Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training Development

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Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training Development
Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training Development
Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training Development


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 HRD Training and Development

QFC Level

Level 4


For organizations liking to become dynamic and growth-oriented, it is essential that they first develop their human resources because of their immense hidden capabilities that can be utilized by establishing an atmosphere that can steadily determine, out bring, nurture and eventually utilize them. The key purpose of HRD is generating such an environment. One can describe HRD as a structure allowing the employees in evolving their personal and organizational skills, learning and abilities. The key focus of HRD is in producing a high-calibre workforce so that both organization and employees can successfully attain their goals of servicing the customers.

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 1 - Uk Assignment Writing Service

An organization can find the opportunities of developing the employees from in-house or external sources. Employees can be trained formally through classroom training, college course, or through an organizational effort. By indulging into formal trainings, organizations can add value at the workplace. Throughout the assignment, Thomson Holidays is considered as case study.

Task 2

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development


One can describe training need analysis as a methodical process to understand the needs of training which mainly is organized in three stages i.e. at organizational level, individual and the job. The outcomes are assembled once the analyses are over for setting the objectives of training program. According to David Mankin, training needs analysis is a précised and methodical process to analyze the employees learning and development needs. (MSG, 2016)

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 2

For empowering the employees to gain satisfaction in their job roles, Thomson Holidays needs to design adequate employee trainings similar to the way they adopt and provide employee wellbeing and security. Thomson wishes to develop their employees hence, gives genuine efforts in distinguishing their training needs. In order to identify every employee’s need Thomson closely monitors their current aptitudes levels and concurrently determines  employability skills  the business needs for overcoming the market competition thereby, gaining competitive advantage. Once it is done, the management arranges for training events for meeting the employees’ skills gap. (MSG, 2016)

Levels in Thomson Holidays

Training Needs



Management level

Employees at this level need trainings for improving their decision-making abilities, problem solving and leadership skills, teamwork, employee management and motivational aspects. For upgrading the knowledge and skills of management level employees Thomson needs to provide Off-the-job training sessions and frequently arrange for workshops and seminars to make the aware of new management concepts etc. (MSG, 2016)



Customer level

The most common training need of employees at this level is queue and time management to attend the customers efficiently and offering them with maximum satisfaction. The training expert gives the real time ideas in how they can help the customers in fulfilling their need without irking them. These employees need to improve their efficiencies in customer dealing, interpersonal skills, applying quick  solutions for rectifying customer problems and queries etc. (MSG, 2016)



Operational level

Employees working at the operational levels are in the maximum need of trainings on how to handle distress customers and retain them. It is equally important that these employees are good in estimations and projections hence, the eventual focus of their training needs is on giving knowledge about product management, basic computer knowledge etc. (MSG, 2016)


Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 3

Training Method





Role Play

By allowing the employees in role-playing, one can easily evolve the understanding of the task in actual. Since this method is both social and communal, the participants tend to interact within the give scenarios thereby, encouraging them in joining hands in finding the solutions hence, getting to know each other. In certain situations, role-playing prepare the employees for real-life plots and instinct feedbacks on their performances are given. The biggest advantage of this method is that the trainer can actually see the participants’ skills demonstration while dealing a given situation thereby, identifying their weaknesses and working on it. (Fuller, 2016)


Role-playing might not be comfortable for everyone further hampering his or her work performances. Some employees might get terrified even by thinking of it eventually impeding their self-confidence and contributions. Although few employees are pleased with the method but are less skilled to get in the attitude for imitating a situation. (Fuller, 2016)





Group Discussion

Employees participating in this method become conversant  of their roles various aspects further allowing them to openly discuss their problems with management who further help them in resolving them. Moreover, through this method one can understand the required performance level and identify the measures for enhancing employees’ efficiency by providing them with a development plan. (Fuller, 2016)

Disadvantage in this method takes place when managers are less or not at all supportive in discussing the issues and preparing a career development path for them.




Employees attending workshops are provided with learning materials. The trainers give ideas of new concepts and use of latest technology and skills to gain customer satisfaction. Seminars are sources of gaining wide knowledge since experts of specialized areas are invited as speakers. Workshops are flexible over length and sessions frequency.




The key disadvantage of this method is that its success is entirely dependent on the participants’ attentiveness and interest in learning new things. Cost is another disadvantage as seminar fees are often high and the participants are expected to absorb their own travelling, food and other miscellaneous costs.   (Fuller, 2016)











On-job training



This is the simplest method of learning where the participant learns by seeing a senior member executing a given task in practical. The learner is quick in grasping the technique demonstrated thereby, ensuring that they get an in-depth understanding of doing a task. Moreover, it is the most economical way of training and an efficient way to learn in comparison to any random way. (Fuller, 2016)




The biggest disadvantage of this method might the senior person himself as teaching is a skill and it is not everyone’s cup of tea. Choosing any superior randomly can act adversely as he/she might not have the patience of explaining the job and clearing queries making the process just a wastage of time. Moreover, OJT is a rushed process as employer wants the new trainee on the job in minimum time.





This method helps the participant in keeping an open approach towards learning and development in a comfortable way further allow the coach to focus on individual skills and improving certain behaviours. It also evolves self-awareness within the learner making them realize how their actions and behaviours will influence others.


