Unit 23 Human Resources Development Sample Assignment

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Unit 23 Human Resources Development Sample Assignment
Unit 23 Human Resources Development Sample Assignment
Unit 23 Human Resources Development Sample Assignment

Human Resources Development 2


Learning is the art of acquiring, changing and understanding the new skills which can be implemented in real/practical situations. In this unit 23 human hesources development sample assignment the concept of learning styles used in an organization will be discussed. The need and usage of different learning styles will be scrutinized. Along with this, we will discuss the strategies adopted by the organizations to improve the customer satisfaction and maintain a brand image. In order to present a clear concept, the report will be based on the practical situation i.e. a training program in an organization.

Learning refers to the changing behaviour of an individual affected by the experiences. Continuous reinforcement is must for the learning process to be successful and beneficial. In general terms: learning can be understood as the art of understanding something. The learning process of each individual is different which makes him/her unique.

Task 1

1.1 Compare different learning styles.

According to research- each person has different learning style. People can be categorised according to their learning patterns. However, each person can adopt several learning styles which will help him in understanding the relative concepts easily.

Every employee is different. Hence, his learning style will also differ from each other. During the training program, every person will learn through different pattern. Single style cannot be applied on every trainee.

Following are the various learning models which can be applied to different individuals or trainees during the training session:

  • Are the people having multi views about some object or data. This ability helps them in behaving wisely in the difficult situations. These people prefer to sit back, watch, analyze and develop the new ideas. Such people need time to research. This style is not preferred in today’s time specially when everything is expected to be delivered at a fast rate. This may lead to delay in providing solutions to the problem.
  • People who are always ready to accept challenges are known as pragmatists. These people follow the systemic pattern to achieve the objectives and to finish the tasks or activities. These people are fast, broadminded and practical, though they can be less innovative in comparison to reflectors.
  • People who behave or act on the basis of intuition rather than planning and logics are said to be activist. During the training program, 4 out of 5 people showed the features of being activists. Such people get easily bored with the repetition of tasks. Therefore, they are always open to challenges. Activist always looks out for the substitute or alternative tasks which hamper the quality of tasks and activities of a training session.
  • Theorists: Are considered as the most matured people who are practical and logical in their approaches. Theorists are mostly aged and matured people. Such people may face difficulty in dealing with the people of different age group. This may lead to conflict among the young and aged people while working in the organization.

1.2 Role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace.

Learning curve is a graphical representation used to define the relationship of learning with the experiences. It reflects the process of acquiring new ideas, knowledge along with the experience.  Learning curve measures the ability of the employees to complete or accomplish any task during the training program. An organization can conduct an effective training session by understanding the different learning styles of the trainees. The learning curve increases or decreases according to the performances of the trainees related to the new acquired skills or techniques.

Transferring Learning: It is the process of providing new information or skill through a learning style. It works well with the ability of the trainee to use the skills/ technique in a particular work situation/ job. Effective and impressive performance by the trainee reflects that the effective learning style has been transferred. While transferring learning, it is important for the trainer to realize and understand that only the relevant information and skills must be transferred. Transferred learning helps in decision making , problem solving and development of new qualities among the trainees.

Importance of transferred learning:

  • It increases the level of performances by the trainees or employees.
  • It motivates the employees to learn and acquire new skills which help them in achieving the personal and professional objectives.
  • It influences the working environment of the organization in a positive manner. It motivates, encourages the trainees to learn new techniques, perform better and achieve targets and aims for the self-development and the success of the organization.

1.3 Assess the contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event.

The learning styles can be very useful for the company to avoid and eliminate the mental or psychological gaps among the different groups existing within the company. The learning method is required at every level to provide the conductive atmosphere to the employees. Pragmatists and Theorists are the two learning groups which can provide effectiveness in the organizational activities. The organization is a group of various people which needs matured approach. Only the people with practical and mature approach can handle all of them. These two groups are the only people who follow logical and practical approach. By referring the styles of learning, a system can be created to achieve the objectives of each and every type of learner.

