Unit 22 MHR Guest HRM Model Assignment

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Unit 22 MHR Guest HRM Model Assignment
Unit 22 MHR Guest HRM Model Assignment
Unit 22 MHR Guest HRM Model Assignment


Management of human resource is important for organisation as in there is effective role and various aspects that influence the functioning of the company. In every organisation human resource is important for achieving organisational goals and objectives that can help in achieving organisational goals and objectives by the efforts made by them. There are various aspects of topical issues that can make impact on the overall human resource management practices and legislation requirements that can make impact on the overall effectiveness. The MHR Guest HRM Model report or assignment leads to assess the change in the labour market, and various aspects that make impact on demand from employees, work life balance and much more flexible working practices. There are also defined the equal opportunity act and various discrimination present in the working premises.

Title - Unit 22 MHR Guest HRM Model Assignment

Task 1

1.1. Explain Guest’s model of HRM as applied to the organisation of your choice.

In present business environment there are different factors which are essentially important from the organisational prospective like effective human resource management which influence the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation by improving their performance.  For this purpose there are available various model of effective human resource management that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. David Guest has introduced and Guest model of HRM in the year 1987 (Bialic-Davendra, et. al 2014). The approach of this assessment is based on the assumption of the modern and modified approach of human resource management which is different from the traditional approach of the personnel management. According to this approach there is effective role of the human resource and its effective management and development that can lead to achievement of goals and objectives of organisation. This model is based on the following six dimensions and its application in one of the largest insurance company of UK AIG Europe Limited.

  • HRM strategy- IN organisations there are formed various strategies which can be adopted for effective management of workforce and there can be achieved organisational goals by efficient results. Strategic management helps in creating strategies in every process and activity of the organisation that can lead to achieve organisational growth. In this insurance company AIG Europe Limited there is adopted this model of HRM that make it possible to manage workforce.
  • HRM practise- In the HRM practices there are identified various aspects that influence the overall effectiveness and the performance of the business. AIG Europe Limited there are adopted various practices of HRM including recruitment and selection, training and development that can help in achieving organisational goals and objectives (Bialic-Davendra, et. al 2014).
  • HRM outcomes- In this model there can be achieved effective outcomes that influence overall organisational effectiveness. AIG Europe Limited is achieving effective HRM results through its results of workforce performance.
  • Behaviour outcomes- There are various aspects that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. With the impact of human resource activities there can be improved performance and behaviour of organisation that is improving organisational performance of the insurance company AIG Europe Limited.
  • Performance outcomes- HRM activities under this model improves performance of employees by providing effective trainings and development programs that make impact on overall organisational performance.
  • Financial outcomes- There can be achieved effective and efficient utilisation of resources that can help in effective financial outcomes in the company that provides growth to the company in positive manner (Capinera, 2010).

By analysing above aspects it can say that the insurance company AIG Europe Limited is effectively using Guest model of HRM that is making impact on the overall performance of the organisation.

1.2. Choosing two organisations of your choice, compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices.

There are available various models of human resource management in organisation that influence overall organisational performance by managing human resource. In accordance with the definition of Storey there is effective difference between HRM, personnel and Industrial relations which are making impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation (Capinera, 2010). The approach and model of Storey is based on the highly capable and committed workforce which make impact on the development of competitive advantage making impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. In this approach the HRM activities must be involved in the organisational strategies which are to be followed in the organisation. According to this model there is difference between the HRM and industrial relations which can be understand by the examples of two organisations using these models and approaches.

In the insurance company AIG Europe Limited there is employed huge number of employees who are providing their services to make the organisation to achieve organisational effectiveness that influence overall organisational performance. They adopted the practices and activities of the HRM in the organisational strategic management which make influence their overall organisational effectiveness that defines various aspects that can achieve organisational goals (Capinera, 2010).

On other side insurance company Allianz have adopted effective approach of the personnel management and Industrial relationship in the organisation. The company is focused on providing trainings to workforce to effective relations within organisation that influence their overall effectiveness. Organisational strategies and decisions are taken by the company by considering all the aspects of industrial relations.

1.3 Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM for any organisation of your choice.

