Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment

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Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment
Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment
Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Managing Human Resources

QFC Level

Level 4


Human resource management is an important part of an organization that is responsible for creating, planning, implementing and monitoring of policy and performance of staff members. Human resources are the people who contribute in the functions and operations of organization following the process and procedure that have been proposed by the top management (Biemans, 2014). The key areas of human resources working are employee recruitment, retention, exit interview, motivation and offering of training for performing the tasks to meet the organizational objectives. The report will analyze the role and purpose of human resources management for service industry and justify the plan of Hilton hotel Stratford considering the analysis of supply and demand. Hilton is one of largest chain of hotel that is offering high quality services since 1919. Currently, organization is having staff of 164,000 people who are managing the services at more than 4500 locations across the globe. In the next task, report will assess the current state of employment and impact of employment law on service industry. Moreover, report will discuss the job description and person specification for hotel industry and assess the contribution of training and development on operations of Hilton hotel. At the end, report will provide the information about the selection process of different services industry business.

Task 1

P1.1 Role and purpose of human resource management

Human resource management is important element for services industry organization that is offering wide range of services and products according to needs and demand of customers and visitors. As per the given scenario  Hilton hotel is looking to open a new hotel in Stratford City with 50 rooms and other services like Baggage Storage, Barber Shop, Concierge Desk, Foreign Currency Exchange, Gift Shop, Laundry/Valet Service, Lounge, Multi-Lingual Staff, Parking Facility, Room Service, Safety Deposit Box, Shoe Shine Stand, Spa, Fitness Room, Sauna and Steam Room. In order to maintain the, services and meet the expectations of customer, role of human resource department is important (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Following are the key role and purposes of Hilton hotel HR department:

Planning and forecasting:

The major role of human resource management of Hilton hotel is to develop the plan of arranging resources for different operations and distribution according to skills and capabilities of individual. In order to develop the effective plan the human resource team will forecast the upcoming conditions for business using the past sales data at Stortford. In planning the organization will consider the culture, benchmarking standard as well as competition level at particular place. Moreover, for forecasting the organization will undertake the market research, survey reports and past feedbacks of customers and visitors for services and products (Beck, 2009). On the other hand, Marriot hotel HR tem is performing planning and forecasting on the basis of the feedbacks that have been collected through monitoring and evaluation process that has been done by manager and supervisors. By having good knowledge about the needs required standard, HR department of Hilton will be able to develop sustainable plan that improves efficiency and perform the operations that satisfied the needs of customers.

Recruitment and employment selection:

The purpose of human resource management is to analyze the requirements of human resource to maintain the flow of operations as well as deliver the services on time. For that, Hilton hotel HR department will conduct the selection and recruitment activities in which they will consider the recruitment for providing services like Baggage Storage, Barber Shop, Concierge Desk, Foreign Currency Exchange, Gift Shop and Laundry/Valet Service (Biemans, 2014). The manager will set the required qualification and skills that a candidate must have to join the organization. In addition to this, HR manager will schedule the test and interview of candidate as per the positions as well as follow the global process of selection and recruitment.  Qualifications and skills of the candidates would be assessed. Appropriate candidate satisfying the requirement will be recruited by the organisation. In spite of that, Marriot hotel HR conduct the written test of all candidates as well take the services of recruitment agencies to appoint the skilled and knowledgeable staff members.   

Training and development:

This is an important role of human resource management of Hilton hotel in which manager and senior staff members will develop the plan of offering training and information to staff members according to their job and skills. The management will offer the training to new staff members to understand the work culture and process that Hilton Stanford will going to follow (Bolden and Gosling, 2016).  For offering the training the HR team will analyze the needs of individual and motivate them by directing and guiding them. Apart from that, Marriot hotel management offer training according to needs of the staff in which HR follows the standard approach for providing the direction and guideline for performing tasks with safety and neatness to meet the satisfaction level of staff.  


