Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment

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Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment
Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment
Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment


This program has been executed over the topic “Human Resource Management” in which different elements of human resource management will be discussed so as to develop the knowledge of the human resource management and the role of human resource management in the business. Human resource is an important aspect which is responsible for the execution of the operations of the business so business need to manage these resources for the purpose of execution of the business operations in an effective manner. This report will cover different aspects including the difference between the personnel management and human resource management, roles and responsibilities of the line manager in human resource management, analysis of the influence of legal and regulatory and the functions of human resource management. It will also discussreasons for human resource planning, stages of the human resource requirements,comparison between the recruitment and selection process of different organisationsand the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process.It will also discuss the link between motivation and rewards, evaluation of the process for job evaluation and the factors which helps in determining the pay, analysis of the reward systems, methods which can be used for monitoring the performance of the employees, reasons for cessation of employment, exit procedure used by the organisations and the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on the employment cessation.

All these aspects will be explained by linking these aspects with an organisation and the name of the organisation is “Bestway” which is a privately owned multinational conglomerate in United Kingdom. Headquarter of Bestway is located in Bestway Head Office, Abbey Road, Park Royal, London, NW10 7BW, United Kingdom. Bestway was founded by Sir Anwar Pervez in 1976. It is operating in different industries including cement, banking, pharmacy and wholesale. It has huge employee base of 33,600 employees and for the management of the large employee base there is a need to adopt human resource management techniques. Comparison will be made with the other companies of United Kingdom.

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment
Task 1

1.1 Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management.

There are two ways in which employees in the organization can be managed.One way is the traditional approach in which the personal management exists and is the modern approach in which there is human resource management. Personal management is used to set the goals and objectives of the individual in the organization on the other hand human resource management plan and design the various organization function in an effective and efficient manner so that employees performance can enhance.

  • Personal management treats employees as an input to get significant output on the other hand HRM treats there employees as a resource to achieve the goals and objectives of the organization.
  • Personal & profesional management believes in the administration as well as well-being of the labour force on the other hand HRM focus to motivate employees and develop the organization working to achieve the desired result.
  • In the personal management only basic trainings are provided to operate the business on the other hand in HRM effective imperative training are provided so that appraise development of the employees may take place.
  • Personal management focuses on the individual and its job design is done according to the employee’s capability whereas HRM carry out its activities of job designing in accordance to the team work.
  • On the basis on the function there exist the difference as employee satisfaction is considered in the personal management on the other hand administrative functions are taken into consideration  for the attainting the goals of the organizations (Sundar, 2013).

1.2 Assess the function of the human resource management in contributing to organizational purposes.

In the Bestway Company there are enormous functions followed by the human resource team that includes both the managerial and operative functions. In relation to the managerial functions, human resource team follows the functions of planning, organizing, directing as well as controlling. Planning is conducted to achieve all the goals of the company by proper research in relation to the requirement of number of employees needed to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Another function is organizing in which relationship among the employees are set up in such a way that they may work and conduct there designated work without any difficulty. Other than that directing is done so the employees motivation is boosted in such a way that there potential for the conduction of work may be increased. Last and the final function are to scrutinize the work of the employees and make imperative amendment, if required.

In relation to the operative function, HRM focuses on the recruitment, selection, performance appraisal and training of the employees so that effective operation may be run in the company. HRM recruit and select the most suitable candidates for the job so that company can achieve its goals effectively. Apart from that performance of the employees are checked on frequent intervals so that ineffective employees may be removed from the company. HRM also focuses on the development of employees so for that purpose proper training sessions are conducted so that the resources may be optimally utilized (Ramona & Anca, 2013).

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management.

Line manager are the persons who direct and supervise the employees in relation to the generation of the output for the company and they are responsible for running the managerial operations for the company. In the Bestway there are certain roles and responsibilities of the line manager’s like-

  • Performance of the employees are evaluated and scrutinized by HR team by various tools like 360 degree feedbacks etc. other than that there performance is evaluated to scrutinize whether the performance is as per the need of the company and all the necessary feedbacks are send to the higher authority in relation to it.
  • Another responsibility is to discipline the employees in the company. All the guidelines and the expected behaviour of the employees in the company are given in expressed or implied form so that all the operations may be conducted in a harmonize manner.
  • Another is the employee engagement in which line manager makes all imperative attempts to increase the performance of the employees either by motivations or some tools and techniques. It is also the responsibility of the manager to create a healthy business environment for the effective operation of the working by employees.
  • Line manager need to identify the training and development needs of the employees so as to ensure that the performance of the human resource of the organisation is maintained and guided in the right direction. Training and development process will help in the development of the skills and knowledge of the human resource of Bestway.
  • Line manager must pay to the employees as per the work load as well as on their performance in a way that employees may be satisfied with it. It is also the responsibility of line manager to decide the salary of the employees so it becomes important that this decision be taken in an effective manner (Lawless & Trif, 2016).

