Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment – Arondeli

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Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment – Arondeli
Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment Arondeli
Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment – Arondeli


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment – Arondeli

QFC Level

Level 5


This Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise Assignment Arondeli report is on a Small Business Enterprise which is newbie to the catering industry. Fetched from a good background of feeding people with the best menu, this company is still struggling to be a name in the food industry (Raineret al. 2013). But there are some factors which are stopping it from being the number one company and such problems have been discussed inside the report.

A detailed analysis has been attained to each of the problems and also the good points have been marked so as to support the company to stand tall with the other stalwarts located around the place.

Task 1

1.1Produce a profile of your chosen small business enterprise (SBE):

Profile of Aron’s – A Small Business Enterprise

Aron’s is an event and corporate catering business situated at Bristol. In Redland, they are the licensed and an equipped name of caterers who can even be hired for pop ups or for a complete occasion (Ackermannet al., 2013). They offers platter of delicious culinary which is inspired by the traditional cooking methods of Eastern Europe and New York Deli (Sluyterman, 2013). Steve Varcoe and Marta Aron, the proprietors of the catering business offers baked, cooked and properly preserved dishes with sparkle of affectiondelivered to it.

Smart Objective:

To get success in the most easiest ways, SMART, (the abbreviation of Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)has its biggest role to play. Aron’s objectives have been discussed below (Haeckel, 2013):

Objective: 1




To launch three more branches in the same locality and increase website traffic for making an website awareness


To make an increment of the company popularity in terms of sourcing food by 20%


To inform the consumers about how much we are sternly  continuing our purpose in serving the best


It is realistic since it has already reached about 18% of market popularity


With our workforce it is easily achievable to attain the whole process within 4 months

Objective: 2




To hire more skilled cook within the short possible time


Making a target time of 8 months, the whole procedure is needed to get accomplish


It is achievable since in UK it is more easy to find an expert chef


The month or the objective both stands as realistic because already they are possessing a line of good cooks within a time of almost 1 year henceforth finding another team within the mentioned time would never be any problem


8 months will be enough to accomplish the task

Objective: 3




To implement traditional French Cuisine


Putting a target time of 9 months, within which French recipes would be applied


We hope that it would be achieved because of the newly recruited line of cook


If not a big squad of chef, still implementation of the idea would not be a problem because of the existing team


9 months for implementing French food itemsis just enough to be achieved


Formerly, both the names remained the owner of Aron’s Jewish Delicatessen, are catering a sundry of items that varies from small get-togethers to a large conference offering hundreds of people (Hall and Rusher, 2013, p. 83). They confirm incredible proficiency in catering to receptions, birthdays or private part. According to Aron, the company proprietor, although their food might hold the smell of Jewish but it is far likely to possess any attar or ingredients of Kosher.


‘Arondeli’ is under tough competition with the similar names of its group ‘Squid and Pear’, ‘Clerkenwell Gree’, ‘Ginger Jar Food’, ‘Chefs on the Move’, ‘A bit of a Mouthful’ and many more. These are the toughest names for this catering business since all are having some of the best servings of the place. What is more threatening for Arondeli is that almost all the names mentioned are in practice of event management too which the former lacks. Infact they are using some of the big fat venues and enhance the place with their oomph of vivacity in embellishingthe occasion (Cavusgil et al. 2014). Confrontation


The Strengths and Weakness of Arondeli

                 Figure: 1 The Strengths and Weakness of Arondeli

Key Performance Indicators:

Key Performance Indicators

Figure: 2 Key Performance Indicators:

1.1Theory and practice has mentioned various indicators:

  • Financial Profits: Profit is included as an advantage that gets realized with the exceeding of the gained revenue from a business activity alongwith some other factors like exceeding of the taxes and costs for sustaining the other activities.It has been observed in 2015, company has earned approximately £25 million as financial profit.
  • ROI: It is the profitability ratio which will be calculating the profit gained from an investment as a part of percentage of the original cost.Year 2015 received nearly £25 million as profit for investment of almost £120 million investment (Jeston and Nelis, 2014).
  • Market Share: It is the percentage which the company earns in a particular time period. Arondeli has earned about 5% approx. in a year
  • Customer Satisfaction: It is the percentage that gets calculated with the purchase of each consumer to some particular brand. Consumers are overwhelmed with the services received from Arondeli and such has increased their brand popularity.
  • Employee Motivation: It remains as one of the most necessary objectives that a company must be carrying out to encourage workstaff. And Arondeli is vibrantly maintaining with its manifold encouragements.
  • Operations Quality: Quality defines ‘receiving against what you are paying’. It is actually an ability of a service to meet consistently the expectations of a customer which Arondeli is untiringly preserving.
  • Flexibility: It is defined as the ability with which Arondeli can move working staffs to other responsibilities inside the company.
Three Different Comparative Measures:
  • Benchmarking: Benchmarking, is the procedure of data comparing, with that of established measures and these measures will include the previous outcomes or performance of some specific programs.At Arondeli, managers continue such a technique where they find out the problems and identify its consequences by conversing with the experts.
  • Integrated Systems: Arondeli implements this kind of systems by providing training to staffs mentioning the different ways of data collection.
  • Balanced Scorecards: In this context, Arondeli makes use of four arenas:
  1. Consumers
  2. Financial performance
  3. Process of internal business
  4. Learning and innovation

Theory in support:

Theory in support:

Task 2

2.1 Based on the findings in Task 1.1:

Below are mentioned some of the strategies with which the weakness of the company can be resolved:

  • Benchmarking stands as the best in terms of action planning and competitions
  • Quality systems and management with training of employees and incentives remains the most appropriate actions for Arondeli
  • Making use of professional advicefor production, Human Resource Management and many more
  • Overcoming of poor control of finance, inventory management, waste management, overcoming the lack of management skills and implication of improvement against each of them
  • Monitoring of external environment with the creation of dynamic fit

Considering the above strategies, Arondeli is capably handling their weakness of

  • Low Financial Resource: Recommendation selling of share, increasing vendor, implementing cost cutting technique
  • Lacking Market Research: Recommendation is making vigorous market research so as to find the customer requirements
  • Lack of enough experience in comparison with the other big bang names in competition: Recommendation is increasing of website traffics as well as marketing promotion with the recruitment of expert and advisors. With their suggestion and advice fulfilling the target

And henceforth coming out with the best outcome ever.

2.2 Based on the findings in Task 1.1, and 1.2:

Arondeli is thriving as a catering management company in UK for a year and so but it has gained so much popularity among the consumers that today they are thinking of upgrading their menu list holding the hands of the right kind of people. They are appointing new line of cook for launching their new French cuisines where innovation bonded with quality has been highlighted particularly. With diverse means of checking the competency levels of the chefs, they are in a process of taking the skilled numbers with proper quality check. Striving for almost a year, the level of recognition which they have earned somehow, is something they don’t want to compromise and therefore they are using their continuous skills

But alongwith their manifold places of weakness they are trying to sort out the best suitable outcome to make a full proof blue print to implement in the right possible ways. Such as:

  • In increasing website traffic, the organization has engaged the right kind of workforce to drive the consumers in getting them effectively
  • For Human Resource Management, they are in idea of employment of the right skill so as to enhance the entire procedure

2.3 Ansoff’s matrix discuses four areas of business expansion and growth:

According to Ansoff Matrix, the four arenas of business growth and expansion are:

  1. Market Penetration
  2. Product Development
  3. Market Development
  4. Diversification

Ansoff Matrix

Figure 4: Ansoff Matrix

The two areas which need to be expanded are:

  1. Product Development: The business is incorporating a new cuisine to their list of menuwith which they are hopeful to get a good response from the consumers. With the inception of the French Cuisine in the UK culinary, they are expecting an overwhelming reaction with more customers to join their food club. Being from a catering business they are having their target market to the food consumers where after meeting the various requirements, the proprietors are hopeful towards incorporating their new cuisine ideas.
  2. Market Development:Promotion remains one of the important parts for all companies. Therefore neglecting this arena can have its biggest outcome in the coming future. Therefore, keeping this in mind, Arondeli has been investing time towards getting high response from their website. Website Traffic is the key word which can drive a company at the zenith of success. So this catering organization has deployed a team of professionals to give the company colours of accomplishment with the right attitude.

