Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment

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Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment
Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment
Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment 

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Level 5


this Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment is on Human resource development the essential part of every organization as it contributes to overall success of organization hence human resources plays a very important role in every organization. In this report we will study the identification of training needs at various levels of any organization as well as the various types of methods through which training can be provided to the employees of an organization like workshops, seminars etc. Training is provided with a view to enhance the skills, knowledge and capabilities of an employee so until or unless the training results into positive impacts it has no meanings so there should be feedbacks forms, questionnaires which are likely to be filled by the participants after the workshops so that those points can be considered in next workshops. Even the government of UK is also making efforts for development of human resource through organizing various training programs and seminars. The impact of policies of government can be seen in public and private sector as well. These programs of government are increasing the value of training development among employees and employees are tending to work with more dedication to their organization.

Task 1

Brief note on contents of the presentation

Human resource development is a very important for any organization. Every organization needs a good human resources team who work for fulfilment of their individual’s goals as well as organizational goals. In order to achieve a good human resource team training is a very essential part of it. Training is provided to employees to increase their skills, knowledge and capability. This presentation explains about the importance of trainings and development as well as types of learning styles and the role of learning styles. This presentation also elaborates the contribution of learning theories in any organization and also the contribution in planning or designing an event. So choosing a perfect learning style for an organization will help the organization to work for achievement of organizational goals.

In today’s world where the technology is changing rapidly and in this competitive market in order to grow every organization needs to cope up with this changing technologies so for increasing the awareness of technology among employees of the organization regular trainings are necessary. Learning is very important for an organization as it helps the organization to grow in this competitive market as well as helps the employees to remain updated. There are various types of learning style as it’s the perception of every employee to opt their own learning style which suits the best to them. The main types of learning styles are activists, pragmatists, theorists, reflectors. Type of learning style plays a very important role in an organization as it helps in understanding the goals and objectives of the organization clearly and the success of the organization depends upon the selection of the learning style. (Gwyer, et. al 2015)

Unit 23 Human Resources Development Assignment

Learning curve is an important element for determinations of future decisions which are based upon cost and price even the learning curve is helpful in capital requirement projects and setting up incentive structure. With the help of this learning curve employees are able to understand the performance gap and then accordingly they can take corrective measures to improve their performance. These learning style theories help in improving efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. This learning curve effect also helps in improving the decision making of employees so that they can take suitable decisions for the organization which results into the betterment of the organization.

Learning style theories increases the knowledge and skills of employees. They can share their knowledge and can work as a team. When the employees of the team will start working as a team they could integrate their individual efforts towards achievement of the organizational goals. While planning or designing an event learning plays a very important role like planning for suitable training programs, this helps in making the objectives more clear, helps in providing better training and development facilities to the employees. These learning styles also help in adoption for new learning style which could improve the skills of the employees. (Willingham, et. al 2015)

Selection of the best suitable learning style is very important for an organization as well is the implementation of the learning style theory is also very important. Learning style, theory and success are inter-related terms so the right connection among them could lead to the success of the organization.

Task 2


Training is the process of increasing the skills, knowledge and capabilities of employees in an organization. Training helps in improving the quality of employees and to fulfil the gap between the work of employees and the organizational goals. For comparison of training needs of staff in my organization firstly I need to conduct training need analysis (TNA) in my organization. This TNA will help me in identifying the need of training at various levels of my organization so that the staff can be provided training according to their need and these trainings will add to higher revenues and increased productivity. Training needs for staff at various levels are as follows:

Administrative level: In this level managers are included who are responsible for decision making in an organization. They should be provided practical learning for development of their decision making skills, they should be provided trainings to enhance their leadership skills as well as their performance review should be conducted so that their performance can be evaluated. They should be provided role playing trainings in order to increase their practical understanding

Executor level: In this level executives are included who are accountable to the managers of the organization. They are responsible to look after the work of staff of operational level. For the supervisors workshops should be held to increase their approach to establish better relationships with customers, to manage to staff of operational level and trainings should be provided to them regarding problems solving of the staff as well as customers also (O'Connell & Byrne, 2010).

