Leadership and Management in Tesco

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Leadership and Management in Tesco

Learner Name


Programme Name

Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Management

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 - Management and Operations

Credit Value


Unit Level


Academic Year



January 2021


Mohammad Islam

Assignment Title

Leadership and Management Concepts (Part 1)

Leaders and Operations Management (Part 2)

Issue Date

18 January 2021

Submission Deadline

Sunday 16 May 2021 at 23:59

IV Name

Kashif Khan

IV Date

4 January 2021

Statement of Authenticity:

I certify that the work submitted for this unit is my own and the research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learner Name: Date:



Definition and roles of both managers and leaders:

The Tesco organization is one of the biggest retailers in the UK, Tesco organizations provide online grocery store for their customers. The Tesco organization is a British multinational grocery & general merchandise, their headquarter is in England. Tesco company is contributing to the economic growth of the UK and also provides job opportunities for unemployed people in the UK. This organization is a leading retailer and they have more than 400,000 colleagues and serve more than millions of customers every week, through their online grocery stores (TescoPLC, 2021).

The Tesco organization is managing their organizational structure with hierarchical, this structure is beneficial for them to hold a good position in the retail market, this structure of management allows Tesco to obligation, and positions are divided, in several parts for ensuring that work their business operations, functions, and other works will be done very smoothly, and efficiently. The Tesco organizational structure of management is constructed with 11 members of the executive committee that is lead by the group of chief executives. In the image below the chart of management, hierarchy is showing (TescoPLC, 2021).

Figure 1 Structure of Tesco

(Source: Meng, 2016)

Figure 2 Organizational structure on store management level

(Source: Meng, 2016)

The leaders can be defined as the person who can see how to improve the business processes, and how people can move towards an effective vision in the business organization. Leaders are work to make their vision realistic, most of the leaders are just motivate people, but for a high success rate it is not enough, hence leaders are required to empathetic and connect with the people to provide them good solutions (Teamtechnology, 2021).

Role of leaders:

  • Provide vision.

  • Leaders are responsible for making an effective organizational structure & create better protocols for communication.

  • Be the role model for team members.

  • Leaders are responsible for motivating and inspire their team members.

  • Leaders are responsible for empowering their team.

  • Leaders are responsible for time management in their team to complete the tasks one time (Liveoakbank, 2021).

A manager can be defined as the person who manages or takes charge of the business functions and operations. A manager can control different departments in the Tesco organizations or any other organization, they also guide their team members and team leaders to who work for the organization. Managers are required to make good decisions for their business strategies (Wrike, 2017).

Role of manager:

Managers in organizations have various roles to improve and achieve their business goals effectively by completing tasks. These roles are categorized into 3 different categories.




  • Monitor.

  • Disseminator.

  • Spokesperson.


  • Leader.

  • Figurehead.

  • Liaison.


  • Negotiator.

  • Resource allocator.

  • Entrepreneur.

  • Disturbance handler (Mindtools, 2017).


Differences between management and leadership:



The management is a tactical action

Leadership helps create aims and vision.

Management includes detailed budgeting.

It helps to establish the financial targets.

Apply rules, regulations, and policies.

Make new rules and policies.

It involves recruiting new candidates for the organization.

Create new roles for jobs.

Management allows managers to encourage and motivate their team members.

Leadership allows leaders to empower and inspire their team members (Arruda, 2019).

Managers make plans for business and its improvements and provide training (Businessballs, 2018).

Leaders are planning the sessions to help their team members.

Theories of leadership:

  1. The transformational theory is help leaders to guide them with different skills, for specific changes to the team member. In Tesco, organizational leaders look at the factors that create more effective, valuable & positive changes in the employees to achieve their objectives.

  2. Contingency leadership theory is beneficial in a particular situation at a fixed time in the organization. It also depends on the condition of business experiences, leaders in Tesco can use this theory for increasing their productivity with their existing staff.

  3. The theory of trait is based on the quality & characteristics of the leaders, but this theory does not work all the time, sometimes it fails to establish the traits. But with effective and well-skilled leaders can use this theory in Tesco organization with high demands of products and services from customers (Indeed, 2020).

  4. Action centered theory of leadership is mainly focused on the relationship of leaders with managers. This approach helpful for controlling teams, individuals, & tasks. This theory is not useful for Tesco.

Management theories:

  1. The theory of classical management has used the idea that staff has only economic and physical needs.

  2. The theory of behavioral management is focused on the behavior of employees, it helps to connect analyze human relations and behavior with other employees.