In effective implication of the HRM policies in the organisation line managers play key essential role and also make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. Line managers are the responsible authority who can ensure the effective implication of various activities and assumptions of HRM that influence overall organisational effectiveness. In organisations while creating strategic approach for HRM for line managers and employees of different factors that influence overall organisational performance that enhance overall effectiveness and efficiency (Chiva, et. al 2014). In the insurance company AIG Europe Limited line managers are playing important role in the process which are as follows.

  • Organisational policies and procedures- It is required to frame effective policies and legal framework which are required to be followed in the overall execution of activities by the human resource within organisation and influence the overall performance of the organisation. Key managers ensure involvement of HRM activities into policies and procedures of the company to achieve effective results in the organisation.
  • Providing trainings and guidance- In organisation there is required to enhance the performance of the employees in effective manner in the organisation that can help in taking effective decisions in the organisation which make influence over the overall effectiveness of the organisation (Chiva, et. al 2014).
  • Effective communication channel- In the process of strategic approach towards HRM there is required to develop effective communication which makes effective interaction between employees and other parties which help in clear communication about the task and goals and objectives to be achieved in the organisation.
  • Delegation of authorities and responsibilities- Key managers are liable to delegate different authorities and responsibilities to the employees which help in effective application of HRM practices in strategic management of the company that can make impact in achieving organisational goals and objectives.
  • Recognition- There are various aspects by which there  can be provided recognition to the employees in the organisation and this make impact on the overall process of involvement of the HRM practices into strategic approach (Dinka, 2016).


2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in your organisation.

Present business environment is dynamic and have impacted from various aspects that make impact on it that is required to be considered in different aspects in organisation. Due to this flexible environment there is required to have flexible business environment in organisation that can easily adopt changes and can compete with this changing environment in effective manner. Flexibility model is required in organisations to grow the organisation in this changing environment. This leads to effective results on the employees by increasing their motivation level and make effective decisions by considering all the essential aspects in the organisation. There can be made impact of the flexible model on the organisational workplace flexibility which makes influence on the overall organisational effectiveness that influence on the overall organisational effectiveness (Dinka, 2016).

Flexibility model in organisations providing insurance services like AIG Europe Limited there is limited flexibility in the policies and procedures of the company which are required to be followed by the company. But there is effective flexibility in the workplace which is making impact on the various aspects that can make impact on motivation level of employees of the company in effective manner. There are different factors that influence the efficiency level of the organisation that impact over the organisational effectiveness. Employees of the company are provided flexibility to take decisions related to the scheduling of their work in accordance with their level of efficiency that can make impact on the various aspects that influence overall organisational effectiveness and there different aspects (Dinka, 2016).

2.2 Discuss the types of flexibility which may be developed by your organisation.

To achieve the organisational goals and objectives in this dynamic environment there must be adopted flexible environment that can make impact on growth and profitability of the company. In the insurance company AIG Europe Limited there is effective adoption of this flexible model which is making impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation that can be understand by the following points.

  • In the company employees should be flexible to take decisions under their level of authority and responsibility and in case of team work.
  • There should be provided flexibility to employees to take leaves on the situation of emergency and urgency (Eschenbach, 2010).
  • Employees should be flexible to take decisions related to their schedule of working and execution of activities based on their preferences and interests that help in improving performance of employees by motivating them in effective manner.
  • There should be also provided flexibility to employees to learn other things of their interests which develop their skills and knowledge that make impact on their performance in effective manner.
  • There should be flexibility in the organisational structure and culture which can be altered and modified in case of requirement to improve overall results of the organisation. This also makes impact on the policies and procedures which are following by the company to run the organisation in effective manner (Eschenbach, 2010).
  • There must be developed flexibility to the female workers and employees in workplace related to their working timing and shifts and considering all the aspects related to their performance and its effectiveness in effective manner.
  • The main aspects of flexibility are related to effectiveness of the organisation related to network and channel of communication that effectively influence the organisational efficiency and effectiveness. 

2.3 Assess the use of flexible working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective.

In organisations there is effective importance of the employees and employer which can make effective control over activities that can be achieved by providing motivated environment in organisation by flexibility in the organisation. It works as a strategy or tool to make the employees and employer involved in the organisation in effective manner that influence overall organisational effectiveness. By motivated employees they can be achieved effective results in the organisation this influence the overall organisational effectiveness. Flexibility is important and plays important role for employees as well as employer in organisation (Gruman, et. al 2011).

