This report will discuss the purpose and functions of human resource management. The report will also evaluate the strength and weaknesses of approaches that are used in recruiting and selecting process. This study will also discuss the functions of human resource management that contribute skills and talent for achieving the business objectives. The report will critically evaluate the strength and weaknesses of approaches that are in recruiting and selecting process. The report will later discuss the evaluation of key elements of human resource management in Wagamama such as human resource management practices, the effectiveness of human resource management practicesfor increasing the productivity and profitability, assessment of various methods that are usedby human resource management practicesat Wagamama and critical evaluation of applications and human resource management practiceswith the help of a given scenario. The report will also discuss the importance of human resource management and employee relation for decision making. The report will also evaluate the employee legislation key elements and their effect on decision making of human resource management. The report will illustrate the human resource management practicesapplication that is in Wagamama. This study will also provide a reason for the human resource management practices application in Wagamama. Lastly, the report will critically evaluate the human resource management practices application and employee relations that influence and inform the decision making in Wagamama.
Purpose and functions of Human resource management
The purpose of human resource managementis to coordinate with the people in Wagamama for achieving the goals of an organization by maintaining the satisfaction of employees and fulfilling the needs of staff members.Human resource managementachieves these things with the help of technology, processes, and people they have in Wagamama that mainly focus on the internal aspects of an organization rather than on external aspects. The Human resource managementof Wagamama has many diverse fields for achieving and accomplishing the goals and objectives of an organization. The diverse fields are looking on the technologies, managing the process, analysing the statistical data of restaurant and managing the business effectively and efficiently. The human resource managementhas to make sure that with the help of various functions, approaches, and applications the business can achieve and accomplish the objectives that are highly affected bythe pandemic (Kim et al, 2019).
Job Analysis and Job Design: In the function of job analysis and job design, the human resource managementof Wagamama the job design looks at the process of dividing the operations, responsibilities, and duties to the employees in the restaurant. Job analysis looks at the process of describing the requirements of a job like work experience, qualification, and skills.
Hiring and selection of employees: The primary function of human resource management in Wagamama is to hire and select the right employees at the right time with full efficiency for obtaining the objectives and goals of the restaurant. This function comes under the process of identifying the perfect candidate for the selection and interview process.
Development and training of employees: For the development and training of employees in Wagamama restaurant the human resource managementis responsible for the assurance that the right type of training is given to the employees.
Performance management of employees: The next function of human resource managementis to make sure that the performance of employees or the output that employees are giving in the restaurants are meeting the objectives and goals of Wagamama restaurant (Chams and Garcia-Blandon, 2019).
Evaluation of strengths and weakness by approaches to recruitment and selection
Recruitment& Selectionapproaches
Job Description: It is that approach which typically explains the responsibility, functions, duties and task of a position.
If the job description of Wagamama restaurant is correct and accurate then they are going to have growth and success in their restaurant it is theirstrength.
If the Wagamama restaurant is not properly defining the job description to the employees it can turn into a weakness.
Skills inventory:This approach is the assemblingof all the experiences, education and skills that the employees have.
In the skills inventory of Wagamama restaurant if the employees arerecruiting and selecting the right candidate for the job role then it is their strength and if the employees are not fitting into the job then it can be a weakness for Wagamama restaurant.
Job posting strategy: Job posting strategy is that approach in which the candidates are attracted towards the position of a job.
If the job posting strategy of Wagamama restaurantis accurate then it is their strength and if their strategy for recruiting and selecting process is not effective and efficient then it can be a weakness for the restaurant.
Multi-Step recruitment: The multi-step recruitment approach is the approach in which an interview process is provided with the deeper insights for the candidates who fulfill the specific skills profile.
In the multi-step recruitment and selecting approach if the employees are meeting the desired goals and objectives for their specific job then it is a strength and if their skills profile is not fitting best with the specific job role then it can be a weakness for Wagamama restaurant (Budur, Faraj and Karim, 2019).
Functions of human resource management that contributes skills and talent for achieving the objectives of Wagamama restaurant
Business objectives
Food: The first business objective at Wagamama restaurant is that they should deliver the best quality of food to the customers by offering them according to the needs and desires of customers.The function of hiring and selecting employees can contribute skills and talent in this objective because if the employees are hired and select according to the requirements, they have then they will deliver the best quality of food.
Service: The second business objective at Wagamama restaurant is that they should provide or deliver the services that are satisfying the customers. The function of job analysis and job design can contribute to skills and talent at Wagamama restaurant because if the service of the staff members is design properly and effectively,they are going to provide the best services at the restaurants (Jang, Zheng and Bosselman, 2017).