Finding a right coach might be the biggest disadvantage. Getting a coach who meets the unique need of the learner can turn out to be a challenging task. There should be an ebb and flow relationship amid the coach and learner, the absence of it can give rise to frictions. Coaching can be costly as professional coach’s charge hourly for every session.




Outdoor training

This method gives the participants a break from usual classroom atmosphere. Employees in groups are allowed to perform in real situations thereby, giving them with hands-on experience, cultivates sense of teamwork and getting aware of time factor.

This method is inappropriate for employees who skip taking risks hence making the de-motivated and distracted throughout the session. (Fuller, 2016)

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Thomson Holidays can manage and implement the training programs by adopting systematic approaches.

It has been observed that planning a training and development workshop comprises of five stages namely:

Analyse: evaluation is executed on the training methods based on the dependency of performances requirement. By analysing the job, needs and tasks, Thomson further determines the requirements. Right analysis of the training methods assures that the adequate training measures and goals and objectives achieved which eventually related with training programs outcomes are also measured further giving a sneak of the required solutions for improving performances. The base of training design and performances development are also evaluated by pinpointing the requirements.

Design: Thomson Holidays uses information gathered during analysis in order to design an adequate training and development workshop. The workshop’s design is prepared by outlining a blue print of the program. Once the blue print is prepared, the objectives and the desirable outcomes are penned down ahead of setting the standards of the workshop. Thomson prepares the workshop plan through information and analysis of the needs.

Development: in this stage, the outcomes of the activities that are designed are evolved. The adequate training activities needed for meeting the desirable outcomes are further evolved by taking into measure the training aids and gaining the plans of completed lesson. Further, the duties and responsibilities details are indexed which also includes the main areas of the job details. (French, Green, O’Connor, McKenzie, Francis, Michie, Buchbinder, Schattner, Spike and Grimshaw, 2012)

Implementation: in this stage, one develops the settings of the workshops by incorporating the outcomes of the development phase. The workshop is organized by depending on the settings. Once the workshop is over, the employees or participants can evolve the needed skills and knowledge that eventually relates with the job. (French, Green, O’Connor, McKenzie, Francis, Michie, Buchbinder, Schattner, Spike and Grimshaw, 2012)

Evaluation: for evaluating the workshop’s effectiveness, one account a certain period of time span where the participants and supervisors feedbacks are analysed. Once the evaluation is over, decisions are taken on how to improve the workshop in future, if need in the training phases.

The following approach has been taken to plan training and development process for the Thomson Holidays employees. For the workshop, a practically based real-time solution based approach will be choosen further allwoing the employees in knowing different issues and can bringing out solutions of the same. Every emplyee partcipating in the workshop will have to encounter a problem that they face or might deal in the day to day opertions. Through the session, employees will be expected in understanding the problems, form a team, join discussions with the coach who further will closely monitor thier activities and how they reslove the problems faced. Moreover, if necessary the employees will be given preceding cases and lecutres for gaining more knowledge. Solutions will be evaluated throurgh the technique of brainstorming within  the team thereby, highlighting the pros and cons and finally the best solution will be executed after the experts questioning and answering session. (French, Green, O’Connor, McKenzie, Francis, Michie, Buchbinder, Schattner, Spike and Grimshaw, 2012)

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 4

This method will be continued in the  business organisation  processes where employees will be given points based on the evaluation of the subsequent outcomes of their performances. Employees will be encouraged of discussing their work related problems regularly. On the successful completion of the workshops, the participants will be efficient enough in making decision and giving a reasonable and better solution to every problem.

Task 3


For evaluating the training and development workshop Thomas Holidays can adopt different methods. This approach of the organization can be termed as ‘Five-tired approach’ depicted below:

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 5

In the very first stage, the need of the workshop will be identified further helping in pin pointing the areas or the department whose employees are needed to be trained eventually matching whether or not the workshop organized will ultimately fulfil the needs. In the second stage of monitoring and accountability, the employees or workshop participants are identified and the training that is provided to them is assessed. In the third stage of program clarification, one tries to figure out whether there is any additional requirement that will enhance the workshop’s effectiveness. In the fourth stage of progress, the coach assesses the participants’ progress by closely studying his/her participation in the workshop. Finally, in the last stage one assess the long-term impact of the workshop on the organization and the employees.

For evaluating the workshop, Thomson Holidays needs to prepare a suitable document such as questionnaire, feedback form, observation sheet etc. in order to record the response of both the coach and the participants.

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 6

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 7

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 8

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 9

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 10


The workshop was attended by 20 participants, which included 15 Customer Service Executives, 2 Supervisors and 3 Senior Managers. After completion of workshop each were given Questionnaire and Evaluation Form. The responses received are presented in spreadsheet.