Supervisory level: This level includes staff of the organization they should be provided training to increase their efficiency of work and improvement of their performance.


Training methods: Training methods are those ways through which training is provided to the staff of an organization. These methods can be on the job or off the job only the main aim of these training is to increase the knowledge and capabilities of the staff. Training methods that can be used for workshop are.

Discussions: Training to the staff can be provided through having discussions with the top level regarding the policies and procedures of the organization.


  • Top level shares organizational objectives with the staff.
  • Staffs gets to know the managers more and this brings clarity in the work of staff.


  • Participation of both staff and manager is necessary otherwise there will be no results.
  • These methods are difficult to adopt.

Practical trainings: Training to the staff can be provided through providing practical exposure of the training to the staff (Makenov & Koychubaeva, 2013).


  • Practical experience increases the standards of the staff
  • Expertise of the staff is increased due to practical understanding.


  • Staff participation is very necessary otherwise this training has no meaning.
  • Sometimes this leads to demotivation.

Lectures: Training to the staff can be provided through providing lectures at the workshops.


  • Increases the knowledge of the staff
  • Staff can avail expertise knowledge.


  • Sometimes it does not create interest among staff.
  • Less employee participation may lead to adverse results.


I will introduce a training and development workshop where there will be a lecture regarding the goals and objectives of the organization as well as process and policies of the organization will be explained in order to achieve those organizational goals and techniques which could be used to work in smarter way. After the lecture there will be discussion among the managers, supervisors and staff where the managers will provide their point of views to the staff and the goals which are likely to be achieved by the organization. The staff will also ask for their problems to the management and in return management will have a discussion on solving those problems. In this workshop various issues will be resolved the techniques of working of the staff will be changed towards achievement of organizational objective and the staff can also give their suggestions of any regarding the plans and procedures of the organization if any. Even if the staff is any problem or any other person from any other department is having any problem regarding the work area any policy or something they can discuss those problems there (Gura, T. 2012).




Training needs will be identified


A plan for training will be prepared


Cost involved in the workshop program will be estimated


Discussion with the experts for the lecture


Implementation of workshop


Lecture and discussion



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Task 3


Each and every training is conducted with a view to increase the knowledge and skills of the employees so that they could work better for the organizations. Each training is conducted with an expectation of positive results that the training will have a positive impact on the employees so there occur the need of evaluation of the training to know its impact on the employees so the evaluation of the workshop conducted can be done as follows:

  • First of all the standard output which is likely to be arises is estimated.
  • After the training employees will be given a feedback from containing questions regarding the training.
  • After a certain period the actual performance is calculated, the actual output from the employees after the training.
  • The standard results and estimated results are compared in order to check the differences and observation sheet will be prepared.
  • If there are deviations then we could easily know the positive or negative impact of the trainings, even those performances are compared with the past results too.
  • After the deviations a questionnaire will be prepared to identify the reasons for the deviations (Ferguson, et. al 2010).

Through this the success of the workshop can be evaluated.


A workshop feedback form is prepared with a view to get the responses of the employees regarding the workshop. Their answers are recorded in that form in order to know their point of view regarding the workshop.

Workshop Feedback form

Workshop Name:

Training location:

Participant’s Name:


Job Title:

Years worked in the Organization:

Workshop Content:

1=Disagree, 2= Neither Agree nor Disagree, 3=Agree

1. The workshop objectives were clear to me.                           1               2               3

2. The workshop activities enhanced my knowledge.                1               2               3

3. The activities in the workshop gave me sufficient         

  practise and feedback.                                                             1               2               3

4. The level of workshop was useful.                                         1               2               3

5. The instructor was able to depart his knowledge.                  1               2               3

Any other comments: ......................................................................................................

Signature: .....................