This would be key purpose of establishing the human resource department within organization that will supervise and investigate the performance and activities of individual and groups at workplace. The HR team will monitor the performance of staff as per the benchmarking standard that will help to analyze the effectiveness and quality of services that is delivered by staff. Moreover, this kind of approach is beneficial for services industry organization for overcoming the gaps in services and craft improvement by having knowledge about the issues in operations (Budhwar. 2010). Marriot hotel monitoring the activities and performance of staff members using the 360 degree feedback method that helping to gain the in-depth knowledge about the effectiveness of staff members.  

P1.2 Human resource plan based on supply and demand

Human resource planning is a systematic and continuing process of analyzing the organization’s human resource needs considering the changes in the personnel policies and is an integral part of organization. Moreover the planning involves the budgeting procedure and long term corporate plan as well as determining the objectives and supply to meet the human resource demand. For given scenario, planning of human recourse will majorly link to the organizational purpose and strategy to maintain the business strategy according to services industry standard. Following are the main purpose of human resource planning of Hilton hotel considering the supply and demand within service industry:

Unit 23 HRM Assignment - Assignment Writing Service

Increase volume of business:

Organization is looking to establish new business venture at Stratford city with 50 rooms and other services.  For this objective, planning of human resources is essential that will help to perform the operations, meet the expectation and maintain the efficiency (Cummings and Worley, 2014).  This kind of planning will help to maintain the balance between demand and supply of services and will help to improve the standard of services that will support to gain the competitive advantages.

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Labour cost control:

For service industry organization, planning and analysis of labour cost plays critical role to develop business as well as maintain the flow of demand and supply. The manager of HR will evaluate the cost of operations with the coordination of accounts department which will help to develop the budget and allocate the funds for human resources. Fund allocation is important process that will be based on the demand of services and influence the performance of staff (Doorewaard and Benschop. 2013). Apart from that by offering the training and directing the people, HR department will try to control the cost that helps to increase the profit. The analysis of cost of labour will help the HR department to establish the new venture and process of developing and offering of services that helps to attract customer.  

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Internal and external factors:

There are factors that have direct or indirect impact on the planning of human resources as well influence the demand and supply. For HR manager of Hilton hotel, before starting the new ventures it is essential to analyze the factors like legal requirements, technical changes, and economical conditions of Stratford and own strength as well weakness. Considering this information, HR department of Hilton Stratford will be able to maintain the flow of operations with effective planning in-terms of fair trade, arrangement of resources and proper allocation to meet the objectives (Farquharson and Baum. 2012). Apart from that, planning of human resource department majorly focuses on the strength and opportunities. This approach helps and encourages the process of managing the demand and supply.  

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Task 2            

P 2.1 Current state of employment relations for hotel industry

Employment relations refer to study of the regulations between employer and employee, both collectively and individually. This kind of relationship helps to determine the substantive and procedural issues at different level of workplace. In addition to this, an employee relation is concerned with the rules that influence the behaviour and attitude of employee and employer.  For service industry organization, relation between staff and management plays critical role as the human resources department analyze the needs of staff and develop plan accordingly to maintain the flow of operations along with meeting the objectives of employees (Heinen and O'Neill, 2014). This kind of process helps to maintain the positive working environment as well as influence the performance of individual. For the given scenario, relationship between employee and employer plays critical role as the follow-up of process and implementation of changes in the existing plan mutual understanding of both improve the effectiveness.

The staff members have different needs and requirements that plays critical role in the planning and implementation of process. These requirements are understood and fulfilled through following different terms and conditions of business for working, employee relationship and following demand of job. The trade union is responsible for making effective relationship among employees and management for attaining ease of practical work in hospitality business. In UK, there are effective management of communication, idea sharing and planning for wages management, work division, regulation of multiple business processes and development of workforce at workplace (Le Deist and Winterton, 2015). For starting the new venture at new location, it is important for organization to analyze the needs of staff members and offer them proper support that will help to meet the objectives more professional manners. HR of Hilton hotel will analyze the objectives of staff and provide them training and knowledge to perform the tasks which helps to encourage the relationship. Moreover, to overcome the impact of conflicts and dispute between staff and management, it is important to have positive and strong relation.

