Unit 3 Human Resource Development Assignment – Tesco

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Unit 3 Human Resource Development Assignment – Tesco
Unit 3 Human Resource Development Assignment – Tesco
Unit 3 Human Resource Development Assignment – Tesco


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Human Resource Development – Tesco

QFC Level

Level 4


The unit 3 human resource development assignment - tesco is all about the application of the learning styles to the employees and also evaluating the learning method on the employees. For the active discussion,Tesco has been selected in an active manner.

Unit 3 Human Resource Development Assignment – Tesco, Uk assignment writing service

Task 1

Human resource development Slide 1

Human resource development Slide 2, 3

Human resource development Slide 4, 5, Uk assignment writing service

Human resource development Slide 6

1.1 Compares different learning styles

Based on the level of the learners in any organization, there are key four learning styles to make the employees understand regarding the content to discuss in the training and development sessions. They are: Visual learning style, auditory learning style, read – write learning style and the Kinaesthetic learning style (Chen & Wu, 2015). The comparison is as below:

Learning style


Visual learning style

Visualizing the content to discuss and make it easy to understand in a practical manner with the help of the charts, graphs.

Auditory learning style

Hearing and the speaking ability are the key requirements here as the active listening is the key media of the learning style.

Read – write learning style

With the help of the books, hand-outs, journals, the employees are allowed to get the in-depth view of the discussion

Kinesthetic learning style

The learning style with the help of the physical activities of the role play method is preferred here(Michael, 2009).

Other than that the individual learning style and the organization learning styles are also the important learning styles. The individual learning style is to offer the training as per the requirement of the individuals. In the other hand, the organization learning style refers to the offering of the training as per the overall requirement of the organisation business operations.

1.2 Explain the role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace

Human resource development Slide 7

As per the view ofBeardwell & Claydon (2007), learning curve is the continuous improvement process which is acquired with the help of the experience. With the help of the concept of building the experience through the new task, the learning curves use to help the employees to focus on the development of the new skills which use to add the value to the care of the employees. In Tesco, with the ever changing business scenario with the change in the market trend, the employees use to face new challenges which use to have a great impact on the learning curve regarding gaining the technical skills, managerial skills, and the effective business skills. In this aspect, it is required to offer the acquired knowledge during the execution of the business operations with the other employees regarding the knowledge transfer. The off job training can be mentioned here.  As per the view ofBoxall (2008), transferring of knowledge is not only regarding the  marketing communication  but sharing the required skills and tactics with other employees as per the requirement, which use to facilitate the learning curves of these employees.

Figure 1: Learning curve

Learning curve, Uk assignment writing service

1.3 Assess the contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event

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As per the view ofBeardwell & Claydon (2007),learning in organization means, learning the market knowledge to cope up with the change in an effective manner. The different learning theories such as Honey and Mumford, Myer Briggs, and the Kolb’stheories are the effective one for the organizationpurpose. The application of the learning styles and the learning theories use to depend on the fact that how fast the  Human resource  managers wish to get adapted the employees with the change. Thus, the firm’s expectation and the capabilities of the employees to cope up with the learning style offered should be assessed before the active application(Chen & Wu, 2015). With the help of the multiple learning styles, the learning events are used to be established in anorganization like Tesco. It uses to have a strong impact in meeting the organization objectives as well with the enhancement of the capabilities of the employees in a broader manner. Thus, the learning event is recognized as the implementation of the improvement expectation of Tesco.

Human resource development Slide 10, 11

Task 2

2.1 Comparing the training needs for staff at different levels in the organization

In Tesco, there are different departments where the training needs use to vary from each other as below:

Customer service level

Operation level

Managerial level

  • It is required to offer the training to the customer service employees regarding tehniqueu managementso that they will be able to manage the queue in an effective manner so that the waiting time for the customers will get reduced in the stores.
  • The training also is required to be offered to them with the effective customer service skills to satisfaction the customer need visiting the stores and also placing the online orders.
  • The training is required to be offered them regarding the effective performance review and offer the feedback to the employees such as line managers in Tesco so that they will be able to motivate them to work efficiently with their full effort.
  • Training should be offered to them regarding the improvement of the decision-making process, teamwork skills, and also to build the practical learning skills.
  • They are also should be offered with the off job and the on job training skills so that they will be able to assist and support the employees in an effective manner(Mankin, 2009).