Learning theories reflects the behaviour of the people. Various factors are associated with the theories in the learning process. All the theories motivate the trainees and employees to learn. Theory of reinforcement influences the behaviour of the people depending up on the past experiences. The influence could be negative or positive. It allows people to adopt new skills, knowledge which could result in the positive or negative behaviour of the employees. Certain theories can be used in the learning setting to achieve the best result. Theories also make it easy for the trainer to teach new skills to the trainees. By using the appropriate theory, the company can attain desirable results. It increases the performance and productivity at workplace.

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the training needs for staff at different levels in an organization.

Training is the process concerned with imparting new features, qualities, techniques and also improving & polishing the existing techniques, skills and qualities.

Training is needs by all the employees at every level of the organization. Training needs at different levels are as follow:




Practical learning is needed to develop the new quality, confidence and encouragement for decision making and leadership.


Training or demonstration to maintain proper queue.


Inputs for performance correction in order to provide efficiency.

Performance reviews for checking the improvement in the performance, to identify the diversity of work.


Communicating with the customers to solve their problems and provide solution to their complaints.

Expert opinion and techniques by the experienced seniors or professional to improve the employee’s performance.

Role playing to achieve practical understanding.


Adding value to the processes by the experts.

2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods used in an organization.

An organization adopts various strategies to effectively train its employees. Counselling session is organised to motivate the employees to make a successful career and life. Performance appraisals are provided by the management to improve to performance level of the trainees and employees. Role playing technique helps the organization in identifying the responsibilities and authority associated with any new role. Workshops are conducted to increase knowledge and impart new skill.

Advantages and Disadvantages of different training methods:

Methods of training



Performance appraisal

Helps in motivating the employees to perform better and meet the organizational and personal objectives.

The incentive earning employees may discourage the employees who are performing up to the mark and can affect their self esteem.


Role playing

The employee is trained to perform the activities of a different job profile.

It boosts up the confidence and gives knowledge about the new job role.


Employees can be shy or hesitant towards accepting new job role as they have established a comfort zone in the previous job role.

Discussion/ communication

Skills to increase the performance rate and improve the career graph are imparted through communication between the manager and the employees.


Along with the communication, a strong job role and responsibilities must be provided. Otherwise, only the communication is of no use.

Workshops/ Practical training

It is important in providing the practical work setting to the employees. It encourages the employees to practice the imparted skills and techniques in the real work situation.


It is expensive to implement and may not be accepted by the workers due to practice, hard work and time involved.

Supervising Performance

The performances of the employees are supervised and monitored to identify the flaws or problem. This helps in correcting the problematic part and improving the performances.


The monitoring must be unbiased and accurate. If it is based on biasness, then it is of no use.

It will also lead to negativity among the other employees.

Induction and orientation

Is provided to create awareness among the employees about the company’s norms, policies, culture etc.


It creates a clear understanding about the aims and objectives of the company among the new employees.

The actual scenario of the company could be different from the statements taught in the induction. It may lead to negative impression among the employees.




2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan training and development for a training event.

I will introduce such training program which helps the employees in identifying the problems and leads to critical thinking.  Group discussions are best to find out and solve the problems related to a team. Even the worst problems can be solved with the help of continuous problem solving process between the manager and the employees. During the training program, the developing manager can monitor the performances of the employees and makes required changes afterwards. Again the employees must be called for discussions regarding any new problem or challenges.

Training process - Assignment Help

                                         TRAINING PROCESS

Training method for an event: The employees will be called for a discussion program where they all will share and discuss their individual and organizational problems. The realistic and crucial scenarios will be prepared to identify the affect of problems on the working of the organization. The identified problems and issues will be presented among the management to classify and provide relevant solutions. The management will monitor the effectiveness and implementation process of the changes made and made corrections, if required. Finally, the employees will be called again to discuss the changes and new improvement required.

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Task 3

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using suitable techniques.

For the successful evaluation of the training session, the objective-based evaluation system can be followed. This system aims at monitoring the after effects of the training program, its effect on the employee’s performances and the benefits provided to the company. The theory evaluates and compares the actual outcomes with the predetermined objectives.

The evaluation process can be carried out in the following manner:

Training Program - Assignment Help

  • Setting the objectives: The outcome of the training event is determined after considering the efficiency and quality of the employees.
  • Measuring the actual outcome: The present performances of the employees are measured.
  • Comparing the actual with the estimated outcome: Actual performance is measured and compared with the pre-determined objective to finds out the actual benefit or usage of the training program.
  • Correction: While comparing the actual and expected performances, the identified deviations or issues are corrected.
  • Monitoring the progress: After the corrections were made, the monitoring process is carried out to find out the further flaws or problems which need to be solved.

