Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Samsung

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Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Samsung
Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Samsung
Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Samsung

Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment Samsung - Assignment Help in UK


Verifying the requirement of managing human resource at workplace the report is prepared in concentration with human resource management. This Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment Samsung will include the information related human resource and the roles and responsibilities of human resource management in an organisation. Samsung is chosen for solving the purpose of providing effective set of information related with human resource management. Information related with various approaches that could be used by the organisation to manage the human resource and legislations attached with the human resource management system in the organisation will be shared in this report.

Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment Samsung - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Explain Guest’s Model of HRM as applied to the organisation.

Human resource management helps in managing the people working in organisation. It helps in keeping eye on the activities of employees and provides direction to the employees. Human resource of the organisation are termed as one of the most valuable and precious assets who works on the verge to help the organisation in attaining its targeted goals and objectives. Without Human resource, organisation cannot process out the work and cannot sustain in the market (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014). For better understanding with the fact Guest Model is applied in this report on Samsung. Guest Model was introduced by David Guest who has a great contribution in human resource management. This model was introduced aiming that the leaders working in the organisation should focus upon various strategies which could help the organisation in reducing employee turnover ratio. David Guest presented certain aspects which are related with human resource management of the organisation. Applying guest model on Samsung will help in developing better understanding with the fact:

Guest’s Model

  • HRM Strategy: Human resource management should prepare the strategies in relation with the people working in Samsung as well as with the people required to be hired in the organisation. Human resource management of Samsung should work on the verge to reduce employee turnover ratio and should provide appraisal to the employees working in the organisation. Providing appraisals is a most effective strategy that could be used by the human resource management of Samsung.
  • HRM Practices: There are certain practices that are to be implemented by the human resource management of Samsung. These practices include recruitment and selection of people, motivating the people working in at workplace, providing training to the employees working in the organisation and providing information related with the organisation’s rules and regulations that are to be followed by each and every employee working at the workplace (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014).
  • HR Outcomes: Evaluating performance of human resource working in Samsung is necessary. Human resource management of Samsung should evaluate the performance of each and every employee so that proper set of appraisal could be provided to the effective performer and training could be provided to the lower performers. This will help in motivating the employees and will result in positive output.

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  • Behaviour Outcomes: Keeping eye on the behaviour of the employees is another aspect that should be taken into consideration by human resource management of the organisation. Human resource management should use 360 degree feedback system so as to analyse the behaviour of employees at workplace. This will help the human resource management in identifying the employee eligible for appraisal at workplace (Saini, 2013).
  • Performance Outcomes: Human resource management should analyse the performance of each and every employee working in Samsung and should evaluate performance of the organisation. This will help in analysing the requirement of training at workplace.
  • Financial Outcomes: Financial outcome should be analysed by the human resource management of Samsung. This will help in analysing the requirement of funds at workplace and will help in managing the human resource working in Samsung (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014).

1.2 Compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices at Samsung.

Storey’s human resource management suggests that, human resource management helps in managing the employees working in the organisation aiming that the human resource will work on the verge to attain organisational goals. On the other hand personal and IR human resource management system is used by the organisation to motivate the employees working at a workplace so as to enhance their performance. Below table will help in developing better understanding with the difference between Storey’s HRM and personal and IR practices.


Storey’s HRM at Samsung

Personnel Management / IR


According to Storey HRM is a distinctive approach which helps in managing the employment at the workplace which aims at achieving competitive advantage in the market.

One of the function present in the organisation that helps in fulfilling the personnel needs of the employees working at the workplace.

Strategic aspects

Customer oriented approach is used and the decision are made faster

It do not have customer oriented approach and the decision made are relatively slower

Beliefs and assumptions

Employees are motivated so that they can help the organisation in attaining its objectives

Development of the employees is focused upon so that they can manage the work accordingly

Line management

Transformational role is shown by the management of the organisation.

Transactional role is shown by the management of the organisation.

Key levers

Human resource management in this focuses on the flow of communication and ensures that the flow of communication should be strong.