2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods (at least three) that will be used for the workshop

Tescouses to offer the different training methods to their employees. Being the newly recruited HR manager, the advantages and the disadvantages of the training methods to be applied by the manager have been mentioned as below:

Training methods



Performance appraisal

The employees will be able to find the gap between the skills required for the further improvement in his / her efficiency to work efficiently to meet the target set.

The employees may feel demotivated by the identification of the gap of the skills.


In workshops, the employees will be given with the required learning materials for the enlacement of their skills as per the requirement of M & S.

More cost will be incurred in the cost sheet of the organization depending on thefact that how the message through the training mode is delivered and received by the employees.

Performance coaching

With the help of this training method, the performance of the employees will be assessed, and the areas of the improvement will be identified for them for the best training to be offered to them.

There are chances that the assessment can be biased and non-accurate. So it is required to by the training managers to acutely assess the skill efficiency level of the employees to offer the performancecoaching to them(Kolb, 2014).

2.3 Use a systematic approach to planning a training and development workshop for your team on the needs identified by your department

The business image of  business strategy of Tesco  uses to help to get the confidence among thecustomers as they know that the staffs are full of knowledge. They have the flexibly structured approach for the training and development which is helpful for the individual employee needs as below:

Training and development approach


Options programme

The existing employees use to develop their skills and the leadership approach

Development programs

A level options with the A level entrants with the help of the 12 months training and development programs

Specialised programs

A level training program for  store, distribution and the administrative work(Tesco, 2015)

Both the on job and the off job training is offered to the employees. The systematic approach of the workshop has been mentioned as below:



Introduction to the problem ( Duration 1 day)

At first,individualintroduction along with the introduction to the problem stated is initiated. It also uses to help to shadow the new employee under the existing employee of Tesco

Question Answer session ( Duration 1 week)

The question Answer session is required to know the perception and the knowledge transfer for the problem raised. Here the coaching manager uses to influence to give the replies to the problem statement and with the possible solution(Burke & Noumair, 2015).

Discussion of the findings and analysis ( 2 weeks)

The analysisis done with the help of theknowledge transfer is done after that session.

Solution to the problem ( 1 week)

The solutionis established.

Scrutiny of the problem ( 4 days)

The solutions are scrutinized further

Best solution offering through the Q A session ( 2 days)

Best solutionis offered after the second and the final round of Question-Answer session with the help of the effective knowledge transfer(Beardwell & Claydon, 2007)

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Task 3

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using a suitable technique

As per the view ofCummings & Worley (2014),the outcome of the training is required to be evaluated in a proper manner to get the idea regarding the successfulness of the training program as per the requirement of the employees. In this aspect, the five-tiered approach is the most suitable one. The need evaluated use to be done with the help of this tool in an effective manner. The steps are Need assessment, monitoring of the sessions, Clarificationabout the program to the participants, progress of the process, and the impact of the program on the employees. To do this evaluation, the questionnaire has been set for the employees in the form of the feedback form with the close-endedquestions asmentionedin the Appendix.

Figure 2: Five tired approach oftraining evaluation

Five tired approach oftraining evaluation

This five-tiered approach is the suitable one for the perfectevaluation of the feedback and the progress about eh training program from the aspect of the employees. But, it is also required to have an in-depth view of the evaluation of the aspects of the managers and the customers regarding the application of the training knowledge in the practical life as well. Apart from the employee feedback form, the overall customer satisfaction of the customers by the employees after training also has been assessed along with the feedback from the supervisor or the management based on the observation of the training program in an effective manner.

3.2 Carry out the evaluation of the workshop by using the document created and collate the response on a concise spreadsheet.

