Unit 3 Health and Safety legislations Assignment

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Unit 3 Health and Safety legislations Assignment
Unit 3 Health and Safety legislations Assignment
Unit 3 Health and Safety legislations Assignment


Diploma in Health and Social Care

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Health and Safety legislations

QFC Level

Level 4


This Unit 3 Health and safety legislations assignment is built around meeting the needs and the well being of the people in the society including UK and thus working towards the betterment of the health of the people. The large or more global organizations like World Health Organization are keen for the formulation of the systems and policies that are helping towards the overall well being of the people including mental and physical health (Thomas et al, 2012). The paper discusses the implementation of the various legislations in the field of care ad their implications ate the care workplace. Also it aims o discuss the communication of information in the health care workplace. The care planning deals with the minimization of the risk that has an impact on the well being of the individuals and may be internal or external in nature (Kriebel et al, 2011). Thus the study discusses about how the stakeholders are impacted by the policies and procedures in care workplace. Also non compliance with the policies may pose the individual open to the legal implications for violations have been discussed. The review of the policies and procedures are an important aspect of the working of the care organizations which have been discussed in the last part.

Unit 3 Health and Safety legislations Assignment,  Uk assignment writing service

Lo 1 Understand How Health And Safety Legislations Are Implemented At Workplace

1.1 Reviewing Policies, Systems And Procedures Regarding Communication Of Information

All the national governments including UK have developed a legal framework or legislations which defines the polices and principles for the communication of the relevant  information and knowledge  in the field of care services and all the stakeholders must be aware of these in communications at workplace and elsewhere.

  • Health and Safety Work Act, 1974- all the employers in this field are required to properly document the polices and communicate to employees as through employee handbooks, induction, notices, etc in order to ensure working as per legislations  (Kriebel et al, 2011).
  • Health and safety First aid Regulations act (1981)- the employing care organization must be proper in conveying to its employees the arrangements regarding the first aids as through notice boards, induction training, etc(Thomas et al, 2012).

Local and state government set various regulations for these organizations success as Access policy, Health and safety policy, Confidentiality policy, Privacy, Environment or sustainability policy and Safeguarding policy, etc

Review of the policies and procedures includes the Needs assessment/Recognition of a problem or issue-The care planning helps in keeping the patient needs at topmost priority and the policy help in communication of all the care provisions to patient at care thus allowing reviewing in polices and systems (Kriebel et al, 2011). Analysis of current policies and procedures along with goals of the organization is done followed by Researching about strategies and practices. The Consultation with stakeholders through meeting, mails, brainstorming etc including Colleagues and staff, Clients and communities, outside agencies such as funding organization, Government agencies, etc Analysis of risks and resources involved helps in taking into account all the resources that will be needed to ensure care delivery and risk minimization thus ensuring policies as per the legislations followed by Incorporation of changes in existing policies. The Audits and inspections in the care organization help in review of the policies and systems in the care organization for allowing the betterment of the services and well being of stakeholders (Haworth et al, 2010). Thus the reviewing and the monitoring of the implementation of the policies and systems in the care workplace must be based on the idea of ensuring the general well being of the patients, care workers, practitioners, visitors and all other relevant stakeholders in the care workplace.

Information Communication Factsheet

sharing personal data 1

sharing personal data 2,  Uk assignment writing service


confidentiality,  Uk assignment writing service

confidentiality 2

Confidentiality must be ensured through focusing on-

  • Storing- Client and other information must be stored in physical or electronic formats with limited access to others.
  • Sharing- Sharing of the confidential client information is only allowed if law permits or if the client allows. Practitioners such as doctors, physiotherapist, etc and contractors must be well communicated as they may risk the life of the patient through miscommunications or lead to dissatisfaction towards entire services. Care workers must communicate with the patients in the care services about the various aspects of treatment along with the risk assessment information thus informing them about treatment that will be in their best favors. They must have a professional attitude and must be aware and fallow legislations, policies and guidelines (Kriebel et al, 2011). Service users have the right to involve in the  decision making  in the delivery of the care as per their needs and the standards while also informing any wrong impacts or behaviors, etc
  • Protecting- Care organization must be keen at restricting access to client or other information thus disallowing misuse of information. Visitors must follow rules and instructions of the care organization and limit negative impacts on care services.
  • Holding- For the management of the health and safety of the employees and other stakeholders, the responsibilities of management include the Information must be maintained as records properly and safely. The care organization must work as per ethical code that is well communicated in the entire workplace and must involve the duty of care of the employees in care field.

