and developmentof employees are mentioned in this assignment. The HRM in Training and Development also includes and discusses the role of government in the training and development of the employees in the organization.

Task 1

1.1 Compares different learning styles.


Comprision different style slide 1, UK Assignment Writing services

Comprision different style slide 2, UK Assignment Writing Services

Comparision different style slide 3

1.2 Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace.

Comparision different style slide 4

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1.3 Assess the contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event.

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Task 2

2.1 Comparing the training needs for staff at different levels in the organisation.

The training of the employees is needed in the organization for providing the better understanding of the work and to make them understand the goals and objectives of the organization and how to achieve these objectives. The employees should be trained on regular basis in an organization to achieve the better results in the effective and efficient manner. In an organization the adoption of new methods and techniques are common to understand these new techniques and work according to these techniques the employees are needed to understand these. By providing training to employees it becomes easy to achieve the organizational objectives effectively.

The staffs working at different levels of organization needs to be trained differently. The new staff hired in an organization should be trained in a manner to make understand the work and the work culture of the organization and to make familiar the new employees to the organization. They need to be trained for a long time and develop them to achieve the better results of the organization. Whereas the employees already working in an organization needs to be trained in a manner to make them understand the new goals and objectives of the organization and to provide them assistance to learn the new techniques and method of working in an organization.(Cekada, T.L. 2010)

2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods (at least three) that will be used for the workshop.

Training methods are the techniques in which the employees are provided learning in an organization. The training of the employees is very important to understand the objectives and achieve the maximum results in an organization. The different training methods which is to be used in the workshop are the on the job training methods. These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages discussed below:

Coaching- Coaching training technique is the technique which provides the practical learning to the employees in the place of theoretical learning by finding out the weak aspects of the employees.(Everley, 2011)


  • Improves team work
  • Improve competitive advantage
  • Enhance leadership skills of the trainers and employees.


  • Not easy to understand the technique
  • Repetitive tasks

Mentoring- Mentoring is the technique in which the employees are provided the assistance by the coach or the mentor of the employees and they can also take the advice from the mentor ad gain the learning experience.


  • Provides immediate assistance and advice
  • Personal growth by the personalized training


  • Breakdown of the workflow due to continuous training
  • Mutual understanding may not be built between employees and the mentors.

Job rotation- Job rotation is the technique in which the employees are provided with the tasks in rotation to better understand the work and different tasks and develop the ability to perform the any task of the organization. This technique is very useful to kill boredom and enhance flexibility among the employees.


  • Kills boredom
  • Enhance the skills
  • Provides flexibility
  • Enhance the opportunities


  • Dissatisfaction from the new job work
  • Break the workflow of the employees.(Wu, et.al,  2016)

2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan a training and development workshop for your team on the needs identified for your department (this could be done in a tabular format).

 Systematic approach to plan for training and development:

Identification of organization’s objectives

Analysing the training needs in the organization

Setting goals and objectives

Design of training activities

Implementing training strategies


The systematic approach to plan the training and development are sequenced in the certain activities:

  • Identification of organization’s objectives- The aims and goals for which the organization is running should be identified firstly.
  • Analysing the training needs in the organization- The need or the requirement of training in the organization is to be examined.
  • Setting goals and objectives- Then the goals and the objectives of providing the training to the employees should be mentioned.
  • Design training activities- The training activities or the methods to be used should be designed by the organization.
  • Implementing training activities- The training activities designed are to be implemented in the organization.
  • Evaluation- At last the evaluation of the training session is to be done to identify the success rate of the training provided.(Pollitt, 2010)

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Task 3

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using suitable technique.

Was the training session helps you to understand the work?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Neutral

Were the objectives achieved by the trainers?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Neutral

Were the tools and documents provided useful?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Neutral

Was the training time appropriate?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Neutral

Did the trainers perform their job effectively?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Neutral

Motive to design the evaluation form: The evaluation feedback form is prepared for the trainees who took the training in the session. The purpose to create the evaluation feedback form is to understand the success rate of the training session and to understand the employee’s opinion and view on the training and development provided to them. The evaluation form is to be filled by the trainees after the training provided to them and to understand the needs and requirements to improve the training session. It helps the organization in knowing the loopholes of the training session and the need to improve the same.(Grohmann, et.al,  2013)

3.2 Carry out the evaluation of the workshop by using the document created and collate the response on a concise spread sheet.

