1.4 Analyse the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management.

There are certain rules and regulation that are required by the company and its human resource management team that are conducted by following all the legislation. Bestway need comply with these rules and regulations for the purpose of execution of the operations of the organisation within the legal framework. These legal and regulatory framework on the human resource management are mentioned below-

  • National minimum wages act 1998- It is important that human resource management team pay at least the minimum wages that are directed by the act to the labours and task force. If they do not pay them accordingly then legal actions can be taken against the company and its department. The minimum wages are stipulated in the act and it’s obligatory for the human resource to follow them. Organisations need to follow the wage rates which are being decided or stated in the act (Keesing, 2012).
  • Equal pay act 1970- Human resource team is required to pay equal pay without discriminating on the basis of the gender, race, religion, caste etc. but is then also management team follows the discrimination then they are eligible for the legal actions. This act ensures that the equal payment is made to the employees without executing discriminatory practices which results in unethical practices at the workplace of the organisation.
  • Sex Discrimination Act 1997- this act states that organisations need to ensure that no discriminatory practices are being carried out in an organisation on the basis of the sex of the employee.
  • Data protection act 1998- according to this act it is the responsibility of the organisation to ensure the safety and security of the confidential data of the employees. Non-compliance to the rule will give rise to legal consequences for the organisation (De Becker, 2011).
  • Work and families act 2006- this act has been framed for the purpose of maintaining a balance between the personal and professional life of the employees. The employer should give maternity leaves and payments, paternity leaves and flexible working hours to the employees.
  • Employment right act 1996- There are many right given to the employees by the act in relation to the protection of employees against the unfair dismissal or insufficient payment by the employer to them. So all the guidelines are required to be stated in the employment contract and if human resource does not comply with that then they are eligible for the legal action that may cause a huge blow to the company. This law states the rights which have been provided by the laws to the employees for ensuring their safety and security at the workplace of the organisation(Keesing, 2012).
    Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment

Task 2

In this task two organisations of United Kingdom will be used. One is Bestway and another organisation is Arcadia Group which is engaged in clothing industry.

2.1 Analyse the reasons for human resource planning in organisations

The term human resource planning can be understood as the planning process executed by the individual for the purpose of ensuring that the work is being performed by the right person with the required qualities and skills and on the right time for the attainment of the objectives of the organisation. Human resource planning is done for the various reasons so as to ensure that the operations of the organisation are performed in a proper manner. The availability of the right amount of human resource in an organisation is very important as without this the performance of the organisation gets affected at large. Human resource planning need to be done for formulating plans for the management of the human resource of the organisation. The reasons of human resource planning are mentioned below:

  • Effective utilisation of the human resource for conducting the operations of the organisation: the most common reason for which human resource planning is done is for the execution of the operations of the organisation so as to achieve the objectives of the organisation. Bestway is engaged in the process of human resource planning so as to analyse the need of the human resource and development of the plans and policies for the fulfilment of the need of the human resource (Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh, et. al., 2016).
  • Analysing the training and development needs: the change in the technology and the businessenvironment gives rise to the need of training for developing the human resource which enhances the performance of the organisation. Bestway is analysing the training and development needs of the human resource for enhancing their capabilities and skills (Mostaghim, et. al., 2013).
  • Recruiting skilled and talented employees: human resource planning enhances the recruitment and selection process of the organisation.
  • Analysis of the requirement of the human resource: Human resource planning is effective is analysing the requirement of the human resource by the organisation for conducting the operations of the organisation.
  • Management of the effective human resource all the time: it is vital for the business organisations to ensure the availability of the sufficient human resource all the time for the fulfilment of the expectations and demands of the customers from the business(Mostaghim, et. al., 2013).
  • Retention of the talent: human resource planning helps in maintaining the level of satisfaction among the human resource of the organisation so as to retain the talented and skilled human resource with the organisation.
  • Coping with unforeseen situations: different situations may arise in front of the business which needs to be dealt in a proper manner. And proper planning of human resource of the organisation helps in dealing with these uncertain situations(Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh, et. al., 2016).