3.2 Carry out an evaluation of a training event.

The event was very successful because of the active involvement and participation of the employees. The employees identified the issues from the past experiences and discussed with the experts. The experts provided a relevant explanation and innovative solutions to the problems. Management also realises the problem lying in the business structure. Training program has provided the confidence and strengths to the employees which resulted in improvement in their performances. Employees were motivated to identify problems and make considerable solutions, thereby; the management also realized the importance of improving customer and employee’s relationship.

3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used.

The method of comparing the actual and pre-determined outcome resulted in the identification of problems of the training program. The correction of the training was evaluated to decide the future aim of the training and to satisfy the employees expectations.

The five step process was very beneficial in assessing the real situation in the planned activity. The actual and expected benefits were evaluated to identify the gap between the two and to provide the corrective measure during the training session. Important activities and functions were conducted to influence the development process of the training program. Improvement in the identified problem areas resulted in the better output and increased status of the company.

Task 4

4.1 Role played by the government in training, development and lifelong learning.

The government of UK contributes in the development of HR in both the private and public organizations. The government provides the training facilities to the organizations to develop their HR. The organizations contribute in the development of the economy. Hence, the improve performances by the human resource will lead to more benefits for the economy.

UK government is very concerned and responsible towards the development of the human resources. The government aimed at motivating the self managed learning to achieve the lifelong aims and objectives among the individuals. Self managed learning also helps the organizations to achieve the success in the future.

The UK government has also introduced an apprenticeship scheme to:

  • Solve the issue of unemployment especially among the youngsters.
  • To reduce the gap and difference between the unemployment and skills among the youth of the country.

The UK government is planning to increase the no. of apprenticeship schemes. 280,000 people are currently associated with the scheme. To execute this scheme, the government is responsible to monitor the minimum performance level of each firm operating in the UK. The government provides training to the workers to impart the knowledge of the real work setting. The companies do not invest in such training plans as they are very expensive, hence; these training sessions are conducted by the UK government (Beck, 2009).

4.2 Explain how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sectors.

With the increase in the competition and competency in business sector, the private and public companies has started developing knowledge. To avoid the heavy competition and earn the top position in the market, firms are investing more to increase the quality of services, adaptability, performance of the employees etc. For example- Virgin Atlantis- one of the largest airlines of UK, has started the customer service program to take feedback & complaints of the customers and provide the best and world class assistance and solution to their problems and complaints. The company focuses on providing the best services to its customers which makes them more reliable and famous from their competitors. The companies maintain a friendly, understanding, and cooperative work atmosphere to encourage the employees to perform their best.

Human Resources Development - Assignment Help

Now days, public sector is also investing in the training and development of their employees in order to compete with the competitors.  The Companies are creating opportunities for their employees and taking corrective actions to achieve the pre-determined objectives. Different learning patterns and styles have been adopted by the private and public firms to raise the level of productivity and performance of the employees.

4.3 Assess how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for an organization.

Contemporary learning methods have been introduced by the UK government to bring stability and development in the private and public sector. Contemporary learning is a sort of practical training which imparts quick learning. According to the industrial objectives and factors, the government provides qualitative opportunities to the learners. The training focuses on the various aspects of the business. The companies are modifying their principles and strategies to increase the quality of their human resource to achieve the higher position among their competitors in the market. The learning methods help the employees to learn new skills and adapts to the dynamic environment.

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From the above unit 23 human hesources development sample assignment, it is clear that every organization must focuses on the development of its human resource. Human resource is the basic requirement to achieve any objective for the organization. Both the private and public firms have accepted its importance and started working towards its development. Different training and learning methods can be adopted to develop the employees. The training is necessary to impart new skills and techniques among the employees. Every organization must adopt strategies, training, learning styles and evaluation methods to assess and identify the performance level and to provide new skills to the employees for their personal and professional development. Any organization will be able to achieve its objectives only when its employees are developed and trained to face any situation and hurdle of the business world.


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