Additionally, productivity and standardization of services and products labour union of hospitality industry plays critical role as the operations like housekeeping, food processing, front office and transportation majorly handle by the employee. Hence, relationship between staff and management is being required to be positive and strong. According to current scenario of employment, people are attracting to the service industry and joining the hospitality and travel organizations (Liao. 2015). Apart from that, Marriot hotel is also managing the relation with the staff members by using the reward and involving them into decision making process that would help organization to gain the acceptance of employees in each plan as well changes in the functions. In addition to this, IHG management is also managing the relation with the staff members by offering the additional facilities like transportation, change in shift time and incentive for extra working that influencing the decision of new candidates and existing staff members.The relationship between management and staff helps to maintain the efficiency and flow of operations according to required standard. Apart from that, the trade union is responsible for making effective relationship among employees and management for attaining ease of practical work in hospitality business. In UK, there are effective management of communication, idea sharing and planning for wages management, work division, regulation of multiple business processes and development of workforce at workplace.

P 2.2 Affect of employment law on human resource management of Hilton hotel

Employment law has been established by the national government of UK. There are various legislations for hospitality services that have direct impact on the business process. However Hilton hotel management is following the rules and regulations as well as having the knowledge about the legislations that need to be implementing for developing the positive brand image but these legislations are also affecting the management process of organization (Price, 2011). For that purpose, organization is following different HR regulations that have positive and negative both kind of impact.

In addition to this, employment laws like Employee Relation Act helps to maintain the positive working environment as influence the performance of individual. Apart from that, the implementation and proper follow-up of this regulation consume time and cost that affect the overall process of hospitality functions. For the given scenario, Employment Relations Act 2004 relationship between employee and employer plays critical role as the follow-up of process and implementation of changes in the existing plan helps in improving the effectiveness (Jeston and Nelis, 2014). Apart from that, Equal Opportunity Act also has significant impact on the HRM practices of hospitality. According to this act organization cannot discriminate any candidate or staff member due to religion, gender, statue and age. This act is being implemented for protection of employee’s rights which affect the effectiveness of management decision as well influence the contract terms of HR.

Additionally, legislations for health and safety and retirement and leave also have significant impact on the planning of HRM for hospitality organization. The process that Hilton hotel is following involves the legislation like Conciliation and Arbitration Service and leave for different issues. The management of organization always tries to follow the process that is legal and ethical for developing the brand image of organization (Kerzner, 2013).  In spite of that follow-up and implementation of emplacement law and regulations influence the budgeting and management process for HR functions.

Task 3

3.1 Job description and person specification for hospitality manager in Hilton Hotel, UK

Job description defines collection of information about roles and responsibility which is required to select candidates for hotel job. It also include eligibility criterion so that higher authority make sure about whether the person can perform allotted task or not. The management selects thosecandidates profiles which meet the specified job description (Greenidge.et.al.2012). For Hilton Hotel, person specification and job description is designed for meeting demands of customers and provide best services to them in order to gain customer satisfaction. It has been observed that job description include clear requirement so it makes easy for employer to select candidate for their hotels. It also makes convenient for candidate also because they are easily find about the post in which they can apply. In addition to this, there are diffract law and legislations have been applied by the national government of UK that involve Employment Act 2008. According to this law organization has to set the minimum wages, security and safety standard. The job description that develop and proposed by the hospitality organization need follow the law and regulations to maintain the sustainability.  The candidates also make sure about their roles and responsibility which need to be following by them. Therefore, decision making task is easy by designing job description and person specification (Budiman.et.al.2014).