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements

Planning process of human resource is done in number of stages and these stages which are used for the purpose of planning process of the human resource requirement of the business are mentioned below which can be used by Bestway:

  • Assessment of the human resources: in this stage of the planning of the human resource requirement, the external and internal aspects are being evaluated by the manager for the purpose of analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the human resource of the organisation which will help in the analysis of the effectiveness of the organisation in grabbing the opportunities and facing the threats or the issues.The inventory of the human resource of the organisation is analysed in this stage.
  • Forecasting the demand of human resources: in this stage, estimates are being made for the purpose of analysis of the demand of the human resource of the organisation. Human resource manager makes forecast for the future need of the human resource for the purpose of meeting the future expectations or the needs of the organisation. This will ensure that an effective human resource inventory is being maintained by the organisation (Mann, 2014).
  • Forecasting the supply of human resources: in this stage forecasts or estimates are being made for the supply of the human resource or the availability of the human resource in the business environment. For the fulfilment of the need of the human resource of the organisation, it needs to recruit human resource as per the requirement for which estimates need to be made of the supply (Ogunyomi, 2013).
  • Matching the demand and supply: in this stage the demand and the supply are being compared or matched with each other so as to analyse the different between the supply and the demand of the human resource. By using this stage the human resource manager focuses over the attainment of the level where the demand for the human resource of the organisation is equal to the supply of the human resource.
  • Action plan: in this stage the concern is placed over the excess or the shortage of the human resource. This plan keeps a check over the management of the human resource in an effective manner.

2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organisations

Recruitment and selection process can be understood as the process for searching the candidates for the posts and selection of the most suitable candidate for the fulfilment of the requirement of the post. Different organisations uses different recruitment and selection process for the purpose of selection of the most suitable candidate for the execution of the activities of the organisation.

Bestway is a conglomerate which is operating in different industries and for the recruitment and selection of the employees it has adopted a process in which various stages are involved. For the fulfilment of the higher level posts it focuses over the internal source in which the deserving candidates gets promoted for the higher positions as these employees are aware of the manner in which the operations of the organisation are executed. For the recruitment and selection process it conducts interview in several stages and these stages include preliminary phone interview, written test, face to face interview and a HR interview. In the first stage a telephonic interview is conducted for the scrutiny of the suitable candidates and after this the selected candidates are invited for the purpose of a written test or an aptitude test for testing the mental capability of the candidate and after this stage a face to face interview is conducted for analysing the communication, interpersonal skills and the confidence level of the candidate. At last a HR interview is conducted in which HR manager checks the behaviour of the candidate after which the offer letter is issued to the candidate (Stanujkic, et. al., 2015).

On the other hand, Arcadia Group has outsourced it recruitment and selection process to a third party which executes the recruitment and selection process of Arcadia Group on the behalf of Arcadia Group. Arcadia Group provides specifications to the third party which conducts the recruitment and selection process on the basis of the specifications provided by Arcadia Group (Newton, et. al., 2015).

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organisations

The effectiveness of the recruitment and selection process of the organisation can be analysed with the help of the analysis of the performance of the human resource and of the organisation.

The recruitment and selection process adopted by Bestway is an effective process in which the candidate needs to clear various stages and these stages help in the analysis of the skills and knowledge of the candidate which contributes towards the execution of the operations of the organisation in an effective manner. Bestway is placing proper focus over the recruitment and selection process for the selection of the candidates possessed with the skills required for the execution of the activities of the business. These stages have effectively analysed the skills and the capabilities of the candidate so as to analyse the effectiveness of the candidate in fulfilling the roles and responsibilities assigned to the post for which it will be selected (Louw, 2013).

On the other hand, the recruitment and selection process used or followed by Arcadia Group is less effective or ineffective. The use of the third party or outsourcing for the recruitment of the candidate can be effective or not as the outsourcing companies uses a common recruitment and selection process for all the organisations and the chances of selection of less effective candidate may arises (Wheatley, 2010).