  3. Contingency theory is focused on the leadership styles that can be applied to business it helps to improve the working environment, and this theory can be applied in Tesco organization.

  4. Objective management is a theory that focuses on improvement in business operations by establishing the objectives and goals (Businessballs, 2018).

LO 2


Analysis of the different roles of management and leadership:

In business organizations the leadership and management both are very important, there are different types of theories are available that can be applied by managers and leaders to achieve goals and objectives.

  1. Leadership behavioral theory: This theory highlights the behavior of leaders, & how leaders can use their skills in the best and effective ways. This theory helps to measure the potential of leadership. In the Tesco organization leader in the store and management department, are using this theory to analyze the behavior of their employees and improve the effectiveness (Smallbusiness, 2021).

  2. Management classical theory: This theory helps promote a task that distributes the decisions between all the employees. This theory of management can be used by the managers at Tesco organization. They can explain the tasks and objectives for an employee that required to achieve in a particular week, and it is helpful to increase the efficiency of Tesco and its productivity.

  3. Management contingency theory: This theory is also used by the manager, and this theory is also based on the behavior, solutions of different departments. In the Tesco organization, the managers can use this theory according to resource availability, in the situation where customer demands are increasing effectively (Corporatefinanceinstitute, 2018).

  4. Leadership action-centered theory: This theory is useful for management also in organizations. It helps to ensure the adaptation of techniques and methods that can improve organizational growth. This theory can be applied in Tesco to improve their marketing strategy by adapting more methods and techniques that can attract more customers.


Apply different theories:

The situations leadership theory can be applied in the Tesco organization, and it depends on the capabilities & skills of the staff member, to whom leaders are want to influence to achieve objectives and business goals. In the process of operation management within Tesco organization, this theory can apply by the leaders at the stores and management department in different situations, the current situation of Tesco is facing the problems of high customer demands for essential products, and also lack customers due to high prices of products (Gamelearn, 2015). Another theory is the systems theory of leadership, which can be applied in the Tesco organization, with help this theory leaders in Tesco can control the staff members, & they will be able to communicate the current market situation so that members can work and make effort accordingly. This theory helps make changes in business operations as per the requirements and demands of their customers. Management with objectives is also beneficial for Tesco organization it will help to motivate their employees and staffs to improve the work performance and efficiency.


Strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to leadership and management:

The approach of relationship-oriented:


  • It includes the scheme of rewards to motivate employees.

  • It helps to increase the job satisfaction for employees.

  • Helpful for employees to understand the working environment in the Tesco organization.


  • It reduces the performance level because of high pressure for task completion.

  • It increases dissatisfaction from clients and customers due to low-quality services.

  • Decrease the profits of the organization due to deadlines.

The approach of task-oriented:


  • Goals & objectives can easily be specified.

  • Employees are aware of their responsibility and tasks.


  • Lack of innovation and creativity in development and training.

  • Low motivated employees.

A systems model of leadership:


  • This model and approach are to provide research in various fields related to business operations.

  • This approach helps to understand the reality of the business phenomenon.

  • Clearly define the complexity of the working environment, & provide an effective framework.


  • The process is too long & complicated, and include several parameters.

  • It is not adapt with leaders due to risky elements.

Situational leadership approach:


  • This approach provides an effective selection for multiple styles of leadership in the same process.

  • It helps to make the organization’s working place and an environment more efficient & relaxed.

  • It boosts the motivation of team members so they can take participate in the process of decision-making (Indeed, 2020).


  • Lack of experience in employees can affect the understanding.

  • Create confusion.

  • Only useful for the short term, and current scenario of business organization.


?Arruda, W., 2019. 9 Differences Between Being A Leader And A Manager. [online] Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/williamarruda/2016/11/15/9-differences-between-being-a-leader-and-a-manager/?sh=15aaab424609 [Accessed 13 Feb. 2021].

Businessballs, 2018. Leadership vs. Management. [online] Businessballs. Available at: https://www.businessballs.com/leadership-styles/leadership-vs-management/ [Accessed 13 Feb. 2021].?

Corporatefinanceinstitute, 2018. Management Theories. [online] Corporatefinanceinstitute. Available at: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/careers/soft-skills/management-theories/ [Accessed 13 Feb. 2021].?

Gamelearn, 2015. The Situational Leadership Theory. [online] Gamelearn. Available at: https://www.game-learn.com/situational-leadership-theory/#:~:text=The%20situational%20theory%20of%20leadership,balance%20for%20the%20whole%20organization. [Accessed 13 Feb. 2021].

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