 A job description for Hilton Hotel includes a written statement with mentioned job title, eligibility criteria like- age, education, minimum experience and it also include working conditions, specific role in hotel, pay scale etc. Job description for, banquette manager in Hilton Hotel, UK, include working hours, training, offered salary, reporting structure etc. Further, person specification is set of information which is evaluated from candidate like- communication style, body language, analytical and decision making style (Câmpeanu-Sonea.et.al.2011). Such specifications and expectations differ for various posts in hotel. Such qualities are observed by higher authorities so that they are able to select right choice.

Job Description for Banquette manager

Table 1: Job Description for Banquette manager

Job Title

Banquette Manager

Reports to

 Food and Beverage Manager


Graduate or post graduate in hospitality management or restaurant management or relevant field.


Minimum 5 years of experience as Banquet Supervisor

Display Salary




Working Hours

Nine hours duty (Candidate must be flexible with working hours)

Position Summery

Banquette Manager is responsible for coordinating delivery of all food and beverage for all the functions held in hotels. Manager must have control on the functions held in banquet and meeting hall of hotel in order to maintain hotel standards (Câmpeanu-Sonea.et.al.2014).

Job posted on


The following roles and responsibility are assessed for the post of Banquette manager in hospitality industry:

  • The requirement of make effective communication with customers and team. He/she should be needed to mange team by fair decision.
  • Deal with customer complaints.
  • Effective analytical and decision making skills.
  • Achievement of budge for food sale and beverage sale.
  • Coordinate general housekeeping of kitchen, washroom, entrance area and storage area.
  • Inspection of meeting rooms before guests’ arrival.
  • Check the availability of hotel staff at all the time.

3.2 Comparing recruitment and selection in hospitality and BPO service business

The Hilton hotel is demanding experienced hospitality staff. The hotel staff can be recruited by internal and external resources. The HR manager can fulfil human resource needs by some activities at work place like- promotions, transfer from one department to another and referrals in existing staff. However, the internal process is only able to complete small demands but the extra demands of human resources accomplish by accessing external resources like- job portal sites, employment agencies, walk-ins etc. In the present scenario, hospitality industry is using advanced tools and technologies. Therefore, candidates should be matching such demands of job description (Mandal and Vishal, 2012). The HR manager needs to compare candidate profile against job description. For the recruitment process in Hilton Hotel, the job description is designed and HR manager should choose most suitable candidate and evaluate their profile against job description for banquette manager.  The candidate’s resumes are shortlisted and are then called for an interview. During the interview stage, the interviewer takes the interview of the candidate face to face and assesses the potential of the candidate and takes the decision of recruiting the individual.

It has been analyzed that different service industry requires different candidates because their roles and responsibilities are different (Sarangdevot.et.al.2012). The recruitment and selection process is different in BPO and Hilton Hotel. There is difference between job identification and demand of employees at work place. There are various terms and conditions which are accessed through controlling offered by HR manager to job rights and experience (Thite, 2010). Hilton Hotel would be mainly focus on recruiting experience candidate while BPO companies are finding candidate with high level of communication skills and work experience in BPO service.  

It has been noticed that recruiting process has changed according to effective market analysis. Hospitality sector is selecting candidates on the basis of written test, communication test and personnel interview. While in BPO sectors, candidates are selected on the basis of decision making, verbal test, leadership, and communication skills. It is clear that BPO and hospitality sectors mainly focus on critical analysis in respective area, communication skills, knowledge of respective fields and decision making.

Task 4

4.1 Contribution of training and development for effective operations for Hilton hotel

Training and development is the major responsibility of human resources department that support to encourage the skills and knowledge of staff members which is essential for managing the operations of hospitality. Hilton management is planning to establish the business operations in Stratford for that purpose, organization will require the human resources that could support to maintain the services and quality standard of Hilton Worldwide and attract the customers and visitors. By following the selection and recruitment process, HR has appointed new staffs that have knowledge and experience according to determined standard of organization (Klingner.et.al. 2015). Now, to improve the professional standard and efficiency in operations training would be provided to the staff members that will help to increase the understanding of staff.