Restrictions are there in the flow of communication (Bal, et. al., 2015).


Storey’s HRM works on the strategies.

In this work is processed according to the requirements and strategic planning is not required.

1.3 Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM for Samsung.

Strategic approach is a necessity for any organisation. Every organisation indulge in the competitive market should prepare certain set of strategies so as to ensure that it could attain its targeted objectives and goals. Line manger plays a very vital role in preparing the strategies related with human resource management. Line manager is the link who has the information of each and every employee working under him. It becomes the responsibility of line manager to prepare the business strategy which can help in identifying the person who will move to higher position in the organisation. This kind of strategy will help in grooming the employees and will help in building their career (Ballester, 2013).

Some of the implications to the manager: Line manager works as developers of the people working in the organisation, specialisation of people’s day to day management system should be there, it is necessary that the strategies should consider operational costs and should ensure that the operational costs could be managed.

  • Providing appraisals, rewards and recognition to the people will help the organisation to sustain and achieve its targeted goals.
  • Line manager evaluates the performance of employees working under him and should appraise the top scorer so that he could get motivated to work more hard and others could get motivated to get recognised in the organisation (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014).
  • Providing training is also an effective strategy that could be used by the line manager, it will help the employees of Samsung to groom them and will help in ensuring that they could provide quality in the work.
  • Help the employees so as to develop the employee’s metrics so as to access the continuous improvement
  • Provide support to the employee innovation will help in dramatically increasing the efficiency of the employees.

Implications to the employees:

  • It is necessary that the employees working in the organisation should work as a team.
  • They should ensure that they could help the organisation in attaining its targeted objectives and goals.
  • Should not indulge in the unethical practices and should always consider the compliance policies
  • Should use effective communication system
  • Should try to help the colleagues

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Task 2

2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in Samsung.

Flexible environment of the organisation ensures that the work of the workplace could be managed in a proper manner. Organisations should remain flexible they should not be rigid, as a rigid environment can affect the growth of Samsung. A better understanding with the importance of flexibility at workplace could be developed with the help of flexibility model.

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Responsiveness should be there in Samsung (Saini, 2013). It is necessary that the environment of the organisation should respond to the needs and wants of the customers and to the need of the market. Samsung will have to ensure that it should make changes according to the requirement of market and customers available in the market. Samsung should use the differentiation techniques and should provide the product according to the trend of the market. For such type of activity it is necessary that Samsung should have a flexible working environment (Miles, et. al., 2010). Efficiency of the organisation could enhance by enhancing the skills of the employees working in it. It is necessary that Samsung should have the efficiency to change according to market and competitors available in the market (Miles, et. al., 2010). Lastly impact is another aspect that should be there in Samsung. Human resource management of Samsung should have the information regarding the impact of various market vulnerabilities and should prepare the change plans so as to safeguard itself from all the vulnerabilities. Samsung could apply the model of flexibility to itself by ensuring that its plan could remain flexible and could be changed according to the requirement of situation. Could provide flexible working times to the employees so that they could feel relax at the workplace. Should try to bring new and innovative ideas so as to provide differentiated products and could attract the customers towards its business.

2.2 Discuss the types of flexibility which may be developed by Samsung.

There are various types of flexibility that are developed by the human resource management of Samsung. Below are the flexibilities that are developed by Samsung:

  • Functional Flexibility: Samsung has developed functional flexibility in which employees who works in Samsung are trained in such a manner so that they could be redeployed to work on any kind of task at the workplace. Samsung provide cross training to the employees working in it, this helps the organisation in managing the work at the time of emergency (Bal, et. al., 2015). With this kind of activity any employee can process any portfolio of Samsung and can help in managing the work at the time of peak workload.
  • Numerical Flexibility: There are several employees working in Samsung who are hired on contract basis. This type of activity helps Samsung in maintaining the numeric flexibility. With the help of such kind of activity Samsung could ensure that operation cost could be saved by managing the number of employees working at the workplace (Bal, et. al., 2015). There are various employees in Samsung who are working on temporary basis, part time basis, and contract basis. These are the employees who are hired at less pay and helps in managing the operations at the time of emergency.
  • Financial Flexibility: Human resource management of Samsung ensures that the work place should have a financial flexibility. It has developed the plan in which it has reserved the finances so as to manage the unexpected expenses and investment opportunities. This type of flexibility helps the organisation in taking quick decisions with the effect of which it could invest effectively in the market opportunities and can move on the verge of success and sustainability (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014).