  Was the training session helps you to understand the work?













  Were the objectives achieved by the trainers?













  Were the tools and documents provided useful?













     Was the training time appropriate?













 Did the trainers perform their job effectively?












Analysis- According to the evaluation done of the training programme, it is seen that maximum respondents agreed to the training success. They realise the training was useful to them as well as the objectives of the training are achieved by the organization and trainers. It is responded that the tools and materials provided by the trainers in the training programme were not as much useful to the respondents. The training time was appropriate to the trainees and they judged the trainers effective during the session. The organization come to the conclusion of changing the training materials and uses more effective materials and tools to provide the training.(Israel, et.al, 2016)

3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used or whether another method would have been more appropriate based on the response.

The techniques used by the organization to provide the training and development to the employees for improving and enhancing the performance and to provide the maximum results to the organization resulted effective by the respondents. The above evaluation form is been filled by the employees and the trainees who took the training session. The evaluation form provides the feedback of the employees about the training which helps the organization to understand the need and requirement of improvising the methods. The organization provided the training to the employees for achieving the Targets of the organization in an effective and efficient manner.(Whitty, et.al, 2016)

The techniques used by the trainers to train the employees were on the job training which helps in the effective training of the employees. The on the job training method included the job rotation, mentoring, coaching method which helped the employees to better understand the job roles and job work and helped the employees to understand the organizational objectives as well as the ways to achieve those objectives. The evaluation provided the positive result of the training session and in maximising the satisfied trainees in an organization.(Margolis, et.al,  2011)

Task 4

4.1 Explain the role of government with regards to training, development and lifelong learning.

Training and development process is the crucial activity of the organization. The Training and development in an organization is needed to be provided to the employees for increasing the competitive advantage and enhance the performance of an individual for gaining the overall achievement of an organization. The training is the process of improving the skills of the employees by providing them the proper learning and practice of the job work within the organization. The development of an organization can be attained by the development of the employees of the organization. The development means to improving abilities of the employees.

The government plays a very important role in the organization to provide the employees better opportunity for their growth. The government has initialized many new techniques and the methods of providing training to the employees of the organization. The government policies and the laws affect the training and the development of the organization. The different policies and the laws of the government related to the training and development of the organization changes the policy of providing the training to the employee or the staff of the organization.(Bharti, 2014) Different countries have different governmental laws and the policies which affects the training session of the organization. The duration of training session also matters in the training of the employees. Some government rules are to provide less training some have to provide long period training. Political environment of the country affects the organizational goals and objectives as well as the methods to achieve those objectives.

The role of the government in training and development practices of the organization is very crucial and effective. The government now are better understanding the requirement and the need of the organization in providing training and improving skills of the employees to compete effectively with the competitive world. The better performance of the nation depends upon the organizations and the companies of that nation and the improved performance of the companies depends on the employees of the organization. The need of the training and development activity in an organization is considered by the government in the changing scenario. The government are putting efforts to design new and innovative approaches to the organizational training and development activity. The government is also considering and enhancing the better opportunities for the growth of the employees and taking corrective measures in creating the employment opportunities for the youth of the country.( Jones, et.al,  2011)

4.2 Explain how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sector organisations.

Competency movement has the various impacts on the organization of both public and private. The competency based organizations are seen more competitive and effective than others. The competency based organizations are those who determines the competencies of the employees and use their competency skills in maximises the performance of the organization. Every organization should have the competency based structure of work in the organization to improve and increase the performance of the company. The competencies are the abilities and the skills of the employees in which they have specialization and can perform the particular task more efficiently and effectively related with the skills. The competency movement has impacted the organization of public as well as private sector.

The competency movement has provided aid to the organization of public as well as private sector. The competency movement aimed to provide the organization with the importance of the competency based environment of the organization. It has also analysed the needs and requirements of competencies of the employees to gain the desired results and techniques to use these competencies and skills of the employees to achieve the maximum results of the organization. The competency movement has communicated the advantages and the disadvantages of the competency based and the skill based structure of the organization. The public and the private sector organization of the country now understand the concept of competency movement and are applying the competency based structure in their organization. To enhance the level of maximised results and the satisfaction of the organization it is needed to create the competencies among the employees.