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment

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Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward

Motivation is an important aspect which can be understood as the process or the action which enhances the morale of the individual for the execution of an activity in a better manner. The process of motivation creates impact over the behaviour of the individual which helps in improving the performance of the individual.There are various theories given by the different Authors. These authors have explained the concept of motivation in different ways. There is a link between the concept of motivation or the motivational theory and the reward. Reward is included in the boundaries of motivational theory as motivational theory is a broader concept in comparison to reward. Rewards are the benefits or the incentives in monetary terms which are being offered to the employees for their performance which enhances the satisfaction level of the employees. And motivational theories cover the monetary as well as non-monetary aspects (Hammersley, 2014;2013).

There are various theories of motivation given by different authors. These motivational theories are Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These theories have described motivation in different ways. According to the Maslow’s hierarchy of needstheory of motivation, the needs of the individual are divided into different stages and when the one need of the individual is satisfied it moves towards the satisfaction of the other needs. This theory has divided the needs of the individual in different stages such as the need of love, affection, recognition, monetary needs and many more.

According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation, there are factors which results in dissatisfaction among the individual and satisfaction among the individual. These factors need to be considered by the organisations for the purpose of satisfying the needs of employees for enhancing the performance of the employees.

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment

Bestway can use these motivational theories which include rewards for enhancing the morale of the human resource which results in attainment of the goals of the organisation.Both these motivational theories help in focusing over the needs and satisfaction level of the human resource of the organisation which is an important aspect for every business (Bigdeli, et. al., 2016).

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay

Job evaluation can be explained as the process of estimating or analysing the value of the job or the post of the employee on the basis of the level of effectiveness of the employee in performing the roles and responsibilities attached to the job. Job evaluation is a crucial aspect which needs to be done in an effective manner and ineffectiveness in this will result in dissatisfaction among the human resource of the organisation. There are various methods available for the evaluation of the job which can be used by Bestway. These methods for job evaluation are mentioned below:

  • Ranking method: in this method the ranks are allocated to the employees on the basis of the jobs performed by them which help in analysing the effectiveness of the performance of the employees.
  • Classification method: in this method of job evaluation the value of the job is evaluated by dividing the employees into different groups on the basis of the performance and the output the employee has produced.
  • Point method: the employees receive points for the activities or the roles they perform and the points are given on the basis of the effectiveness of the activity or the role performed by them.
  • Factor comparison: in this method of job evaluation, evaluation is done of the worth of the job by the identification of the compensable factors (Vicente Pardo, 2014).
  • Setting standards: standards or the targets are set on the basis of which the actual performance of the employee is compared with the targets which they had to achieve which helps in analysis of the effectiveness of the employees in performing the job.

There are various factors available which determines the pay of the employees and these factors include size of the organisation, type of the organisation, nature of the job, performance of  the employee, skills and experience of the employee, profitability of the organisation and pattern of pay prevailing in the industry.

3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts

Rewards can be explained as something which is given for the performance or the good behaviour of the individual with a motive to enhance the morale of the individual.Bestway is having strong employee base and for the management of the huge employee base it is offering rewards to the employees which helps in motivating the employees for enhancing their performance. Rewards is an effective way for motivating the human resource and Bestway is using the two types of rewards for motivating and improving the satisfaction level of the human resource of the organisation. These two types of rewards are extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards. Extrinsic rewards can be explained as theincentives offered to the employee, which are in financial terms and improve the performance of the employees by increasing the satisfaction level of the employees. Extrinsic rewards include increment or hike in the salary, bonus, commissions, target bonusesand gifts. Intrinsic rewards can be explained as the rewards which are not in the financial terms but helps in enhancing the satisfaction level and performance of the employee. Intrinsic rewards include recognition, trust, authority, positive feedbacks, praise, promotion and increase in the responsibilities. These two types of rewards have effectively supported Bestway in developing the human resource of the organisation and enhancing the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation. Reward system has been implemented by Bestway in its organisation as a motivation strategy for motivating the employees of the organisation. These reward systems adopted by Bestway has helped in the generation of trust, loyalty and faith among the human resource of the organisation. When fair treatment is given to the employees, they feel motivated. Bestway has started involving the human resource of the organisation in the decision making process of the organisation which has enhanced the satisfaction level of the employees from the job and generated team spirit among the organisation (Armstrong, et. al., 2011).

