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Executive Summary

This report can be segmented in four parts among them first part deals with the introduction of the topis along with the overview of the selected company in the context. The second part deals with three subpoints among them it is discussed with the evolution of the quality with the design of quality assessment concept. The concept of quality management deals with the involvement of quality gurus. However, the next segment reflects five dimensions that can illustrate the problem of online marketing in the context of reviews obtained by the company in Trustpilot. Further in the report advantage and disadvantage is stated with the application of benchmarking technology followed by the recommendations to resolve the issues of the company. The last part of the report deals with the overall summary of the report that can effectively clarify the finding and literature of this study.


Quality management can be referred to as the consistent delivery of service that meets thestandards and corporation of the hospitality industry. The consistent delivery of product and services with the expected standards and position to meet the requirement of hospitality industry involves the quality. Managers need to identify the various record and impact on the development of quality for the improvement process. This report considers Travelodge as the major hospitality company in the UK with its headquarter in Thane, UK. This company operates with an employee strength of 11000 with its CEO Peter Gowers. This hospitality company serves with the largest independent hotels all across the UK, Spain and Ireland. This company has successfully collected 63.71 crores GBP from the market with the modification in operation and facility plan of the company (Travelodge, 2021). Travelodge offers leisure value with the modification in business with the updating of the ideal choice for the development of more destinations. Every member of this company supports clear belief and representation levels with diversity and equality. This assignment will shed light on quality management in the hospitality sector to increase the market demand of the company to meet the needs of customers.

Main Body

Identify and describe the concept of quality management

Evolution of the quality and approach suggests the interdependencies and environmental issues related to tourism. Integration of quality and environment can reveal the diversity and environment model with the particular synthesis of changes. The modification in the future approach with the formulation of the quality approach can implement the model of quality. Application of MCDM (Multiple criteria decision- making) helps in the evaluation of critical success that can evolve the concept and gurus of quality management with the mathematical theory and approaches (Jusohet al., 2018). It influences the quality management with the evaluation of success factors that involve the concept in the practice. A various study suggests that comprehensive and coordinated structures can implement in the development of professional and tourism structures. Quality management can be considered as the initial stage of the quality system that deals with the implementation of quality policy with the management of quality control that assures the performed goal of the company. It can identify and describe four main components to focus on product quality of the company to grab the customers. Identification of four essential aspects can develop the concept of quality management that ensure planning and improvement of product and services.

Ishikawa is one of the quality gurus to emphasize on the quality tools with the modification of quality management. According to this quality guru quality planning is the initial phase to deal with the standards and customer requirement to reflect the key contribution.Considering the concept of Shingo detection and resolution of quality deals with the quality standards to reflect the defects of products and services of the company in the market. development of knowledge and business ideas with the evolution of this person enhance the contribution of business quality with the development of the theme (, 2021).The model concept and process of controlling the quality of the business product is maintained under certain situations that are derived by Garvin to illustrate the testing and specification of tourism quality.

According to the knowledge and concept of this quality guru, the various testing process is designed that related to the quality of Travelodge in online marketing. This company deals with the business improvement and ongoing process to illustrate the marketing needs of the company in the development of six sigma framework. According to the knowledge and concept of Edwards development of quality management is enhanced with the application of purpose and technology for change in quality. These four people are considered as the quality gurus to put insight into the development of a model concept of quality assessment. Travelodge has adapted this model of quality assessment to measure the demand and performance of a company in the market.

Quality Planning: It can be considered as the methodology that can be applied with the rise of a situation that exhibits a few characteristics of customer requirement. The existing service or process involves various performance to meet the service process and performance for customer satisfaction. This factor involves a self-evaluation system that attracts the tourist with the development of the integrated approach with the application of quality policy and responsibility to enhance the CSR of hospitality companies (Chen et al., 2017).

Quality Assurance (QA):states the strategies along with the defect and mistakes with the manufacturing of products with the delivery of products and services. ISO (International organisation standardization) is a major part that can illustrate the confidence and quality requirement with the modification in services and products. This factor plays a crucial role in the development of the model concept of QA that involve quality standards and inspection activities with the detection and resolution problem. It domestic and international factors of the hotel industry for the current economic value to enhanced tourism and hospitality with the implementation of quality assurance (Frawley et al., 2019). Involvement of tourism education and economic status can implement the QA mechanism for hospitality companies like Travelodge.

Quality Control (QC):can be termed as the process that can help in the maintenance and improvement of quality with the development of testing and specification for the final product. It is a part of the quality management model that helps in the maintenance of the quality that can relate the performance and inspection in the development of the related concept. It can act as the delivery of products to meet customer expectations based on business to evaluate the operation and productivity. The main objective of QC deals with the customer satisfaction that generates operational process to deliver quality along with the comment of improvement (, 2021).

Quality Improvement:This can act as effective services that can deliver the experience of a hotel with the benefit of experiences. To improve the services of an organisation deals with the experience of analysis with the proven track record to increase the market growth of the company. Six sigma frameworks can derive the improvement of the quality in the development of process and opportunity with the identification of the baseline data (Ramphal, 2017). Critical analysis of metrics involves the identification of the processes and opportunities in the development of perfection and services.

Outline the problems being currently experienced by Travelodge in the UK.

The review of Travelodge on Trustpilot reflects the online problem of this hospitality company experienced in the UK market. According to the reviews, it can be stated that the company is taking the advantage of the senior citizens who, have trouble with computers (, 2021). Rather it is also revealed that this company is not providing hotels with the same condition as it is shown on the website at the time of booking. Travelodge has inadequate customer service with the limited experience to navigate in website to provide fake vouchers to the customers. This company fails to provide the quality of service in the sector of hospitality to evaluate voucher policy and customer service in the development of concerts and accommodation. Five dimensions are applied to describe the service quality to meet the issues and impact of the company.