Safety: The third business objective at Wagamama restaurant is that they are providing proper security to the customers who are visiting thereby ensuring that they are feeling safe and secure at the restaurant.The function of performance management can contribute to skills and talent at Wagamama because if the employees are feeling safe and secure for their job then automatically their performance can get increased and improved.
Profitability: The fourth and last business objective at Wagamama restaurant is that they are having sustainable profitability by offerings them the best services and having a sustainable margin on the cost. The function of development and training can contribute to skills and talent because if the employees or staff members are having proper training and development at Wagamama then the restaurant can have a profitability factor at Wagamama (Yusoff et al, 2020).
Critical evaluation of strengths and weakness by approaches to recruitment and selection
Job description: In the job description approach if the employees are having detailed information about their job roles, responsibility, tasks, and pay rangesthat what their responsibilities will be in the restaurant then they can turn this thing into the strength at Wagamama restaurant.
If the employees are not having proper information about their job description then it can be a weakness at Wagamama restaurant.
Skills inventory: In the skills inventory if ideal candidates are appointed for the specific job roles according to their capabilities and skills at the restaurant then it is the strength at Wagamama restaurant. By selecting and recruiting the ideal candidate that fits best with the requirement and necessity of the job role is the strength at Wagamama restaurant.
If the candidates are no fitting best according to the job role their skills and knowledge is low then it is the weaknessof Wagamama restaurant.So, having the right type of skills inventory can be a benefit and opportunity for Wagamama restaurant (Robinson et al, 2019).
Job posting strategy: In the job posting strategyif the recruitment and selection process is done with full strategy then it is the strength of Wagamama restaurant. If recruiting of employees is done with the ideal skills and knowledge, they have then it can be a strengthfor Wagamama restaurant.
If the job posting strategy or outlets are not meeting with the desired skills and knowledge of employees that Wagamama restaurant has then it can be a weakness for the restaurant because by this they will not be able to meet the goals and objectives at Wagamama.
Multi-step recruiting: In multi-step recruitment, a systematic interview is there for the employees so that they can meet up to the desired job role they are trying for.If the skills of employees are fitting accurate to the job role that Wagamama restaurant has then it can be a strength for the restaurant.
If the multi-step recruitment and selection process is not done effectively then like if the candidates are not meeting the job skills and or job profile that Wagamama restaurant has then it can be a weakness for the restaurant (Gao et al, 2018).
Evaluation of key elements
Benefits of various human resource management practicesat Wagamamaand its employees
Organizational Culture: When the organizational culture at Wagamama restaurant is properly involved in bringing the values traditions, beliefs, and vision into the restaurant then it can give benefit to the restaurant. By establishing proper guidelines, procedures, and standards the employees can accept and learn the practices of Wagamama restaurant.
Planning for change: If the Wagamama restaurant is changing their planning from time to time by adapting or updating the latest technology and tools in the restaurant then they can have growth and success and this can be a benefit for the Wagamama restaurant.
Training and development: When the training and development of employees or staff members are done effectively and efficiently then they can be more productive and active at the workplace so by developing the skills and knowledge of employees by giving them proper training and helps in development then it can be a benefit for the Wagamama restaurant.
Conflicts management: If the employees are not having conflict at Wagamama restaurant between both the employer and employee then the activities and actions ofhuman resource managementcan solve the differences and conflicts effectively.
Health and Safety: The practice byhuman resource managementat Wagamama restaurant can look on to the health and safety of employees for both the staff members and clients or customers so that they can feel more safe and secure at the restaurant. This can be achieved by applying various procedures and policies that majorly look on to the health and safety of employees and customers both.
Developing good relations: If the human resource managementof Wagamama restaurant is maintaining and keeping a good relationship with both the employees and customers then they can have the benefit of having more gathering at the restaurant. This can also be done if the human resource managementof Wagamama communicates with the employees and customers effectively then it can give benefits to the restaurant by uplifting the growth (Otoo, 2019).
Evaluation of human resource management practicesfor increasing the productivity and profitability
The human resource management practices such as organizational culture, planning for change, training and development, conflict management, health and safety, and developing good relations are the practices that can increase productivity and profitability at Wagamama restaurant. When the restaurant is going to have a proper organizational culture at Wagamama then their values, beliefs, traditions, and vision will be increased that’s one way they can increase the productivity and profitability at the restaurant.If the planning for the change is done effectively by utilizing the tools and technologies with good direction then the Wagamama restaurant can increase and develop the productivity and profitability at the restaurant (Storey, Ullrich and Wright, 2019). When the training and development of employees come with proper quality and skills then the restaurant can implement some procedures and policies for the employees so that they can easily increase the productivity and profitability at the restaurant.If the human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant mainly works on looking that there are no differences and conflicts between the employer and employee then it can surely give the restaurant productivity and profitability. When there is an aspect of health and safety every member looks clearly at this thing so that their productivity and profitability can get an increase at the restaurant Wagamama. By developing good relations with both the employees and customers the human resource managementcan ensure that they can have great success and growth which can lead to more productivity and profitability at Wagamama restaurant. When the human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant recruit and select the employees that are suitable for the job role they can by enhancing the working environment at Wagamama the productivity and profitability can get an increase (Baum, 2018).