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2.3 Assess the use of flexible working practices from both the employees and the employer perspectives.

Both employer and employees are benefited by using flexible working practices at the workplace. It is necessary that an organisation should use flexible working practices as with the help of this cost of operating the operations could be reduced. Flexible working practices helps in building morale, helps in increasing the productivity, allows customer orientation (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014). By using flexible working practices employer could reduce exploitation which benefits both employer as well as employee working in the organisation, flexibility leads to rise in efficiency as well as profit of the organisation. Flexibility working practices ensures that the employer could manage all its work at the peak time and could save effective amount of money with the effect of which other works of the business could be managed (Fernando, 2012).

On the other hand employees working in the organisation using flexible working with people practices also get benefited as they get the opportunity to work which leads to reduction in the unemployment. Working in the shifts helps the employees in managing their personal as well as professional life. People working in shifts can balance their personal as well as professional life. People working on part time basis can manage their work as well as their studies. Part time workers can generate the income required to manage their expenses at the time of their studies, etc. Therefore, it could be seen that flexible working practices used by Samsung helps many people and ensures that they could balance their lifestyle in proper manner (Ballester, 2013).

2.4 Discuss the impact that changes in the labour market have had on flexible working practices.

Changes have a great impact on the working environment of the organisation. Whether it is a small change or the big change it impact the organisation either in a negative manner or in a positive manner. Likewise if labour market changes then, it will impact the flexible working practices of the business. If the labour market of Samsung will change then it will have to change the whole process of the business. It will have to change the shift timings of the people working in the organisation. At this moment Samsung will get the benefit of cross training as it would be able to process the work and will be able to handle the situation. Financial flexibility of Samsung will help in managing the expenses of the people working in the organisation at the time of emergency (Bal, et. al., 2015). Samsung will be able to provide overtime to the people working extra for the organisation. Providing overtime to the people working for extra hours will help in motivating them with the effect of which they will get ready to work in other emergency situations. Samsung will have to make new policies and will have to develop new plans with the change in labour market. These plans will not have a much impact on the internal process of the organisation as it has flexible working practices, therefore work process of the Samsung will be managed and everything will get normalised after the management of labour will be done at the workplace (Ali, et. al., 2015).

Flexible working practices will have positive impact on the labour market as it will give them freedom to manage their work according to their lifestyle. Flexible working practices help the organisation to ensure that the people could work according to their will with the effect of which employee and labour of the organisation could manage their personal life. Flexible working practices helps in reducing the labour turnover ratio and attracts more and more employees towards the organisation. It also helps in bringing innovation to the workplace and also helps in increasing the productivity and helps the labour to work happily in the organisation. It will help in increasing the productivity of the organisation as in flexible working system employees will work more enthusiastically and will be able to manage the work in more efficient and effective manner.

Task 3

3.1 Explain the forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace using examples of recent discrimination cases which has made the news.

Every organisation working in a competitive market should ensure that it should avoid any kind of discrimination from the workplace. Discrimination can affect the organisation as there are various legal aspects attached with the discriminations. There are various discriminations that can take place in the workplace and which should be avoided by the organisation. These discriminations are:

  • Direct Discrimination: Direct discrimination is the discrimination done by the organisation while choosing the people for the workplace. In direct discrimination employer choose the employees on the basis of their race, caste, gender, colour and age. Organisations using direct discrimination provide the opportunities on the basis of the race, gender, caste, colour and age. Gender and caste discriminations are the most common discriminations that are used by the organisations while choosing the employees or while providing the opportunities to the employees at the workplace (Chan, et. al., 2012). It is necessary that Samsung should work on reducing these kinds of activities at the workplace. There are several aspects for which gender discrimination could be done by the organisation like in case of working on heavy machineries organisation could hire the male candidates, as female candidates cannot work with the heavy equipments. Therefore, it is necessary that organisation should avoid discrimination at the workplace and should treat each and every employee equally unless and until it is the requirement of the work and is not against the law.
  • Indirect Discrimination: Indirect discrimination is the discrimination in which each and every employee working in the organisation are treated equally leaving the particular group of the organisation. Discrimination is not considered as justified if the discrimination is done depending upon particular factor (Jarvis, et. al., 2012). For example, in case the organisation provides jobs to the female candidates only as the work can only be processed by the female candidates only, therefore, in this case doing discrimination will be termed as legal and only women candidates will e provided the opportunity to work at the workplace.

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organisation.

People working in the organisation have a right that they should get equal opportunities at the workplace. It is necessary that each and every employee working in the organisation should be treated equally. Any unfair behaviour by the employer could lead in violating the laws provided by the legislation. There are certain set of implications provided by the legislation in concentration with equal opportunities at the workplace provided, they are:

  • According to Equal Pay Act 1979, it is necessary that each and every employee working at the same position having same skills should be provided equal pay (Ali, et. al., 2015). There should be no discrimination in the pay of the employees working in Samsung; discrimination in the pay is a violation of law which can affect the reputation as well as goodwill of the organisation.
  • According to Safety and Security Act, it is necessary that Samsung should take care of the safety and security of the employees working in the organisation. All the employees working in the organisation should be provided equal safety and security treatment and should get the training of how they can live safely and securely at the workplace (Tayfur, 2013). Samsung will have to ensure that all the safety and security equipments should be provided at the workplace and it is important to provide instructions to the employees of the steps that are to be taken at the time of emergency.
  • According to Equality Act, it is necessary that Samsung should treat all the employees equally. Any kind of discrimination may lead to violation of the law and legislation. There are certain awards that are availed by the legislation in relation with discrimination which are necessary for the Samsung to know they are  like for unfair dismissal maximum award that is to be paid is of £238,216, in case of race discrimination company will have to pay the reward of £ 209,188, in case of sex discrimination company will have to pay £ 557,039, in case of disability discrimination a reward amounting to £239,913 will have to be paid by the organisation (Jarvis, et. al., 2012). Therefore, to avoid such kind of payments human resource management of Samsung will have to ensure that any kind of discrimination should be avoided from the workplace until and unless there is a requirement of discrimination at the workplace.
  • Financial implications are the implication that are necessary to be implemented in Samsung. It is necessary that Samsung should make sure that the employees working over there should be financed according to the legislation which means they should be financed in a fair manner and according to their skills and abilities (Tayfur, 2013).
  • Implication of the HRM policies should be done according to the legislation and it should be ensures that health and safety practices should be implemented at the workplace by Samsung so as to ensure that employees of Samsung could remain safe and secure.

3.3 Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity. You should give example from a selected organisation and discuss the similarities and differences in their approaches to managing equal opportunities and diversity.

To manage the diversity and equal opportunities several approaches are being prepared applying them will benefit the organisation and will help the organisation to ensure its success in the competitive market. Human resource management of Samsung should ensure that they should work on building the relationship between people coming from different diversities and working in the organisation and should try to avoid discrimination from the workplace. Discrimination can be avoided by hiring the people on the basis of their skills and knowledge regarding the work they have to process at the workplace rather than hiring the people on the basis of their race, caste, religion or gender.


Cultural Activities

Office Parties

Human resource management of Samsung should make the team of people working in the organisation which should consist of the people of different diversity. Every team should be provided the task which has to be achieved within the prescribed time. Making the team will help people to know their culture and behaviour which will help in building trust among them and will build effective set of relation.


This approach will help the management of Samsung to manage the diversity.

Team work brings the quality to work.

People in team could manage the work more effectively then people performing individually.