Employees in organisation must be motivated in effective manner that can make impact on various aspects that can improve the level of performance of the organisation. In case providing effective services to the employees in organisation can improve their level of performance in positive manner as in they feel important for the organisation that influence overall organisational effectiveness as in this they are benefited with the various policies for the company in effective manner and achieving organisational goals in effective manner.  Employers can also be benefited with the flexibility provided to them in effective manner that can make impact on overall performance of the organisation. Flexibility which is provided to the employers can make impact on the overall decision making which involved decisions related to employees of the company and their development in effective manner (Gruman, et. al 2011).

2.4 Discuss the impact that changes in the labour market have had on flexible working practices.

There are various aspects that can make impact on the flexible working practices and influence overall business performance in positive or negative manner. Flexible working practices in the insurance company AIG Europe Limited are effective and there are included various aspects that influence overall organisational effectiveness and also defined various aspects that are influenced with these factors (Hart, et. al 2010). Labour market is important for the organisation that makes impact on the overall performance of the organisation that can make impact on the overall execution of activities and performance of organisation. Following are the impact on the changes in the market that make impact on the flexible working practices of the AIG Europe Limited.

  • Labour is one of the important and essential aspects of any organisation to execute any kind of activities that influence the overall working pattern and organisational performance. Changes in the labour market which can be positive or negative influence over the organisational performance.
  • These changes can be demographic changes and behavioural changes and changes in the technology which increase availability of the workers in the market and make impact on the overall performance of the company in effective manner (Hart, et. al 2010).
  • Flexibility in working place can be achieved by organisation by achieving the growth by the having new labour and their talent in organisation in effective manner to achieve organisational objectives.

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3.1 Explain the forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace using examples of recent discrimination cases which has made the news.

Employee discrimination is a problem which can take place in case there is unavailability of the equal opportunity act and its various legislation organisation in effective manner that can make impact on overall effectiveness of the organisation. Employee discrimination is defined as the discrimination which is done between different employees at work place based on the caste, race, gender, and any kind of disability which can make influence overall organisational effectiveness that can make impact on the various aspects that that influence overall organisational performance (Jayanty, 2011). By adopting Equality Act in the organisation there can be reducing in the chances of any kind of discrimination within organisation. Following are some types of the employee discrimination that can take place in the organisation and can influence the  overall organisational effectiveness.

Age Discrimination- employee discrimination can take place in case of discrimination based on the age of the employee and this is violation of the equality Act in the that influence overall organisational effectiveness. There must be offered same benefits to employees without considering age of the employees in the organisation. There must not be discrimination based on age in the apprenticeship programs or internship opportunities.

Hutchinson Sealing Systems in which all the project engineer with the age of 62, 51, and 48 are laid off by the company which is age discrimination (Jayanty, 2011).

Gender discrimination- In this type there is done discrimination based on the gender and sex of employees which is violation of the Equality Act and its various aspects that influence overall organisational effectiveness. In case of the Bank of Albuquerque the long time management employees were discharged on the basis of their age and gender which is showing case of gender discrimination.

Racial discrimination- This type of discrimination is unfavourable behaviour based on the colour,  skin colour and various aspects that can make impact on the overall performance of the organisation as in there is ineffective application of the Equality Act in the organisation. British Asian Police officer faced this racial discrimination by his own colleagues for the tone of his skin (Jayanty, 2011).

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organisation.

In country like UK there has been adopted and framed and legislative framework which includes different factors related to the implication of legislative requirements in the company that influence overall organisational effectiveness. Equality Act and Equal opportunity act must be adopted in organisation to manage the human resource in effective way and also control their performances which influence the organisational performance. In organisations of UK like AIG Europe Limited there is responsibility of the company to provide equal opportunities to employees to motivate them in effective manner. Following are the implication of the equal opportunity legislation in the company AIG Europe Limited (Lal, 2015).

  • Employee discrimination must be restricted which can be based on the age, race, caste and religion and disability.
  • Equal benefits must be provided to the employees for equal efforts made by the employees with equal skills and knowledge.
  • Recruitment and selection must consider equal opportunity requirements in the organisation (Lal, 2015).

3.3 Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity. You should give examples from a selected organisation and discuss the similarities and differences in their approaches to managing equal opportunities and diversity.