1.2 Responsibility For Management Of Health And Safety In Relation To Organizational Structures

As per the OHS (Occupational health and safety) acts it is the collective responsibility of everyone in the care workplace to ensure the minimization and control of the risks and hazards at workplace and it includes the employers, employees, outside agencies, supervisors, etc. The employers must aim at providing workplace which is safe and secure for its employees, setting up of the staff safety committee, providing training to care works, avoiding any kind of harassment or abuse of the employees, provision of necessary installations or equipments, taking prompt actions on information of hazard situation by the care worker or supervisor providing the PPE and obeying the Occupational Health and Safety regulations. It is the responsibility of the employees including care workers, supervisors, managers, etc to cooperate with employer in promotion of the health and safety in the care workplace as through the involvement in the individual risk assessments, encouragement of the colleagues, telling employer about unsafe or unethical practices by others in the workplace or potential hazards, providing care as per standards and working as per the procedures and policies, wearing of the Personal protective equipments, taking active participation in care planning and training and the avoidance of the unsafe practices.

1.3 Health And Safety Priorities

It is the duty of the care  organisation and behaviour  to ensure the health and safety of the various stakeholders including the employees and clients, etc. the various approaches include Patient centered approach, Family centered approach and the Client approach. It is the responsibility of the care worker to work within the legal and ethical boundaries while also being cooperative in providing care services to the employer. The employer in turn is responsible for the health and safety of both the clients and the employees.

  • Strengths- The strengths in use of the person centered approach include the High quality of care services and Empowerment of service user as person centered approach. The care organization must ensure safety and well being of patient as well as care worker in risk assessment (Haworth et al, 2010). Enhanced satisfactions of client through involvement are allowed as Arrangements for managing the urgent needs of the patients in the care services must be ensured in the care organization including safety aids, wheel chairs, etc Maintenance of cleanliness is necessary in the care services in order to ensure that the stakeholders do not fall prey to epidemic s or communicable infections thus causing ill health (Kriebel et al, 2011).
  • Weaknesses- The use of policies and regulations has various disadvantages as in case of person centered approach Deteriotation of the health of the service user and Non attainment of the health goals of service user. Also the Complains from the families may be frequented due to inefficiency of care planning and delivery.

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LO 2 Impact On Customers And Work Practitioners

2.1 Information From Risk Assessment Inform Care Planning

The risks in the care environment are very important consideration and are varying based on the patient age, level of illness, mental well being, nature, etc and the assessment of the risk has a deep impact on the quality of the care services in the organization while also impacting the organization in formulation of policies and procedures in the health and care environment (Guyatt et al, 2008). Care planning must be based on principles of support including Choice, Privacy, Dignity, Freedom, Respect and Diversity. It includes following stages as:

  • Identification Of Risks And Hazards-The care planning as through the assessment of the risk helps the organization in reduction of chance of hazards and injuries to the stakeholders like through observation of the trips hazard to clients at care or through asking the clients, employees, etc and keeping watch on accident or injury records.
  • Deciding Who Is At Risk- The organization must plan the care provisions as this helps in the involvement of the patients in the risk assessment and care planning helps the organization in generation of better satisfaction among users thus generating a better image for the organization and its services.
  • Ensuring Effectiveness Of Existing Precautions- Promoting good practice based on the code of conduct thus allowing ethical decision making in the care organization (Thomas et al, 2012). The care workers can be equipped with the necessary arrangements for handling the risks as in case of patients with mental disorders. The risk assessment help the organization in installation of the necessary arrangements like the fire extinguisher in order to mitigate risks through development of policies in this direction (Brotherton et al, 2008)
  • Recrding The Findings And Periodic Reviewing- Helps in reduction of the overall damages to all the stakeholders as caused by security loopholes, accidents, mishaps, etc. 