3.4 Examine the methods organisations use to monitor employee performance

Methods for monitoring the performance of the employees are important as it helps in keeping a check over the performance of the employees. There are various methods available which are used for the purpose of monitoring the performance of the human resource of the organisation. These methods which are used by Bestway for the purpose of monitoring the performance of the employees are:

  • 360 degree evaluation technique: in this technique the performance of the employee is continuously monitored for the purpose of keeping a check over the performance of the employee on regular basis.
  • Self-evaluation: in this the employees are asked to check their performance on their own so as to analyse their performance.This helps in analysing the training and development needs of the employees.
  • Surveys: surveys are being conducted by the company from the employees about their job, roles and responsibilities assigned to it, satisfaction level of the employees from the job for analysing the performance of the employees.
  • Checklists: in this technique the manager who is responsible for monitoring the performance of the employees by preparing a checklist on the basis of the tasks employee has to perform (Dauda & Akingbade, 2011).

Task 4

The aspects of this task will be discussed in relation with the two organisations of United Kingdom. The names of the organisations are Bestway and Arcadia Group.

4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with an organisation

Cessation of employment can be understood as the end of the contract of employment by the employer or the employee due to various reasons. The contract of employment gets terminated by the employer or the employee due to various reasons. These reasons due to which the contract of employment is terminated include differences between the employer and the employee, non-performance of the roles and responsibilities assigned to the employee by the employer, relationship with the other employees, involvement of the employee in the unethical practices, breach of the terms or conditions of the job on the part of employee or employer, better opportunities for the employee, unsatisfactory performance of the employee, dissatisfaction from the job or the unsafe culture of the organisation. All these reasons can form base for the purpose of termination of the contract of employment by the employer or the employee. These reasons can be divided in to two types and these are voluntary and non-voluntary termination of the employment. In voluntary termination of the employment,the contract of employment gets terminated by the employee due to various reasons. Non-voluntary termination of the employment,the contract of employment gets terminated by the employer due to various reasons which are listed above (Morois, et. al., 2016;2015).

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organisations

Different organisations have different exit procedure for the exit of the employee by the termination of the contract of employment.Bestway has followed a systematic procedure for the exit of the employee from the organisation. In this process the employee who is leaving the job need to give notice to the employer stating the reason for leaving the job and for informing the employer about the termination of the contract of employment. After giving the notice employee need to serve the notice period of 1 month and transfer the roles and responsibilities to the employee hired as its replacement. At the end of the notice period an exit interview will be conducted which employee will be asked about the culture, policies and structure of the organisation so as to analyse the issues faced by the employee. After the completion of the notice period employee is relived.

On the other hand, Arcadia Group has adopted a procedure for the employment exit in which the request of resignation is processed and an exit interview is conducted. The employee who is leaving the job is asked to provide reference request if it wishes to and after this process the employee is free from the contract (Arranz, et. al., 2010).

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Sample Assignment

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements.

There are various rules and regulations framed by the government for the purpose of ensuring the safety of the jobs of the employees and of the employees. Legal and regulatory framework ensures that no employee is terminated from the job due to the unfair means or unfair treatment is provided to any employee at the workplace. The legal and regulatory frameworks have provided guidelines which guide the organisations for providing equal treatment and rights to the employees at the workplace. According to the law no employee can be terminated on the basis of the caste, sex, colour, physical appearance and religion. This framework also states that the employees need to be paid equally if they are working on the same position regardless of the sex or age. Wrongful dismissal of the employee is not acceptable by the law as it harms the interest of the employee. For this type of dismissal employee is free to sue the organisation on the ground of wrongful dismissal of the employee (Alali, et. al., 2016).


This program has developed the information and knowledge of the various aspects of human resource management as it is crucial for every business. For the purpose of enhancement in the performance of the organisation there is a need to manage the human resource of the organisation. Organisations can use different techniques for the purpose of enhancing the performance of the human resource and for the measurement of the performance of the human resource. There are various rules and regulations which have been framed for the purpose of guiding the organisations for the management of human resource of the organisation. This report also covers the aspects related to cessation of the employment such as the reasons and the impact of the legal and regulatory on the arrangements of cessation of employment.


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