Samsung should organise cultural activities, participating in which will help the employees to develop better understanding with the people of different diversity and will help in building relationship with each other (Jarvis, et. al., 2012). People in such environment works more effectively as they do not have any kind of issues with their colleagues and prefer to work with them rather than working individually.

Cultural activities help in developing emotional relationship between the management and employees.


A cultural activity refreshes the individual and helps in managing the frustration and building effective team.

Office parties are another method that helps in bringing people of the organisation together. With the help of office parties people coming to the workplace to manage the work comes together and communicate with each other which helps them in building effective relationship and helps in working together with the effect of which work process of the organisation could be managed and conflicts gets reduced.


Office parties help in refreshing the employees and reducing their stress at the workplace.


Office parties help in understanding the management and employee relationship and helps in creating bonding among them.

For example: Samsung should introduce the annual cultural programs in which all the employees of Samsung should gather and should participate in one or the other activity. This kind of program will help the employees in developing better understanding with different diversity and building relationship with others with the effect of which they will work more comfortably in the premises of the organisation (Tayfur, 2013).

Task 4

4.1 Select an organisation you work or have worked for, identify and compare the performance management methods used.

Managing the performance of employees working in the organisation is a responsibility for the human resource management of organisation. Samsung should ensure that the performance of each and every employee working at the workplace should be evaluated. Therefore, to evaluate the performance of employees it becomes important that the human resource management of the organisation should use several methods. Comparison between those methods will help in developing better understanding:

Graphic Rating Scales

Management By objective

Forced Ranking

It is the rating scale that is ideal for production oriented work environment. It is best suited for the production area of Samsung.

It is suitable for the employees in supervisory and managerial position.

Force ranking is the approach used to evaluate the present performance of the employees with the past performance (Byrne, 2012).

It is done by providing the rating scale. On the scale of 0-5 ratings are provided.

It starts with identifying the goals of the employees which are directed from the point of view of employee as well as from manager.

Comparison of the past performance with the present performance is done.

It is a short time process which could be done monthly or quarterly (Chan, et. al., 2012).

It is a long term process

It is a continuous process

Evaluation of monthly performance is done

evaluation is done on yearly basis

evaluation is done on monthly basis

4.2 Assess the approaches used to managing employee welfare in your organisation.

Samsung should look after the health and wellbeing of the employees working in it. It is necessary that they should be provided benefits for the work they are doing at the workplace and should be considered as the assets of the company rather than the workers. There are certain set of approaches that should be obtained by Samsung so as to manage the employee welfare at workplace:

  • Welfare Programs: Samsung should organise the welfare programs in which employees welfare aspects should be looked upon. This program should include the issues that employees are facing at the workplace and processing should be done to resolve those issues (Byrne, 2012).
  • Personal Assistance Program: Human resource management of Samsung should give personal assistant to the employees working at the workplace. It is necessary that every employee should be provided personal assistance of the experts so that they could get solution to the issues they are facing with work. Personal assistance will help in relaxing the employees and will help in processing out the work process in a smooth manner.
  • Anti Discrimination Program: It is another approach that can be assessed by Samsung. This will help in removing discrimination in the organisation and will help in making happy environment.
  • Retirement Benefit Program: retirement benefit program is another aspect that should be provided to the employees working in the organisation. It is necessary that the employee working in Samsung should ensure that he has a secure future after retirement and will live happily after retirement. Therefore, providing retirement benefits will also help in welfare of the employees working at Samsung (Chan, et. al., 2012).

4.3 Discuss the implications of health and safety legislations on human resources practices.

According to Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, it is necessary that the organisation should take care of the health and safety of the people working at the workplace. It is necessary that human resource management of Samsung should make the health and safety policies according to Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Employee working at Samsung should have the right for the refusal to work if they find that they are in an unsafe condition, violence at work should be removed, dangerous equipments should have the signboards of danger on it and it is necessary that they should be at the place which are far from the working area, emergency procedures should be followed by the employees and the management of the organisation, first aid skills requirements should be fulfilled by Samsung (Chan, et. al., 2012).