Various methods used by human resource managementpractices at Wagamama restaurant
Leadership development: In human resource management, the development of leadership is a must because it ensures that the leaders at the restaurant are having essential competencies and skills. The Wagamama restaurant looks that the needs of their pipeline of future are filled with great leaders for accomplishing the development and growth at the restaurant.
Skill building:In this the human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant the human resource develops and creates innovative ideasfor betting understanding of employees or staff members that promote the self-esteem and communication process. This is done when the human resource at Wagamama restaurant talks to the people more often by making them aware of the work practices and work type they have in Wagamama restaurant.
Empowerment of employees: In this human resource managementpractice of employee empowerment the human resourceof Wagamama restaurant looks that they are properly enhancing and maintaining the customer service and motivation of employees so that they can perform their role of the job with effectiveness and efficiency. By doing this the human resource of Wagamama boost up the employee retention and guest service(Sengul, Cavus and Taskin, 2018).
Recognition of employees: In this human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant the human resource looks on to the practices so that they can easily recognize the employee and compensation is the component key for the improvement and successful performance at the restaurant. By this, the Wagamama restaurant boosts up the energy so that the work is done efficiently by the employees.
Management of cost: In this practice of cost management the human resource of Wagamama restaurant focuses on the cost-efficient that is done by the staff members because the human resource at Wagamama is getting more productive and constantly upgrading the approaches (Chapman and Nettles, 2017).
Critical evaluation of human resource management practices and applications
The leaders of the restaurant ensure that the performance of employees, benefits for the administration,planning succession, development of career, talent acquisition, and management of compensation all these applications are making and fulfilling the desired goals and objectives in the restaurant.The practices and applications of human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant the human resource makes sure that they are developing more creative and innovative ideas for enhancing the self-esteem and communication of staff members by understanding them and promoting them more for achieving the goals and objectives of the restaurant. The practices and applications of human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant has to make sure that they are providing a proper safe and secureplace to both the customers and staff members. This can be done by keeping all the safety measures of a pandemic.So that the employees and the customers both can feel safe and secure at the restaurant (Madani and Wajeetongratana, 2019).
Importance of employee relation and human resource management in decision making
Employee Relation
The importance of employee relations in decision making at Wagamama restaurant is that the human resource of the restaurant has to look that the employees are giving their proper engagement and involvement in the decision-makingprocess by improving their morale at the restaurant. If the employees are having low morale then they will be less engaged in the activities of the restaurant and by this, the productivity of Wagamama will below. If the relation of employees is good then they can easily perform in a team and by this, every member can be equally responsible for all the decision making at Wagamama restaurant (Delery and Roumpi, 2017). When the employees are more involved in decision making at Wagamama restaurant then they are more responsible for their work by working extra for achieving the goals and objectives of the restaurant that has gone down because of the pandemic situation. There are many issues on which a single person cannot take or make the decision so an individual must include the advice and guidance of every staff member or employee in the decision-making process.If the employees are having good relations with each other at Wagamama restaurant then they can easily share their work and can feel motivated by trusting the other person(Park, Song and Lee, 2017).
The importance of human resource management in decision making at Wagamama restaurant is that the human resource of the restaurant has the power to involve all the people in all the processes of the restaurant. This means that the employees are having direct implications on the decision making of Wagamama restaurant. The people of human resource at the restaurant looks on identifying the talent by hiring the right employeesand making the decision by looking at the insights and internal feedbacks of the employees. The decision that human resource managementmakes is directly linked with the goals of Wagamama restaurant because they have a deep and direct root that is linked to the organizational goals(Alhelalat, Ma’moun and Twaissi, 2017).
Key elements of employee legislation with their impact on decision making of human resource management
Key elements for employee legislation are:
Equivalent employment chance for everyone looking for a job.
Positive actions supporting everyone.
Prevention of sexual harassment for healthier work atmosphere.
Working on time ruleslike fixing the work periods.
Remuneration and wages paid for service and work.
A decent working environment for employees.
Trade combinations and other manufacturing relationships.