                                    Response of workshop evaluation form





Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

The workshop objectives were clear to me




The workshop activities enhanced my knowledge




The activities in the workshop gave me sufficient practice and feedback                                                    




The level of workshop was useful




The instructor was able to depart his knowledge





The evaluation method used is the best method used to evaluate the success of the workshop because this method is related to the comparison of expected results with the actual results. Even the feedback forms were filled by the employees after training. This method helps in getting the feedback of the employees so that those points can be taken care of in the next trainings as well. This method involves the evaluation of after effects of the training on the employees and helps in identification of positive or negative impacts this ultimately helps in recognizing the benefits of the trainings. In case of any deviation in the results corrective measures can also be taken and even questionnaires were filled by the employees so that those answers could help in identifying the issues if any which the employees are facing which is resulting into less actual results than estimated results and this method also helps in providing the satisfaction to the organization as well as staff too, even these questionnaires, feedbacks and observations may lead to providing of better trainings and workshops in future to increase the benefits of these trainings to achieve organizational goals (McLellan, et.al 2016).

Task 4


The government of UK understands the importance of training and developments hence various initiatives are taken by the government for training and development of the employees of the UK to increase their knowledge skills and capabilities and to provide them better opportunities. Even the Government is taking all necessary steps to remove all the hurdles which come before training and development of employees here come the concept of lifelong learning which is becoming the priority of the government and to provide better facilities and better opportunities to the employees. Government is taking initiatives through organizing various training programs, trainings sessions and workshops as well Government is also engaged in arranging the expert trainer to develop the qualities of employees. Government also sponsors various training institutes to serve the society with the best employees and to increase the effect of human resource in UK (Robson & Mavin 2014).

Lifelong learning is the main initiative of Government which is actually a self motivated learning by the employees. The role of government in lifelong learning is to provide aid to the employees to gain knowledge from their working environment. The main aim of lifelong learning is to increase the demand of learning and to develop better training facilities in UK and to satisfy the need of economy by serving the best human resource. Lifelong learning also provides opportunities to the employees to gain some extra knowledge as well as to re develop their skills. These programs are organized by Government for the betterment of the employees (Kerns, N. 2016).

In certain cases where any organization does not have certain funds to organize these kind of training programs but training sessions are necessary for that organization then Government helps such organizations in providing training to its employees. Government is supporting those employees to who are willing to work and those organizations too who are willing to provide training to its employees. Even government organizes various other programs to increase the awareness of training and development among employees. Even those employees who are currently not working anywhere can get more opportunities to work through attending the programs organized by government. Government associations are helping employees to provide their best quality to the organization. Government is making its best efforts in serving the society with the best human resource.


Competency movement was introduced in UK with a view to increase the competitiveness and the need for more efficient and effectiveness managers in UK. The impact of competency movement on public sector and private sector is as follows (Northey, et. al 2011):

OECD (Public sector)

OECD belongs to public sector in UK. Due to introduction of competency movement the OECD is getting involved in development of their human resources. There are various training programs; training seminars are conducted in order to increase the skills knowledge and capability of the employees in OECD. Due to this the other public sector organizations are working towards the development of their HR. OECD is engaged in faster engagement of training activities for the employees after the evaluation of competency movement. They are making efforts to make positive outcomes. This movement has increased the work efficiency of the employees even the performance ratio of the organization  has increased even the turnover of the organization has raised and organization is consisting of qualified HR who are investing more and more on their knowledge. Through this employees in OECD are also benefitted with good atmosphere and enhancement of their knowledge and skills (Klendauer, et.al 2012).

Marks & Spenser (Private Sector)

Marks & Spenser belongs to private sector in UK. The impact of competency movement on Marks & Spenser is that in order to avoid competitive disadvantage this organization is focusing on spending large number of amount for organising training programs, workshops, seminars and discussions for its employees in order to enhance their skills and to solve their queries related to work so that they can work properly. Marks & Spenser maintains a professional and friendly working environment in its organization so that employees could work freely and could get motivated to work for high performance. As a result Marks & Spencer is providing the best quality to its customers, good working environment to its customers and even maintaining the best relationship management with its customers. Due the evolution of competency movement Marks & Spenser had engaged into strong efforts towards improvement of their human resource (Stokes & Oiry 2012).