Untidy surrounding environment

Patient and visitors

Managing the tidy environment to limit the causing of the epidemics and communicable nature infections

High level of risk as may cause

  • Falling of patient or visitors leading to injuries due to wet floors or loose old carpets
  • Infections causing ill health
  • Maintaining clean and dry floors and other surfaces
  • Replacement of loose carpets
  • Disinfection of surfaces

Regular inspections of the hygienic environment

Eccentric nature of client

Visitors and care worker

Taking client to the psychiatrist to treat the mental illness and getting medications prescribed

High level of risk as may cause

  • Attack on other individuals including care worker
  • Taking help and medications from the psychiatrist
  • Regular and timely medication to client

Taking clinical advice from the psychiatrist

2.2 Impact Of One Aspect Of Health And Safety Policy On Practice And Customers

Almost all the health care organizations in UK have a policy towards the assessment of the risks and this has impacted the practice and the services to the customers of the organization in a profound manner (Thomas et al, 2012).

  • Legislation, Regulations And Polcies- Legislation is impacted by national government such as Health and Safety at work Act, 1974 and Care Standards Act, 2014. The state bodies such as CQC or care quality commission ensure working as per legislations through enacting regulations. The policies are mad by the organizations such as risk assessment policy. As per my working in the field, risk assessment basically entails the care staff to assess the risk in case of individual prior to care planning and while delivering care in order to limit the chances of the mishaps and avoid damages to any of the stakeholders involved. Also this help the organization to deal with any urgencies arising during course of care delivery while also impacting the planning of the changes in the systems, policies and procedures to promote general well being in care delivery environment. Data Protection Act, 1998 entails safe and secure storage of the information which care worker must abide by in disclosure and storage.
  • Code Of Practice are provided by organization to all its workers and this in turn helps in the betterment of the working environment for the care workers as through arrangement of the necessary resources for promoting general safety. From time to time the staff must be trained and communicated in order keep them updated of the organizational systems and policies.

For the patients, this risk assessment policy allows the involvement of the client in care planning and allowing right to decide upon care provisions to develop confidence towards the care system.  This policy also helps in delivery of care as per the standards and better satisfaction of client needs to promote good health and positive attitude towards the care services in general.

2.3 Dilemmas Encountered In Implementation Of Systems And Policies

In the care field, various dilemmas happen to be in the decision making regarding the implementation of the systems and policies as in the Involvement of the third parties as this may impact the overall quality of the services delivered to the client but organization alone cannot provide all the services like cleaning, physiotherapy, etc and may need to involve outside parties in care delivery (Thomas et al, 2012) Another dilemma is the Use of technology as this may help the care organization in services enhancement as through  computer developement  systems but employees health may suffer due to prolonged use of computers and also this implies financial obligations for the organization thus dilemma arises in using modern technology or not. Quality and Choice of the third party contractors is also a dilemma as the organization may be concerned about the improvements in the quality of services delivered but outside contractors may provide equipments like wheel chairs, etc of lower quality. The yet another is the Inclusion of stakeholders in decision making as the involvement of the employees and other stakeholders may lead to confusion and chaos n making decision but their involvement is necessary for effective design and the implementation of the policies and systems in the organization (Lowell, 2008). The policy impacts the care working as a care organization which may have the policy towards care worker providing the medication to client or service user but they can’t force the client as it is against constitutional rights of client thus policy implementation may cause dilemmas.

2.4 Effect Of Non Complaince With Legislations In Workplace

As in case of the health and social care workplace at UK, it is mandatory to abide by the laws and the regulations framed by the government and all the care organizations must make their employees aware of these legislations prior to employment in order to ensure compliance as the non compliance hold certain implications as follows:

  • Care standards act, 2000 entails the standards in the delivery of the care services at UK and the failure to comply with standards will make the viability of the organization difficult as government holds strict actions against such activities (Thomas et al, 2012).
  • Mental Health Act applies to the treatment of the mentally impaired patients in the care field and the organization must possess the necessary expertise and skills else legal actions may be taken against the organization.
  • Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 (HASAW) entails that all the care workers or employees must meet the legislations and the policies and the employer must be acting responsible toward the health and safety of the workers in the care organization, the non compliance of which may lead the organization to prosecutions in the court and may be followed by penalties in favor of part at risk or harm (Brotherton et al, 2008).

LO 3 Monitoring And Review In Helath And Social Care Workplace

3.1 Policies And Practices Are Monitered For Review

The policy implementation and effectiveness information is required by the inspecting authorities in case of the care organizations at UK and thus the policies must be reviewed and monitored to allow any changes that enhance the effectiveness of care delivery systems in the organization. The care organizations are continuously involved in improvement in the policies to allow care delivery as per standards and legislations as in case of UK it is a strict obligation on all such organizations and the methods involve.