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Task 3

Following completion of the first two tasks, you now have a clear picture on how your SBE could develop further.

3.1 Produce an assessment of existing business objectives:

The organization is moving with an objective to find the maximum number of consumers in the shortest time and make brand popularity as early as possible. With a skilled workforce they are trying to find out the target consumer and henceforth carry out a procedure with which they can come up to a win-win condition. But what they are lacking of is a good market research. For any business, marketing planning comes as the most important thing to consider with which the organization will actually be moving forward. Henceforth market researching is an absolute necessary procedure to follow for a startup business.
Next it is the financial resource which is the second point of weakness with which they are struggling of. Although the company is in lookout to find some better investor to improve their financial; condition but time has its other result for them.
Finally it is the experience which is steering them from scoring the best in the catering industry. Although a new inception, but still need of experience so as to scorethe best and strive for the best.

The bad points are:

  1. The menu list consists of fewer recipes which distracts people from having a good option. Appointing a caterer obviously will make people think of a large varieties in terms of serving in their special day but if the menu chart consists of some specific names then obviously the desire of appointing them lessens.
  2. The less number of branches demoralizing people from availing the caterer. Staying in a location away from the catering office does not help the consumers anyway in availing their service since Arondeli does not offer any mode of getting them nearer to their location because of the less number of branch office.

3.2 Based on your assessment in task 3.1:

The weakness of the company has been distinguished as:

  1. Less Market Research
  2. Less Financial Support
  3. Less Experience

These are the three weakness on which the company has to put a lot of effort. They are required to make it a fact that only consumer satisfaction is the last thing with which they can move further and can excel well in the catering business. Their arenas on which they are needed to work on are:

  1. Marketing: As their only way of getting high response towards their servings is through website marketing, therefore, they are needed take the necessary actions for business dicision making their website high rate on the google analytics. With regular updation and needed corrections, the company should be serious enough in tracking their organization ranking.
  2. Investor: As they lack of investors towards their business, so quite obviously in many fields they are missing their enough resource. Therefore, it is highly needed that they should be running with the proper intention and planning so as to foresee their company in a better place in the near future.
  3. Customer Satisfaction: This remains as the most important point to consider first. Every customer is in need of innovation and creativity and importantly should be worth of its value. So by chance, if any of these are lacking, consumers will more likely get diverted with whatever they are having right now.

The two business models on which remodelling of the business plan have been attained are given below:

Lewin’s Change Model

Figure 5: Lewin’s Change Model

Mckinsey’s 7S Framework

Figure 6: Mckinsey’s 7S Framework

3.3 Based on your revised plan in 3.2:

The action plan requires:

  1. Finding an investor: As it is mentioned earlier, that even after delivering some of the best menu, the organization lacks financial resource for which competing with their big names in the catering industry is becoming tough. Thus bringing investor has become an absolute must.
  2. Finding Vendor/Supplier: Supplying of raw materials so as to continue the whole day with the proper ingredients is equally important. Therefore, if the business lacks proper contact of suppliers, then existing to this big industry will pose threat for them in the near future.
  3. Implementing correct market analysis plan: Marketing has its biggest effect over a business. If it does not gets planned well, and if the marketing henceforth does not gets well executed, then catering business would have its worst effect in terms of standing tall in the catering business.
  4. Bringing innovation to the offered food list: Food list need to be rechecked every now and then. Bringing some of the best options to it certainly will be acting as magnet to attract more number of consumers towards their business.
  5. Opening more branches across the city: The final conclusion which is another point need to be considered by them.