For all the workers there is a facility of health, safety, welfare, and social security (Said, 2019).
The impact on decision making of human resource management with the key elements of employment legislation is that with the equivalent employment chance the employees whether it is men or women both have equal rights and opportunities at Wagamama restaurant. With the vast impact of a pandemic,the Wagamama restaurant is making sure that the working hours for the staff member is divided properly by looking on to the aspect ofsocial distancing. The impact on decision making of human resource managementcovers that whether the human resourceishaving a decent working environment for the employees at Wagamama restaurant because if they are not going to have a decent, safe and secure working environment they are not going to work at the restaurant because of pandemic safety has become the priority for the employees and customers both. The effect of employee legislation on decision making of human resource managementis that if the employees or the staff members are not going to maintain the safety measures for a pandemic situation like wearing of a mask, regular hand wash, and social distancing then they are going to get penalized for breaking the rules and regulations at Wagamama restaurant. The employee legislation has also to make sure that there is no injustice and discrimination between the employees or staff members at Wagamama restaurant (Keegan and Meijernk, 2019).
Illustrate the application of human resource management practicesby using examples
In the Wagamama restaurant, the detail of an individual is an essential part that determines the power of the restaurant.
In the life enrollment of internet-based, the human resource at Wagamama restaurant can conduct the interviews by looking on to the profiles online.For example, creating or developing an online profile.
Versatile recruiting is yet another application that facilitates by looking on to the effective candidates.The customer experience should be get improved by dealing with the employers. For example,the Wagamama restaurant can prepare a versatile employment process and they can also improve the deposited time.
The Career side and occupation pages at the Wagamama restaurant should get fresh and improve by creating and recruiting the best candidates at the restaurant. For example,the Wagamama restaurant can introduce a live sharing method that too online so that the messages are delivered with flexibility (Ivkov et al, 2018).
The rationale for the application of human resource management practices
The reason for choosing the specific applications of human resource managementpractices is that if Wagamama restaurant is going to have life enrollment internet based then they can create or develop an online profile that talks completely about the restaurant hat what safety measures they are keeping because of the situation of a pandemic. They should deliver a piece of correct and accurate information that completely determines the online profile of Wagamama restaurant.For choosing the application of versatile recruiting in human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant is that with the help of this application the human resource of the restaurant can prepare a multipurpose employment process so that the restaurant can have ideal candidates that can look on to the situation of pandemic effectively (Pasha, Zia-ur-Rehman and Kamran, 2020).This can be done by maintaining the safety and hygiene of the employees and customers both. For choosing the application of career side and occupation pages in human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant is that with the help of this application the human resource of the restaurant can get fresh and increase by recruiting and selecting the best candidates for the restaurants. If this is done effectively then the practices of human resource managementat Wagamama restaurant can achieve and accomplish the goals and objectives that improve the situation of a pandemic (Yong, Yusliza and Fawehinmi, 2019).
Critical evaluation of employee relation and applications of human resource management
In the critical evaluation of employee relation and application of human resource management, the overall management of Wagamama restaurant needs to be well organized and aligned with all the staff members and employees so that they are feeling that they can feel important and feel like that their views and ideas are being shared and processed in decision making. By doing this the Wagamama restaurant can make good and better decisions that only employees are responsible for participating in the activities and actions that bring welfare and profit to Wagamama restaurant (Madeira, Palrao and Mendes, 2021). If the employee relation and applications of human resource managementare properly involved and engaged for looking on to the precautions and safety measures that are necessary because of the situation pandemic. The employee relation and the application of human resource management ensure that the decision they are making is fulfilling the needs and wants of employees and customers. When every member is going to be treated equally at the Wagamama restaurant the retention of employees can get increase and improve the decision-making process because by this they are going to look at the safety measures more carefully. The safety measures such as they should compulsory that wearing of a mask is necessary, washing or sanitizing of hands must be done regularly and properly maintaining the social distancing. These measures can effectively work when the employees at Wagamama restaurant continuously check on all the processes that are made for increasing the growth and development that got diminish because of a pandemic (Van Fleet, 2017).
This report has concluded that the human resource managementpractices of Wagamama restaurant with the help of purpose and functions they have.This report has analyzed the strength and weaknesses of the approaches that Wagamama restaurant can pursue by acquiring the staff members for achieving the goals and objectives at the restaurant. This report also summarizes theevaluation of key elements in Wagamama with the help of human resource management. This report has also analyzed the employee relation practices that are dynamic in Wagamama restaurant. The report has also critically evaluatedthe practices of human resource managementthat influence and inform the decision making at Wagamama restaurant. This study has analyzed the applying ofhuman resource managementpractices that are in the work-related context.
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