  • It is also necessary that all the signboards related with the safety and security of the people should be placed at the right place.
  • Employee working in the organisation should be provided the training of how they can remain safe in hazardous situation.
  • Samsung should apply the sign boards at every place where it is required. It should try to ensure that people should have the information regarding the exits, fire alarms, emergency exists, and health and safety equipments.
  • Implication of quarterly training of health and safety drills should be done at Samsung so as to ensure that people could have experience of what to do in emergency or any type of hazardous situation (Byrne, 2012).
  • Implication for the proper check of fire and safety equipments should be done so as to ensure that fire and safety equipments should work at the time of requirement.
  • It is necessary that Samsung should adopt the strategies according to the legislation and should develop the policies according to the standards of Health and Safety Act.
  • It is necessary that Samsung should maintain the records accurately, and on time.
  • Early return to work policy should be applied by Samsung.

4.4 Evaluate impact of another topical issue on human resources practices. 

Samsung face the issue of lack of team spirit at workplace. It is necessary that the human resource management of the organisation should build the feeling of team spirit at the workplace. Human resource management of the Samsung should focus upon motivating the employees and should focus upon building effective team as if the team will perform then only the organisation will be benefited. Another contemporary issue that is being faced by the human resource management is employee turnover. People in the organisation get hired by using proper focus and techniques of recruitment selection which include a huge cost. But people leave the organisation in a short span of time as either they want to get the working experience or get other opportunities. Therefore, to stop employee turnover ratio it becomes necessary that proper set of appraisals should be provided to the employees working in the organisation (Byrne, 2012). This will help in keeping the employees motivated and will help in ensuring that people could stay attached with organisation and work on the verge to help organisation in attaining success and it targeted objectives.

It was evaluated in 2014 that people of Samsung were leaving the jobs because they were getting better opportunities over other places. Due to employee turnover Productivity of Samsung went down by 25% which was a huge gap. It was time of peak for Samsung because demand in the market was high for the products of Samsung (Chan, et. al., 2012). Then human resource management used the technique of providing rewards to the employees and involved them in decision making aspects which helped it in reducing employee turnover ratio and manage the work process smoothly.

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Understanding all the aspects indulge in the Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Samsung it could be concluded that human resource management is a very typical work and is a very important aspect attached with the organisation. It could be understood without human resource management employees of the organisation cannot be managed in a proper manner and the work process of the organisation will get affected. For human resource management of the organisation it is necessary that it should keep the track record of the employees required at the workplace, it is also necessary that it should focus on all the legislations and laws attached with the human resource working in the organisation.


Ali, M., Metz, I. & Kulik, C.T. 2015, "Retaining a diverse workforce: the impact of gender?focused human resource management", Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 580-599.
Bal, P.M. & De Lange, A.H. 2015, "From flexibility human resource management to employee engagement and perceived job performance across the lifespan: A multisampling study", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 126-154.
Ballester, P. 2013, "Experimental quantification of anion-π interactions in solution using neutral host-guest model systems", Accounts of chemical research, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 874-884.
Byrne, R. 2012, "Leading engagement (encouraging better employee engagement in occupational health and safety)",Human Resource Management International Digest, vol. 20, no. 1.
Chan, S.C.H. & Mak, W. 2012, "High performance human resource practices and organizational performance: The mediating role of occupational safety and health", Journal of Chinese Human Resources Management, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 136-150.
Doherty, L. & Norton, A. 2013; 2014; "Making and measuring “good” HR practice in an SME: the case of a Yorkshire bakery", Employee Relations, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 128-147.
Fernando, R. 2012, "Sustainable globalization and implications for strategic corporate and national sustainability", Corporate Governance: The international journal of negligence business society, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 579-589.
Jarvis, R. & Rigby, M. 2012, "The provision of human resources and employment advice to small and medium-sized enterprises: The role of small and medium-sized practices of accountants", International Small Business Journal, vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 944-956.

This Unit 23 Managing Human Resources Assignment Samsung will include the information related human resource and the roles and responsibilities of human resource management in an organisation, We are posting units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.