In every organisation there must be adopted all the required legislative requirements to be followed to avoid the discrimination at work place. In the organisation like AIG Europe Limited there are adopted various approaches to manage the equal opportunity and managing diversity in the work place that influence overall organisational effectiveness. In following approaches the company is adopting the opportunity to the similarity and differences with these approaches (Maatman, et. al 2010).

  • There is involved various aspects related to this equality opportunity are involved within the policies and procedures of the company that manages equality.
  • There is framed a committee in the organisation which will work for the management of equality in organisation by the way of controlling activities.
  • Effective communication and trainings are provided to the employees by which there can be developed equality in the organisational behaviour.

Task 4

4.1 Select an organisation you work or have worked for, identify and compare the performance management.

Performance management can be defined as the approach which is using by the company to provide effective management and development of human resource in the organisation that influence overall organisational performance in an effective manner (Matras, 2010). There are included various practices in the performance management which are done by using different tools and techniques of performance management. In AIG Europe Limited there is managed performance of employees by using the following tools.

  • There can be managed employee performance by using the tool Management by Objectives (MBO) in an organisation in which there are defined effective goals and objectives to be achieved by the employees within described time period that influence overall organisational effectiveness.
  • There can be used the tool 360 degree appraisal method in which there is used approach in which there all the parties in the organisation collegues, managers, employees evaluate the work of each other and give ratings which helps in identifying various aspects about the employees and also influence the employees performance within the business organisation (Matras, 2010).
  • Another tool which can be used in the company is the scale rating which can be one to five given to employees by evaluating their performance.

4.2 Assess the approaches used to managing employee welfare in your organisation.

In every organisation there is required to have effective consideration of welfare if employees in organisation that influence overall organisational effectiveness. There must be adopted various legislative and regulative requirements in the organisation. In the company AIG Europe Limited employee welfare can be achieved by the following aspecst.

  • All the required legislative and regulatory frameworks  are adopted by the company  in which there are included Equality Act, Equal Opportunity Act, Health and Safety Act, Employment Rights Act etc.  (Purvis, et. al 2014).
  • These legislative requirements will influence the overall organisational effectiveness in order to enhance employee welfare. This will the overall organisational effectiveness and efficiency.
  • There are effective management of human resource management by creating a channel to effectively communicate in the organisation that can make impact on the overall performance of the organisation (Purvis, et. al 2014).

4.3 Discuss the implications of health and safety legislation on human resources practices

There are different factors that influence the overall organisational effectiveness, efficiency and performance in adequate manner. The health and safety legislation can be implicated in human resource practices in following manner.

  • There must be adopted various aspects in the policies and procedures of the company that influence overall organisational performance as in there must be considered the confidentiality of their personal information in effective manner.
  • There must be effectively analyse aspects that can make impact on the health and safety of the employees and effective steps must be taken by the organisation to remove them from the organisational culture (Rausch, 2011).
  • Effectively training and development programmes must be provided to the organisations to handle situations of emergency and urgency that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation.

4.4 Evaluate the impact of another topical issue on human resources practices.

In the organisation lack of employee motivation is one of the topical issue which is making impact on the overall performance of the organisation. Employee motivation is important from the point of view to improve the performance of the employees in every organisation. In case of lack of motivation in employees make impact on the productivity and profitability of the company. In various organisations this is being most important issue in the organisations which is leading to employee retention in the organisation and also decreasing the market positioning of the companies (Washington, et. al 2010).

In different industries there are using different strategies and approaches to provide effective motivation to the employees because employees are the most important aspects of any industry which can make impact on the overall performance of the company. In the insurance companies like AIG Europe Limited this is an issue to motivate employees and retain them for long term and for that company is providing effective attraction to motivate which can be in form of the monetary and non- monetary rewards and promotions, other benefits and decision-making power in the organisation. By involving the employees more in the organisation there can be achieved in the organisation that influence overall organisational effectiveness (Washington, et. al 2010).

This report is concluded as the various aspects which are making impact on the various aspects involved in the effective HRM that influence overall organisational performance. Human resource management that can influence the overall organisational effectiveness. There are analysed various aspects of the UK based insurance company AIG Europe Limited. There are also analysed various types of employee discrimination which can make impact on the employee retention and motivation that influence overall organisational effectiveness. There are defined various theories and approaches which can be explained in effective manner to achieve organisational goals and objectives.

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