The public and private organization has understood the needs and the requirement of having the quality employees and how to use their skills and specialization in the various tasks to achieve the organizational objectives. These organizations have started defining the roles and the employees and the methods to attain the roles define in the manner to provide maximum results in the organization.

The public sector organization in UK named as TESCO has also adopted the competency based structure in an organization after understanding the competency movement. The organization is now building skills and specialization among the employees of the organization to enhance their performance and the overall performance of the organization. The better results are achieved and the individual growth has also increased through this technique.(Moser, 2012)

4.3 Assess how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for an organization of your choice.

The clothing company of UK named as Monsoon which deals in the women clothing. The company is operating in various places and serving its products across the boundaries. Its head office is located in the United Kingdom.

The government competency provides the framework of improving the skills and the abilities of the employees to gain the maximum results of the achieved objectives of the organization. The competency framework is based on the overall increased performance of the organization. The cross training helps in enhancing the performance of the company by providing the training to the employees to perform the different tasks of the organization. The competencies refer to the abilities and the skills the individual have. To increase the competencies of the employees the organization should improve the cross training environment in the organization to provide the flexibility among the employees. By performing the tasks of different skills improves the ability and skills of the employees and increase the competency level among the employees.

The company Monsoon have realised the value of competency based environment in the organization to achieve the results of the organization. The company begins the cross training environment in the organization to improve the results and provide the competency to its employees foe maximising the achievement and enabling the flexibility among the employees. The company provides the different tasks to the employees except their qualification or skills. The company decided to enable the flexibility among the employees and provide the competitive advantage to its employees. The company uses the job rotation technique and also provides the training to achieve the different tasks of the organization. (Jones, et.al, 2011)

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By the study of report and research done on the human resource development we have concluded that the training and development is the important activity of the organization to provide the employees with the enhanced skills and the improved capabilities of the employees. The report has described the importance of the training and development and the effective techniques and the methods which are to be used to train the employees of the organization. Through the study of the human resource development we also came to the conclusion that the on the job training are effective in the organization and government of the country has also took the measures to improve the training and development in the organization. The government of UK also initiated the competency based structure in the organization which helps the organizations in achieving the results in optimum time.


Bharti, N. 2014, "The role of training in reducing poverty: the case of microenterprise development in India", International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 291-296.
Cekada, T.L. 2010, "Training Needs Assessment", Professional Safety, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 28.
Çolak, E. 2015, "The Effect of Cooperative Learning on the Learning Approaches of Students with Different Learning Styles", Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 15, no. 59.
Everley, M. 2011, "Training methods.(the advantages and disadvantages of computer-based and web-based training)", The RoSPA Occupational Safety & Health Journal, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 29.
Flåten, B., Isaksen, A. &Karlsen, J. 2015, "Competitive firms in thin regions in Norway: The importance of workplace learning", NorskGeografiskTidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 102.
Grohmann, A. &Kauffeld, S. 2013, "Evaluating training programs: development and correlates of the Questionnaire for Professional Training Evaluation: Development and correlates of the Q4TE", International Journal of Training and Development, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 135-155.
Israel, T., Willging, C.E. & Ley, D. 2016, "Development and evaluation of training for rural LGBTQ mental health peer advocates", Journal of Rural Mental Health, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 40-62.
Jones, P., Miller, C., Pickernell, D. &Packham, G. 2011, "The role of education, training and skills development in social inclusion: The University of the Heads of the Valley case study", Education + Training, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 638-651.
Jones, P., Miller, C., Pickernell, D. &Packham, G. 2011, "The role of education, training and skills development in social inclusion", Education + Training, vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 638-651.
Kwok, M. & Jones, C. 2011;1995;, "Catering for different learning styles", Research in Learning Technology, vol. 3, no. 1.
Margolis, K.A., Westerman, C.Y.K. & Kowalski-Trakofler, K.M. 2011, "Underground mine Refuge Chamber Expectations Training: Program development and evaluation", Safety Science, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 522-530.
Moser, C.O.N. 1993;2012;, Gender planning and development: theory, practice, and training,1st edn, Routledge, New York;London;.
Pollitt, D. 2010, "Moorhouse Group targets training for growth: Individual development plans help to embed learning in the business strategy", Human Resource Management International Digest,vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 25-26