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Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 11

Once the training and development workshop was over, Thomson Holidays management had made an observation that event was undoubtedly successful based on the number of employees participated in the workshop for learning new things. The performance of the learners was evaluated on the spot by the trainers that had helped in measuring the success rate of the workshop. Thomson further observed that the method of organizing a workshop is further helpful in giving long-term benefits to both the employees and the organization giving abundant time for completing the learning process. Since the workshop was organized mainly for the employees who directly handle customer dealings, in the initial stage, participants were real-time scenario of customer service problems and few participants lacked behind in suggesting a practical solution for the problems which was efficiently dealt by the coach during discussions phase which produced more competent solutions giving a right direction to the training process. At the end of the workshop, all participants were given feedback forms and questionnaire to rate the success or failure of the workshop and how attending it has helped them in gaining new knowledge and skills.


The Five tiered evaluation method, which Thomson Holidays had adopted, has assisted the managers in measuring the success or failure of the workshop in a real-time situation. The method implemented has been helpful in analyzing whether or not the workshop has met its objectives and did the participants gain the benefit that they expected from the event for sorting aberration and usefulness of the event. The management also observed that while the assessment process both the coach and the employees openly discussed the problems they come across while executing a given task apart from the challenging activities of the workshop which has significantly influenced the participants. By using the evaluation methods, it was easier on the management’s part in determining the rate of cost-benefit and eventually in deciding whether such workshops should be organized more frequently in future or any kind of change is to be made. Thomson Holidays has considered the ‘Five-tired’ evaluation method as a useful assessment system also for evaluating the measures HR Manager has undertaken for enhancing employees performance. (Phillips and Phillips, 2016)

Task 4

Role of government in training, development and lifelong learning

With the emergence of modern business scenario organizations be it small or an MNC are increasingly emphasizing on the continuous development of  human resources  for staying competitive in the market and gaining an edge over the competitors. For effectively undertaking any job, employees need to possess adequate skills hence, making it insufficient to simply depend on skills and qualifications gained in school or universities. Rise in competition has forced employees to remain updated and adopt new skills according to the changing situations by being engaged into lifelong learning or vocational training. The benefits of both are wide in enabling the employees in effectively doing their jobs and easily switch between other role, which aids organizations in restructuring, employee retention and recruitment. The government of UK realizes the need and importance of lifelong learning, continuous training and development hence, frequently organizes for training programs and introduces vocational courses for public and private organizations to participate apart from colleges and independent professionals. Government gives emphasis on developing the organizations efficiencies through practice of employee development programs in global organizations like Thomson Holidays. Government provides the independent professionals with self-managed learning opportunities for establishing a wider scope of lifelong learning. Government emboldens the organizations in furnishing their employees with perpetual practical experiences and training facilities. Government regularly conducts training programs for graduates allowing them in possessing the professional skill required for grabbing employment opportunities. Moreover, government’s involvement in the training process eventually benefits the employees in knowledge hunting. Both private and public organizations are regularly allotted governmental aid in the form of funds for organizing more employee training events thereby, building a propitious position for themselves in the extremely aggressive market condition. (Bengtsson, 2016)

How the development of competency movement has impacted on public and private organizations

The competency movement has enforced public and private organizations to focus on the overall performance of the business. Rise in market competition has turned out being a nightmare further imposing private organizations like Thomson Holidays to invest more into this area for enhancing their competencies level thereby, gaining competitive advantage over market competitors. In the desire of retaining the market positions, private organizations are investing hugely for organizing employee-training programs since they see the downfall of employee performances as a threat to the business in its long-term goals further leading to poor quality services and lower motivational level. PWC aims in providing a steep learning curve to enhance the employee skills. Public sectors, on the other hand, for retaining its market hold are also not lagging far behind to enhance employees’ performance. Take for example, UK’s East Coast Trains are making endless efforts in maintaining its overall performance levels and bring its services to a standard level for providing maximum satisfaction to the public. (Sageer, Rafat and Agarwal, 2012)

How contemporary training initiatives introduced by UK government contribute in Thomson Holidays HRD  

Contemporary training initiative introduced by UK government has been immensely beneficial for organizations irrespective of their size to bring in growth and coherence within the economy. The vocational trainings provided by the government aims to prepare the youth and professionals with skills needed for long-term business growth. The government understands the existing market scenario and its consecutive possibilities so correspondingly designs various qualitative vocational and training programs. Government understands that the country’s economic condition is influenced by the organizations performances so it constantly makes efforts in designing the best learning facilities for gaining maximum benefits. The government training initiatives has further helped Thomson Holidays in expanding its business by engaging skilled employees thereby, gaining competitive advantage over its competitors like EasyJet, British Airways etc. Furthermore, Thomson Holidays has expanded its core values so that the government-initiated cotemporary training empowers the employees in adapting the rapidly changing  business environment . The trainings are measure through customer expectation, market condition, competitive position and with its future prospects. (King, Dawson, Kravitz, and Gulick, 2012)


At the end of this report, it can be concluded that HRD has a significant role to play in organizations success and long-term growth. For understanding what is HRD and its concepts, the example of Thomson Holidays has been considered for explaining an organization’s training structure. The evaluation of the training session’s effectiveness has been done for enhancing employees performances. The evaluation method Thomson has adopted plays the key role in improving its HRD process. Through this assignment, one can understand that for organizations productive performance it is essential to develop the employees.

Unit 23 Assignment on HRD Training and Development 12