 For training, HR department of Hilton hotel will firstly analyze the current capabilities of staff which helps to determine the proper activities for individual and groups. For example, HR department will use the role play method for offering the training to improve the decision making and understanding of employees about the utilization of resources. Moreover, the training about the proper follow-up of health and safety will also take place. Apart from that, Hilton management will offer the training about the time management and team working that will increase the brand image and satisfaction level of customers and visitors (Lam and Lambermont-Ford, 2010). The major focus of training will be on the objectives of organization as the Hilton is looking to maintain the high quality standard as other locations. This kind of approach of HR will help to develop the effective training program that encourage the morale of staff and motivate them to perform well. It has been seen that training and development terms have been used interchangeably. However, the difference among the terms lies in the attitude of company and employees. Training is an aspect in which employees grasp the knowledge directly provided by the Hilton hotel. There cannot be any control laid down by employees towards such training programs rather they must participate with full encouragement (Noe, 2010).

The quality of training and development session is determining long term profitability of the Hilton Hotel. If the company is hire good workers then it is better policy to invest for development of their skills. This would helps to provide better services to the customers. Training session is not only considered for new employees only but it also includes current employees. As the technology is changed day by day and hospitality industry is adopting new technology in work environment. Therefore, a training session is useful for all the employees of company (Nickson, 2013). This would increase productivity of hotel and hotel staff will able to handle many customers at a time.

Moreover, some employees may leave the hotel and move to another industry while some other are get promotions and jump to hire post. Therefore, new candidates are selected by HR manager in order to fulfil demand of human resource. At this scenario, training session is required so that upcoming employees rapidly adopt Mclaren technology of Hilton hotel. HR management of the hotel wants to get competitive position. This only can be happened by improve employee morale (Noe, 2010). Effective training session also improve financial gains, reduce employees turn over, minimize need of supervision.

The training process is started after analyzing organization objectives, gap analyses, identify training objectives, and find out the methods and modes of training, selection of trainees and trainers. Therefore, it is required to clearly define business goals. When the goals are cleared then a time plan is managed by HR so that training session should be completed on time. The training plan also may find out the people who need to be trained. The training session would contain cost and if all the employees’ gets include in training session then this would increase expenditure (Nickson, 2013). Such decision is taken by considering financial condition of business. Therefore, HR management should find out trainee from current and newer employees. 

Apart from this, evaluation of training program is also required in order to find out current status of employees and find how much they are affected by training session. Such analysis also provides a benchmark against effectiveness of training. The employees should be motivated to achieve benchmark performance. The training session should be fulfilling demand of skills which is required by business. The training session also followed task by task basis so that the employees are practically perform their jobs in training session and get confident. HR management needs to evaluate employees individually and compare their performance to organization’s standard or anticipated needs (Klingner.et.al. 2015). This would be finding out discrepancies between actual and expected skills. Then the management should change training strategies in early stages.  Basically a training and development program is implemented at workplace due to gain high productivity from employees. Training session is expensive but in some cases, employees may leave workplace for better job. Then, it is required to gain full commitment and maintain policies of business so that such situation cannot take place.

The business should find those trainees who will bind with organization for long time. It has been stated that training program include description of all serious conditions that can harm employees while working (Lam and Lambermont-Ford, 2010). The protection mechanisms from disaster condition and methods to keep away from such issues are needed to be explained to trainee. This would improve safety of employees while working.


 From the above study it is been considered that, human resource management is an important department of organization that control and influence the activities of staff members and guide them to meet the personal and organizational objectives. Report has analyzed the role and responsibilities of human resources department for Hilton hotel Stratford and provided the justification for plan of human resources considering the supply and demand. Moreover, report has assessed the current state of employment and relation with top management for hotel organization as well discussed the impact of legislations on the human resources practices. In the next task, report has developed the job and person specification for Hilton hotel and analyzed the contribution of training and development activities for managing the operation at Hilton hotel.   


Books and journals

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Kerzner, H.R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
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