Contemporary training initiative:

This initiative was introduced by the Government of UK in order to increases the performance of employees in an organization. The main aim of this initiative is to develop the human resource in UK faster and serving the HR with best quality. As the Government of UK is engaged in many contemporary training initiatives so the contribution of these initiatives on Marks & Spencer is as follows

Contemporary training initiatives have a great impact on M & S as this initiative introduced by Government is very advantageous for improving the quality and expertise of human resources in the organization. Through these initiatives employees of M & S are able to recognise the areas where the HR is lacking and they are finding ways to overcome those requirements so that they can perform well. This initiative has resulted into adapting of changes faster and even adaption of better technologies and innovations. The employees of M & S are self involved in combining their individual efforts into group efforts towards achievement of the organizational goals. The methods introduced by the authorities for increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees are giving a positive impact in the organization. This initiative is also very helpful in providing knowledge and ways to make work more effective. This has replaced the old fashioned network technologies and customs and changed them to latest trends which as a result have increased the revenues of the organization. M & S is providing best quality services to its customers hence it is maintaining the customers relations with them. Through these changes the team of M & S is more engaged in achievement of human resources goals and M & S is getting a better stable position and competitive advantage in the market. M & S is growing in the UK market and value of its services is increasing day by day. This is all because of the impact of competency trainings initiative (McClimens, et. al 2012).


Human resource is an essential part of every organization so the development of human resources is also very important. Human resources are the persons who runs an organization so their development is also very important for an organization to survive in the market so for the development of human resources timely training programs, seminars should be conducted timely so that they get a review of current policies and procedures as well as they could work for the betterment of the organization for achievement of organizational goals. There are various methods through which trainings are provided like discussions, lectures, seminars etc. As well as government is also engaging in organising programs for development of human resources to serve the society with the best quality of human resource.


Ferguson, A., McAllister, S., Lincoln, M., McAllister, L. & Owen, S. 2010, "Becoming familiar with competency-based student assessment: An evaluation of workshop outcomes",International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 545-554.
Gura, T. 2012, "Training: Workshops that work", Nature, vol. 488, no. 7411, pp. 419.
Gwyer, J. & Hack, L.M. 2015, "Learning", Journal of Physical Therapy Education, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 3.
Kerns, N. 2016, "Life-long learning", Whole Dog Journal, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 2.
Klendauer, R., Berkovich, M., Gelvin, R., Leimeister, J.M. & Krcmar, H. 2012, "Towards a competency model for requirements analysts", Information Systems Journal, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 475-503.
Makenov, ?.?. & Koychubaeva, A.N. 2013, "Improvement of Drivers’ Training Methods",Evropejskij Issledovatel?, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 776-781.
McClimens, A., Bosworth, D., Brewster, J. & Nutting, C. 2012, "Contemporary issues in the training of UK health and social care professionals--Looking after people with a learning disability", Nurse education today, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 817.
McLellan, L., Dornan, T., Newton, P., Williams, S.D., Lewis, P., Steinke, D. & Tully, M.P. 2016, "Pharmacist-led feedback workshops increase appropriate prescribing of antimicrobials", The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy, vol. 71, no. 5, pp. 1415.
Northey, J., William F 2011, "Competency, common ground, and challenges: response to the development of systemic therapy competencies for the UK", Journal of Family Therapy, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 144-152.
O'Connell, P.J. & Byrne, D. 2010, "The Determinants and Effects of Training at Work: Bringing the Workplace Back in", European Sociological Review, .
Robson, F. & Mavin, S. 2014, "Evaluating training and development in UK universities: staff perceptions", European Journal of Training and Development, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 553-569.
Stokes, P. & Oiry, E. 2012, "An evaluation of the use of competencies in human resource development - a historical and contemporary recontextualisation", EuroMed Journal of Business, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 4.
Willingham, D.T., Hughes, E.M. & Dobolyi, D.G. 2015, "The Scientific Status of Learning Styles Theories", Teaching of Psychology, vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 266.