Reliability: The reviews of Trustpilot deal with polite problems to check the reliability of reviews based on the trip advisor. This reflects the strive of the organisation with the attention and results to meet the promises. Dimension deals with the real online problem for the senior citizen in the development of booking to meet the demand and quality of the customers. Travelodge do not allow the customer to get the money refund with the cancellation of booking along with the modification of plan (, 2021).

Responsiveness: This factor deals with the promotion of the company in the online platform to gain insight into the customers. Involvement of this dimension helps the company to evaluate request and dimension with the application of customer response that can enhance the position of the company.

Assurance: This factor deals with the knowledge and courtesy of the customers to transfer opinion related to the service quality. This involves glitches of the software of this company in the development of the website to enhance the growth of this dimension with the native language. This is the issue that enhances the drawback of this travel company to provide competent service with the illustration of website development to increase marketing.

Empathy: Customers of this company are not satisfied with the service provided by Travelodge in an online platform that generates credibility with the model dimension. It can be lighted from the reviews that the company is not providing any of the unique facilities to grab the customers and to meet the level of satisfaction.

Tangibles: This dimension involves the physical facility and image to assess the quality in the development of services and statements. Travelodge deals with the efficiency and privilege of transactions in the online mode of booking that are not satisfied for the customers. Various fake transaction in the website at the time of booking generate a factor of dissatisfaction among the customers that can act as the online issue.

Assess the impact that one of the following techniques could have on Travelodge in terms of delivering consistent and effective quality management.

Quality management can be measured with the help of a few techniques among them benchmarking is an effective technique to illustrate the advantage and disadvantage of companies in the market. analysis of impacts on Travelodge can be measured with the adaptation of the benchmarking model in practice for the particular assessment of quality. Benchmarking can be considered as the practice that helps in comparison of the business process along with the industry bests. Various dimensions of an organisation such as Travelodge can be compared to fill the performance gaps and identification of improvement areas. This model has the insight to measure the present performance with the understanding of market competition. According to benchmarking, analysis few benefits are underlined in the context of Travelodge that is described as below:

  • Scheme of the discount related to the friends and family to grab the customers with the adaptation of the proper marketing strategy.

  • The main strength of this company deals with affordable prices along with the special deals on special occasions.

  • Analysis of internet technology generates the various competitive advantage involved with accommodation to boost the sale in the market.

  • Development of new website involves the Post- Recession branding to communicate with various hotels along with the associate quality and performance in the market. this strategy of branding involves E-promotion techniques that can evaluate the traffic of hotel chains with the involvement of other channels (, 2021).

Few disadvantages of this company have pushed down the company in the international market. Assessment of quality service of this company can be determined by benchmarking process along with the support of Trustpilot reviews.

  • The main drawback of this company related to online marketing involves various glitches in the website that make fake orders for the customers.

  • Desired rooms as shown in advertisement are not provided to the customers that deal with the negative aspect of the sales and marketing of this company.

  • It is observed that customers are trapped with the fake offers of the company at the time of booking that ensures a few negative reviews on social websites.

  • Impact of Covid-19 deals with the negative aspect of this company with the amplification of norms and trend of the hospitality industry in the market (Baumet al., 2020).


Based on the issues a recommendation model is generated for this hospitality company that can increase the sales and revenue with the marketing growth. Upon the findings and analysis Travelodge needs to work on a few segments to increase the marketing demand of the company.

Experience of virtual and reality of the customers:Difference between virtual and real position of hotels being the most unsatisfactory reason for the customers to adapt the marketing strategy. This company offers attractive hotels on the official website to its customers rather it can be stated from the reviews that the same hotels are not provided. This problem can be solved with the increase in the relationship of the partner companies in the market with the adaptation of quality concept in the organisation.

Modification of marketing channels:Marketing channels are to be modified with the increase in the concept of Ishikawa diagram. This can act the vital factor to understand the employee perception with the factor of tourism and hospitality (Elsayedand Daif, 2019).

Automated marketing:This factor highlights B2C marketing strategy in the development of creativity and advertising. This can be an important factor with the change in AI algorithmic system along with the decision-making approach. This factor enhances the importance of digital marketing kin the sector of hospitality with the increase in GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) automated technology (Ljungholm, 2018).

Application of Social media: Social media marketing involves the empirical assessment to improve the customer relationship with the ability and capability. This can act as an important perspective in the study of technologies. This marketing technique can increase the benchmark variables of the business that can enhance the solution for the glitches in the website (Tafesseand Wien, 2018). Various changes and modification of the E-version deal with the adoption of technologies to process the strategy and structure of marketing.

Value and survey for customers: Co-creation and Co- destruction deals with the value of the company with the analysis of customer feedback (Zhang et al., 2018). This can generate high marketing demand with the development of policy and recovery with the influence of customer engagement. This value and perception deal with the journey of the e-commerce company to create a plan of digital marketing that can enhance the factor of branding.


It can be concluded from the above finding and literature that quality planning involves the project manager that meet the project standards with the satisfying result that reduced the risk factor with the development of policies and plans. New ideas to maintain the quality are to decrease the risk factor with the satisfying results deals with inspection of the product and services of the company. The delivery of satisfactory outcomes can influence the orientation and professionals to maintain the quality standards in the development of specification setting and assessment results. The change in the development of track records involves the manufacturing of tools and philosophies with the progress of track record. Resilience and adaptability involve the major factor of communication with the development of cultural awareness.

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