Personal and Professional Development

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Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development

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In this essay, I have made focus on Personal and professional development as it plays an important role to develop and enhance new skills. In this essay, I have a focus on my skills that how my skills would help me to grab new opportunities. In this essay I have uses many models such as Kolb’s reflective frameworks that help me to evaluate and analyze my skills. I have gained more than 21 years of experience working in various industries. I have worked in the furniture industry for 5 years and I have worked as a driver for 10 years. Right now I am working in Amazon as a delivery boy.

So I have met many new people in the workplace that improve my communication skills and I working with many teams that helps me to groom my decision-making skills and teamwork skills. I will evaluate my weak areas and then with the help of various effective models such as Kolb’s reflective framework. I will try to overcome those weaknesses. I have also presented recommendations for my personal growth which can act as a catalyst to my growth. I have taken the help of SWOT analysis to identify my strengths and weakness (Maharaja, 2018).

Through the help of Kolb’s reflective model, I can identify the skills. Kolb’s reflective framework model helps me a lot to understand the value of my experience and it also helps me to know all the aspects of my journey. Through the help of the Concrete Experience phase of Kolb’s model, I can identify the importance of my experience and help me a lot for the personal development. I have working more than 20 years in various organizations. I have work in the furniture firm for 5 years and then I spent 10 years as a driver in a different sector (Fletcher, 2019).

I have work in various organizations as they all help me to enhance my communication skills. I have work with many employees they all have different cultures that build my teamwork skills and decision-making skills. Through the help of SWOT analysis, I can identify my strengths and weakness. My strengths are communication skills, teamwork skills, and decision-making skills. My weaknesses are leadership skills, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving skills. Opportunities are that I have the experienced of the amazon courier department so I have the skill that helps to join the customers’ support system of Amazon. The threats for me are the skills like critical thinking and problem solving as they are the weak areas that can act as a barrier for me to grab the opportunity.

Through the bits of help of Kolb’s reflective observation phase, I can identify and evaluate the experience of the journey. With the help of this phase, I can measure my personal growth as I can measure my overall performance throughout my whole journey. This phase helps me to understand the value of my skills that how I can use this as a weapon to grab new opportunities and succeed in life.

The development that I measure helps me a lot to enhance my skills and it also helps me to increase my performance. The reflective phase also provides me to make a plan that would beneficial for me in the future and this plan helps me to achieve the goals of my life. It helps to understand my own mistakes by which I can able to understand a new concept that helps me to reduce the levels of the mistakes. The understanding of the mistakes always helps me to reach the outcomes of the work (Fletcher, 2019).

Through this, I can learn new skills from other people. I have in a lot of companies and with many teams that help me to adapt new concepts from others and I can articulate my skills to other team members. It helps me in developing self-awareness and this provides me the understanding of my personality by which I will able to make a change in my flaws.

I have worked as an employee and a driver in many different professions so that never gives me the opportunity to lead the team that the reason behind my poor leadership skills. Working in many companies and met with thousands of customers improve my communication skills but the skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking never get an opportunity to improve these skills, After I identify my weak areas I practice many things to overcome such as I try to listen to all the things and starts to understand the depth of the situation by which I slightly improve problem-solving skills. The phase Abstract Conceptualization helps me to adapt to new things and to modify my overall personality (Kurian, 2019).

I want to work in the customer support services of Amazon as the company is large and the business has a huge business expansion. The firm provides a valuable salary that is more than my current job and I will able to save more money and the facilities that the company provides to their employees are tremendous. The workplace environment of the firm has flexibility and the leaders of the company are very talented as they notice all the weak parts of their employees and try to develop the skills of their employees. I have the aim to work in this firm as it helps me to develop my personal as well professional abilities.

A customer’s support system has the function to interact and communicate with many customers daily. The main objective of the employees in the support system can understand the needs of the customers and fulfill them. I have the skills sets such as communication skills, decision-making skills, and teamwork skills that meet the requirement of the profile of the job. My weak areas such as critical thinking and problem-solving can be improved with the help of leaders and employees of the firm (Miniano, and Rui,. 2020).

I have concluded that personal as well as professional development is very necessary to become successful in life. Through the help of Kolb’s model of the reflective framework, I can easily understand the value of the experience. The model helps me to analyze and identify my skills that can be used in my future aim to garb the right opportunity at right time. All the phases of the model help me to gain knowledge of something valuable and also help me to measure my personality which helps me to improve my personal development (Bates and Morgan, 2018).

The model provides me the information that makes me capable to know the weak area of my personality that can affect my professional development. The SWOT analysis helps me to understand all the strengths and weakness that helps to improve my weak areas and enhance my areas of strengths. The threats will act as barriers for me to grab the right opportunity. I have concluded that the next hurdle for my life is to work in the customer support system of Amazon as I have a skill set that meets the requirement of the company and the facilities provided by the company beneficial for me (García and García, 2020).

After identifying my weak areas I have made the recommendation for me to improve my flaws and to succeed in life. The experimentation phase of Kolb’s reflective frameworks helps me to enhance my skills and performance. Through this phase, I can adapt new concepts and plans that help me to develop personal and professional development. The experimentation learning helps to understand the processes and principle that helps me to adapt new theories to reach the best outcomes. I met thousands of customers by which I can easily understand the needs of the customers that help me to fulfill all the needs of the customers (Morris, 2020).

I will use various methods that help me to strengthen the critical thinking and problem-solving skills. I will take seminars on professional and personal development that helps me to enhance my skills and also helps me to improve my overall personality. I can take sessions from the mentors that can help me to gain knowledge of the work. I will grab the right opportunity at the right time that helps me to become successful in my life (Cox et al., 2018). I recommended myself to set high goals and makes small milestone that helps me to achieve the high goals that were set by me. I recommended myself to learn new thing from my failures that that always motivates me and helps me to convert the failure into succession. I will identify the gaps and barriers that make challenges for me to achieve my target by identifying those barriers I will able to overcome (Kurian, 2019).


Maharaja, G. 2018. The Impact of Study Abroad on College Students' Intercultural Competence and Personal Development. International Research and Review7(2), 18-41.

Fletcher, L. 2019. How can personal development lead to increased engagement? The roles of meaningfulness and perceived line manager relations. The International Journal of Human Resource Management30(7), 1203-1226.

Bates, C. C., and Morgan, D. N. 2018. Seven elements of effective professional development. The Reading Teacher71(5), 623-626.

García-Martín, J., and García-Sánchez, J. N. 2020. The effectiveness of four instructional approaches used in a MOOC promoting personal skills for success in life. Revista de Psicodidáctica (English ed.)25(1), 36-44.

Morris, T. H. 2020. Experiential learning–a systematic review and revision of Kolb’s model. Interactive Learning Environments28(8), 1064-1077.

Miniano, C. M. B., and Rui, X. Y. 2020. Kolb’s Learning Styles and Managerial Concern for People and Task: A Reflective Measurement Model.

Kurian, S. 2019. Kolb's Learning Model: An innovation towards career commitment (Doctoral dissertation, Xi'an University).

Cox, K., Jolly, S., Van Der Staaij, S., and Van Stolk, C. 2018. Understanding the drivers of organisational capacity. RAND.