Task 4

4.1 In the task 3, you have proposed some major changes:

Keeping the above implementation on mind, certainly the company will have the maximum benefit over getting profit. Fixing up their weakness and finding out what are the more things they are needed to focus on; Arondeli should be responsible enough towards the customer satisfaction. It is not only the extensive menu chart that will be attracting more number of consumers towards their everyday schedule; instead it is their manifold actions that willenable them in getting high success to their near future.
A company makes some strategy using which they strive for betterment. Implementing such and bringing improvisation to these, an organization can actually accelerate their speed of riding success (Aronsdeli.co.uk. 2016). Every time the food quality will not be the reason of bringing popularity of making branding of with brand popularity, instead it will be the variation, the different discounts offered and the visibility of getting the shop both online and onroad will actually help them in curving success.
Finding investor will be giving them reason to stand high as investment in getting ingredients, finding good cooks, getting good support team and enhancing the creativity by having a team of creative players will be supported whereas improvement of the menu list and bringing new dishes will enable people from other countries to try their brand atleast once. Ultimately a catering company gets appointed to make event grandeur so no people will be contacting any companies who are having a bad track report.

4.2 Plan how you would manage those proposed changes at your SBE:

The action plan will be requiring:

  1. Getting an investor: An investor will enable the company in finding newer innovative means to décor the entire business plan as well as find some good solution to the problems that they are trying for months (Olson and Staley 2012, p. 80). These are the people who will enable as well as enhance the entire way of making business in the perfect effective means.
  2. Getting a good Vendor/Supplier: As an investor will be making investment to make a business earn more, the supplier will have his part of contribution by making the next process run soothingly. Supply of the things at the appropriate time will enable the organization in running properly without any mistake.
  3. Implementation of the correct market plan for analysis: As stated earlier, that Marketing will be having its biggest effect in earning high. Henceforth without a proper plan a company cannot get the right business.
  4. Fetchingmodernization to the food list offered:The menu list need to be improvised every now and then so that a consumer does not get bored with the same kinds of servings.
  5. Opening more number of catering branches all across the place: All across the city there should be more number of branches so as to enable people in availing their catering menu (Abebe 2014, p. 101).

Model of Change

Figure 7: Model of Change

As per the model, the employees first ensures that all the employees will be ready to take the change whereas in the ‘change’ they will be executing the intended changes and in ‘refreeze’ there will be an assurance about the changes which are actually going to become permanent.

4.3 Write a report, how you would monitor improvements in the performance:

After completion of implementing all the improvisations, the company, if not excelling in their business but can bring a lot of modifications and alteration with which they can expect a commendable experience (Ismail and King 2014, p.2). Sales will be hiked with proper implementation of cuisine alterations; investor will find their significance in giving the business a good position as well as the entire circumstance will experience a maximum change. In short it can be said that the company will start earning good revenue along with a reputation that will enhance their record as one of the best catering companies (Ratten, 2014, p. 268.). Moreover with their proposed alterations, they can maintain a good balance between quality and quantity.


With the report, the target audience will be enabled in getting an idea about how a business can effect changes over their various perspectives and henceforth will improvise their business accordingly. Conclusion says that, after attaining all the methods, sales will be hiked, revenue will be generated, brand popularity will be increased as well as brand name will be highlighted. The company can carry out a further plan of proposition after implementing the mentioned plan later ward for generating more hikes so as to be the only name of focus in the catering industry. With some short improvisations, they will be enabled in achieving high and scoring to the zenith of success.

Reference List:


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  3. Haeckel, S.H., 2013. Adaptive enterprise: Creating and leading sense-and-respond organizations. Harvard business press.
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  6. Jeston, J. and Nelis, J., 2014. Business process management. Routledge.
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