  • Regular inspections and audits- this helps the care organization to conduct self assessment in terms of the maintenance of the cleanliness, managing fire and general safety in organization, ensuring care standards in service delivery, feedbacks from clients and service users, etc thus ensuring policy implementation in proper manner(Davis et al, 2009).
  • Self reflective practices in care organization- the care organization must reflect on its own performance like the decline in the number of the accidents or mishaps in the care organization, low number of the negative feedbacks from the users or care services, no or fewer legal suits or penalties imposed on the care organization, management of the risks to clients and employees, reduction of the conflicts and the complaints, etc (Brotherton et al, 2008). This helps the organization in ensuring goals and targets are met and setting up of future goals for itself.

3.2 Promotion Of Positive And Safe Work Culture In Workplace

Through the formulation and the implementation of the policies and systems in the care workplace the organization culture can move to a more safe and positive side as-

  • Definition of responsibilities and structures- the employer in care organizations are allowed to define the roles and responsibilities in the organization in written formats in employee handbooks thus allowing a decline in the clashes and confusions at workplace. This also helps in the allowing orderly function of the care organization.
  • Social processes- the events in the life of any individual such as drug addiction, alcoholism, abuse, disability, unemployment, etc must also be monitored to ensure positive environment.
  • Carrying out risk assessment- this policy help in gathering of the relevant information about the risks in the care environment thus making arrangements for mitigation of risks and availing of the resources to deal with emergencies and the risk situations as in case of mental patients or patients with suicidal behaviors (Thomas et al, 2012)
  • Fire safety- All the care organizations are allowed to ensure the safety of the employees and other stakeholders as per the HASAW act and this implies providing training to employees and installation and maintenance of fire extinguishing systems, making workplace safer (Davis et al, 2009).
  • Ridorr- this act help in the reporting of the hazards or damages posed by the care environments in order to allow the changes in the policies and systems in the organization thus allowing a safe and god working culture that shows concern for the stakeholders and wellbeing of all individuals.

3.3 Evaluate Own Contribution To Placement Of Health And Safety Needs At Centre Of Practice

At UK, the care services follow a person centered approach which implies the client should be placed at the centre of the care planning and provisions and they have a right to make decisions about their own care provisions in order to maximize the need fulfillment to the best level and ensuring well being (Bestidine, 2016). My own contribution would be interacting with the individual who for example had mental disorder mania and other agencies involved in the needs assessment is to allow care planning as per needs identified. This also involves communicating with the client friends, family, parents, etc in order to allow care services with yielding maximum well being in the patient. Based on the analysis of the patient situation, it was evident that cleanliness must be ensured to stop infections, psychiatrist should be called upon and the care assistants must be appointed to help eating, dressing, medications, etc (Davis et al, 2009).

The patient asked to go for a walk in the morning and did not have knowledge of road rules so I decided to assist the client daily for morning walk. If the patient was left alone, he could have met accident or mishap. What I did differently was accompanying the client in order to ensure his safety and maintained good relationship with client while also working with care team including support staff and doctor in delivering best satisfaction of client and helping improvement of mental and overall well being. My own contribution in this case was keeping client needs at centre of care provision to allow confidence towards the services, manage the risks and hazards to the client or visitors as through cleanliness or psychiatric treatment of the patient who may harm self or others and allow overall well being of client. This helped me in ensuring client satisfaction while I myself had a tough time managing mania patient on the morning walk and other routines.

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As studied in case of UK, the government has certain legislations and frameworks that apply to the field of care services and it is the duty of the employer to inform and create awareness among the employees regarding this (Davis et al, 2009). The communication may be in form of the notices placed in prominent areas in organization, while carrying out induction or training, etc and employer must ensure compliance with legislations in care organization. The care organization must formulate the guidelines, policies, code of conduct and procedures n order to allow care planning and delivery as per care standards act. The failure of the compliance with the legislations may pose the organization or any other party risk its own survival while including penalties and prosecutions of the guilty. In the care planning and delivery, various dilemmas happen up which organization must overcome, as in the use of technology which may be useful in improving quality of care services while impacting employee health in negative manner. The risk assessment is an important policy in the care organizations that help the generation of confidence in the clients while also safeguarding the interests of the stakeholders including employees as through provision of resources to overcome risks. The care organizations must be keen toward review and monitoring of the policy implementation in the organization and must deliver services as per care standards and other legislations.


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