The evaluation that has been conducted is both the qualitative and the quantitative. The Quantitative data has been collected from the responses of the employees through the feedback sheet. The qualitative data have beencollected from the responses of the managers as well as from the walk-in customers in Tesco and also from the Facebook social media responses in an effective manner.

  • Responses from employees: 30 employees participated in the training and development program from the customer service department as it is the crucial section those use to interact directly with the customers. The detailed result of the survey has been attached in Appendix.  From the responses, it is obvious that the employees are satisfied with eh training program that has been offered to them for the enhancement of their skills in an effective manner. Though there are few employees, those have reflected their view as dissatisfied. But, the majority of the employees have reflected their view as the satisfied one.
  • Responses from customers: It has been observed that the customerwas more or less satisfied with the support received from the employees after the training as they were well versedin the customer service etiquette. From the like options onFacebook, it can understand that how popular is the customer service offered by the employees to their online customers(Tesco, 2016). At the same time, the overall observation of the reaction of the walk-incustomers, the effectiveness of the training program and the perfect implementation can be evaluated. 
  • Responses from managers: The responses of the managers are sufficient enough regarding the evaluation of the progress of the training program. The managers of Tesco have observed that the mentor in the training and the development program were capable enough to engage the participants in an effective manner with the quality question answer session regarding the general problem that they use to face in the daily activities. It also has been observed by the managers that the employees are into the good practice in improving their skills with the perfect application of the knowledge transfer results for the training session in their activities to meet the target they are assigned.

3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used or whether another method would have been more appropriate based on the response

From the responses above, it can be stated that the five tire evaluation approach is justified with the training and the development program that has been executed to offer the enhancement in the skills with the help of the knowledge transfer and the effective question and answer session conducted by the mentor in an effective manner. It has been asses that the need of the individuals hasbeen accomplished along with the good reflection of the accountability It also has been stashed from the responses above that the message that as supposed to be delivered to the employees through the training event has been successfully reached to the employees. On the other hand, the effective progress of the session has been observed by the managers and the supervisors of the training event. The impact of the training session has been observed from the responses of customers online and the reactions of the walk-in customers in stores. The impact was based on the effective controlling of the customers as per their requirement and the effective queue management so that the savings in the waiting time can satisfy the customers of Tesco(Tesco, 2015). Thus, the management has been identified the correct assessment of the training event and has been recommended for not adopting any other training and evaluation mode for the betterment of the organization with the concept of the enhancement of skills with the help of the knowledge transfer.

Task 4

4.1 Explaining the role of government with regards to training, development and lifelong learning

As Tesco is mainly operating in the UK, thus, the role of the UK government has to be discussed in this section regarding the training and the development along with the lifelong learning in an effective manner.  The UK government has reflected his significant role in the offering of the training and development programs with the help of the experts. The UK government can supply the training tools those are required to establish the perfect training event as due to the cost factor the organization like Tesco may not be able to arrange for the same. At the same time, as Tesco is the giant retailer in Market, it is the responsibility of the UK government to have a close look at the infrastructuredevelopment of thetraining sessions for the betterment of Tesco. At the same time, the UK government also shouldfocus on the lifelonglearningfacility to be offered to them(Lozano, et al., 2016). The continuous supply of the marketing formation with the change in the trend and offering the motivation to learn more redirects to the fact of the lifelonglearning, In this aspect, the UK government is completelyresponsiblefor bearing the additionalcost for the betterment ofthe organisationaswell as for the economydevelopmentin an effective manner.

In the aspect of the lifelong learning for the upbringing of the skills, it is required by the UK government to invest in a large amount of the training and the development sessions to be organized by the different organizations in the UK. As per the view ofCummings & Worley (2014), theworkforce is the key to improving their quality and also are treated as the important asset of the company. Therefore, it is required by the organization as well as by the government to have a close look at the training and the development session with the help of the perfect investment and offering of the different training amenities by the knowledge transfer. Thus, the skills of the people in the organization can be improved as per the requirementof the different organisation to cope up with the change in the organization. At the same time, as UK government is liable to offer their investment to all theorganizations in UK. Thus, the degree of the intense competitionamong competitors also will get increased in an effective manner. 

