Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment

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Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment
Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment
Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment

Task 1

1.1 explain how current legislation and sector skills standards influence organisational policies and practices for promoting and maximising the rights of users of health and social care services

The current legislations and the governments of various nations lay stress on the business policies joining hands with the users of HSC, so as to offer better services to the people who need support in terms of health. In the past, there has been a hike in this kind of partnerships. The government has also influenced the organizations to develop the same (Hudson, 1997). There are laws in place for the people with special needs. In case we see a disabled person, he has all the needs like a normal man like travelling, socializing etc. The only thing he needs is the special care. Likewise, the poor kids need to be safeguarded against the child abuse and against the ailments that might be caused due to lack of basic amenities. So, Government has laid a lot of policies to furnish those needs.
The current legislations that influence business firm might encompass:

  • Health Act 1999: It is an act that offers 3 major powers to the people who provide social and health care (SHC) services. These powers are amalgamating the groups of service providers, pooling of the funds and also development of the high charges preparations.
  • Equality Act: It makes all the people as equal for the business firms. The organizations cannot discriminate any employee on the basis of the health or social conditions.
  • Care Trust: This trust has been formed by joining hands of 10 firms and is regarded as a full-fledged merger for SHC in UK.
  • Children’s Trust: There is an adult care trust as well. However the children’s trust is a virtual one. It is mainly focusing on the kids’ upbringing, knowledge sharing and laying path for their progress.
  • Personal Health Budgets: This is centredon the SHC of the grown-ups/adults.Under this policy, the adults can claim funds for the health care services utilized. This would help the poor people to use the SHC services, which they often cannot afford to utilize.

These legislations are moving the SHC services towards the accomplishment of bigger goals, offering more and more people with the good health.

Health and Care System

(Source: Department of Health Journal 2013, UK)

1.2 factors that may promote and maximize the rights of users of health and social care services

The factors that might help in maximizing the rights of the users of HSC services are broadly categorized into 3 categories- The Users of service, providers of service and the organizations, which are further sub-classified as below:

a) Service users

The service users are the people who are actually suffering and have been in need of social and health care services.

  • The communication plays a major role in making these users of services aware of their rights. In case they are not aware of the laws and regulations, they might not be able to reap the benefits from them. So, the communication of regarding the rights/benefits and services availability is necessary. There might be the cases where the service user is unable to communicate; in that case these details need to be shared with the care-taker.
  • The other factor may be different kind of expectation of different service users. For e.g.: The person who is poor would be looking forward to his rights to get facilities for his ailing mother. On the other hand one person might be in need of protection against abuse for his kid.
  • The most important factor here is the belief and attitude of the service users. The SHC services user must believe in his government and the legislations formed for their benefits.

b) Practitioners

The practitioners are also faced with different factors that affect their functioning. There are various rules and a regulation in which he just needs to perform, but is unable to form or change any law. So, the practitioner lacks power. There is a need for understanding among the practitioner and the user of the HSC services. There have been cases when the practitioner had not been aware of the needs of the SHC service user. He must be aware about the whole case and the expectations form him as a service provider.

c) Organizations

The organizations offering the SHC services depend totally on the policies and procedures followed by the management. The leadership has full control on the functioning of the organizations and thus their personal beliefs and attitudes also affect the organizations.

1.3 How communication between care workers and service users contribute to promoting and maximizing the rights of users of health and social care services

The communication among the care workers and the service users has turned into a focal point for health and social care organizations. This communication brings success in case it is open and honest. In case the rights of HSC service users have to be maximized, the organizations should acknowledge, and respect the other party’s experiences in different cases. The communication brings in empathy, fairness, trust which is necessary for this sector. There is a need of supportwhich is necessary to serve the needy and older individuals who have particular needs. The major feature of communication among the health care and social care division is to build upthe plans and policies for the people which are highly beneficial and which offer them maximum support. In case there are personalized plans in place, there can be proper co-ordination and maximum advantage. The communication is also necessary for working in co-ordination with other organizations and government agencies. The health care professionals need coordinating skills and communication with the patients to make sure there is proper evaluation and feedback process so as to make the services more honest, open and flexible (Hall, 2005).

Task 2

2.1 Explain factors that may contribute to loss of independence, non- participation and social exclusion for vulnerable people.

Mental capacity- Elder individuals with mental health troubles are more probable to finish up in institutional concern, they improve not as much of able-bodied as of physical issues and sickness, and they are further vulnerable to mistreatment. ‘The existence of a mental health predicament is a powerful and self-governing forecaster of unfortunate effects for instance bigger humanity, span of reside, institutionalisation and supply use’ (NIMHE, 2005). The government’s guidelines announcement protecting recovered mental health for elder grown-ups (DH, 2005)-(7) highlights that though mental sickness in grown-up age is moderately widespread, it is often unknown, and yet at time it is analysed, the human being does not for all time find the correct aid. Since mental infirmity in later living is fairly widespread, and since it habitually co-subsists with other medicinal states, the mainstream of gentle to reasonably cruel mental illness is taken care of in ordinarysituations, by employeeswith no psychiatric guidance.
Physical capacity- In September 2003 the Commission for Health Improvement printed a statement on Rowan Ward in Manchester, an inpatient division for elder community with psychological health requirements, relating to accusations of physical and expressive violence of defenceless grown-up individuals by employees. Problems recognized as contributory issues incorporated:  

  • Environmental loneliness of the ward
  • Short recruitment stages
  • Be deficient of training
  • Be deficient of nursing control
  • Be deficient of clinical domination.

2.2 How organizational systems and processes are managed to promote participation and independence of users of health and social care services

The organizational systems and processes need right allocation of funds, with recruitment processes in place. The regulatory frameworks need to be in place for the promotion of the independence of social and health care services. Effective evaluation of requirements needs suitable services to fulfil those wants. The majority of the grown-up individuals desire to remain in their own houses and continue to be self-governing for as long as feasible, by means of the correct support, plus this is moreover factual of older public with mental fitness desires. Grown-up individuals with mental health needs are at liberty to the complete array of community care and health services accessible to other grown-up individuals, however this might involve explicit planning or special services. More and more, typical services for instanceprivilegedaccommodation are recognizing that they encompass a responsibility to play. Other services are adjusting, or fresh services are being created, to fulfil the specificrequirements of, such as, older communityhaving dementia.

2.3 Analyse the tensions that arise when balancing the rights of service users to independence and choice against the care provider’s duty to protect the service users.

Tension taking is element of a standard life, however too frequently for older individuals the occurrence of a constituent of tension utters care resolutions, for instance admittance to housing care, which may not correspond to the older individual’s own aspirations. Reviewing tension, chiefly where there perhaps anxieties about a person’s capability to build well-versed judgements, is a necessary element of estimation and care administration. Individuals with dementia, plus their families, vision tension in a diverse approach from experts:

  • Thoroughlyunderstanding of anindividual’s surroundingsassists experts put the tension in context.
  • It is significant to set upexpectationamongskilled ones, adultindividuals and their relations.

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