4.2 Explaining how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sector organizations (give an example for at least one public organization and one private organization)

As per the view ofCummings & Worley (2014), the competency movement has influenced the firms to think about the filing up the performance gap of their own.  Both the private and the public firms are concentrating on the continuous improvement of the employee competency so that they will be able to cope up with the change in themarket with the help oftheir updated skills and the knowledge base with thehelp of the knowledge transfer. In this manner, they canmaintain their good service quality and the good production quality to meet the demand of the market.Thus, the continuous improvement in the skills of theemployees those are treated as the assets are required to be maintained by both the private and the publicfirm. It has been observed that private firms use to invest more in the training and the development to makethelearning curve better. As an example it can be stated that Deloitte, a private auditing, and the consulting firm is closely associated with the process of the moreinvestment in offering the training and development to their employees, They use to focus more on the steep learningcurve so that that the employees will remain updated with the market knowledge with the help of the continuous learning and experience.

On the other hand, it also has been observed that the public firms also are concentrating on the training and development of the employees for the better production and also to meetthe need of the marketing principles  an effectivemanner. As an example, it can be stated that East Coast trains are continuously offering the training and development to their employees so that they will be able to give the full effort with the earned knowledge and skills for the offering of the betterservice quality to the market in an effective manner. Thus, the higher success rate of both the private and the public firms has offered the better and the good production and the service quality with the movement of the competency of the training and the development skills of the employees of these firms

4.3 Assessing how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contributes to human resources development for Tesco.

To maintain the economy of the UK in astableposition, the perfectinitiativehas been taken by the UK government to offer the contemporary training to the employees of theorganizations. Thus, for Tesco as well UK government has taken the initiative to offer the short and quick training process as per the requirement of the organisation to strengthen the future prospect of Tesco. Thus, UK government is playing a significant role in the designing of the quick and the short training session in the vulnerable working atmosphere with the help of the planning of the effective and best learning options as per the requirement(Asongu & Nwachukwu, 2016).  The annual report of the Tesco through the comments of the customers reflects the fact that Tesco is in acontinuous effort to improve their efficiency for the customer service. Thus, they are recognized as the “Champion for customers.” With the help of the great intervention of the UK government regarding the perfect training and development, they can maintain the shop in Tesco with over 80 million per week. Even, through the Eat happy project children group (more than 685, 000) have become aware regarding the food value. All these are possible with the help of the UK government intervention.

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Thus, it can be stated that the Tesco plc is in good progress in the development of the required skills with the proper training and the development program with the strong intervention of the U government so that they will be able to meet the demand of the market in an effective manner.


Asongu, S. & Nwachukwu, J., 2016. The role of lifelong learning on political stability and non-violence: evidence from Africa. Journal of Economic Studies,43(1), pp. 141-164.
Beardwell, J. & Claydon, T., 2007. Human Resource Management: A Contemporary Approach. 5th Edition ed. London: FT Press.
Boxall., 2008. The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Burke, W. & Noumair, D., 2015. Organization development: A process of learning and changing.London: FT Press.
Chen, C. & Wu, C., 2015. Effects of different video lecture types on sustained attention, emotion, cognitive load, and learning performance.Computers & Education, 80(1), pp. 108-121.
Cummings, T. & Worley, C., 2014. Organization development and change. London: Cengage Learning.
Kolb, D., 2014. Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development.London: FT Press.
Lozano, J. et al., 2016. Governments and corporate social responsibility: Public policies beyond regulation and voluntary compliance.London: Springer.
Mankin, D., 2009. Human Resource Development. ISBN: 9780199283286 ed. s.l.:OUP Oxford.
Michael, A., 2009. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. 11th Edition ed. London: Kogan page.
Tesco, 2015. Annual report, London: Tesco.
Tesco, 2016. Facebook. [Online]
Available at: https://www.facebook.com/tesco
[Accessed 26 October 2016].